Daredevil #16

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Chris Samnee, Matthew Wilson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 24, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 29
9.2Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

• In order to preserve the new life he's built, Daredevil is faced with a critical decision--which may mean the death of Matt Murdock! Plus, with a new rival in town, is DD's time in San Francisco coming to an end?

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jesse Peterson Jun 28, 2015

    This run on Daredevil doesn't hold anything back. Everyone is at risk and the twists abound. This is what a man without fear should face. Something to be scared of. Please, Waid and Samnee, give us more. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Jun 26, 2015

    I don't give out perfect scores very often, but this is a book without a single drawback, one that rewards the reader with plot and story, art and character. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - John Ernenputsch Jun 24, 2015

    For over fifteen years Daredevil has arguably been Marvel's most consistent title. First it was Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada relaunching the character to great acclaim, and then it was the great Bendis/Maleev run followed by the superb Brubaker/Lark run. When it's all said and done the creative team of Mark Waid and Chris Samnee may end up being considered the best of the bunch. Daredevil #16 is an example of superhero comics at their best with a creative team at the top of their games. If this was just the beginning of the end, I can't imagine what's in store for the final few issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 28, 2015

    It boils down to this: you'll have a tough time finding a better comic on the market right now from any company. So you really should be buying this comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Levi Hunt Jun 25, 2015

    What a wonderful book, I'm glad there are still a few issues left. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jun 30, 2015

    Daredevil #16 was another big win for the team of Mark Waid and Chris Samnee. This issue was a pure joy to read as the writing and artwork worked together perfectly in order to conveyed the tension between Daredevil and Kingpin. Everything else that happened around this confrontation helped to elevate the decision that Matt Murdock is making. With so many variables in play I am completely on the edge of my seat as to how Waid and Samnee will end their fabulous run on this series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Jun 25, 2015

    As Mark Waid and Chris Samnee's Daredevil approaches its finale, they prove there is still room to shock, bringing Matt Murdock and the Kingpin face-to-face for a surprising deal. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Jul 1, 2015

    Both the writing and the art work together to tell a tense and moody story that might be Daredevil's most last-ditch effort of all time. The weight of the villains' plots start pressing heavily into the lives of our heroes (and not that's not really a Kingpin pun) which means we get to see (in words and pictures) our characters acting out of desperation, a very suspenseful reading, indeed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBook.com - Chase Magnett Jun 24, 2015

    Daredevil continues to surprise and astound with each issue. All of the madness introduced in #16 would overwhelm lesser talents, but Samnee and Waid juggle these plots almost with ease. Each significant moment lands, and the impact of some are enough to take your breath away. This is the setup for what looks to be a finale every bit as good as the series preceding it. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Jul 21, 2015

    Daredevil #17 is billed as The Finale, Part 1, meaning there may only be a few issues left of Waid and Samnee, which have been one of the best creative teams ever on Daredevil, a book blessed with some great creators through the years. So Daredevil #16 works very well as a pen-penultimate chapter. It revisits the long struggle between Kingpin and Daredevil while also setting up the difficult-to-predict ending of this particular story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Kabooooom - Brandon Griffin Jun 26, 2015

    Waid isn't wasting an opportunity to be creative and shake things up. Some of the new things that have happened to Daredevil still take some getting used to, but there is nothing wrong with unorthodox progression. Heading into this series' finale, this is all new territory for our beloved blind lawyer and all we can do now is hope the ending is as ambitious as the ride so far has been. Read Full Review

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