Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #0
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Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #0

Writer: Gerry Duggan Artist: Matteo Lolli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 3, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 12
7.5Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

• Once upon a time, champions emerged to fight evil plaguing humanity. They fought for salvation, for all that is good in the world -- and they won. They were kind, generous and self-sacrificing. They were heroes.
•  These are not those heroes.
•  Meet Hawkeye: Ladies man ("ladies man" because the ladies love to hate this man), crossbow crusader and, most importantly, Avenger. He's the only guy on the team without any powers, though, so cut him a little slack.
•  Then there's Deadpool (MR. Deadpool to you, skippy) -- the regeneratin' degenerate. You can shoot him, stab him, an more

  • 9.0
    8CN - Matt Overstreet Sep 4, 2014

    All-in-all, though, I really enjoyed Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool, certainly a lot more than I was expecting to. A lot, lot more. If you enjoy either of these characters or have been looking for an intro to them, I would highly recommend Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Dec 31, 1969

    The winning combination of humor and great characterization really serves to make Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #0 a great success. For something that really shouldn't have been all that good, it ended up being a massive surprise, and a series that should definitely be checked out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 3, 2014

    Hawkeye and Deadpool both have successful and humorous comic series. Combining the two is a no-brainer. Gerry Duggan does a great job bringing the two characters into the same story and brilliantly executes comedy and action, as we've seen many many times in DEADPOOL. The art by Matteo Lolli and colors by Christiane Peter also combines the feel of an action-filled and comedic comic book. These two are both loose canons and having them on the same case is a dangerous idea. If you want a story filled with mystery, action, and humor, you won't want to miss this. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake Sep 3, 2014

    Speaking of character work -- Matteo Lolli proves an excellent fit for the mashup, utilizing layouts and themes from both books to great effect. The artist shows a great eye for storytelling, highlighting the various quirks and idiosyncrasies in ways that are continually amusing. While the two heroes don't come to blows this issue (at least not really) it's clear that their continued interactions will lead to some further shenanigans down the road. Can. Not. Wait. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Ashley Victoria Robinson Sep 9, 2014

    Hawkeye vs Deadpool #0 is a fun issue. It takes all the best things of the two franchises it is merging and throws them together and then at each other. If you like either Clint Barton or Wade Wilson you'll get something out of this issue, the Hallowe'en backdrop is very appropriate and may even turn out to be telling " Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Sep 5, 2014

    It's hard to say quite who this sort of series is aimed at. It feels far too continuity driven to appeal to fans of the popular "Deadpool Kills" minis, or other standalone stories of the ilk. It plays heavily into "Hawkguy"-mania, but also lacks the depth and nuance of that series. It most closely bears resemblance to the "Deadpool," but lacks a lot of that series' zaniness. In fact, it sometimes feels as if Duggan struggles with this, straddling the line between serious and kooky, holding the story back from the kind of absurd comic book fun associated with the Merc with a Mouth. However, even with this apparent handicap, it's safe to say that anyone currently interested in either of these characters will find something to enjoy. The crossover is definitely off to a strong start, and if future issues can find that sweet spot between serious and screwy, we could be in for a real treat. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Sep 4, 2014

    "Hawkeye vs. Deadpool" #0 is a solid first issue. It's no substitute for a regular issue of "Hawkeye" (for those dying for the next installment), but it's entertaining and "Deadpool" fans in particular will have a lot to like here. For a book that really shouldn't have worked at all, Duggan and Lolli have done a nice job. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Sep 6, 2014

    I have to admit, though, that I rather appreciated artist Matteo Lolli's style here. It's softer in tone, somewhat in the vein of the style of Chris (Daredevil) Samnee. It doesn't seem like a good fit for a character as extreme and loud as Deadpool, but I did enjoy his take on Hawkeye. His depiction of the beefy bad guys with which the heroes do battle put me in mind of the work of the late, great Mike Wieringo as well. The double-page spreads are a bit unwieldy, didn't flow well and came off as an effort to pad the length of this issue. I won't be reading subsequent issues, but I will keep an eye out for Lolli's name on future projects. Read Full Review

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