Wytches #2

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Jock Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: November 12, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 26 User Reviews: 40
8.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

A busload of children disappears in the woods. A strange bite grows on a girl’s neck. And the wytches are getting closer, creeping from the woods. Be there for the terrifying second chapter of the new smash hit, WYTCHES.

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Nov 12, 2014

    Wytches is quickly becoming one of the best series on the stands, as though it's still early days, there's enough within these first two issues to leave this fanboy excited for more. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Chris Wilson Nov 14, 2014

    The feeling I have after reading Wytches is the same that I had after first reading Walking Dead. This is some truly wonderfully original stuff and I want everyone to read this book. It's creepy, atmospheric and, most importantly, scary. Snyder and Jock have hit a nerve and like all good horror creators, continue to dig at it. Fans of sinister, slow burn horror absolutely need to buy this. Those who find mangled creatures, mysterious lumps on the body and the woods at night frightening may want to stay away. I take that back, this is the perfect horror comic for you. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Nick Philpott Nov 12, 2014

    Wytches is giving out exactly what we need every month as far as a creepy-crawly book. I thought a lot of the reason the first issue worked so well was the fact that it came out close to Halloween, and got an extra spooky-boost. I'm glad to report from November, in a post-Halloween world, that the book is still extremely eerie and well-worth picking up. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Nov 12, 2014

    Once again, Snyder has conceived of a vision of horror that only gets scarier with each and every reread. Paired with the exceptional talent of Jock and Hollingsworth, the writer is clearly looking to unleash something new and deeply disturbing into the world with Wytches. Im happy to meet it head on. Just dont expect me to sleep tonight. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Nov 12, 2014

    Wytches #2 continues to deliver gold by striking fear. This creative team knows how to the use the ingredients of the genre to their potential and the end result absolutely shows. This series is only two issues in, so there is no reason not to pick this up! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 12, 2014

    Comic can't always be bright and cheerful. Scott Snyder, Jock, and Matt Hollingsworth are taking us down a dark path while introducing us to a different world of witches. It's not often a comic can reach inside you and affect your emotions. We have the feeling of some really bad and gruesome things coming even thought this isn't a super violent or gratuitous comic. If you want a comic that's going to take you to a darker place, you'll want to read this. We are becoming immersed in the lives of an innocent family and it's been so easy to actually care what happens to them. If you're looking for a book that will give you goosebumps or fill you with dread, get on board with this one. Each month I feel hesitant to open the book and turn the pages but at the same time, I can't resist. Just try not to read it alone at night. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Dec 19, 2014

    Snyder does well in placing bits of information deliberately and conspicuously to keep our attentions focused. It'slike a bit of sleight of hand when a magician leads us with one hand while the other hand prepares a surprise, but it's effective as a way to keep the plot threads spinning. Pairing that withJock's acumen in getting the story told visually creates a dynamic that's bigger than any one piece by itself. In terms of the themes " the words and art have a synergy that produces a swell that works like a pulse that beats harder and faster. I didn't expect to have the characters come this quickly into the thick of things, and the shock of it all " the quick escalation " will keep readers from getting comfortable. The title is called Wytches for a reason, and they're here " and they're terrifying. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Rhymes With Geek - J. Reifler Nov 13, 2014

    What else can I say except buy Wytches and experience what made Snyder a name in comics in the first place. This is a really scary read and slow burn. I often get impatient for the next issue but in the case of Wytches it is simply unbearable. I'm keeping this series at the top of my pull list and I dare you not to do the same. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerdly - Nicky Johnson Dec 5, 2014

    If you havent started reading Wytchesyou really need to rectify that. It really is pretty much flawless, from writing to colours, artwork to concept, and its my second favourite current title (sorry, Saga wins outright for now). My only problem is that its monthly, which while its helpful for my bank account just means I have to wait longer for each issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Coming Up Comics - Timothy Merritt Nov 11, 2014

    With the Rooks family beginning to unravel, and some new horrors on the horizon, issue two raises more questions than it answers"in a good way. Wytches already has me stumped as to where it will lead, and in a refreshing turn I'm happy to be in the dark about where this book's heading next. As long as there's a nightlight on. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 11, 2014

    Wytches #2 is a solid second issue for the series, but is missing the mark just a tad compared to the first. While the story and horror elements to the comic are excellent, the series is going just a bit too quick and revealing too much for its own good this early on. It feels like it should be spreading out and building up the tension and the reveal of these elements a bit more slowly in the first arc. That being said, if you liked the first issue, you are definitely guaranteed to like the second issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Martin Ferretti Nov 12, 2014

    If you enjoyed the first issue, there's no reason not to pick up Wytches #2. Snyder is a strong writer, but always seems to be at his best when working on his own projects, and Wytches is shaping up to be a masterful story. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Kat Vendetti Nov 12, 2014

    But despite how much this issue reveals, it raises more questions than it answers, and Snyder gives new additions to the mix that subvert much of what we've come to learn so far. And there is the lingering concern posed at this issue's open: a world where wishes come true is nightmarish, and as Charlie and Reggie conclude, "we all know how that ends." We know how hard Sailor wished for something bad to happen to Annie " so how will this end for the Rooks family? Though some things may have been revealed too prematurely in Wytches #2, Snyder is continuing to give us more about the titular wytches and what role they will fill in the Rooks family's lives, delivering a compelling and eerie second chapter to his series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Kalem Lalonde Nov 14, 2014

    Wytches is a scary series but doesn’t lack the keen emotion Scott Snyder is capable of writing. There’s an alarming sense of urgency throughout this comic that brings out the best of the horror genre. If you’re a fan of Scott Snyder or horror comics you owe it to yourself to pick this series up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Nov 12, 2014

    The strongest element of the art has to be the actual wytches themselves. Without spoiling anything, the reveal is highly creepy and properly freaked me out and left me feeling almost terrified. They are some of the most unsettling and eerie character designs Ive seen in a comic and left me feeling shaken walking away from the book. This is a scene that will be remembered for quite a while and will definitely stick with you. An absolute stand-out moment of art and story working perfectly hand in hand. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - Matt Petras Nov 12, 2014

    The biggest problem with this issue is that nothing too substantial happens. Past plot points are merely expanded upon, and future plot points are teased. This issue reads more like an extension of the debut, but it's hard to complain much about that. It is incredibly well-done and effective, making for a great comic that considerably amps up excitement for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Nov 17, 2014

    It's not always clear what you're looking at in the issue, but you know it's something good. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Lilith Wood Nov 17, 2014

    It's not all empathy-building, atmospherics and ominous hints in Wytches #2. Having created a backdrop of paternal love and simmering anxiety, Snyder and Jock unleash some straight-up ghastly creatures. This issue builds steadily to a triple cliffhanger, and I don't think Sailor's parents are going to be acting like she is imagining things for too much longer. I recommend Wytches for anyone who likes to be creeped out, but even non-horror people will appreciate this portrayal of a very loving, very stressed-out father. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Nov 16, 2014

    "Wytches" is solid horror that just borders on being overhyped. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    BGCP - Erik Guenther Nov 13, 2014

    Wytches #2 is an eerie page-turner that offers many new questions and continues an enjoyable supernatural thrill ride. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Jeff Lake Nov 13, 2014

    Issues aside, there are plenty of pieces here in issue #2 that show the kind of book Wytches can be. Snyder and Jock are moving in some creepy and surprising directions, and it won't be long till we're all pledged for good. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Nov 25, 2014

    Wytches #2 builds on the unsettling vibe of the first issue. While we dont learn too much more about the wytches, we do learn more about the Rooks family, which is just as important. I think Snyder and Jock have to continue building the characterization of those three while also starting to establish what is really happening out in the woods. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Nov 13, 2014

    There is little time to breathe in Wytches #2 as the characters deal with the events from the debut issue. Scott Snyder does a great job of ramping up the scares, but in doing so at such a pace, we've lost some of the dread that made the first issue such a shot in the arm. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Nov 17, 2014

    "Wytches" is about the dangers of not knowing the past and the truism that "wherever you go, there you are." In other words, there's no running away. Sailor has realized this quickly, and again, Snyder plays with convention in not stretching this out, letting the creatures show themselves and having Sailor confront them very early in the game. This saps these old twists of some juice, but it's also an indication of Snyder's ambition that he's rearranging a classic plot trajectory into something new and unpredictable. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Nov 14, 2014

    Wytches is an overall interesting story coupled with mystical colors (props to Hollingsworth). Pick up Wytches #2 this week; Snyder and company are off to a pretty solid start with this series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Nick Brehmer Nov 12, 2014

    The concerns I raised in my last review are still bouncing around my mind as I flip through issue #2. In addition, with the encounter with the wytches themselves in the flesh, things are also progressing a little quickly for my tastes. I wish there was more atmospheric tension. Given the above mentioned relationship between classic witches and community, my hope is that Snyder explores this more in upcoming issues. It's touched upon a little with her classmate interactions, but I would love to see something more built between Sailor and her new town after fleeing from the previous one due to Annie's disappearance. Read Full Review

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