J. Reifler's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Rhymes With Geek Reviews: 78
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Arcadia #1

May 6, 2015

A good story lingers on your mind after you've finished and stirs up feelings of empathy for the characters.When you find yourself wondering what you would have done in the shoes' of people facedwith bleak futures, the storyteller has clearly been effective. Arcadia has captured my imagination and left me intensely curious about where this story will lead next. It succeeds as a fun remix of several sci-fi genres and the creative team is clearly united in breaking traditional tropes to unveil something exceptional. I loved every minute of this debut issue and I know that anyone who enjoys ‘post-apocalyptic' science fiction will as well. Add this series to your pull list.

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Batman: Arkham Knight #1

Mar 11, 2015

In some ways what is going on in Batman: Arkham Knight is probably easier to pick up than anything going on in Batman Eternal. If you aren't a fan of Scott Snyder's Batman than this version might feel a bit more 'classic' and at home. While I mostly watch my brother play these games they are always packed with a surprisingly rich and rewarding story. Batman: ArkhamKnightmore than lives up to the high expectations set by theArkham game series.

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Big Man Plans #1

Mar 3, 2015

My personal feeling is that revenge storiesneed shades of gray to leave you wondering who is right or wrong. This feels too straight-forward to me and suffers as a result. If you want to see a psychotic dwarf kill a lot of people then you willlove this book. The art is great and with the great Eric Powell on board it is sure to be beautifully drawn. That being said I have a feeling a lot of what he will illustrate is going to be gory and stomach churning. It doesn't have the same feeling of 'glee' that the Goon presented. If that's your thing you will enjoy. I think I'm going to sit this one out personally but I can't say it was poorly done.

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Brides of Helheim #1

Sep 30, 2014

With Brides of Heheim what you see is what you get. There's a giant undead warrior with an axe who fights things while being very grumbly. There's two fairly disposable seeming human characters who serve as the reader's view point into the world. There's a witch who knows the secrets of this world. In some ways it's formulaic feeling but not all together unsatisfying. It's solid although not particularly ground-breaking. I don't think it quite reaches the intensity of The Sixth Gun but it's enjoyable for what it is ultimately.

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Brides of Helheim #3

Dec 11, 2014

Brides of Helheim takes a bit more determination than the average supernatural series but the story telling promising to pay off over time. It's a win for fans of Cullen Bunn and strong art on the part of Jolle Jones keeps the pages moving. It's sparkedmy imagination and I'm along for the ride to see where things progress.

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Captain Stone #1

Dec 16, 2014

If you pick up Cap Stone #1 prepare to be challenged and don't expect any answers in this first issue. It's a seriesfor the discerning reader who likes painterly artwork anddreamy prose more than linear storytelling.

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Chastity #1

Jul 9, 2014

If you enjoy a femme fatale fighting vampires with lots of gruesome horror then you'll enjoy Chastisty #1. It promises to be a mature read so be warned. If you like your comics a bit more tame then you might want to stick to Buffy;otherwiseget ready for a trip into the terrifying world of fearless vampire killers.

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Criminal Macabre: The Third Child #1

Sep 16, 2014

Well I can't say this series really had a huge effect on me either way. I know there is quite the voluminous backlog of material to pick up and start reading if I want to learn more about Criminal Macabre. After this first issue I don't really feel much either way. Perhaps things will get pretty crazy in issue #2. I'll skim it most likely and see where it goes from there. I suppose I wasn't sure what kind of story I wanted when I opened up the pages. Was I looking for something more crime or macabre? Criminal Macabre offers both but it kind of left me with a shrug. Not a bad series but perhaps a bit late in the life of Cal MacDonald to start reading for the first time. It's not you it's me!

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Critical Hit #1

Oct 1, 2014

I'm interested to see where this story goes next. For readers looking for something a bit more realistic, Critical Hit is worth taking a look. This book is smart, political, and dangerous.

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D4VE (IDW) #1

Feb 23, 2015

I'm incredibly happy I was introduced to this series and recommend it for all fans of strange sci-fi with a humorous twist. Add this book to your collection immediately!

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Divinity #1

Feb 10, 2015

If you are struggling to keep up with every title Valiantis publishing these days, it might be safe to pass on Divinity #1. On the other hand, Valiant completionistscan safely purchase this titlewithout feeling ripped off. Divinity has a fun premise and perhaps will serve as the origin of a key power player in this line of heroes. Until we see more from Kindt and his art team however I'm going to be waiting this one out on the sidelines.

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Doberman #1

Jul 15, 2014

Modern comics like Superior Six and Axe Cop are much more humorous. Heck there are even better '80"s parody books' out there right now. Burn the Orphanage parodies the 80"s perfectly while taking itself completely seriously. Vandroid plays it straight while still giving you a unique reading experience that doesn't feel derivative of older stories. This book doesn't quite do either. I have nothing compelling me to read on to the next issue. Ultimately Doberman feels like a copy of a copy and that's not enough to keep me reading. I haven't been very impressed by the Darby Pop imprint as a whole and their creative team might want to go back to the drawing board on this one as well.

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Doc Savage Special 2014 #1

Dec 24, 2014

I enjoyed this special greatly and plan on checking out more Doc Savage adventures.

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Drones #1

Apr 21, 2015

Drones fails miserably at being a satire, an intelligent commentary on drone warfare, or even a mildly entertaining action series. I'm sure I'll hear from defenders that I missed the point of the issue but if it was a joke it wasn't funny. I'm not writing this as a liberal or a conservative. I'm writing it as someone expecting a deeper look at a serious topic. If it was a satire, it failed. If it was meant to be exciting, it just felt dull. I generally tell my fellow reviewers that 'if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all' but in this instance it's acomic deserves that deserves thecriticism. I'll be blunt: Drones #1 isbad book that isn't worth your time or money. If you want to do something better donate it to the Wounded Warrior project.

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Edward Scissorhands #2

Nov 26, 2014

Not a horriblebook but not for me. I enjoy Kate's other workgreatly and even Drew's art has a certain charm that could appeal to me in another instance. Pick this up if you have a younger comic reader in your life or simply a deep love of the character. Butwithout pushing the boundaries I can't see Edward Scissorhands making a comeback.

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Escape from New York #1

Dec 2, 2014

What else can I really say except buy this book if you are a die-hard fan of the movie. It serves as a bridge between the two films and fills in those gaps between different parts of Snake's life. As a Kurt Russel fan I'll give this book a solid B+ and let it tide me over until the long-awaited Captain Ron comic book adaptation comes out. Come on BOOM! I know you guys have it circled on a whiteboard with a ‘maybe'at your office!

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Fight Club 2 #1

Apr 28, 2015

If you enjoyed the original Fight Club book (or movie) give this book a read. The artwork is excellent and takes a lot of bold creative initiative. My respect for Stewart grows with each issues he illustrates and he clearly gives this debut his full effort. As a sequel, Fight Club 2 #1is an interesting transitionforChuck Palahniuk, and hopefully it will become clear why he felt a comic was the right medium for this story in what could have been a book or a major motion picture. One thing is clear: as the mask of sanity slowly begins to slip away from Sebastian's life, the world will burn with him.

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Goners #1

Oct 21, 2014

Goners #1 wasn't terrible but didn't really resonate with me as much as I had expected. I had heard a lot of positive things from other reviewers who had seen early copies and perhaps my expectations were a bit too high. The overall premise is there and I'll stick around for another issue or so to see what happens. But this is not a 'must read' so far and unless something dramatically changes I can't be certain it's going to be the next Image series on my pull-list.

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Grimm Tales Of Terror #5

Dec 11, 2014

If you are looking for a series to pass the time between now and next Halloween take a look atGrimm Tales of Terror #5. It's an easy series to jump into and is worth a look for fans of the horror genre.

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Groo vs. Conan #1

Jul 22, 2014

Groo vs. Conan #1 is more of a victory lap for the creators than anything else. The story is light and will not give you anything more than a classic revisiting of your favorite characters. If you have a deep affection for Groo (and furthermoreAragons) you will appreciate this return to mainstream comics. He's definitely one of the legendary cartoonists and any series with his name on it is a pleasure. 9 out of 10.

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Harrow County #1

May 11, 2015

All-in-all, this is another solid horror series from Cullen and his partnership with Tyler Crook seems to really have enhanced the possibilities for scary storytelling.I think horror fans will be pleased with the results of their collaboration and while it's a bit early on I have a feeling manymore evil omens are about to be revealed. Dark Horse is the go-to publisher for scary stories and this is no exception. Grab this issue and imagine yourself around the campfire with Cullen telling you a story that will linger on after in your thoughts.

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Imperium #1

Feb 3, 2015

That's the best thing about Valiant; complex stories with deep characters populate this universe more than any other. There aren't so much good and evil sides here but instead simply separate factions with their own goals. This allows you to read the series you enjoy and root for the characters you like. If you read the original Harbinger series you'll be more than happy with this debut. 2015 seems like it is starting off on the right foot for Valiant and I'm definitely going to be picking this series up each month.

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Ivar, Timewalker #1

Jan 20, 2015

If you are already reading the Valiant universe books then Ivar, Timewalker will definitely be another hitto add to your pulllist. While it's not the next breakout book of the yearI have a feeling it will contain a lot of twists and turns and bring Ivar and Neela into conflict with many other Valiant heroesacross the line of titles. Personally, I'm curious to see if they will meet up with Rai considering his small cameo. I was a bit nervous the Valiant books would start to collapse as they grew in scope and complexity, but after reading Ivar, Timewalker I'm more convinced the publisher has a solid plan forentering 2015.

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Ivar, Timewalker #2

Feb 19, 2015

If you only read one Valiant book this year make it Ivar, Timewalker. This is a really easy series to pick up and start reading. You can enjoy it as a newcomer or experienced reader of Valiant. The setup has been crafted for a fun reveal meeting of the Neela's in a future issue. I can't wait to get there. Ivar, Timewalker is a book you need to read.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Witches #1

Sep 17, 2014

Generally Archaia delivers excellent production quality and this series seems like it will carry on that reputation with ease. I could easily see this book being a gift or something to keep on the shelf if you are a collector of fables and older stories. There is a real European old-world quality to the story and it's quite simply a pleasure to flip through the pages. While the story isn't meant to stimulate my particular age range, I can't say I found it to be anything other than pleasant. Sometimes you want to enjoy fables un-ironically and this series took me back to the fun state of mind I remember embracing as a kid. Definitely worth taking a look.

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Joe Frankenstein #1

Dec 31, 1969

There are a lot of vampire and monster books vying for your dollars and it will be a shame if this gets lost in the shuffle.Ultimatelythis was a fun read but I'm not quite sure if it will find an audience. I enjoyed myself but I'm not sure the averagereader is in the mood for a horror themed comicthat isn't dark or gory. Bloody and disgusting seems to be the popular trend at the major publishers and this is pretty tame even for IDW's line. There are a lot of vampire and monster books vying for your dollars and it will be a shame if this gets lost in the shuffle. I'll stick around for a few issues to see where things go. If you like Chuck Dixon and Gregory Wright take a look at this title. These are master storytellers enjoying themselves and as a respectful admirer of their creative legacies I say give this book a chance.

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Last Born #1

Sep 30, 2014

Black Mask Studios are a new publisher (in my world at least) and they've made a great first impression with this new title. I'm very impressed with quality of the titles launching right now and have a lot of hope this label will keep putting out work for quite some time. Last Born could easily be a series released by Vertigo or Image comics. It's an original story with good art and a lot of mystery. I'm going to keep reading and see where this journey takes Julia next! She's a character with a lot of potential and I'm interested in seeing if she can overcome her repressed upbringing to be the person she's striving to become.

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Last Born #2

Oct 27, 2014

Like I said, there's a lot of interesting work coming out of Black Mask and they have potential to really make an impact in the comics publishing world. Last Born is no exception and I've enjoyed the first two issues very much so far. I'm still not quite sure where everything is headed but I'm enjoying the ride. If you are a fan of mind-binding sci-fi that takes place across realities then this is the book for you.

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Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland #2

Oct 30, 2014

This book charmed me and has won me over despite my initial expectation that it would be largely for children. While it's a great all-ages story that could appeal to a child there is enough of an actual plot that it's worth a look for older readers. I found it fun and the high quality of the art was quite the pleasure to take in from cover to cover. Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland is fun and charming series that pays a respectable homage to the original work. Take a look and buy it for a young comic reader in your life!

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Mister X: Razed #1

Feb 24, 2015

If you don't mind reading a Christmas/Hanukkah tale a little off-season certainly pick up Mister X: Razed and give this series a shot. While you won't get a full picture of Mister X from this issue alone it's a nice introduction to Dean Motter's storytelling and art style. If you like it you can always pick up the Mister X archives from Dark Horse. I recommend his work in general and this is as good of a starting point as any.

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Mono #1

Dec 17, 2014

Titan Comics is quicklydelivering its own impressive roster of new titles. This partnership with Madefire has some potential and I'm always open to see competitors to the Amazon hegemony succeed. If anything a heavy dash of options is what benefits the consumer most. Give a new comic a shot and let the beast that is Mono captivate you in his new series!

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Nameless #2

Mar 5, 2015

I like Grant Morrison stories the way I like listening to experimental music and watching art films. I don't expect it all to be easy to digest and sometimes I just need to look at it without expectations.Nameless isn't his most confusing work but it isn't easy either. If you want something a bit more straightforward you can always jump over to DC Comics and check out his work onMultiversity. For what it's worth I'm curious to see whereNameless is heading next. It's gory and full of mystery and promises to get scarier as the series goes on.

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No Mercy #1

Mar 31, 2015

This book looks great, feels naturally written, and manages to unfoldlike the retelling of a 'tragic yet true' tv movie.I highly recommend it for fansof the survival genre or anyone considering a humanitarian trip to South America. All is all No mercy great series for both experienced and casual comic reader " now excuse me while I go cancel all my travel plans.

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Orphan Black #3

May 6, 2015

OrphanBlack is a comic meant for hungry fans of the tv series who just can't get enough of the characters.If you just can't miss anything Orphan Black-related then sure buy the comic because what's the harm. There's really no point purchasing this book if you aren't already a fan of the television series. Not only will you be lost you'll miss the point of what make the show excellent in the first place. All-in-all this comic is just a sad copy of the original. You are not missing out if you choose to skip this one. I love the tv show with all my heart and will just be skipping the rest of these comics and focusing on season three from here on.

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Past Aways #1

Mar 24, 2015

Feels like the start of something original and full of limitless story-telling potential.Past Aways is a book I definitely plan on following for future issues. The premise is exciting, the characters are interesting and well-developed, and the conflict between them and the missions they are clearly about to be thrown up against has a lot of promise. It's nice to finish a new comic and think 'wow that was fun!' I would love to see this team cosplayed as the designs really are quite memorable. Who knows what the future holds for the Past Aways? I can't wait to find out.

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Pathfinder: Origins #1

Feb 17, 2015

I would pass on Origins unless you already love Pathfinder and these characters and want to keep your collection complete. Perhaps the main series is far more engaging and avoids the pitfalls of this first issue. While I'll admit my own experience with the property is limited from what I've seen with this Originsissue I'm not missing much.

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Princess Ugg #6

Dec 8, 2014

I made the mistake of initially saying this series is just a book that would appeal to young female comic readers. I retract that statement and recommend it to readers of all-ages. It's a book that both children and adults can enjoy and would make for a evening read to Princess Ulga is brave, inspiring, and refuses to let the world crush her spirit despite her own shortcomings. When I read this series I am reminded of another little girl who refused to let the world dictate how she should grow up and it is very inspiring. For that reason alone this book stands out and deserves readers's attention.

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Punk Mambo #0

Nov 19, 2014

This is a fun deeper look into the origins of Punk Mambo. Sure she's not the most original character in the world but the issue is a good read and there's plenty of twisted revenge to keep you entertained. If you read Shadowman then this is just a bit more in depth into one of the series characters. If you aren't as familiar (like me) then this is just a reminder the Peter Milligan still has boatloads of talent and he's keeping plenty busy these days. I'm recommending this one for hardcore and casual readers!

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Puppet Master #1

Mar 31, 2015

If you enjoy the Puppet Master movies and you feel like reading a comic about them thenby all means check this comic out. I'm sure there are fanatics who will really enjoy seeing these characters revisited. If you just enjoy horror this is worth a look but if you choose to skip more scarier fare I won't blame you. Puppet Masters #1 isn't trying todo anything more than revisit 80's horror cheese.

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Rai #6

Jan 13, 2015

Rai is a futuristic samurai tale with that blends all the right genres and somehow makes it work. There's a bit of steampunk, a bit of manga, and a bit of traditional suer heroics along the way. It's definitely one of hte more unique titles coming out at Valiantand I highly recommend readers takea look. Issue six is not a new reader jump-on point but it's worth taking the time to catch up!

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Rasputin #2

Nov 26, 2014

Again this issue ended and I found myself saying, “Wait, that's it?!” I want more of this series! It came out of nowhere and really impressed me. The story is original enough and I like reading these ‘here's what really happened' alternative takes on popular events. I know it's just a fictional interpretation of true events but who cares? Grecian and Rossmo are crafting a modern tale that feels like it draws on ancient and powerful legends. It's captivating and keeps the reader rapt with focus from the first to last page. Oh wow, now I'm gushing over this book too. I guess I owe Walt an apology. Rasputin is topnotch is every respect – add it to your pull list immediately!

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Rat God #1

Jan 15, 2015

Dark Horse is a diverse company that definitely gives a lot of respect to the greats in the industry. I'm glad to see the Richard Corben is given a platform to publish new stories to a larger audience and I fully endorse this new tale. Rat God is chilling and has the potential to become a classic nightmare. It feels like a story that could have come from Lovecraft but with enough modern updates that I can fully appreciate it without any lingering guilt over his more controversialviews. I'm ready for the next dose!

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Reanimator #1

Apr 7, 2015

Dynamite has insisted in once again dragging up the bloated corpseof the Reanimatorand forcing it to stumble around for another failed debut. It's clear that the team responsible for executing this series has no idea what mad the original successful and have little invested in the success of the property either way. If you are a fan of horror, you should not reward books published with such little care to the original namesake. This is the kind of terrible interpretation that should make the elder gods rise from their slumber in anger and destroy the earth. Don't buy this book.

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Rebels (2015) #1

Apr 7, 2015

The last page introduction of a love story seems slightly interesting but then again it's a bit late into the story.Will this series be a mix of flashbacks or set in the present day? I just can't tell where it's going but in this instance it's not really a good thing. I found myself not feeling very much either way after finishing and while that will probably put me in the minority of reviewers, I wouldn't say this issue is a must read at all. MaybeRebelswill find it's footing as it goes on and sets up the overall narrative but for now feel free to wait a bit longer before diving in.

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Red One #1

Mar 17, 2015

Red One is not a perfect first issue but it shows promise. Xavier is writing a slightly complicated tale that may be more than what American comic book readers are expecting. There's multiple story threads introduced right from the start and far more characters than the average comic. While Red One seems to fall back on the cheese factors (seriously, zip that jump suit up!) ultimately the story seems promising. Whether this book will be a hit or a miss is still too soon to tell.

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Resurrectionists #1

Nov 11, 2014

Overall I am not quite sure if I will keep on board with the Ressurectionists. I found myself comparing itto other stories of the same nature such asThe Fountainand even Image Comics own ‘resurrection' seriesThe Wicked + TheDivine. When stacked up against those epic experiences it's still unclear whether Resurrectionistsis going to hit with the same intensity. I'll probably stick around to read the second issue because I have faith inFred Van Lenteto up the ante in future issues.

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Resurrectionists #2

Dec 24, 2014

I wouldn't call this booka ‘must read' but it's getting more solid as it progresses. Resurrectionists is a seriesthat seems like it is still finding it's footing but has potential to turn into something memorableby the end. There's something promising in these pages and the concept of resurrection and picking up the pieces of your past life is too good toignore!

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Rick and Morty (2015) #1

Mar 31, 2015

All in all this isn't a terrible comic but it needs to up it's game to keep me invested.Fix the sloppy art and keep things looking more consistent. Don't drag out these plots to keep people buying. Rick and Morty is quick, crazy, and to the point. I'm going to keep reading and crossing my fingers that the insanity level only ramps up from here.

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Sally Of The Wasteland #5

Nov 24, 2014

Sally is a character you'll either love or hate. She's like Harley Quinn and Deadpool – sassy and full of chaotic impulses. She skirts the line between being a full-on cartoon character vs. someone who has adopted a care-free outlook on life to avoid internalizing the horror of the outside world. Mostly she's just fun. If you enjoy either of those series and want to give something new a shot, I highly recommend this book.

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Scarlett Couture #1

Apr 28, 2015

UltimatelyScarlett Couture is fine for what it is, but didn't particularly linger on my mind after I finished the story. I found myself wondering why someone wouldn't just buy a copy of Black Widow or Scarlett (from G.I. Joe) solo series. There's an uphill battle with a new character and I don't know if I was sold by the end of this first issue. That aside it's an excellent showcase of a talented artist and I have a feeling he'll continue to get solid work as a result of this project.

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Secret Identities #1

Feb 18, 2015

It's a little soon to tell whether Secret Identities will be groundbreaking but for now it's still quite decent. I can easily see myself following this series and hanging around for more character reveals and twists. This issue sets up a lot of potential for future issues and I can see it being a fun mini-series. For readers looking for a little more ‘story' with their superhero Secret Identities is my pick this week.

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Sinergy #1

Nov 18, 2014

Sinergy #1 just didn't resonate with me. In a crowded comics market I can't help but compare it to similar books. I will admit I wasn't a fan of Goners spin on the ‘monster hunting family' either. However I've always liked Buffy the Vampire slayer soin some instances I think itjust comes down to characterization. While Jess talks like a teenager I couldn't find myself interested in her story. I wanted to enjoy this bookissue but I don't think I'll keep reading after this first issue. Worth skimming for beautiful art but I prefer Oeming's work when he teams up with another writer like Bendis.

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Southern Bastards #5

Oct 30, 2014

The RWG reviews crew has been in love with this Southern Bastards for some time now. If you still are on the fence about whether to pick this series up it's time to pick a side. Southern Bastards is a series that is filled to the brim with great art, seedy characters, and a plot that feels like something completely fresh in comic book storytelling. You don't need to be a football fan to enjoy Southern Bastards. You just need to know how to root for the underdog.

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Southern Dog #1

Jul 7, 2014

Southern Dogs #1 is animperfect book with hints of greatness scattered throughout the pages. We've spoken positively about Holt's other series Skinned and I'm certain he will become a well-regarded creator in the industry over time. Southern Dogs is a good start but ultimately feels more like a warm-up than a masterpiece. I enjoyed the story beats and the premise butthe ultimate execution felt clumsyat times. It justdoesn'tcapture the duality of the Southern experience as deftlyas Jason Aaron'sSouthern Bastards.But perhaps that's an unfair comparison as we are looking at two creators at the start of their careers. I'm willing to give this book a chance to growand recommend it for anyone interested in horror with a twist. 7 out of 10.

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Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses #1

Feb 4, 2015

Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses #1 can be enjoyed on its own or as part of a larger story. That's the skill of Lapham's storytelling shining through; he is a master of ‘show don't tell' and it's easy to follow along with story events even if you haven't read anything prior. Over the years there has been a bit of subtle refinement of his art style (which is to be expected) but the raw energy of the series still shines through. Characters look cool, sexy, and horrific at the same time. I'll be buying this comic until Lapham finally puts the characters to rest. After being away for so long,I can only hope it's not for a very long time.

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Stumptown (2014) #3

Jan 15, 2015

While this series is not a MUST-read it is an enjoyable addition to Rucka's extensive library of Crime stories and not a bad one at that. While some may prefer to stick to his more famous series like Lazarus you have to respect the author's versatility and ability to tell both expansive and small-scale mysteries. Stumptown falls into the smaller scale of his literary repitoire. It's mostly a character study and at times feels like a creative writing exercise for Rucka as he plays around with traditional mystery tropes. Perhaps not the best series he's ever written but the passion is there and the end is something that feels quite personal and authentic. This book isworth picking up if you are a Rucka completionist but not a must-readotherwise.

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Sundowners #3

Oct 30, 2014

This is one of those series where the journey may be more exciting than the destination and I find myself more interesting in the personal hangups of each character more than the actual 'cult conspiracy' driving the story. I've enjoyed every issue so far and while I was initially concerned this would be more of a parody, it's clear the Sundowners is something completely different. If you are into more realistic takes on superheroes this is a comic to pick up for sure. I found myself thinking about many other 'deconstruction' studies of comics while reading this series and while Seely is clearly influenced by earlier works, this is a work that completely stands up on its own merits. I highly recommend picking it up.

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Swords of Sorrow #1

May 5, 2015

All in all,Swords of Sorrow #1 is shaping up to be huge involving almost every female title in the Dynamite roster.If you are a fan of event titles and are not as interested in DC / Marvel of late this is a great time to jump in, see a few new characters in action and perhaps parlay that interest into reading a few Dynamite series. While it's very early on to tell the actual plot of the series, I enjoyed the set up to this issue and am looking forward to seeing where Gail Simone takes the story and these characters.

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Swords Of Sorrow Chaos Special #1

May 5, 2015

Swords of Sorrow: Chaos Prequel is just a little bit extra for those who areenjoyingSwords of Sorrow #1. It's not a must read but hey if you are looking to get into the event and aren't already familiar with CHAOS! characters this is a good way to catch up.

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Swords of Sorrow: Vampirella & Jennifer Blood #1

May 19, 2015

Passable but nothing exceptional. I suppose that phrase can be said for this entire mini-series tie-in comic so far.If you are curious about the characters and reading the main storyline this might be worth a quick look. Howeverif you are expecting amazing artwork or a story that will have any lasting impact beyond the pages I'd skip this issue. You might be better served sticking with the main storyline and checking these ladies in their own individual series. I want to read something more than a recap back story of the characters! I'll probably give this tie-in at least a second look to see what happens next but if the pace isn't picked up dramatically I'm done reading anySwords of Sorrowtie-in stories.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #1

Oct 22, 2014

Look, what you expect is what you are going to get with a series like this. Shakespeare it ain't but when Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Ghostbusters get together my 10-year-old inner child gets pretty excited. I'm glad to see the legacies of both of these favorites are still alive and kicking, and this is a fun collaboration between the two books. If you've just been reading one series or the other Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghostbusters #1 is a nice way to casually check out what else is going on in the IDW universe. While I've been a little tired of the line wide sweeping IDW crossovers that have been forced down readers' throats over the past few years, this one does look very promising. Grab yourself a slice of pizza and enjoy the ride as NYC's finest team-up to battle ghouls and ninjas!

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The Black Hood #1

Feb 24, 2015

Buy The Black Hood #1. It feels like the start of something of something new and dangerous from Dark Circle. While I am crossing my fingers that the rest of the titles in this line have the same level of shock and awe I can whole heartedly put my endorsement behind this opening issue. The Black Hood is here and the streets will never be quiet again.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #2

Apr 14, 2015

Archie is clearly committed to putting out scary reinterpretation of it's 60's 'fun in the sun' characters and the results are working out to terrifying effect. As long as the publisher treaders carefully and doesn't beat the concept to death, I'm sure this will turn into a must own trade for many fans of horror comics. Hopefully issue three comes much sooner because this time I think the wait will kill me.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #1

Sep 2, 2014

Death-Defying Dr. Mirage promises to create a self-contained story that readers can embrace even with limited knowledge of the overall Valiant Universe. Ultimately this book is about someone dealing with grief and trying to do the right thing regardless. An interesting debut for a character we haven't seen in quite some time.

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The Fade Out #1

Aug 19, 2014

Rarely does a creative team mesh together so perfectly to tell a story. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips are a rare team-up of talent and drive the story-telling possibilities of comics to an entirely new level. Their stories are challenging and grip the reader as they unfold. The Fade Out will occupy a special section in my collection next to Stray Bullets and other excellent examples of crime-drama storytelling. It's a period piece that unfolds itself with brutal honesty. Both the beauty and the horror of this world are on full display. Reading this story feels almost a bit voyeuristic,as if you are peering through a peephole intothe private lives of a rich and corrupt society. Rarely does a comic deliver on such high expectations. The Fade Out #1 delivers.

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The Fox #1

Apr 14, 2015

If you've been enjoying The Fox from last year's 5 issue series this isexactly the same. Frankly there was no reason to give this a new #1 " this is the Fox #6.If you were hoping for something darker likeThe Black Hoodand other 'dark Archie' titles then you mightbe disappointed. It just comes down to expectations. Personally I like this series and I'll stick around even if this was a bit of a misfire for a first issue.

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The Ghost Fleet #1

Nov 4, 2014

With a first issue it's really important to get readers hooked right from the start. Donny Cates seems to intuitively understand this. He doesn't hit you over the head with explanations of why readersshould care about anyone,he simplythrows some awesome scenes at youand says, 'let's go for a ride'. Do yourself a favor and pick The Ghost Fleet#1 up. It's a ridiculously violent pulse pounder and it entertains.

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The Ghost Fleet #2

Dec 4, 2014

There's clearly a longer story unfolding beyond a simple revenge story. Cates has created a mysterious conspiracy and thrown some strong willed characters up against deadly odds. I have a feeling the former friends will make up in order to take down a great evil. But it's still too soon to tell. Either way I've been frantically turning pages each issue waiting to see what happens next. The Ghost Fleet is a high stakesstory that leaves readers feeling satisfied each issue.

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The Infinite Loop #1

Apr 22, 2015

It's too soon to tell whereThe Infinite Loop is heading but I found myself digging the concept and interested in finding out more about the series leads. Just take the story for what it is and don't expect all of the answers at once. WIth time travel books if you think about it all too hard the entire story unravels so it's best to just let things unfold and focus on the characterization of the leads. The last pages reveal had thatcertain touch of ‘doomed love' that the only a French writer can convey. I see great things forPierrick Colinetdown the line and look forward to reading more of this book.

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The Order of the Forge #1

Apr 28, 2015

The Order of the Forge #1 was a read that I went into incredulously but now am glad I checked out. Another solid outing by the Gischler/Bettin creative combo!

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The Squidder #1

Jul 15, 2014

You get what you pay for when you pick up a Ben Templesmith series. The Squidder #1 is scary and gory and full of monsters. While a bit more thematic than a simple monster movie the series promises to be an epic battle between the last gasps of humanity and a nameless alien race. There's a bit of sci-fi mystery injected into the horror which promises to tease out more over future issues. It's just an intense book with art and a story that might turn the stomach of more casual readers. But for those ready to take on a heavy story you will get exactly that. Fans of Templesmith should pick it up for the art alone. Prepare yourself " the Squidder is coming!

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The Surface #2

Apr 8, 2015

If you are willing to take the ride I have a feeling you'll be rewarded in the end. This book is challenging what a comic can be and much like Warren Ellis and Grant Morrison, Ales Kot is a writer whose reputation for pushing he boundaries of the medium will only continue to grow. The Surface is floating to the top of my pull list and I can't wait for more.

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Toe Tag Riot #1

Nov 17, 2014

If you like comics about punk and horror you will dig this series. Toe Tag Riot has has a vibe that should appeal to fans of the Misfits and doesn't get too heavy in the gore department. I found the book to be more funny than scary but I'm not sure what the intentionis long term. It was fun in certain momentsbut didn't blow me away in the end. I guess I need to see what happens next; arewe going to end up with Night of the Living Dead or Return of the Living Dead? Will Toe Tag Riot fanslive long enough to find out?

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Vamplets #1

Apr 21, 2015

I recommend this book for parents looking for a great all-ages series to share with a young reader. Vamplets will most likely be a winner with readers between ages 11-16.Some of the monsters might be a little scary to anyone younger than that but hey I'm not the parent so do whatever you want. Vampletsmight turn into a guilty pleasure. I have a feeling I'll keep checking out this series but totally deny it if you ask me about it.

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Wayward #2

Sep 23, 2014

I'm very happy I picked up the second issue of this series. While Wayward did manage to keep me interested after issue one, I can strongly see myself following this series week after week. Jim Zub pays respects to existing Japanese storytelling and this issue carries a lot of sincerity within the storytelling. The art looks fantastic and it's a pleasure to scan the detailed backgrounds that feel authentic to Japan. This creative team matches up well together. I can tell a lot of care went into crafting both the characters and story and the result is something very unique. Pick it up!

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Wayward #3

Oct 28, 2014

This may be Zubb's best work in the making. Great story. Amazing art. Beautiful designs. Wayward is my pick for book of the year!

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Wynter #4

Jan 12, 2015

What else can I really say about a comicthat won me over last year and continues to provide a fun reading experience? If you are looking for a high-stakes science fiction story with a strong female lead don't miss this book. Track it down and purchase a digital copy online. With a small publisher like New Worlds,the survival long-term of Wynter really depends on the passion of its audience to keep funding the project. The first three issues areactually available for ‘pay what you want'download so you are pretty much throwing money away by not taking a chance on this book. Take a look – tell a friend – helpWYNTER prove it's a ‘special' book worth reading.

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Wytches #2

Nov 13, 2014

What else can I say except buy Wytches and experience what made Snyder a name in comics in the first place. This is a really scary read and slow burn. I often get impatient for the next issue but in the case of Wytches it is simply unbearable. I'm keeping this series at the top of my pull list and I dare you not to do the same.

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