The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #2

Writer: Roberto Aguirre Sacasa Artist: Robert Hack, Rachel Deering Publisher: Archie Comics Release Date: April 15, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 13
8.6Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

New ongoing series! After the shocking revelations of last issue, Sabrina's mortal boyfriend Harvey doesn't quite seem himself. In fact, he doesn't seem human. His body's there, but his soul is... elsewhere. When the Witches' Council refuses to help her, Sabrina turns to Madame Satan for comfort, playing right into her evil schemes. This dark re-imagining of everyone's favorite teen witch continues! For TEEN+ readers.

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Apr 24, 2015

    Densely-written, packed with detail and menace, with really amazing art… Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Ian Stephen Apr 13, 2015

    It's great to have Sabrina back and this issue was a great refresher of what readers loved so much about the first issue. Hopefully whatever kinks they had to work out over at Archie Comics are now fixed and readers can expect a more frequent release for subsequent issues. Because honestly, getting the issues out is the only thing keeping The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina from being one of the most talked about series right now. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Apr 14, 2015

    Life can be a touch difficult when you are a teenage witch, but if The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #2 is any indication, Sabrina Spellman's life might be on track to become a living hell. And to think, the hardest thing that Sabrina had to deal with before now was Bye-Bye Birdie auditions. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #2 may not have the breakneck pace of Afterlife With Archie or the constant threat of zombie action, but none of that matters when you have an artist like Robert Hack on your book or a spooky and thoughtful script underneath it all. Robert Agurrie-Sacasa shows with Sabrina #2 that he can deliver without filling every page with flesh eating monsters and thinly veiled satire. Archie Horror is in great hands and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina stands poised to please horror fans that hunger for something beyond zombies, vampires and other overplayed monsters. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Erika D. Peterman Apr 20, 2015

    The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #2 also stands out in terms of its sheer meatiness. This issue rewards readers' patience by delivering a series of memorable moments that make it well worth the $3.99 price of admission. Rich in story and visually compelling, this is a comic to be savored. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comix I Read - Kyle Pitman Apr 16, 2015

    Any fan of 1960's-70s era horror films are doing themselves a disservice by not picking this book up. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Brett I Apr 16, 2015

    I cannot praise this book enough. It makes sense that this is a companion book to Afterlife With Archie, and it certainly can be argued that, so far, this story is stronger. Robert Hack should be looked at as one of the best in the business, and I sure hope that this is only the beginning for him. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - Amy Brander Apr 13, 2015

    You can't know how relieved I am not to have to look at the fashion of the early 90's in comic form. Additionally, how glad I am they wrote the story around it's original date rather than the more recent incarnations from American family entertainment. Sabrina first appeared in Archie's Madhouse in 1962. I commend the publisher for going to it's roots. I'd also like to mention that I am particularly fond of the artwork for the issue. It has a familiar vintage look while giving the story an air of sophisticationwhich lets us know this book is not intended for a very young audience. Archie Horror says that Sabrina is suitable for Teens+ and I would completely agree. There is implied violence and there are some scary faces. Perhaps too frightening for children under 12. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Garcia Apr 16, 2015

    It's clear Aguirre-Sacasa and Hack have a longer, more sustained narrative in play for Sabrina, and their work so far on it has been beyond exceptional. I feel this is easily one of the best horror comics, and definitely one of the coolest all-around comics, you'll find. Turn yourself over to this world. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Mike McPhillips May 4, 2015

    My only gripe with the issue was its lengthy stay in production hell. That said, with the newly established Archie Horror imprint, I can’t see it being problematic in the future. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Needless Essentials Online - Stan Ford Apr 14, 2015

    Am I in for the third issue? Of course I am, and for a Sabrina comic, that is saying something major. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Rhymes With Geek - J. Reifler Apr 14, 2015

    Archie is clearly committed to putting out scary reinterpretation of it's 60's 'fun in the sun' characters and the results are working out to terrifying effect. As long as the publisher treaders carefully and doesn't beat the concept to death, I'm sure this will turn into a must own trade for many fans of horror comics. Hopefully issue three comes much sooner because this time I think the wait will kill me. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Latest Pull - Rick Reliegh Apr 19, 2015

    All and all I'd say I loved this book. It has a classic Archie comics feel without leaning to much on the humor that could take away from the horror elements. And the horror elements are definitely there. Whenever Madam Satan is on the page the story feels like a cross between pre-code horror comics and the the darkest Tales to Tell by Moonlight. There are definitely rules that govern her and her powers, but their fuzzy enough that they seem familiar but unpredictable. And her appearance! Yikes! I can't think of a more nightmare inspiring character design. The horrific scenes in this book are made all the worse by Hack's use of a somewhat muted sepia, heavy color pallet, and textured surfaces. It really makes the gruesome images seem all that much more shocking. I'm really looking forward to where this story will go from here. I'm just hoping the next issue more out before I have grandchildren. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 15, 2015

    Hack brings a great aesthetic to this book, slathering Sabrina's world in texture and surreal line-work. The '60s-era setting is very apparent, but it's combined with a distinctly grindhouse horror tone. I just wish there was more consistency in Hack's figure work. Sabrina and other characters suffer from changing physical features and even age at times. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 15, 2015

    While not quite as strong an effort as the first installment, a lot of what made that book work is fully here, especially in the visual design. The costume design is fantastic and the way the horror side has such a great old school look about it completely draws me in, from the detail to the coloring of it. Iola's story is what dominates here and it's definitely one that's setting up for a strong payoff, but I'll admit I wanted a bit more Sabrina time and to get into her head a bit more. The tale of revenge is strong here though, one build in decades of anger and resentment that was fleshed out by flesh being removed in hell and some real torture and agony that had to be worked through. Iola's definitely a compelling character from what we get of her here, and the people she deals with, and I do want to see what she has next in store since she's set up rather well in Greendale now. I just hope we get a bit more Sabrina the next time around. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - JAdam Jul 17, 2015

    The majority of this comic is about Madam Satan . . . which is more appealing, to me, at least, because I do not care as much for high school drama as I do for pure horror. This issue was better than the first, but it makes me worried for the next issue. I am afraid it will return to petty quarrels instead of focusing on the dark and supernatural. This issue, however, was pretty good. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Chocolate Princess Apr 16, 2015

    I love the art in this book. Hack's watery, muted, sienna-tinged colors and true-black shadows work with Aguirre-Sacasa's slightly gothic writing to give the whole work a finely aged feel that nods to Sabrina's brighter days of the sixties. The art in this is so freaky sometimes I found myself examining pages long after I'd read them. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 16, 2015

    Between "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" and "Afterlife with Archie," Archie Comics has created a surprisingly successful little horror sub-imprint within the greater confines of the company. If you'd told me a year ago that there would be a dark horror rendition of the classic Sabrina Spellman character and that I'd eagerly await new issues of it, the response would have almost certainly been a hearty laugh. The reality is that Aguirre-Sacasa and Hack have created a horror comic that would work well even if it wasn't attached to the iconic "Sabrina." The fact that it is -- and that they integrate all of the classic "Sabrina" comic characters -- makes for an added bonus. This works not just because of the concept, but rather because of the strong execution. There's always room in my world for cute and perky Archie Comics but, when it comes to "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina," I'm ready for more horror, please. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book City Podcast - Jazmin Aguilera Apr 16, 2015

    TCAS #2 is an exposition into the back story of the wonderful world of witches, and when I say "wonderful" I mean horribly disfigured and intensely unsettling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Apr 15, 2015

    Obviously with this being the second issue you can easily catch up on this series. If you're a horror fan I would definitely recommend it. It's not "boo" scary, nor is it a thriller trying to be a horror, it's just a terrifying world that has layer upon layers. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Apr 15, 2015

    Another aspect that could turn some readers off is the high level of focus on Madam Satan in the story. Sabrina feels like an after-thought in her own title. There is heavy lifting to sift through this villain's background story, that causes a stagnation for Sabrina's own life. It is a single-minded choice so that you understand the evil Sabrina will be facing in future issues. If you do not enjoy looking back, you could find yourself decided a six month wait was not worth it. This is not the daring and exciting points of view presented in the first issue. However, moderate to serious horror fans will delight in the presentation, despite the lack of weightierundertones. What is clear is that with the way Madam Satan positions herself in Sabrina's life, someone is about to get schooled. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Apr 29, 2015

    If the first issue of Sabrina told her origin and this one delved into the past of Madam Satan, hopefully the next will have their paths crossing a bit more.  As it stands, we're given exposition I'd expect from a Bond villain as Madam Satan plots her revenge against the daughter of the guy that broke up with her years ago.  She suffered in Hell for all that time, not because of something Edward did, but because of what she did to herself.  Also, I don't understand how she's dubbed "Queen of Hell" on the back cover when she literally had to claw herself out of the underworld for her elaborate vengeance.  She's like the Joker of this comic...if the Joker had dated Batman's dad and held a grudge. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Apr 15, 2015

    Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #2 is a pretty lackluster and very disappointing return for this series after being away for several months. The title characters is barely even in the book, the narration is frustrating, and the storytelling and writing are just not that good at all. Sure, the artwork is nice looking and the backstory for Madam Satan is decent, but everything else about the book is such a letdown. I just cannot recommend this comic at all until it gets better. Read Full Review

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