Reanimator #1
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Reanimator #1

Writer: Keith Davidsen Artist: Randy Valiente Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: April 8, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11
6.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Dr. Herbert West, The Reanimator, returns! Setting up shop in New Orleans, the brilliant Dr. West continues his life's work: the revival of the dead by purely chemical means. To accomplish this task, he recruits Susan Greene, a young and wide-eyed pharmacologist fascinated by his macabre experiments. Initially unfazed by West's unorthodox practices (including how he funds his research - by selling zombie brain fluid as a narcotic), Susan may regret her scientific curiosity as sinister forces - those aligned with Elder Gods and Haitian Voodoo - begin to align against the Reanimator!

Dynamite Entertainment proudly resurrects The Re more

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 24, 2015

    An enjoyable opener leaving me hopeful for upcoming horrors. After all, this is all in the name of science. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - AD Boorman Apr 7, 2015

    I do not know yet if this is good Lovecraft or not, but the first issue of this miniseries is very promising. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    BGCP - Daniel Pearson Apr 9, 2015

    Bringing a couple of H.P. Lovecraft's classics together, this is one for fans of the macabre. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Eric Bridges Apr 7, 2015

    Reanimator #1 is a slow start but one that will continue to be great. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Apr 7, 2015

    And so, after many incarnations and guest-starring roles, Herbert West finally gets the solo series he deserves. Reanimator #1 isn't exactly a blockbuster return, but as far as first issues go, it still works by being an unexpectedly big take on horror's studious grave robber. Keith Davidsen's grounded take on one of H.P. Lovecraft's enduring anti-heroes isn't perfect, but still worth reader's attention, especially the legions of Reanimator fans that stalk comic shop floors.Reanimator #1, for all its faults, shows that West is much bigger than just horror. Now the only question is, just how big does all this go? Is Herbert West the next Walter White? One can only hope. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Outright Geekery - A-Ku Mar 30, 2015

    Whatever it turns into, this first issue is a solid entry and is good enough to make me want to read the next and is genuinely a change from the gory, over-the-top and supernatural-dependant horror we've been saturated by and for that alone I would recommend giving it a shot. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Project-Nerd - Shawn Vogt Apr 8, 2015

    All in all, this is a solid start to the miniseries, and gets more interesting as it goes along. While it contains a few flaws, its positive points outweigh these, and it has the potential to develop into something highly entertaining. Like most first issues, it teases the reader with possibilities, but the next step is what truly matters. Seeding the ground with interesting plot-points, the follow through on these will be make-or-break, and will determine the level of success of the release. Overall, the opening story is interesting enough to pick up the next issue in the miniseries. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Apr 12, 2015

    Although I enjoyed this first issue for it's writing and for the simple fact that Dr. Herbert West is back, I'm not sure I enjoyed it enough to come back for a second issue. The art just didn't click with me and despite the story infusing some classic Lovecraft themes, I didn't feel the need to see where the story heads next. Fans of Herbert West may want to pick this issue up to read new a new story about this cult classic character, but I'm not sure if this “reanimated” series will do enough to stay alive. Read Full Review

  • 4.2
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Apr 10, 2015

    On one hand, I get it. West is a Lovecraftian character and since his story is so isolated from the others (because Lovecraft hated it but whatever) why not tie him into the whole Cthulu mythos? There's no reason not to but when all these elements are smashed together like they are in "Reanimator" #1, it feels suffocated. If Lovecraftia Horror is defined by dread, then how are we supposed to dread when every other page has a shocking twist that's laid out in increasingly plain ways. With all due respect to Randy Valiente, his art is just a bit too rough and immediate for my tastes. West preens evilly to readers and though designs for the Cthulu Club's masks are fantastic they're still offset by other characters having straight up yaoi hands. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Ray W Apr 8, 2015

    I liked this issue and it sets up more than meets the eye between West and Greene. We may get to know why West has an interest in this character and why this cult needs West in the long run. The writing of West was good and Greene was nice. Susan Greene is a very good character that can hold her own against some drug dealers. The art and colors work great together in this macabre issue dealing with more than just a cult. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Rhymes With Geek - J. Reifler Apr 7, 2015

    Dynamite has insisted in once again dragging up the bloated corpseof the Reanimatorand forcing it to stumble around for another failed debut. It's clear that the team responsible for executing this series has no idea what mad the original successful and have little invested in the success of the property either way. If you are a fan of horror, you should not reward books published with such little care to the original namesake. This is the kind of terrible interpretation that should make the elder gods rise from their slumber in anger and destroy the earth. Don't buy this book. Read Full Review

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