Scarlett Couture #1
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Scarlett Couture #1

Writer: Des Taylor Artist: Des Taylor Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: April 29, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Beautiful. Intelligent. Deadly. Scarlett Couture is all of these things, and more. She's a spy. Using her cover as Head of Security for her mother's internationally renowned fashion house, she gathers intelligence for the CIA. In this explosive first issue, Scarlett follows her instincts right into the middle of the action and finds she needs to use all her wits to get herself out of hot water!

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 19, 2015

    This is not a comic for young readers - there's some brutal violence and adult language on display here. The art style is interesting - it's not so much the usual "good girl" art as it is a unique, animation-like style. It's clean, expressive and very interesting. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall May 10, 2015

    The best part about Scarlett Couture was the look. It's unlike any other comic on the stands, and Des Taylor's distinctive art style was very appealing to me. There was a good blend of action along with the necessary introductions of the characters, settings, and establishing the point of conflict. A nice hook on the last page got me wanting to come back to see what happens next, an essential part of a serialized monthly comic. I'm excited to see where Taylor is going with the story and hope it's only the first of many story arc with these characters. I'd love to see Taylor's work gracing the stands on a very regular basis. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Apr 27, 2015

    The challenge for Taylor is to make this book work for the whole four issues. As a one-off visit the book is charming, fun and vibrant. But like too much sugary goodies, I imagine you could get sick or bored just looking at pretty pictures. As this is the first issue I would be doing Taylor a massive disservice to state that this is the case. For now, I am going re-read the book and hope that the following issues can sustain this quality of art, whilst improving on the script elements. Read Full Review

  • 7.5 - John McCubbin Apr 29, 2015

    Scarlett Couture may still have something to prove, but one thing that is for certain this is a comic that I want to follow. Between it's engaging dialogue and action packed events, it certainly sports the elements of a fun espionage tale. All it needs is the consistency to back this up. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Rhymes With Geek - J. Reifler Apr 28, 2015

    UltimatelyScarlett Couture is fine for what it is, but didn't particularly linger on my mind after I finished the story. I found myself wondering why someone wouldn't just buy a copy of Black Widow or Scarlett (from G.I. Joe) solo series. There's an uphill battle with a new character and I don't know if I was sold by the end of this first issue. That aside it's an excellent showcase of a talented artist and I have a feeling he'll continue to get solid work as a result of this project. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Apr 20, 2015

    SCARLETT COUTURE deserves certain props, however. This series is a marked deviation from the status quo, in a very good way. Fans of certain Japanese animated adventures will certainly find some admirable qualities in this series, which deserves more than a quick thumb-through at the rack. This comic represents more than your usual risk-taking on the part of the creator, which will certainly be rewarded if the stories can get a little more complex. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Apr 30, 2015

    The result is a story that doesn't really come off as strong as it could. There are a lot of cases of strong female characters being written by male writers, but such is not always the case here, as the writer seems to be pandering at times to the male readers by writing in such a way that the female main character talks kind of how men would like to think that she is talking. As such this feeds into the stereotype as much as it tries to break it and the end result, while entertaining at times, still ends up a little flat. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Daniel Coleman Apr 29, 2015

    I really enjoyed this first issue, however there were a couple of things that weren't great. The first is the sound effects, I felt that they look like old batman sound effects 'zap' 'pow', the way they are drawn in really bold colors in a cartoony font detaches from the seriousness of the situation. The second was the ending, we don't know the characters well enough for the reveal at the end to be an 'oh my god' kind of thing, instead it was more an "oh okay, I see." Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Apr 29, 2015

    If you like the art on the cover you'll love the art on the inside, but don't expect a deep reimagining of the spy genre. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Apr 24, 2015

    So although a reservation or two, I would still recommend Scarlett Couture #1 as a worthwhile read. Looks great, and this is a visual medium after all! Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Apr 29, 2015

    It may sound like I hated this more than I did. I do think there's lots of potential here for a fun, exciting series with a compelling concept and a solid and unusual lead character. As I say, the art is superb and almost worth the cover price on its own. But, the writing needs to be sharpened, and the tone needs to be fine tuned to decide whether this is going to be a sharp and sophisticated adventure with a positive lead character, or a fun and sexy mash-up of two contrasting worlds. Because right now, by trying to be both, it's not entirely succeeding at either Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Booked - Magen Cubed Apr 15, 2015

    I really want to love Scarlett Couture. Its an amusing premise with some clever moments, and I support Taylors endeavors to celebrate female characters. Unfortunately, the style got away from Taylor. If youre a fan of Despop, youll be glad to see this book on store shelves on April 29th. If youre not already looking forward to this book, give it a pass. Read Full Review

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