Kill Shakespeare #1
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Kill Shakespeare #1

Writer: Conor McCreery Artist: Andy Belanger Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: April 14, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9
6.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Nov 20, 2010

    This is easily my favorite issue of Kill Shakespeare yet and, much like the other books in the Top 6, has plenty of reasons for why it was a contender for Book of the Week. This is the most emotionally and thematically complex issue of the series, with the writing team of McCreery and Del Col showcasing just how much thought went into the plotting of this series. Another solid effort from Belangerwith some of the coolest layouts you'll see this weekelevates the book to the Must Read level, despite featuring the weirdest swollen lips I've seen in some time! Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed May 21, 2014

    This is being reviewed today because it's a recent addition to theHundred Penny Press series that IDW uses to suck in new fans. Well,it's successful. This is a great excuse to get on board with a newseries, and there is simply no reason it shouldn't be this one. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Meylikhov Apr 14, 2010

    So the beginning of the book is a bit washy for me, but I do enjoy where the end of the issue ends up. I guess my main problem was it took too long to get to "the point," and as a Shakespeare fan I am willing to allow characters to change goals and positions versus entire stories being changed (i.e the odd scene before Hamlet is sent away " what is that dog?), which threw me off. Really, once Hamlet ends up on King Richard's island and everyone begins to talk of murder and quills, I enjoyed it more. It's not quite Fables or LOG, but it sure is headed in that right direction. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 14, 2010

    Beyond the dialogue, what I really want to see from the writers is a developing thematic bond between the various characters. Were Richard III and the witches dragged into this story merely to fill roles, or do del Col and McCreery intend to use them to say something meaningful about Hamlet's quest and Shakespeare's work in general? This is ultimately where Kill Shakespeare will succeed or fail in proving itself to be more than mere fan-fiction. Issue #1 offers a fun beginning to what looks to be a rollicking adventure. Even so, the series has much more potential than that. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - SoldierHawk Apr 20, 2010

    This is a hugely ambitious book with a great deal of potential. The first chapter is off to a slightly shaky start (initial exposition, especially with characters like these, is the most difficult part of any arc), but it does lay the groundwork for the meat of the story to come. McCreery and Del Col demonstrate that they have sufficient control of the characters and narrative to convince me it's worth giving them another issue or two to introduce the rest of the cast, complete the exposition, and find their footing. If they can pull all of these elements together into a coherent narrative, this book is going to be one heck of a ride. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Karyn Pinter Apr 19, 2010

    It's hard to tell if or when Kill Shakespeare will pick up action wise, or become more detailed plot-wise. I found it to be a very middle of the road and generally an average effort. Nothing felt new, nothing popped out as exemplary. I expected to be grabbed by the first issue and instead found myself struggling to finish, much like my days of reading Hamlet back in high school. The title is very straightforward, and you would expect the plot to be the same, but right off the bat it feels like there are too many twists and turns to be taken and the reward just might not be worth the time. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bill Janzen Sep 14, 2011

    Kill Shakespeare is a highly ambitious tale for a comic book seeking to do for Shakespeare's characters what Fables did for classic fairy tale characters, bringing them all into one shared setting and overarching narrative. This trade paperback, collecting the first six issues of the series so far, begins the tale as we follow main character Hamlet. Having to leave his home kingdom Hamlet quickly finds himself torn between two factions. One faction is led by King Richard and sees him as the prophesied "shadow king" who will kill the wizard Shakespeare. The other faction is led by Juliet and believes Hamlet is being manipulated, and it is King Richard that is evil rather than the wizard William Shakespeare. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Apr 21, 2010

    Again, I really want to see this series work, but as a former scholar myself, I cant really seem to get into such a powerful corruption of the most powerful stories ever told. Undoubtedly, McCreery and Del Col know their Shakespeare, but they dont seem to feel it, at least not yet Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Apr 14, 2010

    Is that kind of thing really on par with "Fables," never mind "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"? That's a rhetorical question, and I wouldn't be able to hear you answer anyway, but I assure you that the answer would be "no." Read Full Review

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