Kill Shakespeare #2

Writer: Conor McCreery, Anthony Del Sol Artist: Andy Belanger Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: May 19, 2010 Critic Reviews: 4
8.1Critic Rating
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  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Aug 5, 2010

    I really loved the first three issues of this series and the fourth follows suit by showcasing the same strengths as the creative team does wonders in turning a strong but whacky premise into a highly engaging story that is as intelligent as it is irreverent. I'm really not sure exactly what I expected with this series, but I do know that every single issue has exceeding any expectations I could have had and this issue is no different. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - SoldierHawk May 25, 2010

    In spite of my whining about the artwork not living up to the bar that Sir Ian McKellen or Sir Laurence Olivier set for some of the characters, this is a fantastic book. This is what I was hoping Kill Shakespeare would be when I opened issue #1. Now that the growing (and expositional!) pains are out of the way, it looks like this series is really coming into its own, and is set to blossom into one of the smartest and most creative things to hit comic stands in quite some time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - G-Man May 19, 2010

    Kill Shakespeare is a fun book. And that's coming from someone that wasn't too crazy about having to read Shakespeare in high school. I like that we have this new world that is familiar in some ways with the characters that I still have some recollection of. King Richard comes across as quite the interesting character and it's nice seeing Hamlet as the lead. I never thought I'd be into "Shakespeare" again. Just don't tell my high school English teacher. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Karyn Pinter May 20, 2010

    The story is progressing a little more now. I wasn't too sure how things would play out after reading the first issue, which was a little heavy on the words but not so great with the plot, but now were set up for an adventure. A few things still remain unclear, but I'm sure all will be resolved soon enough. After reading this issue, you'll probably want to reread some of Shakespeare's work, but you might have more fun just reading Kill Shakespeare. Read Full Review

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