UFOlogy #1
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UFOlogy #1

Writer: Noah J Yuenkel, James Tynion IV Artist: Matt Fox Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: April 1, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 3
7.6Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

What's to Love: James Tynion IV has already blown us away with his original series The Woods and Memetic, and now he's teaming up with Thrillbent cowriter Noah J. Yuenkel (The House in the Wall) and artist Matt Fox (Long Walk to Valhalla) to bring us a story about aliens in the Midwest. It's reminiscent of films like E.T. and Super 8, and TV shows like Twin Peaks and The X-Files.
What It Is: Becky Finch never wanted to be special. She just wanted to be a normal high school student in the small, Midwestern town of Mukawgee. Malcolm Chamber wanted something more. A destiny. An answer from the stars. When Becky is marked by an alien's touch, more

  • 9.1
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Apr 2, 2015

    “UFOlogy” is off to a great start. Taking the best elements of James Tynion IV's writing from “The Woods” and “Memetic” and throwing them in a blender with Noah J. Yuenkel with a great balance of mystery and science fiction and layering some unbelievably fantastic art from Matthew Fox and you have an issue well worth reading. Sure, the last few pages may have been a little too obtuse for what they were trying to do, but the depth of character writing and the gorgeous artwork more than make up for it. This is another jewel in the crown for BOOM! Studios and is definitely a book not to miss. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Apr 12, 2015

    An interesting take on the little green men story that doubles as a metaphor for a coming of age story. Overall, interesting enough to warrant further reading. I'll be looking forward to issue #2. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson Apr 3, 2015

    UFOlogy brings weird slipstream fiction to the forefront of modern comics. There's an evident love of Le Fanu and Lovecraft, the more modern works of China Miville and Ray Bradbury, and the surge of pop-culture obsession with the paranormal of cult phenomena in the early 1990s with The X-Files and Twin Peaks. Now there are so many questions to be answered. Why here and why now? I want to believe that there is more out there, so now I want to see the proof in the next five issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Apr 6, 2015

    What could be more awesome than getting a cosmic marking? Getting the abilities that come with it, which is what we’ll probably see next issue. If this is the first time you’re reading about UFOlogy, I urge you to pick up a copy and join me in following a story enthralling to anyone with an imagination. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Russ Dobler Mar 31, 2015

    UFOlogy #1 is a breath of fresh air, standing apart from the gore and grim of many comics with its sense of suspenseful awe. With a designated endpoint and the chance to tell a self-contained story, this book has the potential to become a gem that many look at fondly for years to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Martin Doyle Apr 1, 2015

    Although it might be a little too slow burning for some, UFOlogy succeeds in recapturing the magic of E.T. and Close Encounters, and sets up an intriguing conspiracy-themed story in the process. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed Apr 8, 2015

    Bottom line on this one, Boom! does it again. Great art, great writing, great story, with nothing but small complaints. If you're into UFOs or aliens, or maybe you just want to read a story about discovering something bigger then no one else believed it was real, this is a great choice. Pick it up now, and wait patiently for the follow up, which can't come soon enough for me! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdophiles - Sam Wildman Apr 6, 2015

    Matthew Fox's gorgeous artwork rounds out this solid first issue. As alifelong X-Files fan, I can really get into this one. I'm already lamenting the fact that this is only going to be a six issue series rather than an on-going comic. I just can't wait to see what comes next! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Ian Stephen Mar 31, 2015

    This was a fun first issue for UFOlogy. Even though there wasn't a lot of story laid out in this issue and most of the action happened towards the end, the character development gets you invested. By the end readers will want to know what happens from here. It'll be interesting to see how UFOlogy plays out over the next five issues. This was a good start for UFOlogy but we need more story to truly get hooked. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Nikki Sherman Apr 1, 2015

    Sit back, brew a cup of tea, and enjoy this first issue of UFOlogy. Take the time to get to know the characters the team so lovingly created for your entertainment.For those looking for a ton of action in their science fiction, you might have a hard time getting into this book. But if you want something that has heart and a world of potential, you should add UFOlogy to your pull today. I have a feeling this will be a story that builds satisfactorily over time, much like Tynion IV's other great BOOM! book,The Woods. I also have a feeling there will be tears involved at some point with this series. If you're ready to feel a little something in that cavity in your chest, check outUFOlogy#1! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Apr 1, 2015

    "UFOlogy" #1 is brought down somewhat by its look, but it's carried by Tynion and Yuenkel's characters and setting. Poetically brought to a close by the ending narration, it's a nicely compiled setup overall for the remainder of this six-issue miniseries. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Apr 4, 2015

    The most impressive thing aboutUFOlogyis how little it needs to be about aliens. There's alien conspiracy stuff to be had; it just all seems very trite and meaningless, an afterthought under the weight of our main characters. It's possible that's just a side effect of being a first issue. As we go on, the aliens will tie more and more into the lives of Becky and Malcolm, and I certainly hope so. As it stands,UFOlogyis a great comic when it focuses on the compelling drama of its small world. I highly recommend. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Apr 2, 2015

    This book intrigues with its paranormal indie flick feel. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Taffeta Darling Apr 7, 2015

    As far as the writing goes, there isnt much direction or plot given to us in this first issue. Yet the readers receive a theme very much on par with weird elements taken from the X-Files, Close Encounters and Ray Bradbury. Its a miniseries so Im curious to see how they keep our attention in such a short span, but for fans of science fiction, this will be an enjoyable read. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek Sushi - Gary Hilson Apr 7, 2015

    The colors are beautiful, however, and really make the book stand out from other titles. The lettering is also distinct, so while the art doesn't completely succeed, it's a nice departure from other books on the shelf. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Forrest Hollingsworth Apr 1, 2015

    There’s something here but right now, it’s less than interesting. If you’re committed to the creative team behind this book or you have a genuine interest in full, unrepentant character building this early on, I would suggest you pick it up. If you’re looking for a high octane X-Files, Ex Machinia type thing, you might want to wait and see how other issues turn out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Mar 31, 2015

    UFOlogy is fairly competent outing that might just be setting us up with familiar tropes in order to tear them down over the next five issues. Unfortunately, that doesn't make for the most interesting debut. The first issue feels almost extraneous when the synopsis covers almost everything we need to know. But Fox and Metcalfe are an artistic duo to look out for and their work keeps this issue somewhat interesting. Here's hoping that as the plot ramps up, they're able to improve on an already spectacular team-up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Samantha Roehrig Apr 1, 2015

    Overall, UFOlogy had a great start. Readers will be intrigued which plays when wondering if you want to buy the second issue. I will be. Read Full Review

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