Samantha Roehrig's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards, Unleash The Fanboy Reviews: 354
7.4Avg. Review Rating

A Piggys Tale #1

Apr 16, 2014

From just one issue, you can see the lessons building up. The comic is trying to get across some real ideas. It is nice to read a truly all-ages title. I felt like I haven't seen one in forever. I could see young and old getting into the ins and outs that face these two heroes. I think all people should have the chance to see what an animal can give them. Luckily for me, my parents loved animals too, so I was always crying when I ran over the ants with my bike. (I don't like to mention it). But it taught me a lot about what you can do for a helpless creature, and taught me even more what these helpless creatures can do for you.

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A Piggys Tale #3

Oct 15, 2014

I couldn't see any kid not falling for this pub and his sidekicks. It is a story about love with some awesome hero aspects through on top of it. I get excited to see Piggy's new adventure every month. So you better catch up with this gang this week, because you are missing out on some animals and one punk chick fighting crime on the streets of New York and beyond.

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A1 #6

Nov 13, 2013

All of the art in this series should be recommended. It is amazing to see how crisp all three stories can be. Titan has done a great job with this series, and I look forward to seeing Carpe and Odyssey unfold. Willows is nice too, but I could do without the slow movement. I still don't really get the theme of this one.

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Apocalypse Al #3

Apr 2, 2014

All in all, I was satisfied with my first read of the comic. It was lots of fun seeing these supernatural devices in Al's world. I will come back for more. And I am not going to line, there is a big cliffhanger at the end of this comic. I am sucker for cliffhangers. It is a problem. But with this series, I am investing enough to see where it takes us. If you are thinking this week is slow with comics, then pick up something new. I am suggesting Apocalypse Al.

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Apocalypse Al #4

May 7, 2014

Overall the premise is interesting. I mean saving the world every damn day has got to be cool and probably good pay. Plus Al is a good female lead for the storyline. She has got that punk rocker look with all the right curves to catch the eye of any human. I hope when we see Al again, she can bring in all the right moves and finish strong.

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Arcadia #1

May 6, 2015

I haven't been truly intrigued by a comic in a while. I am interested to see where Paknadel takes us on this ride. So far, so good.

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Arcadia #2

Jun 3, 2015

When you can spend $3.99 on a comic and know that it is worth the full price and that you won't just read it one time and throw it in some pile, then you have got an awesome story that deserves more credit than it is getting. Arcadia is brilliant. I continue to think about the questions this comic raises through the night. Paknadel has got something special here and I am digging every word of it.

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Arcadia #3

Jul 1, 2015

Arcadia has come out blazing with its first three issues. You can't go wrong with Paknadel's plot. There is a great science fiction story unfolding here that many will enjoy. The ending or even the next issue is so unclear that you can't help but intrigued with everyone's story.

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Arcadia #4

Aug 12, 2015

I have no complaints about this comic. I also think that the story is more real than any other futuristic story out there. And Paknadel focuses on it all without getting lost. He shows us the emotional side of a family while dealing with the social changes in the United States. I look forward to every single issue and you should too, because damn this is getting real.

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Arcadia #5

Sep 23, 2015

All in all, I was a tad disappointed by how confused this issue made me feel. I may have missed some things but to be this lost feels daunting. I really hope Arcadia can solve some of my anxiety.

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Astronauts in Trouble #1

Jun 17, 2015

I don't think I will be suggesting this comic any time soon. I don't think Larry Young is a bad writer at all. Quite the opposite actually. What I think happened was a bad choice on my part. I had no backstory on the comic, and not being a particularly knowledgeable person of the 50s, I was lost one panel in. I would say pick this comic if you are a Young fan. Otherwise, grab something else week.

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Awake #1

Sep 16, 2015

Overall, I couldn't see people turning this comic away. It is cute but still has a good story to tell. The characters, although some aren't human, symbolize so much more. I can't wait to see how Benville reveals more of these worlds and how Hess gives us more magic.

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Ballistic #2

Sep 11, 2013

I really have to hand it to this comic, because it is just plain weird" with all the right weirdness. Darick Robertson's art is perfect for this series too. He really put Repo City right in your face. The comic doesn't try to explain everything about this world, and here it works; keeping me entertained with this new city that is unlike anything I have seen. Am I lost? Well hell yes, but I couldn't imagine a more creative world to be sucked into.

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Ballistic #3

Nov 7, 2013

Ballistic has a lot in store. This issue alone had so many plot changes I only scratched the surface with my review. I know this line is lame as fuck, but don't take my word for it and seriously start reading this comic. There is a lot going on, so it is best to jump on board now and enjoy the awesomeness that I have enjoyed for three issues now.

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Ballistic #5

Jun 19, 2014

Back to the plot, the story is huge with action this week. Butch and the now changed Gennie are going into Biopower. What they discover is that their plan must get a little more complicated after what they see. Butch takes a drastic measure and tries his best to fight them off. Man I just love every second of this month's issue. The action is crazy, Butch is off the chain, and of course Gun has some good shots and shoot ups. Definitely a comic worth reading in a hell yeah kind of moment.

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Ben 10 #1

Nov 20, 2013

All and all, the audience for this comic is a little younger than I accepted. It may be that cutoff point where it isn't fun for me to read anymore. I dig more creative routes when speaking to the younger generation. I did like how Ben 10 offered something I just harked about in my TMNT Animated Adventures review though; the story is ongoing through multiple issues. This is a smart move, giving kids the opportunity to beg for more the next title having to know what happens next. I'll have to give it some more tries to really see if the comic gets cleverer, but for now it just seemed like more merchandise being pushed out.

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Ben 10 #2

Dec 19, 2013

But both groups face a bigger threat; Ssserpent. This snake dude has a snake's head and Fabio's body. It is quite amazing and also not someone to mess with. I believe the crews will come together in order to take down these slithering serpents seizing the seas. But again, I also think Terrapisciss has something to hide. I just hope Lorelai isn't involved with all this madness.

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Ben 10 #4

Feb 19, 2014

All around, I think some good stuff can come from this comic so grab your kids an issue and watch as theirs eyes expand to absorb all that is Ben 10.

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Blackout #2

Apr 30, 2014

I can't get over these clear missing links. Blackout has got some work cut out for him to make me want more. My mark is now three issues. If I can't get hooked in three consecutive issues, any spot in the series, and fall in love then I am out. Blackout doesn't have anything bigger the surface right now. Dive into Bob's death or big corporations. Hell even rob a bank for your own selfish needs, but stay on point with the plot and I will be back.

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Blackout #3

Jun 5, 2014

I really don't know if I will be back for this mini series' wrap up. It will take a complete 180 for me to get into the story. I keep wanting it to work, but I think my hopes have run dry. My hope is that Blackout can deliver on all surfaces. Go back to Mechatronics and have Scott literally live there. He can search files, using his brains, and then attack bad dudes with his suit, all while saving the company and discovering the truth behind Bob. It could be anything, Bob is dead or held captive for his ideas. The suit's ultimate goal is jump into times and change the past and predict the future to put some D-bag in charge. Anything could work. And then pile all that with kick butt action through the portals. So much could be done, but it needs a start. Give me the 180 I want.

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Blackout #4

Aug 13, 2014

Blackout, which I am sure will offer a lot in the next go around, fell short in its first micro. Without reading this series, you will have no trouble catching up when the next story comes out. I just think that comics need to hit with a bang right from the start. I know that some comics can build up these amazing pieces all to be revealed slowly, but lately if a comic can't hit you with something then there is no point in starting to read it. Either a huge plot secret needs to come out or a subtle hint of reveals that unfold answers along with questions" questions we need to know the answer to. Blackout couldn't do that for me with these four issues. Take a chance on the next installment, but be aware that the first doesn't offer much than surface area.

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Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine #1

Oct 16, 2013

This totally means more work for Clev and Saffron. And I'll be damned if this Bradley guy doesn't have something to do with the first superhuman we met. I was impressed with this comic bringing in some familiar plot lines but adding some key elements to freshen it up. I liked it and will have to come back to finish the mini-series. Plus, I have said this before, but mini-series are such a quick snap that is hard to just stop reading one even if it sucks. And since this one caught my eye, I want to see how Clev turns out and learn more about his troubles.

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Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine #2

Nov 13, 2013

Sounds to me that we are meeting some key new players. We haven't gotten a huge exposure to the superhumans yet, so I am think Perry will take on that role. We also don't know how this stuff works or the side effects; again Perry's role. Our new superhuman in a mask will be different since Clev is so out there. He is a good guy, but so not a mask type of person. The differences in characters will be weird to see unfold.

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Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine #3

Dec 12, 2013

So far, I have enjoyed reading this comic. I thought I couldn't get into another meathead like Clev, but Bloodhound gives this meathead class. The comic just really has the best of both worlds. Classic action tied together with some sympathy for the human race.

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Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine #4

Jan 29, 2014

Towards the end we get into a battle between Clev and Saffron against some superhumans. It is cool to see it unfold, but these superhumans don't really mean anything. Once you read it this will make sense. The whole anticipation of the issue is not developed quite as well I was hoping. I was hoping for some confrontation with Morgenstern or the agencies. So the 4th installment of this series left me high and dry. Hopefully for the last issue, we can get down and dirty with Clev and Morgenstern. It should lead to some discoveries and maybe even Clev siding with the Doctor.

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Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine #5

Mar 27, 2014

The story ended but the characters didn't. I am sure they will come back with a big splash too. Overall, this installment gave a great story following Clev. I think it also set up some good future stories for Dark Horse.

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Broken World #2

Jul 1, 2015

Barbiere has a great story at hand. It has lots of different ways it can go. And almost has this survival of the fittest appeal. You really want to see where Elena goes next. I find myself after one issue attached to her. I haven't even met her family, so it does seem odd of why they are not in the picture. Maybe they chose to live without her. You would like to think that she is doing all this work for them that maybe her husband is fighting hard for her. But something makes me think there is more to this family and definitely more to Elena.

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Broken World #3

Aug 5, 2015

All in all, Broken World has good elements coming together for this post-apocalyptic Earth. But the real star is Elena's story. I think you could have thrown her in any situation and following her story would still be intriguing. So you have to give credit for creating an awesome main character. My only fear is that with the apocalyptic vibe, many readers may fade out of this comic because of the overdone premise. I am hoping that Elena can carry the readers through this mini-series and make us forget about the setting.

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Broken World #4

Sep 2, 2015

Again the art was cool, but I wish the story didn't have to rush through the ending. We could have explored some other things or even hyper focused on Elena and her family. I hope that Elena's character can shine through into another piece of work, because she had a good story and good motives, but she needed a push with plot and overall reader connection.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #2

Jul 4, 2013

I love this comic because it offers a new end of the world story. I don't know what Wick's true intentions are, but I think he is pissed at the humans and wants them to not follow his word, if his word becomes clear, but rather follow truth. Wick is the most honest character and if anything should tell you about his word it should be his actions. So I assuming that truth will be the key.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #3

Jul 31, 2013

Elspeth and Tristan escape to find answers. They grab the first flight out. Wick is left at the house with the cops approaching. He is exciting for the challenge ahead, as am I. This comic offers something new. It takes an idea and turns into something completely different. Although the comic only took place over an hour or so, you have to ask yourself not what happened but what didn't happen here? It is jam packed with action and issues about what will happen. I don't know if everyone will dig this comic, but you should jump on now because it is about to get crazy. Next issue should be a whirlwind of events. Some people's lives are on the line and Julian may have something to say before the day is through.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #4

Sep 26, 2013

It still is crazy how little this comic does in an issue, but the massive amount of things it has to say. I would love to pick Clive Barker's brain on the comic and get some sort of insight to where we are heading. I guess I shouldn't say where we are headed, because the people in this comic are headed for death. That I am certain, but how we get there is the real question.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #5

Oct 31, 2013

I really just can't get enough of this comic. I fly through the issue every time. And every time I am hoping for more pages of brilliance. This week, it was a tad slow, but I think it was necessary in order to make sure the reader is real focused for the next one. God has some mighty plans up his sleeves, and Tristan is about to get himself in some very deep doo-doo with Pastor Sam.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #6

Dec 18, 2013

Honestly, God's magic has taken me in this series as well. I love reading this issue and always save it for last when reviewing it. It is my treat at the end of the day. The comic is short and packs a powerful punch all about God and his beliefs. I find it cool too that God suddenly is naked in this issue revealing all of his colors. The art is just beautiful to look at. The way God is this encompassing color wheel and focal point of the comic is pretty cool. I think next issue will bring a lot together for the series as well. Tristan and Elspeth are eventually going to run into God and Julian. It will be entertaining to see how Tristan and Julian's relationship will be when they see each other again. I hope this comes next issue, because the couple has been on the road a lot. It is time for them to come face to face.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #7

Jan 15, 2014

I don't see Tristan getting to the library anytime soon, but hopefully God's new events will keep me sidetracked from their story. Issue seven opened up a lot where this story could take us. Not only with the plot, but with the physical location as well. So get back on board with this issue if you have been meaning to pick up Next Testament again.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #8

Apr 9, 2014

We have four issues left, and I think all the readers can say that we are dying to see what happens. God has some big plans coming whether he knows what exactly those entail right now or not. He will be bringing something. The lovebirds must get to the library soon or else God may ruin everything. I sure hope their road trip is worth it.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #9

May 14, 2014

With Next Testament having three issues left, we are starting to see some serious build up. This issue, like the last, didn't have much action but tons of anticipation. Although this issue did have more to say with the relationships between our main characters. God and Julian have some real passion between them… but you will have to read the issue in order to see if it is good or bad. I think there will be a lot more said with issue #10. I can't help but jump the gun on this series, because it is that good.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #10

Jun 18, 2014

The whole comic flips between the two stories and brings very high anxiety. As one group tries to stop God, he is getting closer and closer. And I don't think I have to say that the ending is so insane, but I will. You thought Clive Barker wasn't going to go there or that it would be a huge cliffhanger, but he goes there. And now I am even more anxious to see what happens next. Barker and Miller have brought about one of my favorite comics. They manage to build up an ending in 10 issues thus far and still make the story highly engaging. That's what great writers do.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #11

Jul 16, 2014

I really don't know what will happen in the end. The last issue will be explosive. God has some work ahead of him if he wants to end everyone, and the other two like any hero have their weaknesses that God prys on. I think what I love about this issue the most is the other two gods' demire. They haven't spoken a word which speaks a lot. God is talking the whole time. It shows a difference in their characters. God has to speak because he is weak. He has ideas that no one is listening too. The other two will only speak with their actions. As for Tristan and Elspeth, I am nervous to see what happens to them. They have been the rock through all of this series. Readers cannot help but get totally stoked for the conclusion of this comic. With so many big things happening, I know it will end just as awesomely as it began.

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Clive Barker's Next Testament #12

Aug 13, 2014

The comic ends with Tristan and Elspeth and I won't tell you exactly how their story ends, but instead what I want to comment on is how Tristan looks at the end. His hair is different, his face is almost ghostly, the silhouette picture could mirror another character, and the last pictures seen of him show these rainbow colors. All this wrapped up only makes me think of God. Now I am not saying that Tristan is God, but I think a lot is being said with these final pages. You can judge it for yourself, because it can be taken some different ways or not even noticed. It does however comment on the fact of how connected everything was in this story. So again, just a great way to end this comic through and through. It still amazes me how quick this series went but the impact it had. Next Testament will always tell that great story I can keep coming back to.

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Clive Barker's Nightbreed #2

Jun 25, 2014

The last outer layer flashes to the two monsters from the beginning. You can't actually tell who the non-speaking shadow is. He looks more human-like than the rest, but the comic reveals his identity at the end. I loved it. Some might think it shouldn't take two issues to introduce a main character, but Nightbreed has all the right elements to do such a thing. Barker has another awesome comic on his hands. I am a returning fan of his work, and with Next Testament wrapping up, I think I found my new comic fix is with Nightbreed.

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Clive Barker's Nightbreed #3

Jul 30, 2014

Nightbreed has such a compelling story, you can't help but hooked first go around. Each month brings on new monsters that will devour the reader with their tales of sadness. You can't help but hope that Midian will finally bring peace for some and that Boone will lead the way.

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Clive Barker's Nightbreed #4

Sep 3, 2014

Nightbreed gives the audience exactly what they have been wanting from Clive Barker's story. I think this comic will be around a while and could take us on so many monster stories. Each week is a ride along in this mysterious world. I look forward to the next issue, and I hope you can get on track with Barker's new hit.

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Clive Barker's Nightbreed #5

Sep 24, 2014

Nightbreed has been a weird comic, but this issue truly creeped me out. It was the first of many I am sure. If you have been waiting for the comic to come along and slap some ugly monsters into your face, and not just physically but mentally, then this is the issue you have been waiting for. This goes from strange to downright creepy in these tales. So check out Nightbreed if you want a good scare.

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Clive Barker's Nightbreed #6

Oct 22, 2014

Nightbreed has gotten slower over the past couple of issue. They are pulling out big stories, and yet I still don't feel fulfilled. I think the problem is having all these background stories with no interaction between Boone and the other characters. I want to see Boone in action. We literally know nothing about him. We will see more of him next issue, as for #7 promises some background on Boone, but is it too late? If Nightbreed doesn't hit me in the gut with Boone's story, then I may be long gone from this series before it even picks up. With only six issues out, Nightbreed is quickly fading out for me. I hope we can pick up some momentum in our next issue.

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Clive Barker's Nightbreed #9

Jan 29, 2015

Nightbreed delivered on the art this week, but the story lacked some movement. I really wish this comic would pick up, because although I enjoy Barker's slow moving stories, there always seems like there is something major happening. Andreyko gets some things right, but I think he needs to mimic Barker's style a tad more to keep me around.

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Danger Girl: May Day #1

Apr 23, 2014

Not a lot happens in the issue, but it was still a fun read. I haven't had my Danger Girl fixed in a while. I would have loved some more story detail. I don't need to know who the mystery woman is, but give me some information or at least a mission detail. For now, I will have to wait until next month. But it is nice to have the ladies back.

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Danger Girl: May Day #2

May 21, 2014

What worked for this issue is the clear plot of the story. In the first issue, I didn't know what the plot was or where the hell it was going. It is a poor idea to have such unclear issue as your first roundabout. Anyway, this second issue picked up and should have been the first issue. I was entertained throughout and it had plenty of flowing action into the different scenes. Mayday will sure to bring the action and you should pull a front row seat.

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Danger Girl: May Day #3

Jul 30, 2014

All in all, #3 has finally brought out the big guns in Natalia story. It can only get better from here, plus hello did you notice who was on the variant cover, Abbey Chase. Yeah this is going to get good especially since Chase is the main girl Natalia double crossed. I don't know how everything will go down, but I will be watching it all get revealed with in this new story. Pick up #3 so you can get back in the chase too.

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Danger Girl: May Day #4

Oct 8, 2014

I am a big proponent of checking out as many comics as possible. I can't say I read them all but just glancing through or even looking at covers makes me aware of what is happening. Anyway, I think the Danger Girl series is one of those comics you just need to pick up every once in a while and check in on it. And if there is any issue you should pick, it should always heavily involved Abbey. She is the best Girl. Although you may like others, Abbey really does bring it home for this comic. She has it all and with every mission, it is clear to see why she is a leader. So we have a ton of Abbey and some insane backdrops with undercover drama, yeah this is totally the issue you should get!

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Danger Girl: The Chase #1

Sep 4, 2013

All in all Danger Girl has some fun qualities attached to its name. You can't read this comic and expect mind shattering events. What you can get is some action filled in with some undercover chicks trying to save the world. All in a day's work for us agent women.

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Danger Girl: The Chase #2

Oct 30, 2013

The action is this issue is intense. I loved seeing the now stop panels running across each page. It was a fun read, and if you pick up this series occasionally, then this is your issue. It ends on a nice cliffhanger too. Almost every issue does, but for some reason it doesn't get old. I can never walk away from a strong Danger Girls cliffhanger.

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Danger Girl: The Chase #3

Nov 27, 2013

Kilbourne has just as much fun as Abbey. These two make good counterparts in the series. I almost wish the next issue would revolve around Kilbourne and her pursuit/purpose for the case. Of course the outfits for her are perfect. She has a huge tattoo running down her entire body, and dressed in all black leather. Abbey has the typical blue jeans and short white shirt on. It gives off the impression of good vs. evil. The fight between these two is going to get even bigger, I don't know how, but it will. Also, with Deuce coming into play too, it all should lead up to a kickass finale.

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Danger Girl: The Chase #4

Dec 11, 2013

The girls and Deuce don't exactly know how to control this thing. Abbey is blindly leading her team through this mission. This seems to be a bit of foreshadowing on the series but who knows. I do hope they bring this whole case back since it has added some awesomeness to the series. Plus some stories didn't exactly end. Such as Asia not succeeding, Deuce's boss not coming back and yep we still don't know what the hell this case is. Sorry guys. All I have to say is that this story will bring you back into being a Danger Girls fan if not just for 4 issues. Every moment was stressful with the chase, and the focus on Abbey and Asia's conflict brings some great action. It will not disappoint.

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Danger Girl: Trinity #1

Apr 17, 2013

I really enjoyed this comic. It is action packed. Boredom seemed to leave me entirely when reading through the whole comic, which is tough to do, considering how many comics I read. Now I must go and strap my water gun to my thigh and walk around my apartment like I am being stalked till my secret agent fantasy dissipates.

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Danger Girl: Trinity #2

May 29, 2013

No other big plot points happen, hence the short reviews for this comic, and honestly I don’t read this comic for plot, I read it for the art and that intense action. If the plot gets interesting I will move my ratings up but for now I like to enjoy this comic and then think about my escape routes if someone came through my apartment right now and where I would hide all the weapons. For as long as I read this comic I will end it with different ways of how I live my life as a secret agent.

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Danger Girl: Trinity #3

Jun 20, 2013

Syndey asks the slave girl why she stays and she is cut off in the middle of her sentence. We do find out why all the girls stay and why even Abbey decides to go on this hunt for Amahz. All in all I was disappointed with round three from Danger Girl: Trinity. I hope the next issue picks up with more things that I love about undercover agents; like the smarts they use to get out a trap or the different fighting skills they pick up.

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Dead Drop #3

Jul 15, 2015

I think the problem is if I wanted to read a Valiant comic, why wouldn't I just pick up with X-O Manowar or Archer, instead of reading a mini-series with very little substance. It didn't add anything to the other stories, and I didn't find it more funny or more artistically pleasing than other titles. So I guess it just leave the reader and myself at this confusion level. A confusion that will lead readers away.

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Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher #1

May 15, 2013

The story leaves us at a cliff hanger of why Madeline died. Also, we get a little hint about who the narrator may be. Then the comic gives us some art and some explanations for the art. When reading about the painting it stated that this story is a combination of Poe’s Usher story and “The Oval Portrait.” It made a little bit more sense of the story line, but maybe that should have been a forewarning. I understand that the comic can create something more than what Poe did, but I think I prefer Poe’s story better. The imagination is what makes it so unique and this comic lacked that of what our minds can create.

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EGOs #4

Apr 30, 2014

Pixel knows about it all, but the stress of her mother in her prison is stressing her out the most. See the comic folds in these very real human experiences with some kick-butt hero fun. Although this issue only opened the door to the story arc, I can't wait to see where we go with it. With Moore's storytelling and Gus Storms' art, we know our reading will be filled with some hero action while still getting some punches in.

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Ehmm Theory #2

May 24, 2013

If I haven’t sold you on this comic then still just start reading it. The whole Action Lab: Danger Zone is a pretty interesting line. Brockton McKinney’s story has some great elements and each issue will ensure an amusing action packed fight between Gabe and all the dimensional mutants. But don’t be fooled by Ehmm Theory’s perceived cover because there is a real story under all the fun which makes your mind explode into an all-out enjoyment factory.

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Ehmm Theory #3

Sep 18, 2013

Honestly, if I say anything else about this issue it gives away lots of information, so just go pick up the damn thing. When reading it you feel like two total fanboys decided to make a comic. They threw in everything that is loved by other fanboys and made a cohesive story out of the whole thing. So it is pure genius and gives that average comic dude the feeling that their ideas came to life.

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Ehmm Theory #4

Dec 4, 2013

All and all this issue is probably the most "boring" out of the four. If you can call a bear having tentacles, travelling through different dimensions, and mullets boring, but yeah I think it was a change of pace. For only having four issues out, I think audiences can really settle into Ehmm Theory now. The expectations are high for these guys to always deliver punch, so if they can keep that up the reader will be ready.

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Ehmm Theory: Everything and Small Doses #1

Aug 21, 2014

If it isn't obvious, Ehmm Theory needs to be picked up the day it comes out. You don't want to miss this new round coming out from Action Lab's Danger Zone.

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Ehmm Theory: Everything and Small Doses #2

Dec 3, 2014

Clearly this comic is on the right track, because I have yet to hear of someone disliking this comic. It says a lot about this creative team and what they bring to the table. For me, I think they bring what the fans what, some violence, some crudeness, some action, but mostly a progressive plot with fun characters.

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Ehmm Theory: Everything and Small Doses #4

Feb 11, 2015

There just isn't enough good stuff I could say about this series. If you love shit shows and even know a thing or two about shit shows, then pick up Ehmm Theory. It's got enough good shit to help all of our colons.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #9

Mar 21, 2013

The story really isn't developing. I don't even understand Mazutsu. Sure he wants all these girls dead and he is an arms dealer, reason enough to kill him, but the comic never shows us why he wants these girls dead or his dealings. I would prefer more of a back story since I am suppose to hate this man, but at the moment I can see why he wants to kill the assassins. The story just isn't a story for me. It is a comic of half-naked woman poorly defending their womanhood. And every fight scene is like watching a bad lesbian porno (and this should NOT turn you on).

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #12

Mar 20, 2013

This comic directly speaks to its readers. It is a hilarious look into the fanboy life style and how fanboys would react to a zombie attack, with humor. I am always looking out for nerd culture posted in the background the comic too. It is great how they put so much detail into one panel. Please read this comic, for the simple fact that is funny. I don’t know how the story will develop into a long series though. The story line somehow just keeps flowing. Either way I haven’t started skimming through this comic so reason enough to stay hooked in my mind.

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #13

Apr 18, 2013

I don’t know how I feel about the whole going into space bit too but I will roll with it for now. It seems too overkill in order to experience the whole fanboy part of it. Like I have said before this comic isn’t ground breaking but I enjoy the read. It is my one cheat where I don’t have to remember every detail of the past in order to understand the gist: zombies get heads ripped off by a group of geeks. Perfection.

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #14

May 15, 2013

Towards the end the ship thinks that they have found the cure and start to celebrate. Well, clearly testing Arthur’s first antidote isn’t going to go as smoothly as they hope. We don’t know what when wrong but suddenly Neil is going crazy. Also, last issue Burger got bit and although nothing developed with him, he will certainly have a major role in upcoming issues. So whether it is the alcohol content of my drink or my crazy humor, grab yourself some drink too and keep reading this comic.

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #15

Jun 19, 2013

Again, this comic cracks me up and yet I still get so into it. The best part are the little things like this whole issue Jenna, Rob, and Brendan are all in their underwear. It makes it awkward but yet no one comments on it. The simple things are the ones I love. That is why I love this comic.

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #17

Aug 29, 2013

No big reveal or surprises. The ending isn't even cheesy or cute. It is just stupid. I get it; I just don't like it. I miss the old Fanboys; the Wrecking Crew. I miss what they brought to the table with their quick jokes and changing attitudes. They were fun to read. Bring a crew like that back.

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #19

Oct 24, 2013

I love this take on zombies, because at least for now, we are focusing on people trying to survive; not a group trying to find the cure for it all. I am sure this comic will get into all of that, since it already has, but I appreciate the break from the same old zombie story. Sometimes, I feel like my reviews mean nothing" ha, but today I felt like I was heard when the Wrecking Crew made its comeback. I almost stopped reading this comic! Now, I am back in love and hope to never recycle the previous issues.

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #20

Nov 27, 2013

Jerry and Shane notice their story coming to life at their very own convention, and run for their lives from the zombies they help create. The story ends with a recap of what happens to Jerry and Shane. All in all, it was pretty shitty that the comic had to end, but I think Shane did a good job of writing it out. I will miss Jerry Gaylord's fun art and hope to see him in some other stuff soon. Thanks guys.

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Fatale #13

Mar 27, 2013

This series keeps you questioning everything it is about so I highly suggest reading all the issues. Although you could probably start from issue 12, it is worth every penny to see how Josephine and all the other girls stories (or same girls story) unfold.

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Fatale #14

May 15, 2013

This is how the two, Walt and Joe, meet up. The comic ends with a pretty sweet battle scene between the Nazi’s, Joe, and Walt. Since Joe has the power to make men fall in love with her, Walt is taken back by her. I absolutely love how this comic ends. The last line, told by our narrator, shows the struggles that Joe faces and her need to fill her life with companions. Fatale keeps reeling me in with every new piece of information…and I can’t say that I fighting the line.

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Fatale #15

Jun 26, 2013

Ya know, I am starting to feel bad for these guys. The comic actually hasn’t shown what happens when Jo leaves these men. I am guessing that they die to protect her. Who knows but pretty soon the comic is going to have to show what happens to these dudes and it will probably be the most revealing thing yet.

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Fatale #16

Aug 7, 2013

The last couple of stories all follow Lance's roommates. Skip, Jon, and Tom all have an obsession with Jo. They are trying to hide it for Lance. Their stories are all different, so it wasn't boring to read. I have no idea where this issue will go but most of the times these stories end with a lot of blood. So I am guessing some people will die. It isn't too hard to guess. What is harder is why Jo has turned evil in my mind. I think it is because she is fucking up a group of friends for what gain. The comic makes it looked like she is doing it in order to get the band back, but how many issues am I going to justify her before I realize that she is trouble.

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Fatale #17

Sep 25, 2013

Hands down, I would have to say that Fatale is my favorite comic out right now. It showcases everything I love about mystery reading. If this were a movie I would say that Jo was casted on point in every aspect, but to think that she is just a character from a comic is an even greater compliment to how well-built she is. This issue proves my point exactly, and I love when a comic can build up to the hype I give it.

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Fatale #18

Nov 6, 2013

This comic is just brilliant. Each new issue has something to offer. The comic perfectly balances out the mystery, sex, lust, and action. As a reader, you just can't seem to get enough of Jo and all her glory. She is disturbing with all her femme fatale happening, but so tantalizing you can't help but feel like one of the characters being drawn into her ever will. The next issue should really hit home once Jo realizes all she can do. The comic shows a small glimpse of a huge reveal as well. It will change the game and will be interesting how the comic plays this out. It could go in so many directions, let me know if you catch it.

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Fatale #19

Jan 8, 2014

The whole 90s era really ends with a bang, so make sure to finish out this story line. I have said it before, but it really has been my favorite. In the next couple of issues, I am hoping the story looks into more of the cult aspect of Jo. Since her amnesia, we haven't seen so much of the religious side of the comic. I have to say this part scares but intrigues me the most. And obviously I am hoping to find more out about her, but I will not get my hopes up.

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Fatale #20

Feb 12, 2014

Last time we saw Nicolas, he discovered that this crazy old man he was with is actually Lance from our past story. Lance seems anything but normal, but then again he has met Jo. Along with Jo, some of these guys' stories are touching, and you can't help but feel bad for these misfortunes. Lance is one of those guys. Although he is crazy now, he wasn't before. He stumbled upon Jo when she had no idea who she was. He fell hard and neither of them understood his unconditional love for her. I just hope that since Nicolas will now be our main guy in Jo's life, he can stay sane and fingers crossed that he can stay alive.

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Fatale #21

Mar 26, 2014

Fatale is such a good comic. I would hate for anyone to miss out on any issue, but this one really is good about answering some of our questions. It is leading up to something epic.

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Fatale #22

May 7, 2014

As the end is coming near, I am exciting to see how this epic tale ends. Although I don't think Fatale will ever really end. There is still much to be done. But even if we get another story or not, I still think Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips have put together what I like to call my favorite freakin' comic. The narrative has taken the readers to lots of places and back again. Jo just has that control over everyone. With only two issues left, everything will put on the line for this final battle. Honestly, I don't even know who will win. Maybe somehow Bishop and Jo will die, but maybe for Jo that will be a win. Who knows. All I know is that I am going to be there bright eyed and ready to take in whatever Brubaker and Phillips throw at us.

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Fatale #23

Jun 18, 2014

I don't have to tell you that Brubaker and Phillips have a great thing going. Once it is over, I may shed a tear but man it has been an awesome series. The story captivated me in every way. Jo is one girl who knows how to capture an audience. Whatever happened I'm sure that anything will be spectacular, and I'm sure will always be a femme fatale to many.

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Fatale #24

Jul 30, 2014

Brubaker and Phillips took on such a deep story and with new material coming out from them, I think they will have nothing but success after this comic has ended. Fatale has been the most alluring comic in line up, so it will be missed and will never really end in thoughts.

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Feathers #3

Mar 4, 2015

Feathers is a delight to read for all ages. I couldn't be more excited to see where this action filled mini-series is taking us next. Hopefully to the City because we haven't seen much of how this side of town works or to the Guide since we don't much about him either or we could even dive into our new mysterious character. So many places to go and I couldn't think of any better lead to go with than Poe!

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Feathers #4

Apr 1, 2015

Everything about this comic just fits. All the elements put together make this on my best reads each month. BOOM! knows how to pick a good story and stick to it. So I look forward to having some more fun in Feathers and with newcomers at BOOM!

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Feathers #5

May 6, 2015

It seems like every character is having to push themselves beyond their limit. Corona makes each one of his characters choose the right path on his/her own. From Bianca to Poe's father, they all have to choose. I can't wait to see what each one does and if it all works out for them. I looked forward to the conclusion of Feathers next month and know that we will finally get to the end of this maze.

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Feathers #6

Jun 3, 2015

I really don't have any complaints about this comic. It has a great story with great art and rounds out a dramatic plot that anyone could fall in love with.

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Fever Ridge #3

May 8, 2013

Our writer, Mike Heimos, and artist, Nick Runge, bring a truthful insight into the Pacific war. When we think of World War II we tend to think about Germany and the movies surrounding this area or you think of Ben Affleck marrying his best friend’s knocked-up girlfriend. Either way we don’t jump on the difficulties of these soldiers in a new area fighting far from home and the main war zone. All and all I am not disappointed that I gave this comic a shot but I don’t think I will be going back to the miniseries. It was all just too drawn out.

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Gamma (One Shot) #1

Jul 24, 2013

Gamma was a cute story with some funny dialog. It kept me happy till the end. I know these one-shots always turn into other one-shots, so I hope this ends up being the case here. The story is lighthearted and it could only get better with another issue. All the references to old-time action television will sure bring in a crowd of fans for the comic. I look at it as a shout out to the shows that made us obsessed with heroes. Dusty still has more to tell so come on and tell us.

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Gate-Way #1

Jan 15, 2014

IDW has a real winner for me this week. I couldn't get enough of this first issue, and really just wanted to keep reading it. The comic just felt elevated from any first issue I have read recently. My only negative point hits with explaining a lot of detail right away. The story is just an explanation piece of Hopetown. The creators did a good job of covering this up by having the whole Councilman Mason introduction be incorporated into the comic itself. During an explanation issue, the talking seems so forced. With Gateway, the talking is all part of Jake's initiation into his new life…or death.

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Gate-Way #2

Feb 5, 2014

All in all, I was disappointed with how Gateway entered into their second issue. I think the issue was a transition issue to get Jake from one place to another, but come on dudes. We shouldn't be seeing this right now. But like me, don't give up just yet. Gateway will probably bring in some interesting discoveries with issue three. Jake has got a lot of ground to cover.

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Gate-Way #3

Mar 5, 2014

Gateway is just getting off to a rough start. Clearly, I sort of feel bad for all the missteps in the plot. I would love some fillers within it. Like what is going on in Hopetown? Maybe we could follow Jessica around too. Also, we could follow Mason and see what the deal is with his plans. It would be nice to intertwine these characters that we get to know. And even if we keep up with Freedom Town, then what was the point to get introduced to the Hopetown? It all just doesn't make sense. I can't give up on the series quite yet. I will give it some time to get its shit together but after about issue five, I may have to give Gateway a rest.

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Gate-Way #4

Apr 2, 2014

Overall, I want this comic to explain some questions that are building up into one cluster fuck of confusion. I think I could enjoy the story more and could let go of some things that aren't going well. Jake has that chip on his shoulder that I love about male leads. The ending of this issue gave me some better hope that things will soon even out for the comic, but I don't want to hold my breath knowing how all the new characters are somehow forgotten about.

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George Perez's Sirens #1

Sep 17, 2014

The only downfall of this comic was the intense information shoved at the readers. I would suggest reading up on the story before diving in because it has tons of layers that you don't get just from the comic. I would have loved more time spent on the layers of plot and the understanding of the future. The comic quickly became very wordy, so I think the first issue could have been broken into two and each issue could have introduced some better points on where this universe is. Otherwise, Perez and BOOM! have given us a new comic to rave about. The females are awesome, and the story is going to take us everywhere under the sun. So get some Sirens in your life and get ready for some intensity.

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Ghost #4

Mar 13, 2013

I say start the series right on this issue and continue with the story; otherwise it seems like a lot of filler issues just leading up to one battle. The last issue pretty much covers all you need to know anyway. I’ll have to go back and read some old Ghost to see why people think she is so hot, because this series hasn’t done her full justice.

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Grimm Fairy Tales #85

May 29, 2013

After Sela puts her team together they find Samira’s hideout that the Being gave to her as a gift. It is an all out battle between them and Samira’s vampires. Like I said before it is a sweet battle and shows how well the team works together. Not to say that some of them may be crazy or leave the group when the going gets tough. The team so far seems pretty cool and I like where the comic is headed. Looks likes there are many battles to come.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Unleashed #1

Apr 24, 2013

The Being has strong potential to be a great bad guy. For me most times the story works when the villain scares us. If the fear is real the story is better. I saw some sparks of magic in him, so I will keep reading this series to find if he lives up my expectations. If not I will take more Sela in her Clark Kent glasses and will still be satisfied.

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Grumpy Cat #1

Oct 7, 2015

All in all, I think kids will appreciate some stories from the comic, while others don't seem aimed towards kids. I would think that most people picking up this comic will buy it for their children and may sneak in a story or two. So just skip ahead to the Paws story and have some laughs or moans with Grumpy Cat.

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Headspace #1

Mar 5, 2014

What I love about this comic so far is the layering of stories. We follow Max, clearly the more interesting of the two because hello he is inside someone's mind. And then we jump to Max's story which will give us all the answers of how Max came to be. Shane's world is very sci-fi with the creatures, flying vehicles, and overall atmosphere of it all. The comic intertwines lots of styles brilliantly with the serial killer genre. Ryan K. Lindsay writes the perfect first issue capturing the reader's attention with the first pages. Our art from Eric Zawadzki brings it all together. The way he switches from sci-fi to more magical realism in Max's story shows how versatile the comic is already. I really just can't wait for issue #2 to come out and may have to drunk text it this weekend.

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Headspace #2

Apr 9, 2014

Headspace gave us exactly what we wanted from #2. I thought I gave too much praise to #1, but after the reading, I can't wait to see where we go again with #3. Our plot moves smoothly with Shane, the art pops with its deep colors, and the story takes you on a journey through the mind. My head is telling me we'll be exploring Shane's mind more than our actual host though!

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Headspace #3

Jun 11, 2014

The comic, page-wise, is short, but it is packed with a lot of value. The plot is truly getting more and more complicated, but at least questions are being half answered. Headspace is a lot to take in, and I think as more issues come out, the complexity will grow as well. So if you don't mind getting tossed in the ring and knocked around a few times, then by all means jump into this comic. You will not regret it. My only hope is that after a few matches, my Rocky will come out and I won't feel so defeated.

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Headspace #4

Sep 3, 2014

Any comic that makes you question the next issue is always at the top of my list. Headspace does exactly that. It sets up this world only to make question everything in it. So between Max's mind, Shane's mind, and my mind, Headspace have given me plenty to think about.

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Headspace #5

Dec 13, 2014

This is where the problem lies; no one can find him. Again, we go back and forth with the story, but by far I find Crane's story the most interesting. Sometimes I wish we would inside of his head. I am sure you can guys what memory Crane stumbles upon, and without a doubt will spark some emotion in the readers. It is about time that Crane finds Max.

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Headspace #6

Feb 11, 2015

Seeing all these elements intertwine makes for a great story. Headspace is a very unique read that Lindsay brings all together with the clever writing style.

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Headspace #7

Mar 11, 2015

All in all, it is kind of hard to say something negative about Headspace when I really have been hooked from beginning to now. Headspace#7 has really come to a tipping point. It is in my favorite part of any narrative, the falling action. Now it is time to watch Shane fall but it will be oh so sweet when he gets back up. I still can't believe how much story is packed into one issue. With comics being so expensive and really not getting your money's worth, it is easy to say that Headspace is worth the 99 cents.

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Headspace #8

Apr 1, 2015

This is one of those comics you just want to read over and over again. The story is so complex but the goal is simple. Shane is that angel on your shoulder telling you do what is right. Shit he is probably better than that guy even. That is where the real power of this comic comes into full view. Shane is your rock and although at moments he takes you some dark times, he lifts you back up. I always found myself on an emotional ride with Shane and Shane's son. You couldn't help get connect to these two. Headspace #8 just exemplifies all of these great qualities about the comic. Readers will love this story and how it all comes together. We have loved it from the beginning, but the end makes it all that much better.

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Hero Cats of Stellar City #1

Aug 27, 2014

Hero Cats is exactly the comic you need to wind down for the day. It is cute and calming and will bring in all types of fans. And don't forget to read the additional story called "Dawn of a Hero." It explains more of just who really are the owners of Cassiopeia. You don't want to miss the building of our latest superhero town; Stellar City. So buckle down and get on board with these cats and a few humans that save the day too!

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Hero Cats of Stellar City #2

Oct 22, 2014

This comic has done everything right so far. It has given us background and then exploded into action with #2. The layers of characters keeps readers engaged and also allows them to pick a favorite to follow. The only thing that is a little strange is the overlapping of Galaxy Man's story. Unless you have read Galaxy Man then you don't understand his importance in the comic. So maybe a little more background of him is needed or Action Lab could just publish Galaxy Man as well.

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Hero Cats of Stellar City #3

Dec 10, 2014

With the all action in this issue, you would think the story is only of the training, but actually we get a lot more than that. We get a heartwarming story about loss. I don't want to give away too much, but Cassie, although being tough, wins over Ace with her compassion. All readers can enjoy a cute story like this. What better thing to give than a comic to a kid for X-mas? Nothing!

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Hero Cats of Stellar City #4

Mar 4, 2015

So keep this up my Hero Cats team because kids are eating this right up. No doubt that this comic is suited for cat lovers and for kids. It has a lot to offer, but mostly the comic is just a hell of a good time to read.

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Hero Cats of Stellar City #5

Apr 15, 2015

So overall, the issue had some high spots and low spots, still you should pick this up just for the pure fact that this is the first real crossover with Cassie's family. Otherwise, I think Hero Cats should find an ultimate villain or add some plot development to give it a clear direction.

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Hero Cats of Stellar City #6

Jun 10, 2015

The action isn't too intense with Hero Cats. This is another issue where there is a beginning and an end. I cannot wait for the story to continue with an ongoing storyline. This comic has everything I love, so it is time to give it some thicker plot and amp up these cats. Puttkammer promises me that there will be an interesting character entering into Hero Cats soon, so I hope we can get to this new introduction. I am so excited for this to grow because it is just a great kid's comic with tons of personality. Plus, I wanna see this get so big that some merchandise of our favorite cats can hit the shelves.

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Hero Cats of Stellar City #7

Aug 12, 2015

All in all, if you have been jumping around on Hero Cats, or haven't tried it all, this is a great jumping off point. We get about a page of background to get you up to date, but who I am kidding? If you love cats, it doesn't matter about background so much as it does just awesome cats doing awesome things. Did I mention lasers are involved too? Williams and Sellers put an all-out battle scene in this issue, so you get a little flavor of how cool the ultimate showdown will be. Honestly, the action is so cool, you will think that it is a final showdown. On top of lasers, there are cats, cats with rockets, feathers, flames, and a whole lotta other things to get you pumped. Plus, with a team of cats, you jump from action to convos to action again. The pace is fast and the reading is addictive. Just pick up this issue of Hero Cats already and watch your feline instincts come alive!

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I Was The Cat #1

Jun 11, 2014

What a great story that Paul Tobin brings. Oni Press has impressed me with this epic cat tale. Not only is it creative but it is highly entertaining. And Benjamin Dewey's art is perfect for the story. If you haven't seen pictures of the comic, you may think that the comic is cartoony since there is a talking cat and all, but instead the comic is realistic. Burma looks a real cat. Giving it this real time feel allows for us to actually believe in this story. I really couldn't get enough of the comic. Burma is tantalizing with his motives. The audience will wonder what is coming next and who Burma influenced with each story. Get yourself a copy of this comic. Do it not only for cat fans everywhere, but for the pure domination this story has.

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Intersect #1

Nov 19, 2014

Intersect is like nothing out there. If you are looking for something different that will take you to a world you haven't seen, I think Image has your answer. Fawkes has a lot in store for this story, so jump on this comic for pure fascination.

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Intersect #2

Dec 17, 2014

Anyway, Alison and Jason seem to be in a lot of trouble or just maybe be associated with the kid is what is getting them in trouble. Either way having to run from the cops as well as transforming on the path can't be a good thing. I am so interested to see what happens that it makes it hard to just stop reading the issue. It doesn't come to an end, but just a stop. Like they reached their page limit and had to stop. I love it and hate it all at once. Intersect has kept me for another issue with ease, pick an issue to see if it has the same psychological effect.

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Intersect #4

Feb 25, 2015

I think Intersect has a lot to offer. It is a complex story with real emotions. So me giving Intersect a 2 isn't a bad thing. I would just love for the comic to grow. I would love for the story become more and more clear as we go on. So my 2 is me giving this comic time. I want to see it improve, so don't be discouraged by that. If you like to analyze text, if you like truly usual stories, and if you love admiring good art, Intersect is definitely a comic that will fit your personality.

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Intersect #5

Mar 25, 2015

Intersect really has something to give their audience. I don't think readers will pleased at all moments, but a story can be better when the reader at certain moments wants to throw your comic against a wall. So Ray Fawkes, keep it up, because I continue to pick it up.

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Jack Hammer #1

Nov 6, 2013

There are lots of holes in this first issue, literal and figurative. The way we get introduced to so many new ideas is a bit odd. Usually, we have some sort of basic understanding of where we are heading. I found it interesting but at the same time annoying. It was a lot to throw out at a reader at once. I wanted something to hold on to. For me, I always grab onto a character instantly, even if it changes all the time. I didn't have that immediate reaction with anyone. The scenes jump around a lot. Once I understand all the plot roles, I think this will benefit the comic because it isn't exactly action packed. The different characters are what will keep you reading once we have established their roles as well. So hopefully the downfall of this first issue will be the strong pull for the rest of the issues.

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Jack Hammer #2

Feb 26, 2014

As you can see the comic has a lot of questions, but honestly the most interesting question I want to ask is Jack's story. This guy most likely has the most difficult story of all to tell. You don't get any insight into his past, so maybe we will never know. I hope that isn't the case. The only thing we know is that Jack was a superhero and now he isn't. He also has tons of connections which could come from him being a private investigator, but I think there is more to the story. As for now, I am totally on board with this comic. Action Lab has done it again and brought out an awesome series.

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Jack Hammer #3

Apr 23, 2014

What I especially love about this comic is the art provided by Ionic. I love all of the rough edges given to the people. It makes each character look like he has a chip on his shoulder. The vibe it sets up is perfect for the story. So there were definite ups and downs in this issue. I think the overall attitude was too wordy, but still had some good plot development. I would love to dive into more of the superhuman stuff. It seems that Jack has a connection with these people and may have even been one himself. Hopefully we can get some more of that plot development and let the action take some of the long drawn out speaking roles.

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Jack Hammer #4

Jul 2, 2014

I don't know if I will return to Jack Hammer unless something drastic happens. I read so many detective dramas that have an "it" factor that brings in something new, but Jack Hammer isn't cutting it for me.

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Judge Dredd #6

Apr 17, 2013

I really enjoy the cover for this issue though. I can’t praise these artists enough. I love the close-up of Dredd and blood spraying past his face. It shows what Judging is all about. Maybe I am exhausted from watching my cats nap all day but this comic was just average.

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Judge Dredd #8

Jun 26, 2013

Dredd must now go beyond Mega-City One into what I assuming will be limbo. This land also holds no law. So what will a Judge do in land where he can’t judge? I have no idea but I am stoked to see how this plays out. We don’t really know if Anderson will be in his head either. I wish she was going with him, because these two make the story tens time better but oh well. It is an interesting concept too because what really is the law? Law is made by man and man is flawed, so laws are flawed. Dredd must now take on the role of a human making human judgement. There is no law for him to abide, so he can’t say his rulings are from a judge. Yeah this is going to be good.

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Judge Dredd #9

Jul 24, 2013

The issue read well and like I said I enjoy seeing Dredd in new elements. He has a lot to offer even if he is one of the most static characters I have ever read. The ending leads me to believe that Dredd has been to limbo before and somehow doesn't remember it. I kind of hope that the comic flashes to the City next issue though. I feel like the audience may forget what is going on and also I am just wondering how everything is going. Hopefully he and Anderson will gain communication soon to add another layer to the mix. Although the limbo characters add enough.

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Judge Dredd #10

Aug 21, 2013

Last review, I mentioned that Dredd may be wandering between different groups out in limbo and I think my prediction has come true with how this issue ends. Looks like he is going to be in limbo for a while. I do wish the story would mention every once in a while why he is in limbo, because his purpose is fading and that is so unlike Dredd; to not stay focused. Next week's cover features Judge Anderson though, so they should be bringing back the true purpose and hopefully her character. I have missed their interactions. Although I do enjoy this new partnership with Dannn. He is funny which offers something different in the Dredd world. All together I would pass over this issue because I don't think anything that happened relates to what is about to happen. It is tough to have that horizontal flow in the entire comic.

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Judge Dredd: Classics #1

Jul 10, 2013

I have never heard of such an outbreak happen over a delicious treat but I wouldn't put it above us. We love our sweets. A lot happened in this issue and I was excited to keep reading on. This is only the first part so the conclusion will have to wait. I will be waiting though. The action is intense and worth the reread or for first timers like me. I suggest grabbing some Menchie's and sitting down on a hot summer day to read this. That is what I did and I didn't throw my treat on some hag.

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Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood #3

Apr 24, 2013

I love how raw the pictures are in this comic. It draws me into the play and I can’t stop thinking I should drink poison or stab myself with a dagger in order to fit in. I can’t wait for the big fight scene. I love Shakespeare and I am wondering why it took me so long to pick up this comic. So don’t miss out on this newest installment.

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Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood #4

May 29, 2013

I love this comic and how it asks question that I think Shakespeare would be proud of. It s a good story filled with life’s questions. It makes me think and talk about it with friends. That is the purpose to reading for me. This comic is perfect for Shakespeare fans or English lovers. I should really start to read the other series of Kill Shakespeare.

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Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood #5

Aug 28, 2013

I am interested to see where the next Kill Shakespeare takes us. The comic sort of alludes to the fact that they may bring in a new villain. Then when I reread the last couple of pages I think Miranda was referring to herself. With them already playing out Richard, Lady Macbeth, and Prospero it is hard to say who they could bring in that would be bigger than these three names. Maybe Caesar or Brutus? My vote is still for Lady Macbeth. Bring her back! Bring her back! She should just be the over laying villain at all times. I think she may have been Shakespeare's most villainous character. I still get chills thinking about when she sees the blood on her hands. Oh man.

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Lazarus #2

Jul 24, 2013

Ok after a maybe confusing review, Lazarus is starting to show that it is one of those comics you have to read now or you will never read it. You can't just jump into the middle. So I would say pick this one up to see if you enjoy the intro. I think you will find that you have mixed feelings like I do.

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Lazarus #3

Aug 28, 2013

I don't love this comic. It is far from being fully entertaining but still draws on some of my attention. I couldn't put a finger on it, but I think it has to do with the family drama aspect. It doesn't seem authentic. Also, Forever just isn't relatable to the normal audience. I have no connection with her. I get it; she is different and wants to break out. It is a huge selling point when done the right way. She hasn't even done anything yet to defy her family. So I am confused as to why she thinks she is so different, and why Jonah seems to think she is the problem as well. They keep prolonging the big hook for this comic while they should be speeding it up to keep an interest.

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Lazarus #4

Oct 2, 2013

So unless you are trying to learn some action techniques from comics, I would skip out here. The plot runs so thin that all you crave is some whole milk. I hope they can pick this series up soon or else I think more and more readers will drop to find another family drama comic to read.

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Logans Run- Rebirth #1

Jun 5, 2013

The issue was great introduction about the comic. It read like a prologue, which I thought was needed when dealing with sci-fi. This comic manages to dumb it down but still give an entertaining story. Like I said the ending jumps into the future and no doubt gets me thinking about what is going to happen.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #1

Mar 12, 2014

Overall, it was refreshing remake comic that I dug. You can never go wrong with diving head first into the futuristic world. I would hope that the comic deals with some of these social issues while following Magnus.

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Material #1

May 27, 2015

All in all, I feel like the comic had some good moments with the young boy especially. At other times, I felt rushed through the story just because it wasn't my cup of tea. With only issue out and me having some doubts with the main characters makes me nervous that I may just want to skip it all together, but Material is definitely a different read for me this week. So if you like different and if you like layers then go for it.

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Mind the Gap #8

Mar 14, 2013

There are so many characters involved in this series but at the beginning of each issue we get a quick recap and character profile page. It helps if you have to start reading this comic from any issue. This story is fucked up, in an amazingly awesome way; I can’t wait for you to get hooked too. It is a murder mystery at its finest, mixed with supernatural powers and evil plotting from all sides. Like the issue reminds us at each beginning, “Everyone is a suspect. No one is innocent.”

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Mind the Gap #9

Apr 3, 2013

I think I am just so mad because I built this comic up to be awesome and now the issue after my first review is one of the worst issues I have ever read. Look, there is no doubt Mind the Gap will pick up next issue. It is just a wasted month because this is one of my favorite comics. I will just have to wait until next month to enjoy this awesome story again.

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Mind the Gap #10

May 29, 2013

Elle gets interrupted right when Crenshaw is going to say who her mother works for by more comatose patients wanting Elle to enter their body and say good bye to their loved ones. They come out of nowhere so I don’t know if they are trying to help Crenshaw or if Elle has some mental issues. There is still lots going on and I hope I don’t have to wait as long to see the next issue come out.

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Mind the Gap #11

Jun 19, 2013

We don’t get much more information on the whole Jairus thing, but it is clear that Junior is working both sides in order to find out. Like I said, I still have no idea what this comic is about. It is a ride that I am willing to guess at every turn. Mind the Gap is a fun comic and it is one of those comics I read right away and then flip back through to see if I missed anything.

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Mind the Gap #12

Aug 14, 2013

Mind the Gap grabs you right away in this issue and we get a reveal of some major players coming along in this game. It takes you on this conspiracy ride and the person sitting next to you holds flowers in one hand and knife in the other. The brakes are broken so just sit back and enjoy watching it unfold.

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Mind the Gap #13

Aug 28, 2013

Why I am so intrigued by this comic revolves around all the different characters involved. Having this flashback, which I hope continues, just adds more layers onto an aggressively interesting story. We get to see inside each character's actions. It allows for us to get to know these people and find their motives. At the same time I think the writers of this story are only building up some of these characters in order to rip them away from us. This gives the reader a chance to ask themselves why they like and who they like. If I were you I would maybe keep a distance from trusting anyone"even yourself.

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Mind the Gap #14

Sep 18, 2013

Maybe, I just really dig this chick, but I still think Dr. Geller is the only trustworthy person. While I trust Jo too, I think Dr. Geller will play a more pivotal role in getting Elle back. I just love all the mystery behind it. For a while I thought Mind the Gap was hitting some sort of dead-end, but here I am as a crazed fan once again. I wait till the day when I get issue #15 and so on. The comic is hitting some good strides and can't slow down while they are on top.

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Mind the Gap #15

Oct 2, 2013

This comic always delivers right at the end of every issue. It has become hard for me not to skip to the last page, because they usually leave us in wonder. Here was no exception. Like I said, Mind the Gap brings in a huge game changer that takes the flow of the comic into a different turn. Mind the Gap so gracefully gives the reader whiplash with how fast it brakes and switches gears. The sad thing about this issue is that we learn the comic is taking a break until December. Till then I will be waiting.

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Mind the Gap #16

Dec 18, 2013

What I love about this comic is how the story is so complex. You really can't guess about anything. The characters are complex as well, and the plot is like nothing I have ever read. I mean who thought you could make a whole comic about coma patients? I do wonder where the other coma patients will go though. Elle had some good friends in there that couldn't just disappear from the story…right? See it is all twists and turns.

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Mind the Gap #17

May 21, 2014

Mind the Gap came back in a big way for me. Some comics can take these breaks while I forget all about them. Well I haven't forgotten about this comic, and once you get hooked on this story, you will not forget as well.

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Miniature Jesus #2

May 23, 2013

The progression is slow but, I think my randomness has paid off. A lot didn’t need to take place because I wasn’t bored with what was happening. For me, a lot of times I want a faster pace because I am bored with the current situation. Not here. Also, Chomsky is such an easy character to relate to because we are all a little crazy and self doubting. We talk to things that aren’t real too. Chomsky is struggling like any other human and God’s Second Coming or a rotting cat will no doubt help him to find his way.

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Miniature Jesus #3

Jun 20, 2013

So my final opinion is mixed but I think I am too caught up with this weird story to just stop reading it. I suggest you check it out and if you don’t like it I will not blame you, but if you want to discuss what the heck is going on, that I can do too.

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Miniature Jesus #4

Aug 7, 2013

Finally, in this issue, all the creatures, because I don't know what the hell to call them, met up. Jesus and Chomsky's relationship is hilarious even though Jesus doesn't say a word. When you can play charades with Jesus it sounds like a fun day to me. The characters bounce off of each nicely considering they are all different; humans, cats, ghost, savor. I can still say I am interested to see where this comic goes. It has some very weird tones but the entertainment is there.

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Miniature Jesus #5

Oct 10, 2013

Clearly, his comic has a lot to say. I think that is why I feel so happily lost at times. We all go through troubling times with faith. Whether it is in god or anything really. It is the two roads diverged in a yellow wood all over again. We must sacrifice something we think is important in order to get results.

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Minimum Wage #1

Jan 8, 2014

Rob finally gives up on clubs in order to pursue online dating. It was quite odd having the comic shift from so much dialogue between friends to Rob's thoughts. It was probably my favorite part though. Rob thinks like all the rest of us, and his inside comments about all the girls he has these one-time dates with brings in that right touch of humor. I will definitely keep my options open with Minimum Wage while I wasn't blown away; it was hard to stop reading it once I started.

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Mister X: Hard Candy One-Shot #1

Mar 27, 2013

I hope Motter does more of these one shots because it is a nice take on detective stories without having to following every episode. It wasn’t the best detective story I have seen, but I like when things make me feel like I am still reading the original comic. Mister X narrates us through the piece which gives me that old time feeling. He is discovering the kidnapping right along with us. Of course it offers us some twist and turns, especially involving Madame Friedkin’s lover boy. Plus, who doesn’t love a bald man in a cool pair of shades.

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Monster Motors One Shot #1

Jul 23, 2014

Monster Motors is that comic that kids will love. The story is a simple read and the action is packed. I also think it so cool to take these old school monsters and reuse them in a different way. Maybe a kid would even open up Frankenstein by Shelley just to see how scary these guys can get. And don't think girls can't get into this comic too, because April comes along as Vic's sidekick and I have a feeling we will be seeing more of these two creating some crazy monsters.

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Nailbiter #2

Jun 4, 2014

Joshua Williamson has created an awesome story for Image. For those who enjoy anything about serial killers can jump right on and love it, and those who think the serial killer role is overdone then I would maybe pass on the series or at least give one issue a try. It may surprise you how much this story has to say.

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Nailbiter #3

Jul 2, 2014

What does come about is a much larger story than I expected. Joshua Williamson gave us one thing with #1 and #2 with his story. Now I find myself intrigued with a more complex serial killer story. What is it about this town that is creating these monsters? As Finch and Crane come closer in the morgue to finding out who their mystery person was that got killed, someone is stalking them. The way these pages are laid out for the reader is terrifying. I literally was on edge with each panel. Williamson has given us a town of killers and the "who done it" aspect is greater than I thought. I can't tell if there is a whole ring of crazy people running around, if it is just one man who has come back from the dead, or if the town is somehow protecting itself from intruders of its secrets. That is why the mystery behind this comic is so much to play around with. It is really a blast to read this comic and it has given new light to the killer story.

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Nailbiter #4

Aug 6, 2014

This has been my favorite issue of the series, and I don't exactly know why. I think the story just played out well while being in the graveyard. As more answers are unfolding, it is clear that new ones are popping up with each ending of Nailbiter. Although Finch's discovering is disturbing, I think Warren's is more of a mystery. Plus to see how it all ties in with solving Buckaroo Butchers will be a task, but one that will no doubt entertain me.

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Nailbiter #5

Sep 3, 2014

Nailbiter is true to its name. You can't get enough of this thriller and with 16 serial killers to see in action, it is clear that this comic has some history to share. Warren will be the clear frontrunner though and no matter how hard you try, you stay hooked to the story and to Warren.

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Nailbiter #6

Oct 1, 2014

Now just because I disliked this issue doesn't mean I hate Nailbiter. You know I love it. I just wanted something more with Warren to happen. Last issue was filled with such intense action and unlikely compassion that I want more of that. Alice seems like a side character to me. Actually I probably wouldn't have given her that title, so again I don't see how Alice fits. I am willing to assume that she will have more storyline though. My biggest qualm is again with Mallory. Nailbiter is still one of my favorites. Having a missed issue with me is no big deal, I just hope we get back to Warren soon and his connection with all the other murderers.

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Nailbiter #7

Nov 5, 2014

So again, I would hold off on Nailbiter this week and wait for the awesomeness of next month. I still do love this story, so I know it will pick up. I am wondering who is behind all this mayhem. I hope that we slowly get introduced to this killer, or maybe we already have. In that case, then I have no idea who it could be. We have met a lot of people, and in the pit of my stomach I want Warren to be a good guy. It just can't be him. I guess in time we will find out.

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Nailbiter #8

Dec 5, 2014

It all just seems to be moving in the wrong direction. I want this comic to come out and prove that it can give a surprising twist with answering some questions but leaving some open ended. With these last two issues, I am starting to fade out of this series, so Nailbiter keep me hanging on!

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Nailbiter #10

Feb 4, 2015

I truly feel bad giving this comic such a poor score. I want to like it so bad, but after coming back with fresh eyes, it is hard to see what the thrill is about. I'm not even a tad curious to who is behind Carroll's death.

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Never Ending #1

Nov 27, 2013

With all the time jumping already happening, there is bound to be some twist and turns involved. I also think the lead, Charles is a very likable character. He is just down right cool first because he has powers. He knows a lot about life with living through tons of it. It also seems like he has a back story with his nation that should be interesting to read about. Being a superhero for his people for that long has got to a trying situation. So he will no doubt have light to shed on the current situation in everyday life.

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Never Ending #2

Dec 18, 2013

The comic has lots to offer. It is a different look at the typical hero we keep seeing repeating in comics. The action is all internal and then dealt with externally. Way out of left field for superheroes. This issue ended with some twists that I didn't expect. It leads me to wonder where the journey will go. As I said before, the Charles will have to find purpose but with the new predicament he is in, I wonder how that will turn out.

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Never Ending #3

Jan 29, 2014

Never Ending has the perfect combination of superhero and raw emotions. The concept is something new but don't think this timeless piece will leave you in an endless cycle. The time has nothing to do with it. Instead it is relatable to life's moments and how we count these moments.

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Oddly Normal #4

Dec 17, 2014

Otis Frampton really brings Oddly to life in Fignation but more importantly Fignation's world, creatures, and overall attitude come alive. Frampton throws us a lot of different creatures that are equally awesome. I think my favorite is the little dude that burps really loud. See Frampton not only gives you a cute story, but he throws us a lot of little humor. It makes all ages laugh. Again, another reason why kids will like this comic. It is highly entertaining while still telling having a theme. So with an awesome story, a creative world, and a little girl trying to find magic, Oddly Normal couldn't be more cool!

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Oddly Normal #5

Feb 5, 2015

Again even though this issue wasn't as fun as the lastfour, I want to emphasize how much love this series should receive. Getting kids into comics is so important for their reading and then up top of it all having a female lead that is more "normal" than a lot of girls I see in comics is impressive.

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Over The Garden Wall: Special #1

Nov 5, 2014

Like a lot of Cartoon Network shows, I am not entirely sure what this plot is about, but the journey behind it all seems worth it in the end. The journey these three embark upon in this issue, involves soldiers fighting for the Commonwealth. If you aren't with them, you are against them. So the group decides to tag along. Oh and the catch is, these soldiers ride across the plains in a giant hat. They are very odd men and again remind me of old literature, but this time think Don Quixote. The whole trip is a fiasco. I just love how this comic brought in a lot of old literature style to a newer audience. It was a fun read and shouldn't just be a special, but hopefully a regular series.

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Planet of the Apes Cataclysm #7

Mar 7, 2013

I like all the different stories going on at once and I like jumping from different scenes. This keeps from getting bored with one character that I hate or just a story that drags on. I have always been a Planet of the Apes fan and I think Boom does a good job of adapting the before images of the movie into a comic.

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Planet of the Apes Cataclysm #8

Apr 4, 2013

At the end, Prisca is still holding secret meetings about a better leadership tactic. Cadmus is in jail, so I hope she eventually takes on the role of leader. She introduces their guest speaker for the night and it is Cornelius. He has much to tell of ruins, religious groups, and the humanoids he meant. Oh man this is getting good! It got me all ape crazy for more. I love the comics that make you feel like a little kid spending your tooth fairy money on a new comic or toy; best feeling ever. I can’t wait till the next issue and hope this series keeps up with my obsession.

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Planet of the Apes Cataclysm #9

May 2, 2013

I never read a comic with so many layers. The story truly offers an inside look of chaos. No matter the species the story is still showing emotion at its highest level. Like I suggested, take notes though because waiting a month for the comic really makes you forget some of the characters and their past moments.

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Planet of the Apes Cataclysm #11

Jul 12, 2013

Probably the biggest reveal yet happens in this issue, and there have already been some big reveals. I was happy to see it though because 1. I hate this guy, so I hope he is bad and 2. I was wondering where this plot point went and if it was just a weird phase. I would totally get this issue if you are a fan in anyway and have been lazy about reading this comic lately like me. It was worth it, and I am glad to see the comic picking up some action again.

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Power Up #1

Jul 22, 2015

Overall, I was impressed with this first issue. It was highly fun and although it may start off a little typical, the characters inside make this a totally new hero story. I can't wait to see them all get together, but more importantly I can't wait to see them in full uniform. It really gets you pumped for those superhero moments again!

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Power Up #2

Aug 19, 2015

Everything isn't coming together for this comic because it was already there to begin with. The comic is incredibly funny with the dialogue between characters. Amie, being a little clueless, gives for great conversations between her and the other established heroes. And let's not forget about Sandy who, Spoiler Alert, has a batmobile for the gang that consists of a mini-van. Then while Amie tries to discover her powers, the others are coming together to help her figure it out. The comic is just well balanced all around with its light banter. I can't wait for issue #3, and soon fans will see why Power Up is growing so quickly. It will make you fall in the love superhero groups once again, and also make you want your very own goldfish hero!

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Power Up #3

Sep 23, 2015

Power Up has certainly moved to the top of my list. It is sad to think that it is a mini-series. But nonetheless, if you need some fun in your life and need to unwind from a long day, I couldn't picture anything better than some Power Up… and maybe some popcorn.

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Princeless: Raven: The Pirate Princess #1

Jul 8, 2015

It is easy to fall in love with Princeless from the first open page. It seems that all of Princeless's side characters eventually make a name for themselves, so you should really just pick up with Raven's story a well.

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Revelations #1

Jan 3, 2014

I would give this issue a 3, because it was average. There were things that foreshadowed a copycat murder. And there were things that brought a much more riveting plot surrounding by a mysterious setting. The Vatican will always be this elusive place and perfect backdrop for some revelations. So stick with this mini-series, and I hope my doubts will soon fade with this artistic masterpiece.

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Revelations #2

Feb 5, 2014

With all that is going on it is hard to get a grasp on what is the truth. This is one of those comics that you can't trust anyone. So maybe Marcel, Lucy, or Richleau are all a part of this bigger plan. Charlie could be the root of it all. I doubt this theory has credit, but this is exactly what an untrustworthy comic does to you. I can't trust anyone! Charlie starts to interview witnesses but with these cases no one can believed. It is switched to guilty till proven innocent. He seems to get a little closer to finding the truth of the Cardinal's death, but I don't think Charlie is in anyway prepared for what he will most likely find.

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Revelations #3

Mar 12, 2014

As I said before, the Revelations took a turn to a more detective comic. Now I was still interested in the mystery parts. The addition of Lucy adds to the whole mystery of it, so she is a good behind the scenes character. Honestly though Charlie parading around trying to solve this case was lots of fun. I love his full on personality in this issue. Before, he didn't read as a true lead for the comic. A lot of the side characters like Toscianni took over the spotlight when it came down to it. Charlie took over the issue as our main man, and it is exactly what the comic needed to get a 5/5.

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Revelations #5

May 7, 2014

As I said, this issue had to be good, but damn with the beginning being so sad, I thought some hope was out there for Charlie. His personal life just keeps getting crossed with his work life. And what is up with Marcel? This guy seems to be nowhere. Shouldn't he be watching his bro's back or at least trying. For some reason, I don't trust him. Or I at least need a reason to trust him. I can't even imagine where this comic is going to take us in the finale. It will for sure be a good moment.

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Revelations #6

Jun 4, 2014

The comic's set up for this last issue is perfect. The story filters through current and past events when all is revealed. I don't think you will guess the ending either. It has that same creepy vibe it had at the beginning. Each character comes together. I will say that I was surprised with how cool the meaning of the whole book had. Maybe some will take it as a meaning. Maybe some will take it as bullshit. For me, I still like to have that hope. I can't say the same for Charlie, but faith does that to you.

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Robyn Hood (2012): Robyn Hood vs. Red Riding Hood #1

Apr 3, 2013

This comic is a quick read and a good introduction to the new Robyn comic coming out. I would get it if you were a diehard fan but otherwise just pass. Wait for Robyn to come out and see where her story goes or pick up her first series in the meantime.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #1

Aug 21, 2014

There isn't particularly a lot of action in this issue, but I thought it was a great first issue. It allowed time for background knowledge to be shown, characters to develop, and a clear good vs. evil plot to take shape. I am excited to see how these first couple of issues roll out and the dynamic of character relationships. Marian has always been my favorite, so I am hoping she can take some lead on a couple of issues. Also, I hope we dive into Robyn and Marian's personal lives a little more. There is so much to do with these characters, so it should be a fun ride.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #2

Sep 24, 2014

This issue only gets better, and with The Priest being so powerful his story in #3 will hit some intense action. Plus, we really have no idea why he wants these witches' soul. Again, this plot has started with a bang, so do yourself a favor and check this new series out.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #3

Oct 29, 2014

With only three issues out, I think Robyn Hood has already established herself as a comic threat. She owns her series well. I am excited to see what happens to her first villain The Priest and what he will lead to. As I said before, I think Robyn will deal with the small fish first and this will only lead to bigger fish for her and Marian. By unfolding the first piece so soon, it has hooked me on the comic.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #4

Nov 26, 2014

After small talk, we jump right into the night with Ivory, monsters, Red, and Robyn all battling it out. It doesn't end how I guessed, but the good news is we will see Red again! Needless to say, I want more of these events. This issue gave me everything that Robyn can be; a cool strong woman fighting for good with other cool strong women. So check out the issue and stay around for #5, it will be worth it.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #5

Dec 31, 2014

So hoping that Watts comes back soon, Robyn will definitely bounce back. And with some new character introductions, it looks like her time in New York could get way more interesting than her time in Myst. We still have a lot to explore though; Marian, their relationship, New York's villains, and so on. I look forward to seeing this all unfold and pray that Red comes back for some better cameos.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #6

Jan 28, 2015

With a new story arc coming next month, Robyn Hood is giving the readers everything we want to see. The plot is progressing so well, and Marian is fitting into the mix perfectly. I couldn't be more thrilled for this creative team. And yes I love Jaime Salangsang Jr.'s art, but seeing the new artist for the next arc got me excited too. Roberta Ingranata gives Robyn more of a Hawkeye look. It looks awesome and will fit this new story perfectly.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #7

Feb 18, 2015

Moving on to the story, Pat Shand is spending some time developing our latest villain. And I love it. It seems that Shand is getting into the flow of all his characters. The readers know who these girls are and now it is just time to show some awesome stories and let the characters develop with ease. Shand puts me at ease because he knows what his fans want and he gives it to them. I have no doubts when I read this comic and neither should you.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #8

Mar 18, 2015

I don't exactly know how to take Avella's return. Actually I sort of wish she would join Robyn and Marian. I don't know if that will happen. But I think the Cabal is bigger than Robyn is anticipating, so she may need some help from Myst or anywhere she can get it. Shand doesn't do anything small, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was an all-out war when the Cabal finally enter the picture. Either way I'll be there reading. Robyn Hood has got me hooked. Reading this comic every month makes the week that much sweeter.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #9

Apr 1, 2015

Now that the ladies are going Avella, it is time for everything to break wide open. The ending of this comic is the best. It leaves a lot to be done next issue, but mostly I think Robyn will finally come face to face with her fears. Her fears with Marian and her fears of The Cabal. And with that second half, it is looking like she will need all the help she can get.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #10

May 13, 2015

You know, I really never thought that picking up Robyn Hood for the first time would be a go to issue for me, but it has been. Time after time, the story proves to be worth the read. I look forward to seeing where next issue takes us and definitely seeing where Marian and Robyn stand.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #11

May 27, 2015

But now it is time to get down to busy. The Cabal must be dealt with. I hope Robyn can get some back up from her friends. One because I love them and two because Robyn is going to need to them. Even the wolves in this issue fear the Cabal. Something bigger is taking over and we have no idea where it is headed.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #12

Jun 24, 2015

This is just another great issue from Robyn Hood. Although we didn't progress with much with the main plot, it was so nice to see some characterization being built-in and to see a more sensitive side with Rotter.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #13

Aug 5, 2015

So now with both girls in trouble and others being involved, it is hard to see all this will all be resolved. But one thing's for sure, I will be reading to find out.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #14

Sep 9, 2015

I was definitely not disappointed with this issue. Waiting to get to The Cabal has created some great issues. Each hero is coming into their own, while The Cabal feel like they are falling apart. I don't think these guys will be an easy swing, but foreseeing that Robyn is going to need all the help she can get makes me excited for this epic showdown. But if I am being honest, the only disappointment is with Robyn and Marian. I really do want these ladies to explore their relationship further. I know Robyn isn't even close to this and maybe I am dreaming, but I can't help but think they are made for each other. So Shand gives us some hope in these next coming issues, because with The Cabal getting closer, with Marian going after Sam, and with Robyn not growing in the love department, I fear that these two will miss the opportunity.

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Robyn Hood (2014) #15

Oct 14, 2015

All in all, I missed Roberta Ingranata's art. He captures everything that Robyn Hood comic should be. The story, like always though, was spot on. I loved the rock star demon while still giving us jokes from Robyn and Marian. We learned some about Robyn's character. She is changing, and I dig it. Plus, what is a comic where the main character doesn't grow; not a very good one.

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Robyn Hood (2014): Age of Darkness #1

Feb 12, 2014

So Robyn is what always kept me coming back, but what kept me from staying? Well quite honestly, the story had some real issues. I couldn't catch on to the whole plot and thought it had some holes. Well I can officially say that this One-Shot has hit all those marks that it missed before. The story doesn't just have potential this time. It has an awesomely entertaining setting, characters, and personal dynamic that I have been wanting to see. If you are like me and may only read Robyn Hood every once in a while for quick wit and tight action, well stop and get this issue. You get all of that wrapped with some details of Robyn's current situation that make it an all-around great read.

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Robyn Hood: Legend #1

Mar 19, 2014

Robyn now is faced with a choice of working her another evil man, Gisbourne. This dude is bad, but after some long explaining, it is really Robyn's only hope in order to save her land. I have a feeling that Nottingham will become her land. I am not saying Robyn is the princess type, but that she will some day stay in Nottingham in order to protect it forever. Robyn Hood:Legend offers a good calm before the storm, so check it out if you are becoming a fan.

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Robyn Hood: Legend #2

Apr 9, 2014

By far, Legends has been the most interesting story to come out of Robyn Hood. Now we have only had two issues, but I can tell this story is more put together. I hope it just keeps evolving and doesn't speed through some serious issues going on. Plus, Robyn has got to become leader soon of Nottingham. It seems it is about time to put someone in charge who isn't evil or will be turned. Cal has got to go. He has been a damper for too long in Robyn's life, and at this point in the comic, Robyn needs his death.

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Robyn Hood: Legend #4

Jun 11, 2014

Cal comes into play in a second, but the real story of Will and Robyn overshadows anything happening in Nottingham. They need to be together now and make everything right again. But Cal has got to be stopped. I don't know why lovers choose to fight together, but one of these people needs to be a coward and back down. You know it is not going to end well. The explosive emotions of this issue is what gets you. I think it is a good issue, and sets up the ending perfectly. Robyn has a lot to fight for and it is time that Cal sees his end.

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Robyn Hood: Legend #5

Jul 9, 2014

But at last we don't have to completely say goodbye to everyone. Marian is coming with us. It will spice things up. The two of them partnering up could be a change that will bring in some more constant readers. I love the partner dynamic and with Robyn's wit and Marian's heart, it will be fun to see their relationship bounce off of each other. Marian has very cool powers. We never really got to know who this gal is, so hearing more of her story will be a nice change-up. Since Robyn is grieving, I would love to see Marian on Earth get into a dating relationship. I think not only exploring the crime fighting part, but everyday life would be fun to see for both characters.

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Robyn Hood: Wanted #1

May 8, 2013

Needless to say I am excited to see Robyn go back to Myst, which I am hoping that she does. The last few pages of the folk teller shows the group of kids being attacked. By who? Read the damn comic. We jump back to Robyn and she is getting herself in trouble with her old man. The popo get involved and all hell breaks loose. We finally get some action packed pages. The ending is a bit of a surprise and leads me to believe that Robyn will be getting in some pretty heavy Myst. See what I did there…mist like heavy shit and Myst like being transported back. Why I am so cool?

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Robyn Hood: Wanted #2

Jun 12, 2013

I hope this volume does something other than the first and offers a different story. I would love to see more of Robyn’s past come out and see her families’ history too. She is connected to this place and we, as an audience, need to see this connection before we lose it. Robyn just can’t keep fighting other world’s wars without a purpose of her own.

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Robyn Hood: Wanted #3

Jul 31, 2013

Zenescope stills has a good comic and story on the line. Robyn is such a likable character. You want her to win at all times, but they need to give more show time in order to keep the reader entertained. There are a lot of side stories that I don't see blending together smoothly. I think they will just all end up in the same room together somehow and start fighting all over at once. Picking sides as they choose. Maybe it will be fun to see play out but in the end it will leave us with a mixed feeling of how they all ended up together.

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Robyn Hood: Wanted #4

Sep 4, 2013

There are positives notes here too. I don't mean to lash all of the negative at you. The story has some good basics involving the two worlds. Robyn is a likable character and brings that trashy girl attitude from earth. I also like the villains and we get introduced to another villain in this issue that could make for some better stories. He has more of a background with Robyn. Gisbourne is good, but as I said above I am dying to know more of his motives. Why does he do what he does? Robyn will have a pretty tough battle ahead of herself and I hope it all takes place in the castle. I would love her sneaking around there, being hunted by everyone. I can guess that Marian will be back next issue too. Robyn will find out what is happening to her and we will see if evil will overtake Marian. It is a lot to pack into the next issue, but if they don't put it all in there it will lead to that slow story again.

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Robyn Hood: Wanted #5

Oct 16, 2013

The issue ends with lots of stuff left in the air. I thought it would at least end some stories, but it really just opens up a whole can of worms. It was perfect and really sets up the next story arc. When the next issue comes out, which could be a while, I don't think I will lose interest the way I normally do waiting on a title. I am not the biggest fan of Zenescope, since their titles seem to be more not less of women's body parts. I have stuck with Robyn in hopes that I may open my mind to more Zenescope titles. I don't know if I quite there, but if this magic keeps up I could.

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Rumble #1

Dec 17, 2014

The first issue of Rumble is well-rounded and delivers on all ends. I hope that Bobby can stay with us, but I don't know if this will be a comic where we follow different main characters or if Bobby will always be in the mix of things. I think him staying would be an advantage, but maybe he needs a sidekick or two. So Rumble keep this up, because readers will get hooked on the mystery surrounding this town.

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Rumble #2

Jan 21, 2015

Back to what I know. This comic is strange. Yet I somehow want to know more of what is happening. I want more weird creatures, I want more battles, and I want more Bobby. So Rumble dudes keep up this crazy story because I think I will be along for the ride.

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Rumble #3

Feb 18, 2015

I haven't given up on Rumble, I really do think that Arcudi and Harren will bring this comic back to a good place for me. This issue just felt so different. But if we can get to a better story with this fantastic characters, I will be back every single time.

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Rumble #4

Mar 25, 2015

Most readers can agree that Rumble has some positives aspects. I think we all just hope that the story can stay on track and of course that Bobby keeps playing such a big role. With the ending of this story, I don't think he will be able to just let go of Rathraq. Bobby is too nice a guy to just let this drop, so I guess we will see.

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Rumble #5

Apr 29, 2015

I think Rumble #5 has really taken a new life form. It had all the right elements intertwined to make a well-rounded story. I kept going back and forth, but I am fully on board. I only see the first story arc getting better, so jump on this Rumble ride so you don't miss out.

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Samurai Jack #8

May 28, 2014

So in conclusion, I was satisfied. The comic has a great world laid out. Samurai Jack, as a character, is everything that I thought he would be; too cool. Although the plot wasn't all that intriguing, I think this comic can be enjoyed by any age with an imagination. That is what the comic is all about. Opening imagination and letting it pour out onto the reader.

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Samurai Jack #9

Jun 18, 2014

Samurai Jack offers some great visual narratives for the reader, but I still am hoping some more dialogue can come along with it. The past two months' stories have had the same conclusion, so offering some different goals or some insight into Jack's plan would help elevate the comic. It could reach a wider audience and keep the readers for longer times.

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Samurai Jack #11

Aug 20, 2014

I love this new issue and the flow of the story. Having Seer included in the mix gives the comic a story to follow that is more than defeating some beast. Jack is such a static character that even if another static character is introduced it spices up the overall plot. At the end of the issue, we find out that we are entering a new story arc, which was surprising because usually the gateway issues aren't that thrilling, but Samurai Jack does a good job of keeping your interest in order to build up the new story. So pick up the comic this week because young and old fans will have something to talk about.

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Samurai Jack #12

Sep 24, 2014

I hope you can make some time for this story arc, because it has a lot of things I love about comics all rolled up into it. I really don't know what is going to happen either. Now that Jack doesn't have a sword, he feels more than ever. He will have to channel some of his anger into power because the sword doesn't make a samurai.

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Samurai Jack #13

Oct 22, 2014

Anyway, after the fight it seems all hope is lost for Jack. He has no friends, nowhere to run, no sword, and isn't even in his time period. He flashes back to a moment with his father, the cute moment that I mentioned before, and the sword just isn't a sword anymore. It is Jack's soul. It is a connection he has with his father. To get the sword back would mean everything to Jack, but I think Jack has to earn in back. Jack must realize that he is a good fighter with and without the sword. I am hoping it isn't an easy task to get the sword back and then Jack is powerful again. He should have to get out of this depressed state to win it back. I have a feeling something big will happen either way. And I am hoping that this story arc will end with Aku and Jack face to face. It is about time that these two have a battle.

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Samurai Jack #14

Nov 26, 2014

After reading this issue, my reasons still stand of how highly entertaining this series is. My only hope is that Jack can find his way back again and become the true warrior we have missed.

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Samurai Jack #15

Dec 10, 2014

This story is a real success in my book for Samurai Jack. I wasn't that into this comic, but reading about Jack's quest to mend his sword has made the comic worth the price. I shall be keeping up with the story and you should start reading this comic as well. It is easy to pick up, and with an ending like that, you have to experience Samurai Jack just once.

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Samurai Jack #16

Jan 21, 2015

I didn't think that Samurai Jack could get better than the last story arc, but I think the Master of Time could give Aku a run for his money. With such a big following though, Jack is going to need some help to get past this cult. Even with his skills, he still needs someone. Someone who knows technology. This all leads to an unlikely partnership at the end, but you'll have to pick up the issue to see who Jack chooses to work along side with. I can tell you this though; this pair will no doubt bring the action and the fun.

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Samurai Jack #17

Mar 26, 2015

I am certainly not giving up on Samurai Jack, as I think the comic still has some good story to give us. I am concerned that the comic may go on this rollercoaster ride of good and bad issues. For now, we will just have to wait.

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Samurai Jack #18

Apr 22, 2015

I just don't know how much longer Aku and these fight scenes can take us though. It is clear that Jack needs a sidekick to bring new life to the story. I hope that we can see some changes with our new storyline, because most readers probably have about one more storyline in them before they take a break from the whole thing.

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Samurai Jack #20

Jun 3, 2015

All along Jack has been wanting something he can never achieve to see how he has come to peace with his situation makes this comic all the more better. Kids will eat this last issue up. Samurai Jack definitely had its highs and lows with me but with this final issue will leave many readers will be left satisfied…and that is always a good sign.

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Satellite Sam (2013) #1

Jul 3, 2013

I am interested to see where the murder mystery goes but for everything else I am already tuned out. I can appreciate creativity and learning about new things but Satellite Sam isn't the comic for me. I think it only takes one issue to know if you like it or not, so check it out and see for yourself.

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Savior #1

Apr 8, 2015

Everything just came together for this first issue. We get bits and pieces but nothing is forgotten. Savior has some great art and with some great plot building. I think Savior is here to stay and can't wait for you guys to pick it up this week.

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Savior #2

May 14, 2015

The whole issue has this intensity that is not overwhelming. It is just good clean writing. Holguin and McFarlane have a ways to go with the story but man I am excited to be on the edge of my seat the whole way.

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Savior #3

Jun 17, 2015

The rising action is building with every page in Savior. I love seeing it all unfold and never feel anxious or think that I am not getting enough from this creative team. The story flows and that's all I need. No doubt Savior will continue to get high praise for its art, intriguing theme, and impressive plot movement.

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Savior #4

Jul 9, 2015

There are some smaller stories going on, but they all seem to flow together in this issue. Cassie and the Savior are linked and now Malcolm with the cult. Again, the plot is slow-moving but with so much intrigued with these main stories, the slow plot only builds the reader's suspense of what is come next. Holguin and McFarlane will no doubt keep this up while continuing to deliver an impressive story based around faith. So now it is just a matter of finding out who Savior really is"?

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Savior #6

Sep 10, 2015

All in all, obviously I am still digging this comic. Thi is probably the most boring issue yet, but it is building to something much bigger so I can't say that it isn't worth it. I don't think there will be an issue that isn't worth it. So once again, get Savior and enjoy the hell out of it.

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Shadow Hero #1

Jul 9, 2014

This graphic novel is insanely powerful. The weaving of stories is creative and unique. I almost cried during the first true moments we see The Green Turtle. I am so glad that Yang and Liew got a hold of this comic and told the backstory of a real hero. I think everyone will find as much joy in this novel as I did. The Green Turtle just may be my favorite hero of The Golden Age.

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Sovereign #4

Jun 26, 2014

Even though the comic could improve, I think the potential outweighs the faults. Sovereign did a clearer job getting their world across in issue #4 and if they are willing to help out the audience with insight into the comic then I think it is worth a read.

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Spaced Out #1

Feb 26, 2014

All in all, I liked this comic, but it didn't stick out in my mind after all my reading this week. Usually that is how I can tell if something is going to stick. For me, it was a miscommunication about the comic that lead to a less than normal understanding of what was actually happening in it. I don't know if I just needed to pay more attention, but either way, it lacked that wow factor I look for in a first issue. What I did love about the comic was the setting of it. I hope the plot and lingo can join together for a more memorable read the second time around.

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Spaced Out #2

Mar 26, 2014

Although I liked this issue better than the first one, I still haven't seen that "hell yeah" factor that a space setting comic can give us so easily. I am hoping #3 will deliver on all ends. It seems like the series is building into something bigger. Also with the ending I am hoping it is foreshadowing some more background information, so the reader can fully grasp Tiklopis.

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Spaced Out #3

Apr 23, 2014

I wish we could have reversed issues 2 and 3 and then came out with 1. That would have grabbed my attention more with having an understanding the background with Bops, and the intentions of the planet. So this comic has had a rocky start, but now I finally feel like I could get into this story. A lot of stuff is revealed in this issue. Marko was a big surprise for me, and now that the fate of Tiklopis rests on Bops shoulders, mind you he isn't even from this place, is more than enough reason to see where these dudes take us next.

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T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1

Aug 14, 2013

As for me I think comics being redone have some setbacks. A whole new genre has become the forefront in comics lately. It is called "redoing a classic." See we take comics that made some money back in the day and we revamp them in order to bring in that old audience and then bring in a new audience to enjoy the redoes and hopefully buy the old ones too. It is a win/win situation. I get it. I even buy into most of these comics and while Thunder Agents isn't bad or shouldn't be criticized for doing what a lot of other titles have done, it is getting old. Is anyone else sick of this? I don't mind some title revamps and I will probably even keep reading Thunder Agents, I just want new comics, with new stories. This may end up being the fall for this new one and I can't blame anyone for picking something else that is a more appealing classic being done over.

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T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #2

Sep 18, 2013

Dynamo does finally get to Iron Maiden and the fight scene isn't too shabby. Lots of evil looks with "bangs", "krrshs", "pwangs", and so on. I always like when comics put in these noises for us. It brings it to life and reminds me of my younger days watching Batman on TV Land. This whole comic just reminds me of old comics. It has that vibe with the simple stories. It isn't a bad thing necessarily, but if I wanted to read old Thunder Agents I would read the old Thunder Agents. All in all I will have to see how this Kat flashback works out and maybe this comic will hit some marks that I have set. Otherwise just read this if you are a huge fan of Thunder.

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T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #3

Oct 23, 2013

All in all, I haven't given up on Thunder yet. There are definitely some things I like about it. The rich characters are there, but the tone of the whole comic needs some revamping. I hope that maybe it will happen slowly and this is still only the set-up of the comic. If that is the case then I am all for these new Agents.

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T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #4

Nov 27, 2013

IDW went on a limb bringing back yet another old comic series. I don't know who is getting into this comic, but if you are please explain why. No seriously, I want my mind to expand in order to understand these agents better. The first Thunder Agents seemed to break ground, but why bring back an influential comic with a mediocre comeback.

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Teen Dog #1

Sep 10, 2014

If it isn't obvious, I was cracking up reading this comic. It came together so well that I didn't want this ordinary day to end. I could spend the whole school year with Teen Dog and Mari. BOOM! once again has entertained me through and through. The plot is strong, the characters are strong, and delight is strong. Jake Lawrence's story is so clever that it had to fit in with BOOM!'s titles and it has to fit into your life.

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Teen Dog #2

Oct 8, 2014

So Teen Dog is still in high regards for me. It has those light hearted stories with flavorful writing. I can't stop laughing, and I can't put down this comic that explains every child of the 90s. Once you pick this up, you will not want to put it down. And now that we have some consistent stories between Maya and Dog, I think that the comic will only grow with its themes and with the humor.

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Teen Dog #3

Nov 12, 2014

Mixed with all this chaos of Teen Dog and his rivals is a true story though. Although some issues have hit upon some meaningful moments, I would say that issue #3 takes the cake. You won't find out until the end, but it is so worth it. I just love this story and think Lawrence has created something awesome. You really need to jump on this mini-series and not look back. You will first love the fun art and bright colors. Secondly the jokes are insanely simple and dry but make you laugh out loud. And thirdly, you will see how cute each background theme is. It will remind anyone of the good times when they were a kid. Teen Dog will become your number one comic, and may even inspire some lazy chillin' days for you.

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Teen Dog #4

Dec 10, 2014

So yeah, I think I proved my point of why you should drop everything and get Teen Dog. It is such a fantastic comic filled with everything we love. The worst part about this comic, is that it will be over soon. That's right. Teen Dog is a mini-series. I have never heard such a horror, so you better check this out before you miss out on some real awesome sauce.

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Teen Dog #5

Jan 14, 2015

Teen Dog could possibly be the best thing that has ever happened to me, but then again I did just have an awesome lo mein the other day. But either way, both are equally awesome so check both out.

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Teen Dog #6

Feb 11, 2015

I never thought going back to high school would be any fun, but Jake Lawrence has opened my mind to the fact that if I was in Teen Dog's high school, it would have been worth it and very pizzalicious (which my computer did not spell check btw, so it must be a thing). Lawrence makes every moment of this issue more than fun.

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Teen Dog #7

Mar 11, 2015

So once again, Teen Dog has stolen my heart and he probably will do the same to you with issue #7. I don't exactly know how this mini-series will end, but as long as Teen Dog stays true to himself and Mari is still punk rock, I think this comic would end any way it wanted to. (OK maybe there would have to be pizza involved. But that is my only request. Is there anyway to get a free piece of pizza with purchase of the last issue? Lawrence let us know what you can do about that. Thanks)

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Teen Dog #8

Apr 8, 2015

Teen Dog, if we see him again, will probably have not figured out his worries, as they are pretty big worries, but either way I would love to see him again. We still have all of senior year to get through and what better way to get through my week than with Teen Dog in last year of childhood. Overall, it is clear why this comic rocks, and it is clear that I adore this comic. Any comic that can talk about the things that make life so great for eight issues and still be just as great, can't compete with others.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #34

Jun 4, 2014

Overall, it is easy for me to say how much I love every issue. The action is always entertaining whether between turtle and turtle or ex-Purple Dragon with Metalhead. With so many characters piling up the plot is stacking up to another huge showdown. The showdown is always better when you know the background behind it all. So we may not all be as big of a fan as me, but it makes it more exciting to know the work behind it all. I do wish we would have seen more of Krang for the sake of seeing the villain's perspective. It is hard to be on Donnie's side too when we don't see the bad guy. Plus I love Krang's story. It has become more complex. And Stockmen is with him as well, and that dude is entertaining as hell. No one can rebuttal that.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #35

Jun 18, 2014

As I said, we have two great TMNT stories coming out this month. You better grab both just too be sure. IDW isn't slowing down anytime soon with this universe, so you have got to keep up. Plus I haven't mentioned Leo, but something strange happens to him that will be touched upon in the coming issues. I'm not sure if he knows it yet. The comic leaves a lot of his story up in the air so really all we have to do is wait. I think some huge stories will collide soon with the Turtles. Leo will play a huge roll, the Technodrome, Angel, Casey, and so on. We have got a lot to look forward to TMNT fans, so get ready.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #36

Jul 17, 2014

All in all though, even the last page of this issue had more plot than the Rat King. I think following The Rat King around this issue led to some confusion. Right after he leaves, Leo and Splinter think nothing of it and move on with another story. Hello you literally almost just killed each other from the King's mind tricks and you don't even care! I am frustrated with that. I would have much rather followed Krang or Shredder or Alopex. What is up with that fox? And with the ended, I really would like to see what is up with Shredder. Needless to say, I wasn't the biggest fan of this issue. I really hope a common goal is set up soon, or at least everyone's individual story is moving with a pace in mind.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #37

Aug 13, 2014

I was pleased with the story in this issue if you couldn't tell. Although we don't even see the Turtles, it played out more consistent. The action was awesome all thanks to Cory Smith for drawing up the art for this issue. It had some scenes that I have been longing for in the battles. It also had this creepy vibe that couldn't be explained but played right into the villain centered issue. I am looking forward to where we go from here. My hope is that the Turtles come together for an actual plan against one of their foes.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #38

Oct 1, 2014

The surprise that Hob and Slash have for the Turtles is quite a weird surprise. Not exactly what I was expecting and I don't know if I even like it either. So my excitement was clearly subsided. It gave the comic this corny feeling that I didn't enjoy. Only time will tell if I like this surprise. I feel like the past couple of issues keep building something, but we don't know where it is coming from. Whether Krang, Hob, Shredder, Rat-King, and so on, I just want something to explode because all this rising action is running in too many circles.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #39

Oct 15, 2014

TMNT brought it this week. The action is intense and with all the stories divided, it makes for some interesting plot points and transitions. I wouldn't miss this new issue" especially if you are a mutant fan.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #40

Nov 26, 2014

TMNT definitely hit some awesome points with their latest issue. I think some readers have been waiting for the next big story arc to come out, but knowing the background behind it all is the true gift. When you understand a character's motive before the big blow up, it makes it all worth wild.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #42

Jan 21, 2015

This last part worries me… a lot. Even though Splinter is the most badass of them all, I hate when he is not with his family. Plus with all the emotions inside of him, he could really make a bad move. But then again, I haven't been this excited about TMNT since City Fall. Plus I don't know why, but Old Hob seems to have a high respect for Splinter and all that he does. Maybe it is Old Hob wishing he had a family like Splinter does or just being in aw of Splinter's abilities. Either way, I think if it came down to it, Hob would save that rat's life. So get ready, because I love how the high intensity and the backstabbing going on all over the place. These next couple of issues will bring it and TMNT fans are ready.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #43

Feb 25, 2015

So obviously this issue, with all its chaos, is awesome! So many stories coming together with the brilliance of our writers. This issue only reinforces everything I already knew about TMNT from IDW; it totally rocks.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #44

Mar 18, 2015

You'll see for yourself when you pick this issue up. This storyline has been very actioned packed, and I promise #44 will have all the same goodies you love about TMNT with an ending that will leave you wanting more… I'd expect nothing less.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #45

Apr 29, 2015

Say what you will. Maybe some people will love it, but for me I'm out.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) Annual: 2014

Aug 20, 2014

TMNT will always be my favorite thing about comics, and seeing Eastman put a lot of his classic character's attitude and art into this piece made the comic as fun as ever. The Turtles were crazy teenagers again yet still fighting serious butt giving readers that kick ass feeling that comes with the dudes. The story, again, wasn't anything too excited, and I really wish they would have spent more time with Casey and April. Of course, I love Casey, but we could have bounced from the present to the past with Casey to make some more fun happen. But I won't complain too much because all the memories of the old Turtles came rushing back with our featured artist. TMNT, the comic, always gives readers that sense that IDW really cares about these characters and what direction they are taken each year.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics #11

Jun 5, 2013

Clearly, there is a big battle about to come in this series but I wasn’t bogged down with the lead-up story to it. I have always liked the quiet moments in TMNT too. These moments are just as important and again for me show what each Turtle brings to the mix when fighting or just interacting in the comic.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #1

Jul 10, 2013

The only thing that is weird about this comic is that it doesn't offer anything more than the show. The stories are little side line guys. If they are going to have it play off the show completely then give me stories that will allow me to explore more of the show with. I have noticed that a lot of children's books do this when based off shows or a movie. The story is only face value which is cool and all but why not offer something kids can talk about and be knowable on. Maybe this is my teacher side coming out. Anyway, the comic is a fun read and these characters bring such a good light on the Turtles in spite of all the bad Turtle themes heading our way. It may be my favorite thing yet.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #2

Aug 21, 2013

All the characters are pretty much the same which shouldn't sound like a bad thing. It works surprisingly well, but Mikey brings home the cake with his one liners. He and Raphael couldn't be a better comedic team. I couldn't see kids and parents not getting hyped up about this series. It offers everything the show does and gives the opportunity to let the kids read a little.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #3

Sep 18, 2013

Zombies plus ninja Turtles equals character mashing to the max. For the average comic reader, zombies are overdone and we have TMNT: City Falls to read. For a young reader, zombies are still cool, and ninja Turtles are their world. So yeah, I would totally get this subscription for the children. It is like their version of the lawn mower; ya know that plastic one that isn't as cool but you still do something grownups do.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #4

Oct 23, 2013

From the perspective of an educator, I love how each issue tries to teach the reader some lesson; especially this issue in which Splinter teaches the boys that having different viewpoints on something is a strong attribute. Splinter is always the voice of reason. He is such an iconic character. I really do believe that. In every comic, movie, or show that comes out, Splinter is the same rat. That goes to show how all people see him as this universal character, like God or Morgan Freeman. I hope the writers keep these lessons up, because it adds a nice touch.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #5

Nov 20, 2013

Not much else happens, and I was sad to see no ongoing story in this issue. We have all the right key elements here, but now we just need some expanding on it. I think the series needs it in order to keep readers continuing with every issue. If they don't, I see kids just buying only some issues and still knowing what is going on.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #6

Dec 19, 2013

All and all, it is hard to give a bad review to a comic that I do enjoy. It is high in action and brings that same fun from the show. But I also don't know how long I will last with enjoying these superficial stories. It doesn't add any detail that we don't already know from watching the show. For now, I do buy the occasional issue mostly because the splash pages are so sweet. I love rearranging all the comics I hang up and the Animated Adventures add some cute covers. Other than that, I can't see myself lasting much longer.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #7

Jan 15, 2014

Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and Raph all eventually cross paths. Donnie brings his problems, aka Dogpound, to the theater in order for the other guys to help him. How Mikey and Raph sneak into this theater will bring some laughs out of young readers as well. Leo also crashes the party, but not before having some interaction time with Karai. The whole issue wrapped up nicely. Although I have been bugging on this series, it still has some good points. I would never call this an all-ages title, since the plot is very basic. Hopefully, I can corrupt some kids into reading it though!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Casey & April #1

Jun 17, 2015

I will definitely be taking another stab at Casey & April. Tamaki has a lot more to say and these two lovebirds have a lot more do. So if you are looking for a change up of TMNT and love the human aspect, go for this comic. It offers some insight into two of my favorite comic characters.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Casey & April #2

Jul 22, 2015

I was interested in seeing what they could do on their own. Casey is always flying solo within the comic or in one-shots. I think April's character in the past has been underused, so to blend these two together makes perfect sense. But for me, it isn't working. I am hoping in #3 that once April gets captured and Casey comes to the rescue, we can see something progress and the comic grow into what it can be.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secret History of the Foot Clan #4

Mar 20, 2013

I am excited to see where they go with the Krang. How does he fit into this story and what are his goals? The other detail that excites me is whether or not Saki faces other Foot Clan members fighting his tyranny. Thoughts on what you guys want to see being explored?

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #2

Jul 23, 2014

I guess my biggest concern now revolves around how this series will affect TMNT. Are these Turtles the same because they reference back to that series quite a lot, but when did this all take place? The questions are endless. I really don't want this series to mess with TMNT because it is so sweet right now. I am hoping someone can come in next month to give us what we want; the Turtles doing some crazy shit that they can't in trouble for. That's what I want at least.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #3

Aug 27, 2014

I think with so many Turtle comics, you have to weed out the unimportant ones. So no matter how much I want or you want Turtles in Time to work, it just isn't working. Once I see some crossing over with the main comic, I think I will shy away from these mini-stories back in time.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #4

Sep 17, 2014

This plot and characters have been my favorite so far, besides for Pepperoni, no one will forget. But anyway, the setting works so well and finally brings this comic into full view. Although I would have rather the Turtles just have been in the future from the beginning. Turtles in Time offers the readers a better look into what the TMNT comic could dive into as well. It seems that we are headed for a war. And not just any war, but a war that could change the TMNT universe forever. So it is only fitting to see what would happen if the Turtles lost or decided to give up. It gives these four brothers more to fight for through all the crap they must face. Allor brings this comic what it needed, so I hope Turtles in Time can offer more relationship to the other comics, as well as, provide a fun story with some kick ass moves.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #2

Feb 27, 2014

The last thing I wanna shout out about this comic is Andy Kuhn's art. It is amazingly awesome. The characters are everything I picture. Then when you put Bill Crabtree's colors on top, you dive right into Krang's world. Seriously, pick up this issue if you had doubts. It will prove how TMNT can ooze into their micros and still keep your interest. And obviously reading these issues will help you understand the plot when the Turtles take down the Technodrome.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #3

Mar 19, 2014

If you never got into Krang and his history, now is the time to jump onto this wagon. Paul Allor offers up a good story about Krang's history intertwining it with some present components. It is a great mash-up that should be coming home with you each month.

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The Bionic Woman: Season Four #1

Sep 17, 2014

From the opening credits to the closing cliff hanger, Bionic Woman – Season 4 will no doubt entertain the reader from beginning to end. Some action comics try to do too much or some try to change the original that made it so popular, but Dynamite just stuck with its success and gave us an awesome story. Each issue will take us through a mission and waiting next month for #2 will be a struggle.

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The Black Bat #10

May 7, 2014

All in all, I think Dynamite has a good comic with The Black Bat. I think it is cool when a remake can be done well and even teach new comic lovers about the rich past of comics. The Black Bat dates back pretty far but still is relevant with today's heroes. I wouldn't recommend jumping on with this particular issue, but I think #11 will be a great dive into a new story. It seems Anthony has a lot on his mind with Carol and almost giving up the suit, although I feel like that is an everyday struggle for him. A lot of lines are crossing, so pay attention to who is good and who is bad… well for now.

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The Colonized #1

Apr 10, 2013

I have no idea how this story will unfold. All I am hoping is that the story will pick up in issue #2. If I don’t see some aliens turn into zombies or some zombies get probed I will set this comic aside and sigh.

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The Colonized #2

May 1, 2013

I just don’t’ know where this comic is headed. I am confused on the concept they are trying to portray. Are they telling us that if we would just all worry about the environment we could avoid aliens crashing on our planet and bringing up aliens? I don’t know. I do enjoy the art in this series. It is very old school and totally reminds me of Tales from the Crypt. Honestly it is about the only thing I do enjoy about this series so far. I don’t want to be quick to judge a series, so I may give a few more goes at this comic.

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The Colonized #3

Jun 5, 2013

So my decision is that I will take this comic out back and tie that cinder block on this comic and toss it overboard. It just doesn’t have a good story. The plot is everywhere and although the art is cool and there are some suspicions I have on the plot, I could spend my time doing something else.

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The Dream Merchant #2

Jun 12, 2013

This second issue has really set up a nice miniseries with the plot. The next four issues will only dig deeper into Winslow’s dreams. I am interested to see how he controls his dreams. The other world factor just adds more elements and I hope that we at least get a glance into it and how it works.

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The Dream Merchant #3

Jul 24, 2013

Not a whole lot of action happens. Even though they are running away from the Regulators, not much else is going on and it is pretty easy for them to get away.

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The Dream Merchant #4

Aug 13, 2014

Now I pretty much ran down the whole comic for you, so go get yourself this Edmondson special. It has lots of plot movements and will progress when Winslow dives into pure sleep mode. He will no doubt be in a different world, but I think it will be reality for him and for the world he is saving.

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The Dream Merchant #5

Oct 22, 2014

We have just #5 and one issue left before the closing of The Dream Merchant, and most readers are ready to see where this final nightmare will go. I think the issue leading up to the conclusion is always an intense issue with lots of rising action. Issue five for this comic is no exception. We haven't seen much of the dream world, so capturing that world right away sets up the whole mood for these last two issues.

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The Dream Merchant #6

Nov 19, 2014

Again, I felt a little cheated out of what could have been a well-rounded ending. What I did enjoy was the return of a character that I had missed. But you can read the issue to find out who that is. And my favorite part was the battle between Winslow and the Gatekeeper. I love the dialogue in between hits. I have always loved when the action has some sort of narration or dialogue. So it was more interesting to see the Gatekeeper beat him up physically and mentally. So all in all, if you have started this series, then end it. And enjoy the layout more than the actual ending. I enjoyed the series as a whole and would love to see it revisited with a better focus on Winslow in the dream world.

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The Fade Out #1

Aug 20, 2014

The comic is a pretty straightforward story, but when the actress is put in a suicide position, it makes you think there is more to this story than you think. You really can't trust anyone, as of yet. Not even Charlie. We don't know what happened at the party either, so as Charlie pieces it together so does the reader. It is a fun detective game that will no doubt drive Charlie to find out the truth. Brubaker and Phillips have another hit on their hands, so avid readers of these two can expect something good. And first come readers can get hooked with this pair that will be giving the story of their life.

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The Fade Out #2

Oct 1, 2014

We learn a lot about Charlie and Gil's relationship for the most part though. These two guys seem pretty messed up, but somehow working together gets them through the day. The comic is full of backstory about the two and current blow ups between them as well. I don't know if they will soon start to investigate Val's death or if they will just deal with it along the way. Maybe neither, but the mystery of Val and specifically why she was killed haunts the reader. You don't want to care knowing that you will not know soon enough, but it is always in the back of your mind. That is just what Brubaker and Phillips are capable of. They capture the readers with each conflict in the narrative.

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The Fade Out #3

Nov 12, 2014

All in all, The Fade Out produced another good issue. The comic can do no wrong. I love switching gears and following others, so I hope this isn't the last time that we get some background on this interesting cast.

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The Fade Out #5

Apr 15, 2015

I think an old shooting location with the same old shit going on; rewrites, sex, drugs, and all that is showing a lot of mirroring. It is a vicious cycle and I believe one the characters even mentions this cycle, but for the readers, this cycle is just as exciting as the last time. A lot of questions get brought up, a lot of minded jamming is going on, and of course there is a lot of evil. So jump on with this latest instalment and you won't miss a beat.

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The Fade Out #6

May 20, 2015

It is amazing that this story just keeps getting better and better. I haven't read a filler issue yet. The characters keep moving the plot and the plot keeps moving the characters. Neither shadows over the other and that's why this comic remains to be great.

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The Fade Out #7

Jun 24, 2015

Maya and Charlie spend lots of time together but the moment the separate, things get real for Charlie. He runs into some trouble, but the real story is after the trouble is gone. All of the emotions that Charlie felt after Val's death come rushing back. So again, we are in the same spot. Charlie is having major issues and Maya is small distraction for him. And yeah you guessed it; I still hate Charlie and wish Maya could see it. Maybe it is wrong of me, but Gil still wins out as best friend. Whatever happens, everyone has buried themselves into these gigantic holes and are trying desperately to fill them in with dirt.

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The Fade Out #8

Aug 5, 2015

No matter the approach, The Fade Out is highly addictive. You really just want the mystery to unfold but you don't mind waiting to read the all chaos in between. You really do just relish in the moment and seeing how everything falls into place. My only thought is that Charlie better be bad! I have given him so much crap and if he ends up having nothing to do with it I'll be pissed. But then again, he already has something to do with it. Just playing this game in Hollywood is good enough for me.

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The Fade Out #9

Sep 16, 2015

The Fade Out hasn't done me wrong yet and if you truly pay attention to every issue, it will not let you done either. The plot flows and the characters come to life, but most importantly the readers feel something when reading this comic.

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The Fiction #2

Jul 15, 2015

Without knowing much about where this plot is headed, you get the sense that there is a disconnect between these once children and the adults of their former town. Otherwise, the purpose the flashbacks seem useless in a way. Or maybe it has to do with this whole kids are innocent but really they're not. We all have secrets. And I am willing to read on to see what that secret is. The town is holding something back and the group is holding something back. The new world isn't the only mysteriously creepy thing about this comic.

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The Fiction #3

Aug 19, 2015

In conclusion, I have no complaints about this newest issue. The art is gorgeous and the writing is unfolding smoothly. The way that both of these work together shows that this comic has a clear understanding of where it is going now. I look forward to seeing how Kassie, and her gang take on this dream world and the purpose behind it all.

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The Last Fall #1

Jul 16, 2014

I actually find the backstory of the planets very interesting. I want to see more of each planet since Krovin is this desert smoking land and Merkonia is this lush and rich land. I think by exploring both lands and its people, we could again see some strong points on war and how it affects everything. Waltz has a good start, but with so much press for this comic the first issue's story is known, so I am thinking that issue #2 will have to be where the comic makes or breaks it. With mini-series you only get a small window to do this, so watching how the story progresses in #2 will tell most readers if the comic is worth reading.

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The Memory Collectors #1

Oct 9, 2013

Other than that little corny part, the comic has a great idea behind it. Again, I like Mention3's art. If you don't then I wouldn't try to read this comic. If you haven't ever read Mention3 this is your chance to get started with a new mini-series of his.

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The Memory Collectors #2

Dec 11, 2013

Again, the story has lots to cover, and the plot line just frankly didn't flow smoothly. At some points it skips over key ideas and characters. Other moments, I was waiting for the art to take over and tell the story. It was an odd mixture. I hope that issue three will bring it all together for me. The story has some of my interest, and the art is appealing. A little more push in issue three will no doubt bring me back to my delighted state from issue one.

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The Memory Collectors #3

Feb 12, 2014

All in all, the story ends with high notes. I wasn't disappointed with the read, but I can't seem to fall in love with the series. Maybe it is the fast paced plot, or the all-around muted colors, but it takes me some time to really get into the issue. If you are fan of Mention3 or gothic art, then dive right into this comic and the intense pictures we get to see.

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The Mysterious Strangers #6

Nov 20, 2013

For me, this issue gave me the chance to see what Oni is doing outside of graphic novels. I would love to check out more of their comics, and hope Mysterious Strangers explores some more action sequences for me.

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The Other Dead #1

Sep 25, 2013

I think the weirdest part about this comic is the fact that Obama may have a huge part in the series. He is on one of the variant covers, which tells me that he will play a key role in the animal zombie attack. Strange! I may check out the next couple of issues just to see what the hell is going on, but doubt I will enjoy them. Like I said, I don't think this type of family is used enough in comics, because some states cultures do seem like a totally other country, but it was a letdown for sure. I guess if you dig zombies and the whole horror showdown between animals and humans then pick this up on behalf of us who can't stand even reading non-fiction about animal torture.

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The Other Dead #2

Oct 23, 2013

Unless you love zombies and heart Obama (which I never thought those two words would be in the same sentence, but that is comics for ya), then I would avoid this read. The animal walking dead edition is just too cheesy for me. I can't take it seriously and also don't see any new twist envolving. I am sure some big reveals are coming in the near future, and maybe I will change my attitude. But I still hold strong to the fact that if they comic has twist to bring them to the front right away, so we could have gotten hooked sooner.

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The Returning #2

Apr 9, 2014

Beth is a perfect fit into this world. She is still naive enough to not understand that people are out to get her, but also smart enough to ask the right questions for much-needed answers. We don't have a lot of side characters quite yet. I like it that way and the comic is straight forward about all the people entering her life. This way you aren't wondering why they have left. All we have that seems constant is the mysterious man who picked her up. The comic ends with some pretty gnarly stuff that leaves a cliffhanger surrounding some major life and death situations. I look forward to seeing who is on each side and what this dude has to offer Beth that she couldn't find on her own.

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The Returning #3

May 14, 2014

The whole issue ends on this confusion level. Ya gotta love it though. Just when you think some clear answers will come out, the comic has some twist. We are totally going on this ride at the same time Beth is. I love comics don't let the reader in on anything and leave us to wonder with our lead. It allows for us to get our emotions involved. I can tell you that the comic has shifted from how society would act to this underground war developing. There is definitely some psychological warfare being played, but for a different purpose. The Returning dives deep into the psyche and will no doubt drag you into the lies as well. Catch up with this awesome tale before the ending hits.

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The Returning #4

Jun 11, 2014

Beth is trying to end it all with these changers. She is slowly starting to see her mission come to life… or to death rather. The story ends with a chance for the comic to return. I love when comics end alluding to more stories coming out from it. So if the comic actually returns or not, it has that strong appeal for more. The reader already is creating the stories within their mind. The Returning hit us in a strong way, so check this comic out and be prepared for one hell of a story.

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The Strain: The Fall #1

Jul 17, 2013

This comic is a mixed review because although I don't like it because of the nature and the fact that I have to close my eyes even during Animal Planet shows, I think most people will dig the comic. It offers horror and some valid characters to watch as they try to lead battle against vampires.

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TMNT Color Classics Micro Series: Donatello #1

Mar 13, 2013

I think these new color classics allow readers the chance to experience the team of the Eastman and Laird in their original form. I always look forward to reading the next issue and since I was too young to start the comic when it came out, I can now have the joy of starting from the beginning feeling like it is new in a way.

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TMNT Color Classics: Leonardo #1

Apr 10, 2013

This issue clearly is a gateway into the next issue because it ends with those final words. The only thing that is annoying about these comics is that IDW keeps releasing them separate and then all together in one big collection. It is a little too much. Just pick one and so we will. Instead I find myself buying an issue then waiting forever to purchase anything because I am waiting for the collection to come out. Plus IDW has their ongoing TMNT series. It is a lot to handle ok!

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TMNT Villain Microseries #2

May 22, 2013

Overall, the story wasn't horrible by any means. It just lacked some action. I don't need asses being kicked but at least some better mind maneuvers. It all seemed too predictable.

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TMNT Villain Microseries #4

Jul 17, 2013

The story went by quick. All of these villain one shot have but in this case I craved more. The last few lines we read from Alopex is crazy! She is in for a rough future. I hope the ending leads to a story in the TMNT comic. It can't leave me wondering like that. Alopex could certainly have some interesting stories between her and Shedder involving her own vendetta. In my opinion, this has been my favorite villain background yet. Next is Karai which I think will be just as interesting; women always are.

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TMNT Villain Microseries #5

Aug 21, 2013

Leonardo shows up and this issue shows a huge change with him. I am excited for readers to see what that is. It gives you hope for the Turtles. Karai will be such a huge part to what is going to happen with Leo and the gang. She has power over the Turtles. They have no idea how much and it can only bring about more exciting battles between good and evil; and maybe even some evil vs. evil. TMNT are building some pretty big villains along. For teenage turtles, a rat, some chick, and an ex-hockey player we have got some work to do guys.

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TMNT Villain Microseries #6

Sep 11, 2013

I just adore this series. The Purple Dragons are coming back into our world of comics. With so many bad dudes in store "City Fall" can only get better. Oh and guess who the villains are for next issue"..Bebob and Rocksteady! Oh yeah we will have fun with these guys for sure.

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TMNT Villain Microseries #7

Oct 30, 2013

With Mikey being about our only humor in TMNT, I am thinking that Bebob and Rocksteady will take that role. The comic really highlighted how funny these boys can be. I love how they bounce the jokes off of each other too. It isn't just one being funny while the other is serious. So I am excited to see the addition these two bring in TMNT. We all are hoping that they obviously bring the two into City Falls more than for a brief glimpse. We didn't get much City Falls storyline in this issue. It was almost just a warmup for the two. That was a tad disappointing since all the other Micros have brought about some serious plot line. We mostly just learn of how this new comic is going to interpret Bebob and Rockesteady. Well I can tell two things; they like to beat up things and they love cracking jokes. So please enjoy these iconic bad dudes.

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TMNT Villain Microseries #8

Dec 4, 2013

I still think Alopex and Hun are my leads for best Micro-Series here. I will admit that I was hoping for more with Shredder's issue. It was predictable. He has such a long history that can't be summed up with one issue, so I was left wanting more.

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Transformers Spotlight: Trailcutter #1

Apr 3, 2013

This issue read a little elementary for me. I was hoping for some more action. Instead I read a lot, which is fine but the dialogue was dragging. The issue seemed to have a lesson which made it feel so young. Lesson for the day: be yourself, even if you can transform into different things. Wait does that make sense?

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Transfusion #3

Mar 27, 2013

William and his group eventually part ways all fending for themselves. The humans will go east and the vampires will go west. It appeared to be an ending even though there are many machines still inhabiting earth. That’s why I’ll have to wait for the next issue to see where the story goes.

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Trees #2

Jun 25, 2014

I think some basic plot points needs to be faced soon. And I also think this comic would benefit from some sort of character chart or recap from last issue at the beginning. It sucks that I couldn't stay longer on with this comic, but I don't think I have the stamina or patience. Although the story has great potential, it needs some ironing. I don't see myself jumping onto the series until I head otherwise.

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Trees #3

Jul 23, 2014

Again we are introduced to a new batch of people. First up is Eligia. All I can tell about her is that she hates her bf who is probably some drug lord and knows that she is his arm candy. She is following some Professor. Don't know why but when the two met up he recruits to train her. Again, don't know why. Although you are intrigued to see where their story goes, I don't want to get too attached. Plus I still feel like something is missing with their story. Do people actually just stalk one another to eventually work together on ninja training? Maybe when aliens land that is what the world will come to, but for now readers need an understandable plot. We need a character to rally behind for whatever reason even if we get lost at some moments. Trees isn't growing into anything that I can handle, and I think most readers can agree.

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Triple Helix #1

Oct 9, 2013

All in all, I don't know where I stand since the characters seem to be repeats from the past. I liked the old school style, but I know if enough invention was done to really outshine the new comics or old classic characters. I did read that the covers of this 4 issue series will turn into a giant cover of all the characters. I thought that was pretty cool, and really makes for great publicity. If you dig John Byrne then pick this up along with the other three to make the poster. Otherwise; stick with some classics.

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UFOlogy #1

Apr 1, 2015

Overall, UFOlogy had a great start. Readers will be intrigued which plays when wondering if you want to buy the second issue. I will be.

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UFOlogy #2

May 20, 2015

I can't get read off of these writers on a lot of things. Anytime that happens but I still enjoy the story, I usually just sit back and wait. It sucks, but sometimes you just have to wait for things to get into a good place and then you can really dive into the characters. I hope that is the case for UFOlogy because its overall topic is great and the plot has potential so now it is time to take it some place.

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UFOlogy #3

Jun 24, 2015

In conclusion, UFOlogy and I got off on the wrong foot, but something about it kept me coming back for more and I am so glad that I did.

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UFOlogy #4

Aug 5, 2015

UFOlogy is hitting its stride with issue #4. I wanted more, and I think most readers will see the plot and characters coming together. This all ages title brings in a lot of cool elements to make for an interesting read and a visually fun comic. With all the mysteries surrounding these aliens, they want something more than just to take over the world. But what do they want? And what are two teenagers going to do about it?

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Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #4

Nov 5, 2014

My first experience with Usagi went well. I like the black and white and totally sets up the mood for the comic. But more than that, I dug the story and see why this comic is a favorite of all ages. It offers some good storytelling with a twist. I look forward to seeing Usagi and Tomoe's relationship grow. And just because he doesn't want to tell his son the truth doesn't mean it will stay hidden. The story has just begun here, and I think I just got hooked.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #5

Dec 3, 2014

Usagi Yojimbo includes a lot of things that I love about comics. The series has continued strong. I would suggest for any comic fan to pick up this series just to see what it is all about. It is always a good time to pick up a series in a story arc too, because for the most part, the reader can quickly catch up to the history of the comic.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #6

Jan 7, 2015

I really loved every minute of this comic. It is such a good read and although wraps up the story in a heartbreaking way, you can't help but love each moment. The fight seen is action packed, as well as, the emotional situations. Sakai gave this everything, and I can appreciate the compelling story that completely unfolds.

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V-Wars #1

Apr 30, 2014

V Wars is that perfect human reflection story piece. I have been pretty tough on a lot of 1st issues lately. I sort of felt bad, but when you have something like this come out, you can't help but wonder why they all can't be this exciting. I hope that we can keep the momentum up for further issues. As this comic may have turned me into more of a gore fan than I thought I was.

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V-Wars #2

May 21, 2014

All and all, my mind finally absorbed the issue, and it just didn't agree with me. The story didn't seem unique at all and lost all its wow factor from the first issue. I may see what happens next, but for a new series to hit such a sour spot with me so soon isn't a good sign. I didn't mind the jumping of characters, as with these widespread panic, it is nice to see all perspectives. I hope that maybe this storyline was just missing for me, and when we move on I can enjoy V Wars as much as I did with the first issue.

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V-Wars #3

Jun 18, 2014

If you haven't jumped on this series yet from IDW, check this issue out. It isn't a coincidence that Taurus has that name. It represents his character. You will see a big reveal this week, and although we will jump around characters, I think we have finally found a solid goal to go after.

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V-Wars #4

Jul 30, 2014

V Wars is going to have a lot more to say. And with saying that, it still amazes me that V Wars has only had four issues, because it feels like they have already thrown us so many stories. I know the intensity will only go up. I think my favorite people to follow in the stories so far have been the ones with an ulterior motive. Whether a blood or beat, it goes to show how deep the hatred is. I would love to see one of these guys get turned too from that one beat or blood showing compassion. I mean peace is the goal; I don't know if we'll ever get there but seeing some progress being made especially with someone working both sides would take V Wars to the next level as well as relate to wars going on now. Whatever the case is, this comic has kept my attention and I think most readers would agree with the entertaining factor that the comic holds over us.

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V-Wars #5

Aug 27, 2014

Swann and the Queen have a long discussion throughout the comic. Again, not much action, but V Wars doesn't need much action for there to still be things happening all around you. For instance, Swann's past comes back in a big way. It would be undermining his story if I said his past was haunting him, because it is just is past and it isn't just haunting him. Swann has to live with these thoughts every day and never knowing what is happening to his little girl. And because of this, he is on that edge of crazy. I am not saying Swann is crazy, but I truly think that he could be pushed, even if he is the most level-headed character in the story. So when the Queen asks for a favor, he follows. He follows for many reasons, but it all leads to one place; Swann is working for the Bloods to try to find the peace instead of the Beats. A change of events that will keep me reading on once more though this dark story.

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V-Wars #6

Oct 8, 2014

Either V Wars goes up and down, so I don't know how many more hills I go over without getting on a steady track. I hope the comic can bring it together soon, so we can all relax and enjoy this bloods vs. the beats story.

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V-Wars #10

Jan 28, 2015

In Luther's case, he doesn't see much action this issue. So I can't say much about his art. What I can talk about is his story a tad. Luther meets up with a new character that will hopefully bring some peace to this war, but as the readers know, it looks like peace is a long time away. It seems to me that almost everyone has their own agenda going on in the comic. Even though I like some characters I meet along the way, the only one I truly trust is Luther. Maybe because he is driven by his daughter, but still, he seems to be the only one who has a clear head and really is thinking about others. Although sometimes I feel like his plans have no hope.

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Velvet #4

Mar 6, 2014

Brubaker has done it again for me with Velvet. I am hooked, and you will be too. And of course like any good drama, we end with an uncertain cliffhanger. I love when comics do this. Even if the series sucks, it keeps the reader wanting more. I have a feeling a lot more reveals are on their way too. I literally feel like I am repeating everything I think Erik would say about this issue or rather the series as a whole. Velvet is just a such a keeper for me. It amazes me how Brubaker can take us into the mind of a spy without actually taking us there. But if I know Brubaker at all, which I don't but wish I did, his series always get crazier. Jump on now in order to get caught up. I promise it will be a must read from then on.

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Wild's End #1

Sep 10, 2014

After the introduction of the conflict and the characters, it all comes together when Slipaway wants to find Fawkes in order to learn more of this bright light and robot that he witnesses. The whole comic is just a fun mix up of characters and aliens. I don't think I have seen an animal town based in 1800s with an impending alien invasion. For that simple premise alone, Wild's End stays true to its name. It is an interesting comic that will create some mystery and intrigue with all readers. It looks to be another good #1 issue from BOOM! so don't miss your chance of getting into a cool story wrapped in a completely different setting than anything out there.

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Wild's End #2

Oct 15, 2014

Wild's End is great way to start off your comic week. The story is incredible and I would suggest buying issue #1 and #2 together. I think the story reads better and honestly #1 will leave you on edge. Take my advice and get as many Boom! titles as you can. Wild's End will become a fan fav if it hasn't already.

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Wild's End #3

Nov 12, 2014

Anyway, the group, with the help of Susan's knowledge of the woods, decides to head to Upper Landing. The place is a hamlet and seems better than heading back to their own town for fear of leading the aliens to their homes. The whole issue revolves around this walk in the woods, which again sounds dull but isn't. I love just wondering into the trail with these guys. The dialogue is just as interesting as the story. With all the secrets Clive has about his past and all the drinking Susan does, it makes for a good pair. Plus you know they will find something on this journey. And what they discover only makes the mystery of the comic more intriguing. Pick up BOOM!'s awesome new title and see for yourself how good Wild's End is and get hooked on these characters.

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Wild's End #4

Dec 10, 2014

As far as a mini series goes, this is one of the best! It is honestly my favorite mini-series that is coming out right now. I love following these characters and seeing the chaos unfold around these seemingly characters in this seemingly normal town. If you are reading this story, you know how I feel. If you aren't, you need to experience the delight of Wild's End.

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Wild's End #5

Jan 14, 2015

By the end of this issue though, it seems that in the heat of the action, Clive may have finally come up with a plan. I hope it works. We don't know what it is and it could only be temporary, but I hope we finally get some questions answered while getting these guys out of their world. So get caught up and don't miss what has been a great ride with Wild's End.

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Wild's End #6

Feb 11, 2015

I think Wild's End came together perfectly. With the ending left open though, I really hope this comic can back for more. The aliens intentions are never revealed, so the more stories could come out of it. It has all the right elements to make it a good read. I feel like the comic ended at an awkward time so if the comic came back, I think Abnett and Culbard could do something even better with a longer time line. For now though, I will enjoy what we have.

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Wild's End: The Enemy Within #1

Sep 23, 2015

This comic has proven itself over and over again, but with these new characters and bigger problem, I think Wild's End will prove that it is top dog without a doubt. I am still wondering what will happen next and I want to see more of Clive and everything he has gone through. Every character seems to have a story, but most of them play out onscreen expect Clive and Susan. Seeing these two unfold could bring in some great plot on top of this alien invasion.

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Witchblade: Day of the Outlaw One Shot #1

Apr 17, 2013

By the time I started to get into this comic it ended. I didn't mind the comic it was fun to read and see her in a western atmosphere but there could have been more of a story. The comic left me wondering what the point of this one-shot was. I think there could have been a series because the basis has potential. Like I said Witchblade in cowboy days seem like a good read. Instead I got no story. I feel like one-shots should want the reader to fully enjoy the comic and want more done with it"after all it could be there one-shot at making the character stick.

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Wrath of the Titans: Force of the Trojans #2

Apr 11, 2013

If you like Greek Mythology at all then you should check out this comic. It brings new light to old characters and I haven’t seen anything new being done with Greek Mythology so I can definitely dig it being adapted into a comic. Plus Apollo and Artemis are my two favorite gods.

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X #4

Aug 14, 2013

This comic is addicting with its play on the dark hero. I would like to know more about the town though and how it ended up in such shit. Probably has something to do with X's real identity though. If the comic slowly starts to give clues as to who he is then I think this comic could get real high on my list real fast. Along the way we can target man after man putting double slashes over their faces. Leigh will be the brains and X will be the brawn.

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X #5

Sep 11, 2013

Dark Horse promises us a new story arc coming out in October. This explains why they stuck to a character development issue here. I am sure their next villain will be crazy as shit and lead X into some bad situations. Ferguson better get her act together, because I don't think X is changing his ways anytime soon, and it would be a shame to see her go.

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X #6

Oct 9, 2013

The comic is taking a risk with bringing in such a new character that isn't like X at all. I would say that most people read this comic because they like X. Since Daniel is nothing like him it could cause for some fans to hate the new guy. For me, I think a change in voices will be nice. It will allow for more people to latch onto the good guy. I am excited to see where the story goes and how the other cops take the new dude.

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X #7

Nov 14, 2013

I think the weak point of this issue and maybe some more issue will be our villain. Don't get me wrong, Setter is a good villain, BUT he isn't great. We got a peak of his evils beforehand, so you would think each issue would just build on that and show us how cruel this man really is. Reading this issue, I wasn't even convinced Setter was a villain, because I still haven't seen him do anything. I am interested to see where his character goes. With Berkshire, it almost seemed personal with X. Berkshire is such an evil dude. I mean he turns into a total pig! So why have Setter be so lame right out of the gate. I was hoping for some big guns being thrown at the readers soon, so we can all hate Setter and once again vote for X to rip off his face.

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X #8

Dec 11, 2013

The comic introduces a lot about violence and how different people would deal with corruption. So I am excited to see where this next arc takes us. I am wondering if Setter will die or if X will have a change of heart. In the end of this issue, it sort of seems that Danny's part ends too, so I am hope that isn't the case. Instead, I hope Danny's part changes and grows with X as both main characters.

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X #9

Jan 15, 2014

Now X faces two huge problems. You think Turners story is going to end but all of sudden he becomes something big. I am excited to see if the next issue takes off with Turner or if he is on the back burner till just the right moment.

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X #10

Feb 12, 2014

So with our two stories bouncing off of each other, I find both interesting, as well as, a good balance for the point in this series. Mr. Tango seems promising, so I hope he can last through a couple more issue than our most recent villains.

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X #11

Mar 12, 2014

As far as plot goes, the story doesn't give us anything. Sometimes you just need some action packed issues, and not a lot of dialogue. That is exactly what we get. I don't love it all the time, but X needed this since he has this new code now. Plus I love when an issue can be read with using only the pictures. It tells a lot about an issue and the overall theme they are trying to get across. So the cover delivered with high action and some whoop ass on X. Gambler was a fun criminal. Although I have a feeling that Tango will be the best dance for X. I would say for art purposes or sequencing pick up the issue for some pleasure on your eyes. If you are looking for a big reveal then pass. You will still understand the plot next issue.

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X #12

Apr 9, 2014

Finally this comic has brought in another powerful villain into X's life. He has had it pretty easy for a while. I think some major factors will go into effect next issue playing around with the idea of an all-out manhunt for X. But X isn't one dude to just give up that like. He will bring his “A” game back when the time is ready. This issue, X wasn't ready. With all that has happened he can finally show everyone what he is truly made out of in the open. The only drawback is that X may have to give it all up after his big reveal.

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X #13

May 14, 2014

Our new story arc was long-awaited, but I think the time has come for a new villain and X to make a huge splash. Leigh has developed into a great character, and seeing her switch sides although hurts it adds so much drama to the series.

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