The Colonized #3

Writer: Chris Ryall Artist: Drew Moss Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: June 5, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The zombie horde is growing, the aliens and humans are outmanned (and out-alienned), and the citizens of Carbon Falls are beset from all sides. Which all pale before the looming explosive threat brought on from one of their own!

  • 10
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Jun 5, 2013

    Colonized proves with each issue that it is a weird, wild, and unique story that stands apart from everything else out there. Ryall and Moss have set up a lot of stuff, and the payoff will come next month. There still seems to be a lot of story to go, but it will be interesting to see how they wrap it all up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Florida Geek Scene - JDOC Jun 5, 2013

    This issue was another great read, and i cant wait to see how this all pans out, hopefully for the better. If you're a fan of alien books, as well as zombie things like ‘The Walking Dead', then this miniseries is for you. Til next review, im out…… Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Your Friendly Neighborhood Brady Jun 7, 2013

    While the story hits the necessary beats, there is not much new. There is literally a speeding train with someone strapped to it as it is set to explode. The aliens are pretty much absent this issue which is unfortunate as they add colors and story dynamics that would enhance this chapter. I hope they save the day somehow and have a major plot twist to make this trip to Carbon Falls worthwhile overall. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Samantha Roehrig Jun 5, 2013

    So my decision is that I will take this comic out back and tie that cinder block on this comic and toss it overboard. It just doesn’t have a good story. The plot is everywhere and although the art is cool and there are some suspicions I have on the plot, I could spend my time doing something else. Read Full Review

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