New readers JUMP ON with this stand-alone one-shot issue!
New York Comic Con is in town... and so is a gang of hyena demons that want to turn the convention into a buffet. Robyn and Marian must attend the con - in costume, of course - and find the weapon the monsters seek before it falls into the wrong hands... er, claws.
Overall, this is the perfect issue to settle down to. The entire team behind it have done an exceptional job of making a comic that is slow paced and comedic, while still managing to include the Robyn and Marian that we have all come to know and love. Read Full Review
Shand lusciously depicts the madness of Comic Con and with Ingranata's artwork, she helps to bring to life the insanity of that event; just going back over those convention pages to wonder at the details made me chuckle and gringe at the truths hidden within. But, the best part of the issue was trying to figure out all of the pop culture references: from Marian's costume choices, to the overt re-naming of a certain Doctor and the hammer wielding by our marvelous blonde heroine, there were too many to count! (Almost as many as the slave princesses on that one page?) Read Full Review
Grimm Fairy Tales presents Robyn Hood #11 is an example of a bout of real world fun as only a capable creative team can deliver. It was a yarn that from beginning to end warrants attention beyond its normal audience. In short: this one easily earned high marks from me. Read Full Review
There are also two new reveals with one of them we find out the name of Robyn and Marians detective agency, and something about Peter the Librarians connection to Brandon from The Cabal. And of course we wont give the answers away here. Read Full Review
A telling story that convention goers can relate to, though the art needs more work. Worth a look to see if others have felt the way you have at a convention. Read Full Review
There are a couple of cute moments here, but mostly this issue falls a little short. It is only when the issue actually acknowledges that it is a bit too meta that it succeeds. This is over a spread page where Marian chooses her costume for the comic con, the choosing and the choice of being the highlight of this particular issue. As always with this series, it seems as though all the pieces are there, only that they are not balanced correctly, and so this still remains Zenescope's weakest monthly title. Read Full Review
But now it is time to get down to busy. The Cabal must be dealt with. I hope Robyn can get some back up from her friends. One because I love them and two because Robyn is going to need to them. Even the wolves in this issue fear the Cabal. Something bigger is taking over and we have no idea where it is headed. Read Full Review