The Returning #2

Writer: Jason Starr Artist: Andrea Mutti Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: April 9, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
8.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Beth seemed to have nowhere to turn until - a mysterious man who calls himself Marcus
seemingly comes to her aid. Now, as they move through Indiana, Marcus not only claims
to know why the NDE victims turn to violence, but also information about Beth's family.
But, can he be trusted?

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Samantha Roehrig Apr 9, 2014

    Beth is a perfect fit into this world. She is still naive enough to not understand that people are out to get her, but also smart enough to ask the right questions for much-needed answers. We don't have a lot of side characters quite yet. I like it that way and the comic is straight forward about all the people entering her life. This way you aren't wondering why they have left. All we have that seems constant is the mysterious man who picked her up. The comic ends with some pretty gnarly stuff that leaves a cliffhanger surrounding some major life and death situations. I look forward to seeing who is on each side and what this dude has to offer Beth that she couldn't find on her own. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Apr 10, 2014

    The Returning is another great mini-series from Boom! The story drew me right in starting with #1 and continues to do so in this strong second issue. Starr's engaging characters and deftly executed pacing keeps me turning pages until I hit the story beat at the end that has me hooked into the next issue. A perfect example of how to write a monthly comic that will ultimately also work as a collection. Well worth the effort to track down at a local comic shop and read, either in the issues as they are coming out, or to pick up the trade when the story is complete in a couple of months. For my own part, I'm eagerly waiting for #3 so I can find out what happens to Beth and what the ultimate mystery is behind the Changers. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Blair Stevenson Apr 8, 2014

    While falling into the undead category, The Returning delivers a fresh take on this convoluted genre and Issue #2 delivers a stronger book than last months #1. However, there is still a slight lack of that spark to propel The Returning into something special. Read Full Review

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