Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #42

Writer: Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman Artist: Cory Smith Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: January 21, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 2
7.7Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Part 2 of "Attack on Technodrome!" An unusual alliance makes its first moves as Fugitoid, Baxter, and Krang aim to outwit each other. The twists and turns are just beginning as the Technodrome is mere moments away from activation!

  • 9.4
    Geeked Out Nation - Ian Yoxon Jan 21, 2015

    All in all, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #42 is the comic fans have been waiting for since the Technodrome was first mentioned. With all the twist and reveals I can't see how this comic shouldn't be a must read. I can't for next month to see how this creative team will top this in the next issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jan 29, 2015

    I thought last issue would be the end of all the table setting we need to finally get to this arc's big blowout. Apparently, the blowout's going to be even bigger than I thought, as the set-up isn't quite done yet. Disappointing as it is to be put off from the major action fest you're hungering for, this is probably a good thing. It's a bit too simple to pit Krang and Shredder against each other and expect our heroes to just do their own thing scot-free. Turns out the plan and the subsequent obstacles are going to be a bit more complicated than that. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    BGCP - Dave MacPhail Jan 24, 2015

    An exciting bridge to the battle ahead! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Samantha Roehrig Jan 21, 2015

    This last part worries me… a lot. Even though Splinter is the most badass of them all, I hate when he is not with his family. Plus with all the emotions inside of him, he could really make a bad move. But then again, I haven't been this excited about TMNT since City Fall. Plus I don't know why, but Old Hob seems to have a high respect for Splinter and all that he does. Maybe it is Old Hob wishing he had a family like Splinter does or just being in aw of Splinter's abilities. Either way, I think if it came down to it, Hob would save that rat's life. So get ready, because I love how the high intensity and the backstabbing going on all over the place. These next couple of issues will bring it and TMNT fans are ready. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Jan 21, 2015

    TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES continues to prove it's consistently great and always manages to leave me thinking its future will be even better. Instead of offering simplistic stories and an abundance of action, the creative team has made the wise decision to really focus on character and story. Sure, there's all of the fun and silliness you'd expect from a TMNT story, but they're going all-out with the mythos building and creating a story that always has me wishing I could read the next issue right away. If you grew up with the franchise or just want to see why some people are so passionate about it, you need to read this story. It'll prove to you there's so much more to TMNT than just pizza and catch phrases. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 3, 2015

    As plans go it's pretty darn good and makes for a nice twist, although it still leaves plenty of room for something to go wrong and the leaves the door open to either one of the Turtles' enemies realizing how the Turtles have used them. Of course if it works the Turtles will be able to destroy the war machine as their enemies destroy each other. But if things went down that easily where would that leave the series as the heroes would be left with no enemies to fight tomorrow? Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - Cory Anderson Jan 20, 2015

    Moments before the brawl takes place, there is a fair amount of twists and inside work that changes everything. Even though the turtles think they have the upper hand, as does The Shredder and Krang for that matter, you can be sure that everyone has had their hands dirty ensuring favor for their cause. If you have ever seen a TMNT cartoon, comic or movie, you know that the turtles almost never accomplish their objective of saving the world without the help of a pesky journalist, April O'Neil. She had a minor amount of panels in this specific issue, but I would keep my eye out for her to have a major role in the conclusion to this arc. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jan 21, 2015

    With the brawl for it all looming, writer Tom Waltz slows the pace here in issue #42, avoiding any real conflict in lieu of placing his final pieces and players. Waltz does a fine job balancing these many different threads, but given the amount of page time dedicated to explaining them, much of the issue feels like a synopsis of what we already know, with only a few choice scenes given further embellishment. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - louis whiteford Jan 24, 2015

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #42 was a rewarding treat for long-time readers and an appetizing treat for the coming brawls. Every mutant appears. Almost every mutant gets to do something. A solid effort. Can’t wait for the next one. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Jan 21, 2015

    It's also worth noting that for a 'bad issue' of the series, it's still pretty decent in general. But when you're used to the comic equivalent of having a five star meal every month, it's a little disappointing to eat fast food. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Jan 22, 2015

    If it wasnt for such wonky story explanations, this issue could easily be one of the best. Its nothing that should take away from what has been a fantastic arc, so at least theres some comfort there. On a positive note, the next issue cant get here fast enough. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Gizmo Jan 31, 2015

    We've seen TMNT bring emotional intensity several times before, but this issues shows that the creative team is also capable of strong technical story types. This is probably the smartest, most intricately woven plots of this TMNT run so far, and it is revealed via thrilling twists and turns. Eastman, Curnow and Waltz have outdone themselves. Cory Smith is producing interior line work that meshing almost seamlessly with previous artist extraordinaire Mateus Santolouco and looks every bit as good. TMNT remains one of the best comics on the shelf and it shows no signs of slowing down, I can't wait to see what's happening next month.

  • 8.5
    Hislight Jun 5, 2020

    The table is set! Looks like we're in for a treat! You know how you can tell this comic is good? Because even though this is another set up issue it's still a great read compared to most Comics. The only gripe is the colors for me made this comic feel a lil bland or something.

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