Ian Yoxon's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 381
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #26

Dec 7, 2013

If you are a superman fan I suggest you buy this now while you still can.

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Action Comics (2011) #27

Jan 11, 2014

All in all this comic is a must read as fans both young and old are going to love how Superman along with Lana Lang are being portrayed in Greg Pak's run on Action Comics.

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Action Comics (2011) #28

Feb 7, 2014

This comic is a must read for fans of Superman. But unlike the last two issues you need to buy previous issues to know what the heck is going on. Which might put off some readers who haven't read the last few issues of Action Comics. I would suggest you go buy at least the last two issues first before reading this one. It would actually make a better story once you realize what's going on. Shame that this wasn't also a great way for readers to jump in. But the best (or worst) has yet to come.Let's see what happens next in next month's issue where not only does Superman fight monsters, but also the U.S. forces as well.

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Action Comics (2011) #29

Mar 8, 2014

All in all this was a great comic to have. Even though this comic has a sadder ending it leads to something more in future issues to come. If you reads this and like what you see I suggest buying the last few issues to get the full story on what's going on. But you'll still have an enjoyable read if you don't have the other issues. It leaves you wanting more which I think that's the best kind of comic leaving the readers wanting more.

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Action Comics (2011) #30

Apr 5, 2014

All in all this is a great jumping off point for new readers who haven't read Pak's run on Action comics. The characters are interesting and it makes you want to read more about Superman and these new characters introduced in the series. I do feel a little sad that Lana Lang isn't in this issue as she was in the other issues. I'm a little worried for Doomsday as it looks like he's turning into something else that I can't even describe. It's all very exciting and has motivated me to check out the other Superman titles in order to be fully caught up on the adventures of Superman.

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Action Comics (2011) #31

May 15, 2014

This was a fun read after reading Superman Doomed. The first three parts of the event have all come out this week so it's a bit pricey to buy all three if the other titles are not on your pull list.If you enjoyed Superman Doomed then I guarantee that your going to love this issue. To see what happens next check out Superman/Wonder Woman #8.

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Action Comics (2011) #32

Jun 7, 2014

All in all this is an okay comic. Don't let the chapter one title fool you on the cover. This is not a good time to jump into the story. But if you are enjoying Superman Doomed so far then I'm certain your you'll enjoy this issue. come back next week as we go to the next chapter in the next issue of Superman Wonder Woman.

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Action Comics (2011) #33

Jul 5, 2014

Besides Supergirl looking evil and the chapter 1 confusion, Action Comics #33 is still fun. It shows what going on with Lois Lane and seeing Superman when he really cuts loose. New readers can find enjoyment in Action Comics #33 and want to see more. Which I think is perfect when new readers are looking for their first comic. A fun story where you can get an idea as to what's going on and want to see more because you liked what you saw. As for the story itself it keeps you drawn in and I can't wait to see what happens next in Superman/Wonder Woman #10.

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Action Comics (2011) #34

Aug 9, 2014

Action Comics #34 showed how epic a comic should be and has done an amazing in slightly outdoing the annual. I highly suggest buying Action Comics #34 along with any other comic that comes out for Superman Doomed.

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Action Comics (2011) #35

Oct 4, 2014

For what it's worth Action Comics #35 is a compelling story. You don't have to read all the issues to Superman Doomed to get what's going and it get's readers exited for the next upcoming story in Action Comics. So if you're looking for a Superman story that focuses on what people see in Superman, then this comic is for you.

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Action Comics (2011) #36

Nov 8, 2014

All in all Action Comics #36 was a fun read. You don't need to read the previous issue of Action Comics to get what's going on. It's pretty much a self contained story that pretty much anyone could easily get into by starting at Action Comics #36. It's a shame this didn't come out in October, but it was still good none the less. I can't wait to see the next issue because it looks like things are going to get worse for Superman and his friends.

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Action Comics (2011) #37

Dec 6, 2014

Action Comics #37 did a lot better than I expected. There's enough stuff in that comic that I'm actually glad I picked up the previous issue so I wouldn't be freaked and scared when I read through it. If you're looking for a good horror comic story that even Superman can't bring down then I highly suggest going to your local stores and picking up the last issues of Action Comics.

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Action Comics (2011) #38

Jan 9, 2015

All in all Action Comics #38 was a fun read. It proves that even Superman can be part of a really good horror story. I really hope that the ending for this story arc ends on a high note in the next issue because it seems like all the horror and build up in Action Comics #38 would just go to waste if it didn't.

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Action Comics (2011) #39

Feb 6, 2015

Action Comics #39 gave a satisfying conclusion to this surprisingly good horror story. It showed a new side to Superman and has our characters grow as people from start to finish.

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Action Comics (2011) #40

Mar 12, 2015

Action Comics #40 is a fun read if you're a fan of Bizarro and a story that is nothing but goofy fun. Especially when there's more than one Bizarro. Fans of the DC multiverse (and Multiversity) will probably go and buy Action Comics #40 since this is this is the second time Action Comics has shown an alternate earth.

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Action Comics (2011) #41

Jun 5, 2015

Action Comics #41 is an okay comic that is mostly brought down by the other Superman titles that haven't come out yet, but it seems like this comic is having it's own story arc. Something which should be expected of most of the Superman titled books are going to be doing.

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Action Comics (2011) #43

Aug 15, 2015

All in all this comic is a must read. I can't stress how muchI've enjoyed this new direction for Superman. Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder are doing something that might not be easy for long time fans to get into but it's worth checking out for Kuder's amazing artwork alone.

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Action Comics (2011) #44

Sep 13, 2015

We get a satisfying conclusion that leads to more possible stories for this series along with the other Superman books. The characters like Wrath and Lee really showed their stuff as characters of appeal. If you had to buy any Superman comic this month then Action Comics is the one to look out for.

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Action Comics (2011) #45

Oct 11, 2015

Action Comics #45 is a great follow-up to the last story arc. It follows up on what happened in the last issue while giving new readers a chance to jump in and enjoy the story. Pak shows off his writing talents in this issue with a story that holds potential.

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Action Comics (2011) #46

Nov 22, 2015

This creative team pulled off the theme ofAction Comics #46 in a spectacular way. Action Comics continues to be a book worth giving a chance if you want to see an interesting take on a corrupted Superman.

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Action Comics (2011) Annual #3

Aug 9, 2014

Action Comics Annual #3 wraps up a few things like the kryptonite that covers the planet along with Superman finding a way to stop the virus for a while. It is a must read for Action Comics fans as the annual brings back lots of characters seen in the series. It's also a must read for readers who are still reading Superman Doomed as the story reach a conclusions to some of their story plots. But it looks like things are going to get worse as we see in the next chapter in Action Comics #34.

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Action Comics (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 5, 2014

All in all Action Comics – Futures End #1 was a good comic. Sure it had some mistakes, but it was better then what I would expect in a Futures End special. It's something you don't have to Futures End to get, but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy it.

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Adventure Time #31

Aug 23, 2014

All in all Adventure Time #31 was is fun start to a new story. If you're a fan of the show then your going to enjoy Adventure Time #31 or any issue previous from the series. It feels like an actual episode, only to be part of an even bigger story. It leaves readers wondering what happened to our characters and makes them want to read more. Which is what the best kind of comic to give to readers. Making them wanting to read more.

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Afterlife With Archie #2

Nov 21, 2013

Overall this is a must read for both Horror fans. Even to those who are not fans of Archie. This is one of those series you can't put down once you start reading.

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Afterlife With Archie #3

Jan 11, 2014

Speaking of Horror stories, as withthe last issue, there is another black and white tale for those who are up for more horror. . This one is called 'Horripilate Host' by Dick Giordano. This story is about Sedgewick a host for a television series that airs horror films called Creature Features. He is visited by a former employee who wants revenge on him by using a demonic spell. Unlike the last issue this reprint actually feels far scarier than the last one. The designs are really creepy, from Sedgwick to the guy who wants revenge which works in this. The story is short and corny, but it does that sense of supernatural horror which doesn't ruin the comic but makes this comic even better.

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Afterlife With Archie #4

Mar 7, 2014

This is a must read. This comic works well as part of the 5 part story arc while at the same time is a great jumping on point to new readers who haven't pick up this series and are interested to reading it. It's weird how even though this is part 4 of a bigger story it's still easy to get into the series. As long as you know that it's during a zombie apocalypse you'll be fine. It's dark, creepy that makes this a well made horror story. I have heard that the schedule for this series is back on track so we'll see the next issue in April. I hope we get to see more as this series is just getting good and it's only going to get better.

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Afterlife With Archie #5

May 16, 2014

Besides the few things with the art this comic was a great read when it comes to horror. If you have the other issues I suggest you read them all at night to get a spooky vibe. Maybe play some background music from horror films to get the mood right. I can't wait to see what other stories we can get from Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla as they mention they're going to add more stuff to it besides zombies. Let's just hope that the next few issues don't have any delays like the last few issues did.

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Afterlife With Archie #6

Jul 24, 2014

Overall Afterlife With Archie #6 was great. I highly suggest reading it at night just to set the mood for yourself when getting into a horror story. Like movies and video games sometimes a horror story doesn't feel as scary as it should when seeing it in the day. It also expands the Afterlife With Archie universe in a way I don't think anyone was expecting. With Cthulhu added to mix, it makes me wonder what other kinds of themes and monsters will appear in this series. Like Slender Man or the story in the game Outlast for example. It's issues like Afterlife With Archie #6 that makes me wish that this wasn't a bi-monthly series as I want to see more.

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Afterlife With Archie #7

Dec 11, 2014

Afterlife With Archie #7 is a great way for readers to jump into the series. It's a start of a new story arc along with digging deeper into the Archie universe then most readers are familiar with. There's also a little reprint story in the back which is a little bit goofy, but fits perfectly with the series none the less. With all the stuff happening in Afterlife With Archie #7, there's a lot to anticipate for the next issue.

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Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #1

Jun 25, 2015

All in all Age of Ultron vs Marvel Zombies #1 was a fun read. It's nice we're getting a lot of set up so readers can get an idea who these characters are and how this work beyond the wall on Battleworld. Sure this comic focuses more on Ultron's domain than the zombies, but we already have another Marvel Zombies series covering that. If you're a fan of Marvel Zombies or had some enjoyment from the recent Ultron stories that have been outthanks to the movies, you'll enjoy this.

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Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #2

Aug 1, 2015

Age of Ultron Vs Marvel Zombies #2 is a must read even if you're not a fan of Marvel Zombies.Characters like Hank Pym make this series worth reading for his differences. Fans of Marvel Zombies will probably be excited that Pugh is getting creative with the zombies, and that will keep them excited for this mini-series along with the ending which some fans will find funny and ironic.

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Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #3

Aug 23, 2015

Age of Ultron Vs Marvel Zombies #3 gives a better understanding of our main characters and and the the situation that they are all in together. From what we've seen so far in this issue you must wonder how Robinson is going to end it all in the final issue.

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Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #4

Sep 5, 2015

This comic gave a satisfying conclusion to this unique mini-series. Besides this story clearly being a tie-in series to Secret Wars it was still self contained that you don't need to read Secret Wars to get what's going on. It was a solid story with great art that when collected in trade should appeal to fans of zombie comic books.

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All-New Ultimates #1

Apr 9, 2014

All in all this comic is a must read. It's a first issue so new readers can get into it. There may be just a little confusion because again, this is not a reboot. What happened in the last volume of the Ultimates does matter. Reading Cataclysm and getting caught up on the last few issues of Ultimate Spider-Man would help to fully get everything.

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All-New Ultimates #2

May 17, 2014

This issue ofAll-New Ultimates showed that the heroes aren't perfect in being heroes and makes an interesting story when some may be close to death or close enough to realize that something is wrong with them. We do see the Ultimate version of Crossbones which is an surprising twist as he's a gang leader instead of an assassin. So seeing new villains, characters and threats for the team it makes me want to know what will happen next now that the threat has been established. How will all these things connect with each other? I guess we'll find out in the next issue of All-New Ultimates.

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All-New Ultimates #4

Jun 28, 2014

Besides the art needing a lot of improvement, I think All-New Ultimates #4 was a big step up from All-New Ultimates #3. It builds up a story about things that have happened up to this point while exploring things that haven't been explored before in the Ultimate Marvel Universe. All-New Ultimates #4 was still an enjoyable issue and I like to see how the next issue goes now that the Serpent Skulls have made their move.

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All-New Ultimates #5

Jul 26, 2014

Overall All-New Ultimates #5 shows that the series can be better and that both writer and artist are showing that they can do better for this series. The writing has improved, the art has improved and gives plenty of new story material that readers will want to see more. All-New Ultimates #5 basically is one of those issues that have readers wanting to see what happens next.

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All-New Ultimates #6

Aug 23, 2014

Despite all the hiccups (mostly with the art), All-New Ultimates #6 does give a satisfying conclusion to the first story arc. The police accept the team as they take down the Serpent Skulls and Scourge making their jobs easier. It also leaves this issue open enough for more future stories and having the readers wanting to read more.

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All-New Ultimates #7

Aug 30, 2014

All-New Ultimates #7 overall was okay. It follows up what happened and leads into more stories that might be introduced later on in the series. Do the villains need a bit of work? Yes, but I still think All-New Ultimates #7 was still good. I do wonder what happened to Crossbones, but we'll probably see him later on in the series.

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All-New Ultimates #8

Sep 13, 2014

So basically All-New Ultimates #8 did a much better job then the few previous issues that came out so far. It showed that the creators of the series are paying attention to what went on in Ultimate Marvel while coming up with new stories. One could argue that some elements of the story are taken from the TV series Ultimate Spider-man: Web Warriors, but that comparison could only be made through what happens in the next issue. For those that are still buying this series, All-New Ultimates#8 is the issue that really shows what the series is capable of.

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All-New Ultimates #9

Oct 10, 2014

Basically All-New Ultimates #9 is okay. There are some great scenes that delivers a lot of action and some character development, but the things wrong with All-New Ultimates #9 does bring this issue down. One can only hope it gets better soon before the series is over.

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All-New Ultimates #10

Nov 15, 2014

All-New Ultimates #10 was a much better issue than one would realize. It's a great jumping on point for new readers that has good set-up and lots of action to keep readers drawn to see what happens next. I highly suggest buying this issue if your interested to see some characters worth caring about with the makings of a good story arc.

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All-New Ultimates #11

Dec 14, 2014

All-New Ultimates #11 was an okay issue that did much better than expected, but there are a few things that is rushed that I wished was better explained in the previous issues at least. Now only one issue remains to see how All-New Ultimates wraps up next month.

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All-New Ultimates #12

Jan 17, 2015

The last issue of All-New Ultimates overall could have been a better to end the series. I did like the direction the series was taking, but I think the ending could have been better since the writer rushed trying to wrap up in the series.

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Astro City (2013) #4

Nov 22, 2014

All in all Astro City #17 was a fun read and a fun little one shot that readers can get into. It shows a different side to characters who are not of this world who do wrong. You can't go wrong with having an enjoyable one-shot that might get you hooked to the series as a whole. Which is a good thing because next month we move on to the next big story arc for Astor City starring Quarrel and Crackerjack.

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Astro City (2013) #6

Nov 16, 2013

Pretty much this is a must read for any comic or non-comic reader who might be interested in reading a comic that doesn't always focus on the heroes.

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Astro City (2013) #7

Dec 13, 2013

I would suggest to pick this up to see a cast of characters that resemble a certain trinity of heroes finally in a story together and to learn more about Winged Victory. It's a good start to get into the series without having any idea what's going on while at the same time pleases long time fans of the series to finally see some of their favourite characters finally teaming up.

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Astro City (2013) #8

Jan 17, 2014

For long time Astro City fans this is a treat on seeing the big three heroes of Astro City working together while learning more about Winged Victory and her backstory. Which is something a few fans have been waiting for a long time. While new readers can jump with this to get into the series and maybe go and buy some of the previous issues while waiting to see what happens next.

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Astro City (2013) #9

Feb 15, 2014

So keep an eye for next months issue as we see the conclusion to this team-up and to see what will happen to Winged Victory once this is all over.

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Astro City (2013) #10

Mar 15, 2014

This issue is a must read. If you like this issue and wanted to see more on these heroes then I suggest go and pick the last three issues if you haven't read them yet. It's cool we get to see the three biggest heroes in the city that have been seen or just mention in most of the series. The only downside is that new readers will probably want to see more of these heroes in the next few issues. Even though the cast changes almost every issue as each issue is pretty much a one-shot, This, along with the last three issues are one of those stories you can basically give to any one you think will like it and will want to read more.

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Astro City (2013) #11

Apr 12, 2014

All in all this is still a must read. While I may have a problem with some of the art. I can't argue that the story still got me interested in these new characters and I hope to see more of them sometime in future issues. Which sadly may not happen for a long while. It still has that charm fans of Astro City know and love and like most issues of the series is a good jumping off point for new readers. Especially for those who prefer fantasy more then the usual sci-fi stuff that is seen in comic books. It's a good start to get into the series (or comics in general).

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Astro City (2013) #12

May 16, 2014

So if you haven't read a comic before or just looking for something different in comics I recommend this issue. It's has a different main character then one would normally see and makes him an interesting character without killing anyone. Which you see a lot in comics focusing on villains these days. It's an interesting issue that will probably get more readers interested in the Astro City series.

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Astro City (2013) #13

Jun 13, 2014

All in all this comic is okay. But this is a first time that I can say you can skip this issue. Shocking I know. Unless there's going to be a issue that follows up on the story then you won't feel so bad if you miss it. I won't stop you if you do want it to complete the collection. Take your time though as we won't see the next issue until August. So take your time and catch up on the series if your behind while we wait for the next issue of Astro City.

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Astro City (2013) #15

Sep 12, 2014

All in all, Astro City #15 was a fun and a great conclusion to this two-parter. The characters were interesting to the point that readers would probably want to see more of Ellie and her robot friends. Sure there were a few mistakes in the art, but the story just keeps you wanting to read more. I highly recommend buying Astro City #15 and the previous issue if you haven't done that already.

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Astro City (2013) #16

Oct 10, 2014

All in all Astro City #16 is a quality issue and one of the few comics I highly recommend anyone to read, even if that reader is starting to get into comics. The story was well written with interesting new characters to get invested in. Creativity and uniqueness are key, something which they have nailed consistently.

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Astro City (2013) #18

Dec 13, 2014

The interior art for Astro City #18 is amazing. Brent Eric Anderson has brought his A game fir this issue. The characters don't look weird and the poses and facial expressions are solid. Enough so to fully grasp the tone of the story. Astro City #18 is a must read. Fans of the series can explore some classic characters that haven't been explored before while new readers can jump into the series and get a taste of what Astro City is like and why they should collect the series. With a new way of exploring a hero's life, what happens next in the next issue of Astro City should be something to look forward to.

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Astro City (2013) #19

Jan 17, 2015

All in all Astro City #19 was a great issue and a good example to show how this series is something readers should look into since it shows interesting new ways to tell stories about superheroes.

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Astro City (2013) #21

Mar 14, 2015

All in all Astro City #21 is a must read. You'll end up liking the main character by the time you finish reading Astro City #21, even if you haven't read the last three issues. I guarantee that you'll enjoy this comic and want to see more of the characters and anything else from Astro City.

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Astro City (2013) #22

Apr 11, 2015

This was a really good issue that reminded me why I enjoyed this series so much and I highly recommend giving this comic a read.

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Astro City (2013) #23

May 16, 2015

Astro City #23 is a must read for both long time and casual readers to easily jump in and quickly understand who the characters are and not feel lost. Long time readers will see a fresh take on classic stuff that make comics fun to read and casual readers will give them the kind of story that will have them think this is a good comic with a great message. The coloring is great and Anderson's art has shown great improvements. Astro City #23 is the iisue a lot of people can easily understand that this is awesome series.

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Astro City (2013) #24

Jun 20, 2015

All in all Astro City #24 was an enjoyable read. I love things that were goofy I thought the ending was clever. Astro City continues to be one of the best and most consistent superhero ongoing series.

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Astro City (2013) #25

Jul 18, 2015

Like most of the previous stories, Astro City #25 is a must read. The art is great and the story will have readers new and old interested in Hummingbird. I highly recommend reading this comic and suggest giving this to any one else who haven't got a chance to read the series yet.

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Astro City (2013) #26

Aug 21, 2015

I highly suggest buying Astro City #26 as an anniversary special for fans who stuck with the series for so long, while keeping up with the current theme the series seems to be centered around. New readers will get an idea about the character without feeling lost in backstory.

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Astro City (2013) #27

Sep 27, 2015

Basically this comic brings out what I loved about Astro City. The art may have thrown me off a bit at first, but it quickly grew on me. It has a unique character that you can easily follow and you hope to see more adventures like this one in the next few issues of Astro City.

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Astro City (2013) #28

Oct 24, 2015

Astro City #28 is a must read because we get a unique story with another featured character explored in a new light. Any reader should check out the latest issue since most of the issues of Astro City are easy to jump into. You don't need to know the characters backstory or have read previous stories to enjoy it either.

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Astro City (2013) #29

Nov 23, 2015

Despite the few flaws, this comic is still fun to read. The story is unique with interesting characters and how they see the world around them. It's something I recommend people to check it out if you're looking for something different in comics. From the events that happened in this issueI can't wait to check out how it all ends in the next issue.

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Axis: Carnage #1

Oct 31, 2014

All in all Axis Carnage #1 is a good read, despite being a start to a tie-in mini-series. Since this is a comic about Carnage this comic is not for everyone, especially to younger readers and readers who can't stand gore. If you don't mind that and just want to read a good Carnage story then I suggest to give Axis Carnage #1 a chance. You be surprised how things go and want to see more.

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Axis: Carnage #2

Nov 22, 2014

All in all Axis Carnage #2 was a fun comic. It gives what readers of Axis were asking for when seeing some of their favourite villains be super heroes. Axis Carnage #2 is something that will get readers interested in the mini series. I can't to see how this all ends and see if Carnage will stay a hero or go back to being a villain.

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Axis: Carnage #3

Dec 13, 2014

All in all while Axis Carnage #3 had a good ending and great drawings the issue felt a bit rushed. This needed to be a bit longer to avoid that rushed feeling. It's still a fun read so I do suggest giving it a read. Axis Carnage was funny and a big bright spot in the Axis event.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #6

Dec 6, 2013

All in all if you already started reading the story arc you might as well finish it. It will get better soon with the crossover that is coming soon.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #7

Jan 11, 2014

Although this comic along with the rest of the issue that make this story arc feels like filler. It does lead to the series' first annual, in which we will see the entire Superman and Batman families teaming up to face the son of Mongul.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #8

Mar 1, 2014

Overall this was a fun read and reminded me why I liked this series in the first place. I suggest readers who quit reading this series during the second story arc to give this series a chance. We finally get back on track with more comics relating to Earth 2 and see the dynamic in the series that was missing in the last few issues.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #9

Apr 26, 2014

The way First Contact connects both stories helps clear things up in a way that makes sense for both series when moving on from this crossover. It's definitely a book for fans of Worlds' finest because it helps lead to Huntress and Power Girl finding a way back home along while setting up a few stories for Batman and Superman to face sometime in the future.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #10

May 10, 2014

While you could hypothetically skip this issue I wouldn't suggest that. It has a few things that please fans of Frankenstein if they weren't pleased from what they get from 'Red Hood and the Outlaws'. It was a fun little one-shot that I wouldn't mind reading again for enjoyment while I wait for next adventure of Batman Superman.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #11

May 24, 2014

Batman Superman #11shows that Pak can still wright a cool Superman story, even though Superman isn't in this issue. It's was actually a lot better then what I was expecting in this comic. Less delays would be appreciated, but it's probably not going to happen anytime soon when Jae Lee is involved. I remain hopeful that we get that Earth 2 story in the next issue in June.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #12

Jul 5, 2014

This was a fun issue to have for fans of Batman Superman and Earth 2. It's easy to jump into for new readers who have no clue what's going on. While it pleases readers who enjoyed the first four issues as this feels like a sequel to that story. I recommend those you dropped the series to come back and pick up Batman Superman #12 as it looks like more things are on their way with Kaiyo causing trouble. It looks like Greg Pak is back on track in writing really good stories involving Batman and Superman.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #13

Aug 29, 2014

Batman Superman #13 is an exciting issue. I do suggest buying this if you enjoyed the first four issues of Batman Superman, along with the crossover First Contact. With a dark force watching behind the scenes, you definitely anticipate what's to come in the next issue.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #14

Oct 4, 2014

For what it's worth Batman Superman #14 is a solid issue. We don't have to wait weeks on end for future issues to be made either. Which is a plus since the next issue comes out in a few weeks. Batman Superman #14 also shows that Greg Pak knows how to make interesting stories for both Superman and Batman that keeps you coming back to see what happens next.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #15

Oct 18, 2014

While there are a few flaws to Batman Superman #15 it was still a great conclusion to the story arc. Most of the things that happen get wrapped up it leaves it open for more stories down the road which I think most readers will probably line up for once they know that Kaiyo makes a comeback.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #16

Nov 22, 2014

All in all Batman Superman #16 was a fun read, despite some of goofier scenes when trying to making the villain threatening. New readers who are interested of Batman Superman but never got around to reading any of the comics can easily jump into the series since this is the start to a new story arc. I really hope this is a villain worth reading as the story progresses for the months to come.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #17

Dec 19, 2014

Batman Superman #17 was a good comic that pulls readers into the mystery of on who is behind all these attacks. While the previous issue just made the villain too perfect, I like that his crimes have outcomes the affect the world along with messing with Superman in. I'd like to see who else is on Batman and Superman's list of suspects along with how they are going to catch this guy in the next few issues to come.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #18

Jan 24, 2015

Batman Superman #18 was a good issue with a really good plot twist. It was a twist readers would never expect which I thought was really clever. The relationship between Batman and Superman get's much more depth in Batman Superman #18, great to see how they both care about each other. If you've been enjoying this story arc so far, Batman Superman #18 get's even better and having readers wonder what will come in the next issue.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #20

Mar 21, 2015

All in all Batman Superman #20 was a fun read despite the few flaws. It proves why Phantom King is a great and under used villain. I recommend givingBatman Superman #20 a look since it follows continuity for older readers while giving new readers an epic action heavy issue.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #21

Jun 13, 2015

All in all, Batman Superman #21 is a good start to this part of the Truth storyline. It fills in a few details on what's going on with Superman's life while showing the new team up with the new Batman. I recommend giving this comic a chance if only to see how other characters react to the new Batman.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #22

Jul 11, 2015

All in all Batman Superman #22 is on the right track in telling a new Batman Superman team up story. No one seems out of character in this comic and the continuity shown in this comic doesn't confuse readers.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #23

Aug 16, 2015

Batman Superman #23 may be one of the best issues to come out of this new Batman Superman team up. The art has shown great improvements over time and the story is actually makes readers think about the simple idea of right and wrong. I do recommend giving this change in the series a read if for nothing else seeing new ways to tell Superman stories.

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Batman / Superman (2013) Annual #1

Mar 7, 2014

All in all this is actually a fun read. It makes up for the readers of the series who have read issues 5-7 but still interests new readers who haven't read an issue of Batman Superman. It's just nice how this comic starts doesn't need any back story to it yet works just as well if it does. I would recommend buying this book as this does prove the earlier issues (which were amazing) weren't just a one time thing for the makers of the series. If you did read those earlier issues then you'll going to enjoy reading this annual.

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Batman / Superman (2013) Annual #2

Apr 4, 2015

Batman Superman Annual #2is a must read that gives us an epic fight with villains who would normally never fight Superman along with Batman being being that necessary helping hand throughout. It also sets the groundwork for more Superman stories to come, although we will to have to wait two months to see what happens next. If you haven't been hooked on the current Superman stories yet, I'm certain that this annual will get you interested.

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Batman / Superman (2013): Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

All in all this was a really good issue. Batman Superman Futures End #1 uses what we know about Futures End in a way that anyone can get into without reading the actual series. I highly suggest anyone who enjoys Superman and Batman stories to go buy Batman Superman Futures End #1 for a story that doesn't happen a lot in a DC Comic.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #1

Jun 4, 2015

Batman Beyond #1 was a fun read for a first issue. Sure it wasn't a 100% new reader friendly, but there is a lot of stuff in the story like character development and expanding this dark future that I'm sticking around to see what else can I find in this series.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #3

Aug 9, 2015

All in all this comic was a fun read. Jurgens and Changedo a good job in keeping readers interested in the series along with getting new readers up to speed on what's going on. This is a new Batman Beyond story with a lot of changes but it's worth checking out.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #4

Sep 6, 2015

This Weeks Best Bets 9.0Comic Book Review: Angel & Faith Season 10 #188.9Comic Book Review: Colder: Toss The Bones #18.8Comic Book Review: Squadron Sinister #38.7Comic Book Review: Age of Ultron VS. Marvel Zombies #48.7Comic Book Review: Batman Beyond #48.5Comic Book Review: X-O Manowar #408.5Comic Book Review: Lobo #108.4Comic Book Review: Thors #38.3Comic Book Review: Barb Wire #37.9Comic Book Review: Over the Garden Wall #17.8Comic Book Review: Imperium #87.8Comic Book Review: Godzilla in Hell #2 Most Recent Articles Comic Book Review: Batman Beyond #48.7Comic Book Review: Squadron Sinister #38.8Comic Book Review: Age of Ultron VS. Marvel Zombies #48.7Comic Book Review: Colder: Toss The Bones #18.9Comic Book Review: Lobo #108.5

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Batman Beyond (2015) #5

Oct 11, 2015

Batman Beyond #5 was a fun read where there was a lot more excitement in this issue than I expected after the last. It gives hope that we'll have more adventures of Tim in this dark future after Brother Eye is gone. Readers should give this a chance if wanting to see stuff like Gordon's Batman make an introduction in this series.

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Bedlam #10

Nov 29, 2013

Would this comic be great to pick up randomly, no. Would this be a nice chapter for the story, of course. This is a dark series of villain turning good and I love seeing the flashbacks. It's also cool seeing what the characters were like back then while only showing three colours in the flashbacks. All in all I would by the other issues first before buying the current issue or wait till the graphic novel comes out as some people don't want to wait months at a time waiting for the next issue.

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Bedlam #11

Jan 22, 2014

This is a good issue to have even if it is a quick read. It's something that both old and new readers can enjoy. I wonder want will come next from the mind of Nick Spencer. I guess we won't know until the next few months for Bedlam to have another issue.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #17

Nov 7, 2013

Overall this is a good read for Captain Marvel fans. For newcomers you just picked up this issue might get a little confused, but will like the story either way. Again this does not feel like a last issue to a series but more of a transition from one series to another. Maybe two because of some of the ads were showing not just Carol getting a new series, but a new character using Carol's old name Ms. Marvel. Which sounds kinda cool. Kinda wish the series didn't have go back to one, but maybe the new series might bring in more fans of Captain Marvel.

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Contest Of Champions #1

Oct 10, 2015

Both stories put Contest of Champions #1 at a good start. Hardcore, casual and new readers to comics can easily get into the series. You just might be hooked to see who else will be brought into the Contest of Champions.

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Contest Of Champions #2

Nov 7, 2015

If you haven't read the first issue or the Marvel Point One comic, Contest of Champions does a fine job catching you up on what you need to know. We see the team behind this book have a lot of fun making it for both new and older readers. We even get to see who they picked to be the challenging team that fights the main characters which creates anticipation for the following issue.

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Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #12

Nov 21, 2013

This comic also has a few hiccups sure like continuity errors with show like Rose Tyler being here and is okay about the Doctor's regenerated forms and the lack of companions from other parts of Doctor Who like the comics and the radio plays. But all and all this was a okay comic. Although I would recommend buying the first 11 issues before reading this issue.

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Earth 2 #27

Oct 10, 2014

All in all Earth 2 #27 was a fun issue worth reading. There was lots of action and gives readers an idea of what the relationships are to some of the characters in the series. Also it shows readers of Earth 2 that they should probably go and buy the weekly series just so they can keep up with what's going on.

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Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #1

Sep 11, 2014

Overall Edge of Spider-Verse is off to a solid start. It gave readers an introduction to a character they may not have known about and still acts as a way to bring back a cult favorite. If the rest of these one shots is of this quality then this event has a bright future.

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Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #2

Sep 18, 2014

All in all Edge of Spider-Verse #2 was actually good comic that I would recommend any reader to buy. The characters were interesting, Gwen Stacy made a decent superhero and end it in a way that most didn't expect since this relates to Spider-Verse. I like to see more of Gwen Stacy and her world once Spider-Verse is over as it looks like She's going to be a popular character out of this and it would be a waste if Marvel didn't make more comics about her.

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Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #3

Sep 25, 2014

All in all Edge of Spider-Verse #3 is a fun read and a must have for all readers who are excited for Spider-Verse. Dustin Weaver proves that he is both a good writer and good artist and I hope to see more of his stories some time in the future. Like the last issue it gives readers more then what we expected to happen during the build up to Spider-Verse. This mini-series is showing that it's not just these versions of Spider-Man that will have an importance to Spider-Verse.

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Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #4

Oct 2, 2014

So far Edge of Spider-Verse #4 is perfect way to start the month of October in reading scary stories. Not everyone will enjoy this as horror is not for everyone or for how different it may be in contrast, but if you enjoyed Edge of Spider-Verse so far and want to see how this connects to Spider-Verse then I highly suggest you go and buy Edge of Spider-Verse #4.

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Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #5

Oct 16, 2014

All in all despite the few flaws Edge of Spider-Verse #5 was a fun read and I highly suggest anyone who is a fan of Spider-Man to go and pick up. Anime fans would enjoy this as this is a huge love letter to anime classics. It also leads into the anticipated story Spider-Verse which will have readers excited for it when it comes out this November. Will we see more of Peni Parker anytime soon? Probably, but I'll wait for Spider-Verse to see if she'll make a impact for Marvel to make a new series or mini-series.

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Extraordinary X-Men #1

Nov 7, 2015

Extraordinary X-Men #1 is off at a good start for a first issue. We're not bombarded by so much information but just enough that will give us a good idea as to where things will go for the main characters. Lemire and his team are building up an interesting new story that I don't see why X-Men fans would turn down.

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Fairy Quest: Outcasts #1

Nov 5, 2014

All in all Fairy Quest Outcasts #1 is a fun read. It continues an enjoyable story and gives readers hope that this series is not cancelled and forgotten. While I normally recommend this to new readers to pick up a comic like this without any backstory, I highly recommend buying Fairy Quest Outlaws first before reading Fairy Quest Outcasts #1 if you haven't already. You'll be glad that you did as it makes Fairy Quest Outcasts #1 all the more enjoyable to read. I can't wait for the next issue to see more of Red, Woof and Fablewood.

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Fairy Quest: Outcasts #2

Dec 3, 2014

Fairy Quest Outcasts #2 was a fun read that helps lay out the next goal for our characters to escape to real world It was fun to see familiar characters in a new light and I highly suggest checking out all the issues of Fairy Quest if you enjoyed this issue. The only thing I didn't like is that this is a two issue mini-series as I like to see more of Fairy Quest and I wish it doesn't take another year for us see what happens next.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #14

Nov 24, 2013

All and all I would pick this issue up for the soul reason on completing the series and seeing how certain characters will appear in the FF series which most fans seem to favor.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #15

Dec 21, 2013

But this does lead to the final issue were both versions of the Fantastic Four face Doom the Annihilating Conqueror. Which from the readings this issue is an interesting twist. I can't wait to see how the final issue goes.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #16

Jan 18, 2014

It was a good year for the Fantastic Four. Sure it had a few ups and downs since this series switch writers but I liked were it went so far. This last issue is a great send off to an amazing series.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #1

Mar 1, 2014

Overall I highly suggest readers to pick up this comic. If you haven't been a fan yet of the team you might be after reading this comic. It starts fresh for new readers while old readers will have fun reading this as stuff from the last volume wasn't forgotten. The creators of this series are an interesting choice if you know most of their work. It seems like many things will happen that will take them to dark places that will break them so I'm keeping my eyes pealed for the next issue to see how things go. If you're a fan of Earth 2, I can be certain that you won't be disappointed if you decide to pick up this comic.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #2

Mar 15, 2014

All in all Robinson knows how to make a good Fantastic Four comic. It keeps you reading fom start to finish and makes you want to see more. Also for those who have read the last issue, it looks like things are going underway for the downfall of the team. By the end of the comic readers will start to realize why Johnny was going down to self destruction as seen in the last issue. I really hope the team can make it through this, because this really does look like the Fall of the Fantastic Four.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #3

Apr 25, 2014

OverallFantastic Four #3 was a fun read. It did what was expected while bringing in some things that fans of the series were hoping to see in connection with the previous volume of the series. Also there are a few new things that would have readers coming back next month to see where things go from there. I'm hoping to see more about the heroes reborn universe as it seems that place is in a lot of trouble.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #4

May 17, 2014

Fantastic Four #4has a team battle with villains that can talk back, a team-up with a fan favorite team and giving the comic an ending that makes readers wanting to see more. This is always the best way to get new readers, making them wanting to read more.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #5

May 31, 2014

All in all,Fantastic Four #5 was a really good issue. The issue doesn't seem confusing when it comes to the story and seeing so many artists on the book is worth the extra money to buy it. I would like to see where the team goes from there and what else Robinson can throw at us in the next issue.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #6

Jun 28, 2014

All in all this was a really good issue. It still continues what happened in the previous story arc that readers of the Fantastic Four won't be upset that the story was pushed aside for a tie-in to Original Sin. I highly suggest buying Fantastic Four #6 along with the next issue just to see how exactly Johnny screwed up Ben's chances at being human.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #7

Jul 12, 2014

All in all this was a fun read and highly suggest not to skip this issue just because it's a tie-in to a certain event Marvel is going through. It helps with the story the series is going through and it work a bit frustrating if you pick up the next issue and realize there was important stuff going in Fantastic Four #7 that you needed to know before reading the next issue.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #9

Aug 30, 2014

Fantastic Four #9 is a great issue for many reasons. It's a good jumping on point for new readers as this is the start to a new story arc. It keeps new readers up to speed so they don't need to ask what's going on and who certain characters are. If you haven't been reading Fantastic Four, I highly suggest you read this issue.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #10

Sep 12, 2014

While we don't learn much about the mysterious villain other then that he or she is starting to slip in hiding their identity, Fantastic Four #10 was a fun read none the less. This series is getting better and better as time goes by.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #11

Oct 18, 2014

All in all Fantastic Four #11 was a fun comic. We get to see what these guys are up too while deepening the mystery of what's going on. I like to see how all this and all the some of things from classic stories connect with each other. I highly suggest readers to keep reading the Fantastic Four to find out more for the months to come.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #12

Nov 1, 2014

Fantastic Four #12 is a great issue for so much that happened througout. It's one of the few issues that gets readers excited for what's going on in the series and want to see what happens next. Also After reading Fantastic Four #12, you can't say you're not at least interested in seeing some of your favourite Marvel characters taking down some of Rob Liefiled's creations.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #13

Nov 22, 2014

All in all Fantastic Four #13 was a good issue. If you haven't been reading the series up to this point, then I suggest you go buy the rest while you guy. Not only are you getting more details on what's going on but also seeing what makes this issue great for the Fantastic Four.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #14

Dec 19, 2014

Fantastic Four #14 is a great issue that gives us more answers than questions. It's a must read for fans of the current volume as things come full circle with both sides getting closer and closer to their goals. I can't wait to see more as the ending shows that things have gotten a whole lot worse from there.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #642

Jan 24, 2015

All in all Fantastic Four #642 was a fun read marks the beginning of the end.It's not something you can easily jump into despite the big number 1 on the cover for the story arc. Just keep in mind that is a lot of build up and a lot of explanations to what was going go during this run on the Fantastic Four.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #644

Mar 14, 2015

All in all Fantastic Four #644 was an epic read. Seeing everything coming together and the characters fighting it out for the fate of the world just makes me excited for more Fantastic Four stories even though there won't be any for a while. This is a winner of an issue and restores some faith in the property.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #645

May 2, 2015

Fantastic Four #645is a must read that gives a satisfying end to a well written series. The Fantastic Four will be missed and I hope they have more epic adventures when they do make a comeback.

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Fantastic Four (2014) Annual #1

Oct 4, 2014

Fantastic Four Annual #1 is a fantastic issue and annual worth picking up. If you are a fan of either Doctor Doom or Sue Richards then I highly recommend buying this annual. It works well with the rest of the series as well as giving you some depth where you may have had questions before concerning their relationship to Valeria. Since this is written by Robinson, there are some references to some old Fantastic Four stories. Something which may be enjoyable to point out yourself if you are aware of them.

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FF (2012) #14

Nov 29, 2013

Besides to few downsides to the comic it was a really good read. I recommend picking this along with every other issue of FF that came out this past year.

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FF (2012) #15

Dec 21, 2013

The story is well written with Doom being himself and finding a way to reject the merger. The council of Doom do make an appearance in this issue. You question why there are so few. But if you've been reading the other series then it actually makes sense why there are only four versions of Doom left. Although I wish we get to see more of them but I'm happy the way things are going especially when Doom goes .

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FF (2012) #16

Jan 24, 2014

All in all this was a great issue to own. The series had a great run this year and left with a satisfying end. Will we see more of the kids from this series. I'm not sure. But I can't wait to see if they do once in the new Fantastic Four series written by James Robinson which comes out next month.

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Fiction Squad #1

Oct 1, 2014

All in all Fiction Squad #1 is a fun read that pretty much anyone can enjoy. We get the start of a new detective story that expands the world of Fablewood and shows howfamiliar stories can betold in new, interesting ways. It's off to a good start and I can't wait to pick up the next issue. If you enjoyed Fairy Quest or just want a good detective story then I highly suggest picking Fiction Squad #1 as you'll be hooked by the first few pages.

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Fiction Squad #2

Nov 5, 2014

All in all Fiction Squad #2 is a fun issue. It deepens the mystery and shows just how crazy all the characters that appear in this issue. If you enjoyed the first issue of Fiction Squad, then I highly suggest buying the second issue. The continuation works well and can be easily read by both kids and adults. I can't wait for the next issue to see what happens next.

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Fiction Squad #3

Dec 3, 2014

Overall, Fiction Squad #3 is a page turner. Once you start reading it is very hard to put it down. The art helps bring in younger readers while the older readers can enjoy the story with jokes that both generations can't help but laugh. I highly recommend getting into this series as the plot thickens with each passing issue of Fiction Squad.

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Fiction Squad #4

Jan 8, 2015

All in all Fiction Squad #4 has a great mix between seriousness and silliness. It's cool to see that things are getting closer to solving the mystery along with learning a bit more about Frankie and his villain. With all that happened in Fiction Squad #4 I can't wait to get my hands on the next issue to see what will happen next.

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Fiction Squad #5

Feb 6, 2015

Fiction Squad #5 was a fun issue that has big reveals and it's nice to see things progressing to the series end. I'm not sure what to think about the villain until the last issue comes out, but I think readers will still enjoy this issue when they get their hands on it.

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Fiction Squad #6

Mar 5, 2015

Fiction Squad #6 did a pretty good job in wrapping up it's own story. It's highly recommended that this series is something you want to follow from start to finish because of the entertainment value. After this issue you do hope we get to see some of these characters again in stories like Fairy Quest along with any other stories that Paul Jenkins has in made about the world of Fablewood.

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Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #4

Oct 18, 2014

Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #4 is a good comic . We have a basic story of a monster attack along with introducing different but cool version of a few classic DC characters. It's one of those times where any reader would get into the series and either wait for the next issue or hunt down the previous three. Now readers of digital comics probably know what happens next so for the readers of printed comics I suggest waiting for the next issue if you liked Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #4 as we get more alternate Doomsday action.

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Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #6

Dec 17, 2014

Infinite Crisis: Fight For the Mutliverse #6 was a fun read. We get some action, interesting dialogue and a set up for the next adventure for our large cast. Sure there are a few things that could have been better, but it doesn't bring down the comic that much. New readers can get a general idea what's going on.

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Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #7

Jan 22, 2015

Infinite Crisis Fight For The Multiverse #7 was a fun read none the less. We get to see some character development and how dangerous this crisis is with one new twist after another. It seems that the series has build up to this battle and that's part of what makes it so exciting. Here's hoping that more stories come from this series as to seems Infinite Crisis Fight For The Multiverse doesn't seem like it's stopping any time soon.

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Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #9

Mar 20, 2015

Infinite Crisis Fight For The Multiverse #9 was a fun read that was a little silly sure, but it had all the elements of a good Silver Age story. We got to see different versions of certain characters, explore Earths that we knew little of and face a crisis that actually feels likes a Crisis.

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Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #10

Apr 18, 2015

Infinite Crisis Fight For The Multiverse #10 is a fun read. The fight scenes were good, the characters were interesting and some cameos draw readers in to see more of the series. I recommend giving this comic a read only to see some goofy multiverse fun, which hasn't been seen in a while.

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Justice League 3000 #1

Dec 14, 2013

Seeing the writers Keith Giffen and J.M. Dematteis back again writing a Justice League book is a treat. With Howard Porter's artwork is amazing from the cover to the last page. The downside to the series is that some people might have would be put off that these are not the Justice League you grew up with. Heck I'll be honest that Batman wishing for some kryptonite will get old really quickly if that becomes a catchphrase or something. But I would recommend people to pick up these comic if your ready to see a whole new side the team you never thought could happen.

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Justice League 3000 #2

Jan 17, 2014

All in all, if you heard this series was off at a bad start thing again. This series has a good idea where it's going and I would like to see it continue. I highly suggest you all to go buy this comic. It's not everyday you see a second issue as a good jumping on point for new readers and get them interested in the series and go out to go out and buy last month's issue.

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Justice League 3000 #3

Feb 14, 2014

Lets see what happens next in the months to come if Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman can get off Takron-Galtos, If Green Lantern can escape Locas and see if death is just a revolving door in this series.

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Justice League 3000 #4

Mar 15, 2014

My only problem with the comic is that I wish we got to see flashbacks when Ariel explains the teams origins. If we did it would help some readers who haven't read the series before. Speaking of which this is an okay if a little confusing. I would suggest to pick up the other issues at your local comic book store. It brings in a better understanding of the series.I would suggest to pick this up as we get a cool Green Lantern fight along with finally learning about where the team comes from. It's a fun read and I think the origin is an interesting twist that hasn't been done before in comics as far as I can tell.

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Justice League 3000 #5

Apr 12, 2014

This issue is a fun read as we get a lot of action in it. It plays off what we learned about our heroes from the last issue which is fun to see as most of the characters are disgusted that more heroes are back from the dead and that the Wonder Twins (at least one of them) seem to have no idea what they're doing. Which I hope to see the outcome of that once they get away from the Five. I can't wait to see the next issue.

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Justice League 3000 #6

May 10, 2014

This was a fun issue to read. It shows that some of the characters have changed during the past six issues of the series. The art looks good and makes me want to know more about these guys. The lack of actual fighting will be made up with next issue but with any good series, story is what matters most. Characterization is the meat of any good book and Justice League 3000 #6 has that.

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Justice League 3000 #7

Jun 7, 2014

If you were considering droppingJustice League 3000, I have to stop you right there. This issue actually turns that around for readers who are still buying the series. It shows a new direction while staying true to story without it feeling like it changed so much that it's another story. I can't wait to see how the league deals with the enemy in control of everything they know so far. Although I do hope they end this story arc soon as I really like to see what else this series could bring as I heard the writers are planning to bring in an Injustice League and a whole new set of New Gods.

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Justice League 3000 #8

Jul 5, 2014

All in all Justice League 3000 #8 did a lot new and creative. New readers can easily get into this series with Justice League 3000 #8 and not have to hunt down the previous issues to get what's going on. I think the team has finally gotten to work together as a team it shows the way they try to take down an enemy who seems to be wining. I wonder how the team will get out of this situation in the next issue along with what other adventures they will have in the future from this.

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Justice League 3000 #9

Aug 9, 2014

In the end, the heroes of Justice League 3000 are working together to the point that they're finally putting the bad guys on the ropes and it shows that the writers are having a bit of fun when writing Justice League 3000 #9. If you were thinking of dropping the series, I suggest buying this comic before you make your decision.

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Justice League 3000 #10

Oct 4, 2014

Justice League 3000 #10 is a fun issue that I highly recommend any reader to buy. We finally get to explore this different DC universe with more characters and see a close to the first story arc. After reading Justice League 3000 #10 I can't wait to get my hands on the next issue.

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Justice League 3000 #11

Nov 7, 2014

Justice League 3000 #11 is a fun issue to get into if a new reader. Plus they get to see a new group of villains that a lot of readers wanted to see. It's has the right amount of goofiness to keep readers interested and make them come back to read more. Which I hope you do for the next issue we see some classic DC characters join the team.

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Justice League 3000 #12

Dec 5, 2014

Justice League 3000 #12 was fun with lots of good jokes and bringing back a few classic characters. Fans of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold must go and buy this because this shows that these are the characters that we've enjoyed and shows that this is a series worth spending money on. I can't wait to see what other classic or new (probably both) characters that will appear in the next issue of Justice League 3000.

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Justice League 3000 #13

Jan 9, 2015

All in all Justice League 3000 #13 was a fun read and I'm glad the series is moving forward while building up in both their universe and the characters. Justice League 3000 #13 is a great start to this new arc.

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Justice League 3000 #14

Feb 13, 2015

Despite all of the flaws with the art Justice League 3000 #14 does do a good job getting readers excited for the next issue and the series that comes after this. It's okay for the most part, but I'm more excited for the next issue to come which is only a few weeks away.

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Justice League 3000 #15

Mar 7, 2015

Justice League 3000 #15 was a fun read from the cover all the way to the end of the issue. It is weird that the comic ends like it did, but It also has me excited to read the next issue, even though I have to wait much longer than usual for the next issue. The art by Howard Porter is great and the dialogue written by Giffen and DeMatteis just had me laughing.

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Justice League 3001 #1

Jun 27, 2015

All in all Justice League 3001 #1 was an interesting comic. There is quite a lot of inappropriate humor but that can fixed. The characters not instantly likable and that's going to easily take people out of the story. The art is very good but this team will have to do a lot more to win over fans.

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Justice League 3001 #4

Sep 27, 2015

Justice League 3001 #4 was a fun read and recommend reading it if you just want to see some silly hijinks with characters that are different then most Justice League characters seen today. You will get a laugh out of this guaranteed.

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Justice League 3001 #5

Nov 1, 2015

If you've read the previous series Justice League 3000 then this comic is a must read. It goesback to what made that series a fun read and it has readers (like me) excited forwhat Giffen and DeMatteis can come up with in the next few issues to come.

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Justice League 3001 #6

Nov 29, 2015

This issue shows that there are changes coming for the Justice League. While we've seen this series try many things that make each issue different than the last, this comic really spices things up in ways that readers never expect to go. It shows that the team behind this series can do dramatic stories while still have that comedic charm Giffen and DeMatteis are known for.

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Larfleeze #6

Jan 4, 2014

The comic is okay. Not great, but it's not bad either. The art is amazing as always when reading a Larfleeze comic and I'm loving the designs for the Council of Ten. I think it has something to do with the story. It makes this story arc get brushed aside to make way for the other plot happening in the comic. It just feels too rushed when Larfleeze deals with the Orange Lanterns. I know there are some points in that are supposed to be funny but it just seems to just happen without any explanation why. Who knows maybe this was supposed to lead to more events for the next issue but I think this comic is the weakest issue in the series for now. Pick this up if you want to see how this little event with the Orange Lanterns was quickly resolved and see the setup for next issue.

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Larfleeze #7

Jan 31, 2014

Besides it few hiccups here and there but it was still a fun read and would get old and new readers into reading the series. Let's hope that this series gets better and better.

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Larfleeze #8

Mar 1, 2014

It's a great jumping off point for readers who haven't read the series before. Sure you may be asking maybe one or two questions about what the heck is going on and who the characters are. But I think it's self explained, for the most part at least. They do leave us wanting more.

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Larfleeze #9

Mar 31, 2014

All in all this a funny comic. If you're a fan of Larfleeze, I suggest you buy this along with any previous issues of Larfleeze you can find. It still has Larfleeze being what we all know and love along with having new characters that are interesting to watch. Let's see how things go from here in the next few issues for the months to come. Guest starring the green lantern we all know, G'Nort.

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Larfleeze #10

Apr 26, 2014

This was a fun issue because of Larfleeze himself. There was a lot of action between Larfleeze, The House of Tuath-Dan and everyone who got caught in the crossfire. If you have been reading the series so far, I'm certain that you'll enjoy this issue.

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Larfleeze #11

May 31, 2014

So if you have stuck with Larfleeze so far then I certain you'll enjoy this issue the most. It has lots of action, excellent poses and funny dialogue that makes you want to re-read the issue again. This comic was fun and makes you anticipate what's to come next.

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Larfleeze #12

Jun 28, 2014

All in all, Larfleeze was a fun series, but I think Larfleeze #12 ended a bit flat. Almost everything gets wrapped up too quickly and the stuff that's left open will possibly never get resolved. As much as I like this series I think Larfleeze #12 needed a bit more work as a final issue.

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Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1

Nov 7, 2013

For those who might be interested I suggest you pick up this issue. I guarantee it actually better then you think.

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Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #2

Nov 24, 2013

Overall if you loved the first issue of Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe then your gonna love this issue. It will make you want to know what happens next to our lucky hero and from seeing the cover of the next issue, we are in for a treat.

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Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #3

Dec 5, 2013

All in all if you've been reading the last two issues you will not be disappointed. For others who haven't I'd suggest to pick it up anyway only for the many wacky cameos.

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Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #4

Dec 21, 2013

I would pick up this issue to complete the mini-series if you've been collecting it so far. Or if you don't just go and collect them all. It's not a bad read as some people might think.

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Marvel Zombies (2015) #1

Jun 11, 2015

Marvel Zombies #1 was a fun read that doesn't require you needing to read Secret Wars or any previous Marvel Zombie stories to get what's going on. The story is simple with interesting characters and appealing art that makes this one you're willing to follow.

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Marvel Zombies (2015) #2

Jul 25, 2015

All in all Marvel Zombies #2 is a little bit better than the debut issue because of the way this domain is expanded. The story is well written and the art is amazing.

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Mega Man #31

Nov 21, 2013

But I would pick this issue up. Sure the art has a few hiccups in design here and there and this is part 3 of a 4 part story arc, but story is pretty good. You don't feel lost in the story and makes you want to know what happens next after reading the comic and I think that is a great way for comics to do. To make there audience come back more.

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Mega Man #32

Dec 13, 2013

All in all this was a really damn good issue. It has great moments with Mega Man and Break Man along with a huge fight between the two groups of Robot Masters. I think the art could have been better in certain pages because some of the characters had a few problems like most of them were in the same height which kinda ruined the splash page in my opinion. The story is great, you will probably have a fun time reading the issue. Especially for Mega Man fans who couldn't play Super Rockman Adventures or just wanted to see one of few games that weren't ever released in North America get an adaptation. For readers who might be interested in reading this is a good start to see robots fighting to save the world. But I would recommend buying the last four issues first to get a better idea on the story.

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Mega Man #33

Jan 17, 2014

I suggest Mega Man fans to go out and buy this issue as this is a really well written issue that makes you care for these characters. The art is amazing and I hope to see this kind of art sometime soon. For new readers this isn't a good jumping on point as this is more of a story ending then anything else. But it does open up to a new story which will come out next month.

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Mega Man #34

Mar 7, 2014

All in all this was a well made book. I would suggest Mega Man fans of both classic and X to get a chance to read it. It not just a good story, but sets up for the next major event this summer and a spin off if Mega Man X comic sells well.

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Mega Man #35

Apr 1, 2014

Even if the story is a little short (again 5 pages), It still get's readers excited about the crossover story. If you missed buying this issue along with the previous issue which had part 1 of The X-Factor, I wouldn't worry. From what I heard from Archie Comics there is going to be Mega Man X comic on Free Comic Book Day (May 3rd) which has both parts of the story in one issue. Which is great for readers who just want to read about X. Will he get his own series? Well if fans enjoy him in the crossover story I don't see why not. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Mega Man #36

May 1, 2014

This a fun read. It's a good jumping off point for new readers and fans of the game who haven't read the comic yet. Both the original and variant covers are eye catching and makes you want to pick up the book. But Mega Man 3 will have to be put on hold as we make way for the Mega Man X crossover this summer. I can't wait to see what happens next for the months to come.

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Mega Man #37

May 31, 2014

OverallMega Man #37 is a fun issue and a great time to jump into the series. This comic helps new readers in founding out what's going on while pleasing long time readers with familiar characters and places that have made a come back in this issue. The characters from both the classic and X series don't meet up yet, but I'm not giving up hope yet as we have three more chapters to go. X fans should starting getting this issue as it looks like this might be a start to a new to an all new series. Which would be cool if they did. Here's hoping as we read the next few issues in the Mega Man story arc known as 'Dawn of X'.

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Mega Man #38

Jun 26, 2014

Besides the a few hiccups with the art, Mega Man #38 was sill a fun read. New readers can still get into the series even though it's part 2 of the new crossover. It lets you know who the characters are and what's going on very quickly so no one feels lost. Current readers will still enjoy it as it continues with the Wily Walker and how both Mega Man and X try to stop it. I am a bit disappointed Mega Man and X haven't met yet. But this is still part 2 after all and the story isn't over yet as we still have two more issues to go.

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Mega Man #39

Jul 19, 2014

Mega Man #39 was a fun read and a good example of how to get everyone ready for a Mega Man X comic. Since Mega Man #39 does show more X, fans of that series should go ad buy this issue if you haven't already when reading the Dawn of X story arc.

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Mega Man #40

Aug 29, 2014

Despite the characters not meeting up, I had a lot of fun reading Mega Man #40. It gives readers a satisfying end to the current story arc while leaving it open for not just the adaptation for Mega Man 3. But other new stories for the series as well. Along with a new spin-off series if fans demand it. I highly suggest buying Mega Man #40 if you get the chance. It leaves you wanting to re-read the comic again and leaves you wanting to read more.

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Mega Man #41

Oct 4, 2014

All in all Mega Man #41 is a fun issue for all the above reasons. Since this is the start of a new story arc, new readers can get into this series not knowing much about the series. I highly recommend buying this comic if you were ever a fan of the classic Mega Man game this was based on. The art's good and writing is a little clever.

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Mega Man #42

Nov 1, 2014

Mega Man #42 was a fun read. We get to explore on more of the Robot Masters that I actually want to see more of them in the near future. Mega Man #42 is a must read if you're a fan of those particular Robot Masters and enjoyed the last issue of Mega Man. If you haven't I wouldn't worry since both issues came out on the same month and both issues are easy to find.

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Mega Man #43

Nov 22, 2014

All in all Mega Man #43 was a fun issue. We get to see more Robot Masters, some robot fighting action and have a good laugh every now and then. This issue shows how much fun this series can be and I hope that if you ever pick it up you'll have as much fun reading it as I had.

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Mega Man #44

Dec 18, 2014

Mega Man #44 was a fun read that ends the first act of Mega Man while leading readers into the second act very smoothly. With interesting villains and interesting ways to retell a story this has been entertaining and gives you hope for what's to come next.

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Mega Man #45

Feb 5, 2015

Mega Man #45 was a fun read that shows that the series can have a few dark and serious moments. This new story arc has a great transition with the last issue, along with showing how the characters deal with Wily's betrayal. Also gets readers anticipating the battles to come in the next issue of Mega Man.

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Mega Man #46

Feb 19, 2015

Mega Man #46 was a fun read despite the few little hiccups that would bring the issue down. We finally get an uninterrupted fight between the two characters and we see how these events will change the characters for the better. Ian Flynn knows how to write an adaptation story since he has readers believe that this could be the end of Dr. Wily, even though we know he'll be back for more Mega Man stories.

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Mega Man #47

Mar 28, 2015

All in all Mega Man #47 was an enjoyable read despite it's few flaws. We see some interesting character development despite it being a bit rushed and a good fight scene with a character some readers who played the game would like to avoid. It builds up to the next issue which is great as it only makes the eventual battle with Gamma more epic.

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Mega Man #48

Apr 17, 2015

Mega Man #48 is a really good issue. The fight between Mega Man and Gamma is epic enough, but all the new twists and turns seen in this shows that more unique adventures are on the way.

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Mega Man #49

May 23, 2015

All in all this was a fun comic. It eases readers from the last story into the big crossover that starts in less then a week. There's also more hints to more Mega Man stories after the crossover which I'm excited to see where Flynn and Jampole go from here. If you're a fan of Mega Man or just excited for the new crossover this comic is a must read.

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Mega Man #50

Jun 19, 2015

Mega Man #50 is a must read. Fans of the Mega Man series will get akick out of this comic while readers of the current crossover will have a blast seeing how the end of the first act will go. The team behind this comic do an excellent job showing how awesome Mega Man is after 50 issues.

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Mega Man #51

Jul 18, 2015

All in all, despite it's flaws the comic did keep me interested and have me excited for the next issue since we have Sigma so close to his goal and we have more characters to make this crossover even more epic.

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Mega Man #52

Aug 23, 2015

All in all this comic wasn't so bad. I wasn't a big fan on how it ended but it does lend itself for bigger things down the road. The art is very good and as a whole, Worlds Unite was a great event.

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Mega Man #54

Oct 25, 2015

This comic is a must read. Any fan of Mega Man will love reading this comic since this fills in plenty of gaps in the video games as well as tell a good story that even non Mega Man fans can easily get hooked into. It is unfortunatethat the series is going to hiatus after the next issue in November, but I like that this team is giving characters like Proto Man a comic that gives them a proper send off that will leave readers happy.

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Mega Man Worlds Unite Battles #1

Jun 20, 2015

All in all Mega Man Worlds Unite: Battles #1 was fun. It filled in a few blanks the main story had and it's fun to see different artists show off their best. You don't have to hunt this down to complete the main story, but it is fun to see that Archie Comics always wants to give something extra to the Sonic and Mega Man fans out there.

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Mortal Kombat X #1

Jan 14, 2015

Mortal Kombat X #1 was a fun start to the series that you must buy if you are someone who is invested in the Mortal Kombat world. Digital or physical this issue is a definite must read. Now this isn't for younger readers since this comic is rated M and is really violent. However if you're a fan of the games or just curious about the latest game in general I highly recommend adding this series to your pull list.

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Mortal Kombat X #2

Feb 11, 2015

Mortal Kombat X #2 is a fun read where we get to explore two characters that we know will appear in the game worth taking interest in. Mortal Kombat X #2 has a few problems, but it does do enough to making you want to pick up that next issue.

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Mortal Kombat X #4

Mar 12, 2015

Mortal Kombat X #4 was a good issue for Mortal Kombat Fans to have. Enough violence and gore to satisfy any fan till the new game comes out. With story about the Kamidogu and the Outworld civil war it will keep readers excited for a while even after the game is out in stores.

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Mortal Kombat X #5

Apr 10, 2015

All in all Mortal Kombat X #5 is a really good comic. While some of the causal readers may have a bit of a hard time jumping into the series, fans of the game series will have a blast reading it. This comic has a lot of good scenes that will probably be seen in the game and that not everything is circled around one villain. I highly recommend giving this comic a read if you're looking for more adventures starring your favourite characters after playing the game.

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Mortal Kombat X #6

May 16, 2015

All in all Mortal Kombat X #6 is a fun read and reminds readers why this series is so enjoyable and is an entirely new story compared to the game with the same name. Sure there are a few hiccups in continuity, but it raps up an epic battle that should satisfy fans.

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Mortal Kombat X #7

Jun 5, 2015

All in all Mortal Kombat X #7 was a fun read. If you're sticking around for continuity then you're going to get really frustrated reading this comic. Other than that we get to explore fan favourite characters and explore a bit more in the world of Mortal Kombat. If your just in it for the violence and interesting twists then I recommend giving this comic a read.

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Mortal Kombat X #9

Aug 16, 2015

All in all this comic is a fun read. There's a lot of twist and turns that will have hardcore fans on their toes wondering what will happen next. We seem to be getting closer to the end game and it's proving to be very exciting.

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Mortal Kombat X #12

Nov 8, 2015

As the last issue to a 12 issue series,Mortal Kombat X #12 wasn't bad. We don't see a lot of cliffhangers from a one year series. The last few pages are a bit odd as it seemed like there can be more to come. Since we haven't heard of any more Mortal Kombat comics coming out it just seemed like a weird way to end a series.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #1

Feb 5, 2014

All in all this was a well made comic. Sure it's just the origin and there are super villains yet to appear in this comic. But it is on it's way as this is only part 1 of a 5 part story arc, so there is still more to come. It's a great way for new readers to get into marvel comics as Kamala is a new character who doesn't have a long history to follow like so many other characters. This looks like the start of a series that will have readers coming back for more. Let's hope that the next few issues will be just as good.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #2

Mar 20, 2014

Like most new series these days we have the main character(s) gain powers near the end of the first issue and have then figure out their powers in the second issue. This one is no different. What I like about her though is that the instant she gains her powers she actually tries to do some good, instead of personal gain at the beginning like a certain web-slinger we all know. I recommend buying this issue, for if you didn't like her before, you'll definitely like her know. I also recommend buying the first issue as well if you haven't already. I can't wait to see how she tries to be a hero in her own way.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #3

Apr 17, 2014

Overall this is a great comic. If you haven't read the last two issues I highly suggest you buy them now as it will only make this comic better with the readers having a bit of knowledge on what's going on so far. It's neat that we see someone actually try to figure out what kind of ways someone can use those powers instead of just "I gained powers, I must go out and be a superhero" right after gaining powers. I am a bit interested on who this new villain is we read the comic. The ending is a gut punch that will make you immediately want issue four.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #5

Jun 26, 2014

All in all Ms. Marvel #5 is a well made comic. With great writing and fantastic art that makes me question anyone who doesn't read this. The ending could be better for the story arc but it does leave it open for many possibilities. Ms. Marvel is quickly becoming an essential read for any superhero fan.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #14

Dec 5, 2013

All in all this was a great read. You won't feel lost on what's going on even if you have read the last 2 issues of the blight crossover. Its like it's following what's going on in the crossover while at the same time doing its own thing which I think is okay and much better them some other DC titles that try that way to tell a story but really doesn't work well. This is a good jumping on point in case your still interested in the huge crossover that's going over a few titles in the next few months.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #15

Jan 9, 2014

The characters are great and really makes you want to know more about them. Blight, the villain of the comic really shows how evil he is and how powerful to make this crossover worth wild. Heck this issue like the last issue makes you want to read more about the story from what happen before and to see whats to come. I suggest to pick this up as Trinity of Sin: Phantom Stranger is a series that knows how to get more readers.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #16

Feb 8, 2014

All in all if you decided to skip a few issues and come back one the story arc is over I highly suggest you don't for this series. Whatever happens in Phantom Stranger's series at least comes back in ways you least suspect. It's still a fun read even though you'll probably have to get the other issues to get the full story.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #17

Mar 8, 2014

This is a must read for both readers of the crossover or just complete the series. It does show awesome moments of the Phantom Stranger for new readers who might be interested in the character. Like the last few issues, it sets the groundwork for future stories to come as during the series so far likes to bring in things that readers might not think is important from first glance. It think readers are going to enjoy this as it leads to the conclusion of Forever Evil: The Blight.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #18

Apr 5, 2014

All in all this isn't a bad issue. It was more of a team-up story then a Phantom Stranger story, but It's still a fun read as we see that Sin Eater does make a comeback in the series. I find that Sin Eater makes a really good super villain. What does he have to do with all this? Well I suggest you read this along with future issues of this series to see what's going on. So I highly suggest buying this issue as it looks like it leads to something big for this story.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #19

May 10, 2014

So if you liked the last issue of Phantom Stranger, then I guarantee that you're going to enjoy this issue. For longtime fans of the series you'll see things that happen in the previous issues along with the Blight story arc starting to click together in what's going to happen next.I love that in a series where everything that is said and done will be used again in the series. I can't wait to see how this story arc ends. Especially when he has to team up with the one guy who hated his guts since the series started, The Spectre.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #20

Jun 7, 2014

Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger #20 as a whole was good. It gave the story arc a satisfying conclusion and showed a team up that most readers would probably never think of doing in the first place. I do see that the series is tying up loose ends as the series is getting cancelled in August. So it's a shame that I probably won't see some of these characters again for a long while. New readers can probably get a kick out of this comic, but long time readers of the series will have a much more enjoyment out of this. The comic still leaves readers wanting more so I can't wait to see what happens in the next issue.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #21

Jul 5, 2014

Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger #21 really has brought back what the series was well-known for. If DC does continue the series, I can see so much potential on writing a story based around the fallen angels. Maybe more as the next issue we see the Phantom Stranger facing against God.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #22

Aug 9, 2014

Trinity of Sin: the Phantom Stranger #22 is an exciting issue. You will have a fun time seeing some of the references used in this issue. It also brings a sort of closer to what was happening in the eerie without feeling rushed when you remember those plot elements which were introduced and how were they resolved. You'd definitely want to check out the Future's End special and the new series that comes out in October.

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Phantom Stranger (2012): Futures End #1

Sep 5, 2014

All in all Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger " Futures End #1 is a great way to end the series. It wrapped up everything that happened since the beginning. But leaving it open for readers to read more even if it's in the present or the future. It's a must read for readers of Phantom Stranger who didn't like how the last issue ended before the Futures End special. I will miss the series now that it's over but I won't miss it too much as the entire Trinity will be back withTrinity of Sin later this year.

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Planet Hulk #1

May 22, 2015

Planet Hulks #1 is at a great start. Other than following Secret Wars you don't need to read anything else to get an idea what this story is about. If you're a fan of the Hulk along with other characters like Captain America and Devil Dinosaur then I'd highly give Planet Hulks a chance.

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Planet Hulk #2

Jun 26, 2015

All in all Planet Hulk #2 was a fun read. I suggest checking this comic out if you haven't done that already because it's proving to be one of the better Secret Wars tie ins.

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Planet Hulk #3

Jul 18, 2015

All in all Planet Hulk #3 was a fun comic. We get more Hulks then expected and we get a much deeper story when we learn more about the domain that is Greenland. If you haven't been reading this comic I suggest picking it up while you still have the chance.

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Planet Hulk #4

Aug 16, 2015

Planet Hulk #4 like a fast read, but you do want to see how this series will end thanks to all the bits and pieces the creative team behind this comic gave us. Captain America fans will probably like this series more, but in general a series you want to read because the Secret Wars tie-ins have been on point for the most part.

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Q2: The Return Of Quantum and Woody #1

Oct 17, 2014

All in all Q2: The Return of Quantum and Woody #1 is off at a good start. If you liked Quantum and Woody from either the modern or the classic I suggest taking a look at it to see if your interested. The stuff I complained so far might change depending on where the creators go with the story. So here's hoping for more explanations and more excitement from the worst superhero team Quantum and Woody.

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Q2: The Return Of Quantum and Woody #2

Nov 15, 2014

Q2: The return of Quantum and Woody #2 was okay, though it's not something you would go out of your way and recommend everyone to buy. That could change in a few issues, but for now this issue was not as good as the last.

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Quantum and Woody #6

Dec 6, 2013

So far this comic is a must read. You don't need to read the previous issue to get what's going on. In fact this seems like a better jumping on point then the last issue. If you like super heroes with adult humour (some humour you shouldn't repeat to anyone ) then your going to have a fun time reading this comic.

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Quantum and Woody #7

Jan 11, 2014

If you have been reading this series from the beginning, I would definitely pick this issue up as things are starting to click together and lead into an epic but weird battle. This comic is not for everyone, but If you like a bit of crude humor then I think you'll love this series.

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Quantum and Woody #8

Feb 22, 2014

All in all this is a good comic that gives a bit of comedy and adventure. Although this I will say again that this comic is not for children. Heck even a lot of adults may find this offensive and this comic is not for everyone. But if you enjoy this comic then I highly suggest to by the rest of the series or collect the next few issues as we'll see more of Quantum and Woody. With more robots this time. That, however, will be put on hold as next month's issue will tell the origin of the goat that hangs out with the this terrible duo. Why the writers decide to do this now I have now clue, but I think we're in for quite a treat when it comes out.

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Quantum and Woody #9

Apr 5, 2014

All in all, if you're interested in Quantum and Woody this is a good start to get into. It's a fun comic with a lot of great characterization. It's got fantastic humor, solid artwork and thanks to the start of a new arc, anyone can pick this up.

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Quantum and Woody #10

May 16, 2014

You can enjoy this issue ofQuantum and Woody and get the idea of what is going on if this is your first time reading the series. I had a good laugh reading the book and I'm sure others did as well. It has it's own wackiness and charm that reminds me of why I enjoyed this series so far and makes me come back for more. Let's hope the next issue is just as good as this one.

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Quantum and Woody #11

Jun 7, 2014

All in all Quantum and Woody #11 was entertaining. You will find yourself having a good laugh on most of the jokes and will get excited for the next issue after reading this one.

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Quantum and Woody #12

Jul 5, 2014

Despite all the things wrong with the art,Quantum and Woody #12 continues it's consistency of humor. It wraps up most of the things that happened so far in the series and introduces a few jokes and new story plots here and there to continue the series when it comes back. I do suggest readers to go and buy Quantum and Woody #12 to complete the series as it gives us a little sneak preview to the mini series “The Delinquents” that comes out next month. So we'll still have more adventures of Quantum and Woody coming our way.

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Quantum and Woody: Goat #0

Mar 5, 2014

Overall If your starting to wonder why your still buying this series I would put that to rest as this is an issue that will make what to see more. Sure this is not exactly a good jumping on point for new readers. But this os a comic is for fans of the series or at the very least readers who know the general idea of Quantum and Woody but don't know much else. This is an actually good issue to have and will have you interested into buying the future issues of the series because of the big revelation of the ending.

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Quantum and Woody Must Die #1

Jan 31, 2015

Quantum and Woody Must Die! #1 was a fun read that's better than most Quantum and Woody stories I have read recently and is a good jumping on point for anyone who has heard about these guys and have never picked up an issue before. I'm actually excited to see the next issue because this new mini shows to have a lot of potential for the two.

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Quantum and Woody Must Die #3

Mar 27, 2015

All in all Quantum and Woody Must Die #3 is a fun read. There were a lot of good jokes and had a good super hero fight. The villains where had some unique powers and worked well in moving the plot forward. I recommend giving this comic a look if you're looking for a good laugh that isn't aimed to a younger audience.

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Quantum and Woody Must Die #4

May 2, 2015

All in all Quantum and Woody Must Die! #4 was a bit of a let down. The art could have been better and the conclusion was not something I expected. However it did leave things open for even better storytelling down the line.Thisis great,but as an ending for this story it doesn't all quite click.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #1

Jun 12, 2015

All in all Red Hood/Arsenal #1 was actually a good book. It sets the story up like any good first issue should do. The art wasn't bad and I'm interested to see where Red Hood and Arsenal will go now that they're making what they do into a legit business.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #2

Jul 11, 2015

All in all Red Hood/Arsenal #2 was an okay comic. There were some good moments that will leave youliking both Red Hood and Arsenal a little more, but I think it could have been better with less jokes and more action.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #3

Aug 16, 2015

All in all this comic is a fun read. Compared to other Red Hood stories Lobdell has written,this comic shows that he has made much improvements since then. The story is well written and the art is unique enough that readers will think of this art team when they think of this series.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #1

Mar 21, 2015

All in all Red Hood and the Outlaws #40 was okay, but it had a lot of problems that bring down the comic as final issue. It does well to set up for the next series in June, but most of the story felt rushed since Lobdell had to wrap up everything in one comic. If you enjoy Red Hood and the Outlaws #40, great. For me though I think this comic could have been better.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #26

Dec 21, 2013

Overall I would pick this up cause the Red Hood series is really starting to get good and I wouldn't want a Red Hood fan to miss a issue.Even with a few hiccups here and there It's got my interest and I'm glad I stayed with the series.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #27

Jan 24, 2014

But this was still a good issue. Not a great issue, but a good issue. Personally, I can't wait to see the next and see how these characters go on vacation.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #28

Feb 22, 2014

This comic might not be for everyone as some people have shared their dislike about this series. This comic doesn't seem like a must read to begin with. But I gave it a chance and it was surprisingly one of better comics I've read. It does leave plenty of room for the new writer to start fresh with a new story coming next month which should get new readers interested and old readers a chance to give the series another shot.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #29

Mar 22, 2014

All in all this comic is actually much better then what I expected. It's actually the start of a new story arc so readers new and old can jump into the series and what to keep reading the next few issues to come. If you're a fan of Red Hood then I suggest you go and buy this issue as this is a comic that will leave fans satisfied. For new readers, as long as you know who the three main characters are and that they're a team, then you'll be fine. I'm just glad we're going back to a bit of sci-fi in this series as the magic side if this series was going a tad down hill. Can't wait to see what to see what happens in the next issue.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #30

Apr 19, 2014

In the end if you enjoyed the previous issue of Red Hood and the Outlaws then you might get a kick out of this issue. Especially with a cameo appearance from Frankenstein. I do hope the next issue has a proper conclusion for the story arc, and I hope Lobdell doesn't ruin the series again when so many writers tried to restore the qualityRed Hood and the Outlaws once had.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #31

May 24, 2014

Red Hood and the Outlaws #31 leaves you wanting more even though we probably won't anytime soon. Lobdell might work with Red Hood and the Outlaws facing S.H.A.D.E. again. Something I am excited to see and glad DC is trying to bring back some of the characters that didn't do well in the New 52.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #32

Jun 21, 2014

Red Hood and The Outlaws #32wasn't a bad issue. Surprisingly it's one of Lobdell's better issues to date. Is it a perfect? No. There are still a few things like grammar mistakes that bring Red Hood and The Outlaws #32 down for me. But it's sure as hell not a bad one either. The characters where interesting enough that it left me intrigue and Wondering were Lobdell is going with this after reading the ending. I'm gonna stick withRed Hood and The Outlaws a little while longer to see where he goes from there.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #33

Jul 19, 2014

All in all Red Hood and the Outlaws #33 was good, but there was still room for improvement. While I don't mind characters having more panel time then others, I think this could have been told a bit better. Maybe if Silva and Lobdell avoid rushing over the last few pages to make sure it made sense story wise, some of the errors in this comic wouldn't be so obvious. But this was still one of Lobdell's better works as of late so I recommend buying this is you enjoyed the previous issue of Red Hood and the Outlaws.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #34

Aug 23, 2014

There are just a few holes in Red Hood and the Outlaws #34 that slightly held back the story. If those holes were filled, then this would have been a great conclusion to the story arc that brings Lobdell back into writing the series. I wouldn't throw the towel just yet as we still have the Future's End special to deal with, along with the next story arc that just might get a few comic book readers interested.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #35

Oct 18, 2014

All in all Red Hood and the Outlaws #35 did a much better job then I had expected. I highly suggest fans of either Red Hood and/or Arsenal to go and buy this issue as it looks like we're getting the stories fans have demanded to read for a long while.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #37

Dec 21, 2014

All in all Red Hood and the Outlaws #37 was a fun comic. We finally get to learn more about Arsenal which was something I was hoping to see for a long while with this series. If you're a fan of Arsenal I would recommend getting Red Hood and the Outlaws #37 to see the new spin of his origins by DC's New 52. Now that we got Arsenal's origin out of the way I wonder what Red Hood and Starfire are doing in the next issue of Red Hood and the Outlaws.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #38

Jan 24, 2015

All in all Red Hood and The Outlaws #38 was a fun comic. We see Lobdell fix some of his characters to be a bit more appealing and helps move the story along. There are still some mysteries in this comic to have readers come back for more so stay tuned for the next issue of Red Hood and The Outlaws.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #40

Mar 21, 2015

All in all Red Hood and the Outlaws #40 was okay, but it had a lot of problems that bring down the comic as final issue. It does well to set up for the next series in June, but most of the story felt rushed since Lobdell had to wrap up everything in one comic. If you enjoy Red Hood and the Outlaws #40, great. For me though I think this comic could have been better.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws: Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

Red Hood and the Outlaws Futures End #1 was an entertaining one-shot for fans who missed the days where Jason would just go hunting for criminal in his own way. Which was always cool to see. So it's just a fun little issue for readers who enjoy seeing anti-heroes in action.

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Red Lanterns #29

Mar 31, 2014

All in all this is a good comic to have. If you're interested in seeing Supergirl as a lantern but haven't read the previous issues of Supergirl and the flip book that came out last month, don't panic as this friendly to new readers Longtime readers, like myself, should so be excited. I can guarantee that it's going to get better as we get new Red Lanterns come to a upcoming war between Guy Gardner and Atrocitus.

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Red Lanterns #30

Apr 26, 2014

Red Lanterns is a must read for both fans of Red Lanterns, Supergirl and new readers in general. It pretty much tells readers what's going on and makes you want to see more. Like who are the other new red lanterns that are mention in the comic and are they worse the the Judge? Also how does this story work in to Supergirl's story? Stay tune for Supergirl #31 coming in May to find out what happens next.

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Red Lanterns #31

May 31, 2014

Besides have a few pictures that's pretty much nightmare fuel, this was a good issue of Red Lanterns. If you've been reading both Red Lanterns and Supergirl, then you'll enjoy how things are going in this comic. There is a lot of action and excitement that it makes you want to read more.

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Red Lanterns #32

Jun 28, 2014

Red Lanterns #32 was a good start for the new story arc. The story has a level of dark that it attracts readers who are into dark stories, but not as dark where the story puts readers off. A few main characters have great moments in Red Lanterns #32 that you hope to see them again in the next issue. While some may hope for the other characters to shine, I wouldn't worry too much as this is still part 1 and we have the rest of the summer to read the other issues that come out later.

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Red Lanterns #33

Jul 26, 2014

Overall Red Lanterns #33 was exciting, which should get readers pumped up for the Red Lanterns very first annual which comes out in stores this Wednesday. If you haven't bought this issue yet, I highly suggest you do along with the previous issue just to more Red Lanterns gearing up to their final battle.

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Red Lanterns #34

Aug 30, 2014

Despite some of the few errors I mentioned,Red Lanterns #34 was fun and still gave readers a satisfying conclusion to this story arc. It had you excited to see Guy trying his best. It also makes you want to see what Guy will do next in the series. We will can possibly expect a Future's End special to see the full outcome of the choices Guy has made in Red Lanterns #34.

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Red Lanterns #35

Oct 25, 2014

Red Lanterns #35 is a well made issue that serves as a set up piece to show readers of the event story “God Head” that Guy Gardner is going to be a part of it, while introducing new readers to the event story if they haven't read it already. You can skip this issue if you want, but I wouldn't recommend it if you enjoy seeing some Red Lantern fun.

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Red Lanterns #36

Nov 28, 2014

If you're looking for a tie-in adventure that won't ruin the series for you, then I highly suggest giving Red Lanterns a read. Sure Red Lanterns #36 is had a few flaws and interrupted the main story, but I think that works well. It ties into the main story without having to bring the series down for readers who don't care about the rest of the Green Lantern titles.

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Red Lanterns #38

Jan 31, 2015

All in all Red Lanterns #38 is okay. I wish there was more in this issue, but I'm okay with what I got. I'm interested to see where this will go for Guy since this will take a toll on him. I do wonder if this will play a big part in the last few issues of Red Lanterns, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

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Red Lanterns #40

Mar 28, 2015

Red Lanterns #40 is a good send off for the series. It wraps up some loose ends and sets up for Guy's next adventure. Besides the lack of other Red Lanterns and never seeing what Atrocitus is doing, it was still a good story and worth existing in the Lantern Universe.

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Red Lanterns Annual #1

Jul 31, 2014

Red Lanterns Annual #1 was a fun read. Atrocitus really shows that he has what it takes as great a villain as Doctor Doom, Joker and Magento. Although I do wish that the search for the new Red Lanterns was a bit longer. This is a must read for readers of Red Lanterns for the continuation of the story.

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Red Lanterns: Futures End #1

Sep 25, 2014

All in all Red Lanterns Futures End #1 was a fun comic to read. If you planed to stop reading the series the Red Lanterns Futures End #1 gives readers the best conclusion to the series.. Although if this is the future of the Red Lantern Corps, I would love to see stories on how we get to that point.

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Scarlet Spiders #1

Nov 28, 2014

All in all despite the flaws Scarlet Spiders #1 was an okay read. It has action and adventure and a great mystery. Definitely a must have for anyone reading this event.

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Sonic Boom #1

Oct 30, 2014

All in all Sonic Boom #1 is a funny comic that has a well written story and fantastic art. The story isn't for everyone since this is aimed more towards fans of Sonic games and Sonic Boom show who also happen to be casual readers of comics. It's a fun comic that will probably get you interested in the show if you aren't already.

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Sonic Boom #2

Dec 5, 2014

Sonic Boom #2 may be a quick read, but it was still enjoyable. It was a simple story with a few good jokes, great art and have a few jabs at some of the faults of the Sonic Boom series during the past month. Younger readers and Sonic fans will probably enjoy this issue since this was very well made. It's a bit faster than I like it to be, but I'm fine with what I got.

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Sonic Boom #3

Jan 9, 2015

All in all Sonic Boom #3 will give readers a good laugh. It is aimed towards a younger audience so keep this in mind if you're an older reader. Although with good art and giving some of the lesser known Sonic characters some panel time, Sonic Boom is on the right track.

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Sonic Boom #4

Jan 31, 2015

All in all Sonic Boom #4 was a fun read. Younger readers will have more fun reading this since it's aimed towards them, especially to those who are fans of the show. So if you're looking for a casual read that can make you laugh I suggest looking up Sonic Boom #4.

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Sonic Boom #6

Apr 11, 2015

Sonic Boom #6 was actually more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be. While it is a light toned comic aimed towards a younger audience I can see some of the older readers having a good laugh out of this comic. This issue is a must read if you're looking for something fun to read, but aren't looking for something that's dark and violent.

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Sonic Boom #7

May 2, 2015

All in all Sonic Boom #7 was a fun read. It may not be for all readers, but you can get a good laugh from it.I do suggest giving this comic a read if your wondering how this series will connect to the crossover event. It's nothing major, but it does explain why Sticks and no one else from Sonic Boom is helping out in that event.

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Sonic Boom #8

Jun 6, 2015

Despite the flaws in the art there is much entertainment value to take from this issue. Sonic Boom #8 did a good job giving readers a chance to jump into the story. The team ups weren't as bad as would expect and the ending has readers excited to pick up the next issue. If you haven't been reading this crossover so far this is a good place to start to see what you are missing.

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Sonic Boom #10

Aug 1, 2015

Sonic Boom #10 is an excellent follow up to the last issue and recommend buying this comic for fans of these games actually brought into the story in a way that will please almost all the readers. The art and colors are amazing and we can see things are getting together for the final battle.

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Sonic Boom #11

Sep 6, 2015

Sonic Boom #11 was a fun read if you're looking for a silly comic to laugh at. It is sad that the series is over, but at the least the last issue ended on a good note.

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Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) #273

Jun 13, 2015

All in all Sonic the Hedgehog #273 was a fun comic and showed the bad guys's plan finally in motion.The issue is one big fight scene and that's fine since this crossover still has a lot of time to go.

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Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) #274

Jul 12, 2015

Despite the flaws with the art Sonic the Hedgehog #274 was a fun read. We finally got to see a heroes vs heroes fight, but in a way that makes it original and unique. We also see some build up from all sides that it will have readers excited for the next comic.

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Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) #275

Aug 15, 2015

All in all this comic is a must read if you've been reading the crossover so far. It's a truly epic fight scene with an interesting Sonic plot point that will hopefully be picked up on before this crossover wraps up. Sonic The Hedgehog at issue 275 is still going strong and I'm looking forward to another 275 more.

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Sonic Universe #76

May 29, 2015

All in all Sonic Universe #76 was a fun read and a great way to start a crossover that gets fans and new readers interested. The story is great for anyone to jump in and the art is amazing.

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Sonic Universe #77

Jun 26, 2015

All in all Sonic Universe #77 does a great job startingthe second act. The characters have a goal, we see how they get along with each other and there are hints that thiscrossover will have lasting effects to both series. After reading this comic I can't what to see what happens next for our characters.

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Sonic Universe #78

Jul 25, 2015

All in all Sonic Universe #78 is a fun read. If you're a fan of some of the classic Sega and Capcom games I recommend you go and buy this comic. It's the start of the third act of this epic crossover, but it'seasy for new readers to understand, especially those with a background in these characters' video game lives.

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Sonic: Worlds Unite Battles #1

Jul 18, 2015

Sonic Worlds Unite Battles #1 is a fun read and I highly recommend reading this comic forjust the art alone. These are battlesthat didn't make it into the main story, but I still find them enjoyable.

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Spider-Gwen #1

Feb 26, 2015

Spider-Gwen #1 is a must read that sets up a solid story that readers who haven't read Spider-Verse don't really need to read to get what's going on. It's unique in showing new takes on familiar characters and the art is impressive.

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Spider-Gwen #2

Mar 11, 2015

All in all Spider-Gwen #2 was a fun read. There were a lot of introductions of new characters and new setups that will have readers hooked onto the series and see how this will effect the story. This comic is a must read, even if you haven't read the first issue (which you should). Spider-Gwen is living up to all the hype.

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Spider-Gwen #3

Apr 3, 2015

All in all Spider-Gwen #3 was a good read. The art and colours were great and had scenes that readers will remember for a while. The future of this series is bright and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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Spider-Gwen #4

May 9, 2015

All in all Spider-Gwen #4 is a fun comic. There wasn't a lot of action like in the previous issues, but the story alone is what will have fans wanting more now that we dig a little deeper into the world of Spider-Gwen.In fact, this is an issue that on it's own could grab the attention of people who weren't already reading the series.

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Spider-Gwen #5

Jun 11, 2015

It can't stress enough how awesome Spider-Gwen #5 was. If you liked Spider-Gwen before, certainly you're going to like the characters introduced in this issue.

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Spider-Gwen (2015) #1

Oct 16, 2015

Spider-Gwen #1 is enjoyable read that will have fans of Spider-Gwen coming back for more. The original team is back with new twists and turns that will have you either geeking out over the art, the characters, and name drops that draw in old and new fans. Sure the comic doesn't have a perfect set up as a first issue, but I think Jason Latour and his team are at that perfect pace where you can enjoy the story without having so much information dumped on you with the flip of the first page. It's a great way to welcome back a fan favorite series after being in hiatus for a while. If you're looking for a good place to start reading Spider-Gwen (if you haven't already) I recommend checking this comic out.

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Spider-Gwen (2015) #2

Nov 15, 2015

The comic is still a decent read and I highly recommend anyone to come pick it up. There were a lot of good moments that show off why this series is so popular.

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Spider-Verse (2015) #1

May 23, 2015

Despite the flaws with the art Spider-Verse #1 is a good read. It fixes the few mistakes the original Spider-Verse had and gives it a good start that will have people who haven't read the original interested to continue adding this to their pull. If you liked reading the original Spider-Verse story I'm certain you're going to love Spider-Verse #1.

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Spider-Verse (2015) #2

Jun 13, 2015

Spider-Verse #2 is a pretty good comic. Despite the few problems with the art, the story keeps up with main event series in a way that we don't need to see them say Doom instead of God to get the characters are in Battleworld. The way the characters interact with each other is interesting to the point that I actually want to see more of them after Secret Wars is done with. If you're on the fence with the Secret Wars tie ins, you could do far worse than this one. Check out Spider-Verse.

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Spider-Verse (2015) #3

Jul 11, 2015

All in all, Spider-Verse #3 did a good job in keeping readers interested. Despite the flaws in the art the story did draw in readers and there area few curve balls that I don't think a lot of people were expecting in this series. I

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Spider-Verse (2015) #4

Aug 23, 2015

Spider-Verse #4 is a step in the right direction for grabbing reader's attention and getting them excited for the conclusion of this series along with the upcoming series to follow. If you haven't checked it out yet I suggest you do when you're at your closest comic book store.

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Spider-Verse Team-Up #1

Nov 7, 2014

Spider-Verse Team-Up #1 was a fun issue with two stories worth following. This is something to kill time with if your just looking for some random fun that doesn't require you to have to follow the main story to enjoy. If you're looking for some spin-offs that have more adventures with these alternate Spider-man, Spider-Verse Team-Up #1 is a good place to start.

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Spider-Verse Team-Up #2

Dec 12, 2014

While I thought the first story was great in Spider-Verse Team-Up #2, the second story definitely did need improvement. We still get more adventures with more multiple Spider-Men so I'm pleased with what we got. I just hope that the Spider-Gwen series will be better than what we got in Spider-Verse Team-Up #2. Here's hoping to see more multiple Spider-Men teaming up for the weeks to come.

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Spider-Verse Team-Up #3

Jan 24, 2015

All in all Spider-Verse Team-Up #3 was a fun read. It's not something you need to read to get the full story of what's going on in Spider-Verse. It's just plain simple fun. I'm going to miss this series, but I enjoyed the stories.

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Spider-Woman (2014) #1

Nov 21, 2014

Spider-Woman #1 is an okay comic. It's not new reader friendly which is a shame since it's been a long while since we had a Spider-Woman series. If you're a fan of Spider-Verse and wondered what happened to certain groups from Amazing Spider-Man #10 then I suggest giving it a read. I'm interested to see how Silk fits into Spider-Verse as a story and it looks like I'll get more answers and multiversal fun in the next few issues of Spider-Woman.

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Squadron Sinister #1

Jun 18, 2015

Despite the few flaws, Squadron Sinister #1 was an entertaining comic. It's not for everyone with it being a villain book, but I found the team to be interesting and leaves room to want to see what this world has to offer like the others.

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Squadron Sinister #2

Jul 9, 2015

Squadron Sinister #2 was a fun issue to read that may have a few flaws like the last issue of Squadron Sinister, but it shows that these guys are improving to tell the story they want to tell. If you enjoyed the first issue then I'm certain that you'll get a kick out of this one.

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Squadron Sinister #3

Sep 5, 2015

Basically this comic is a must read. The art and the colours are great and the story does a great job making the Squadron Sinister a unique group of characters.

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Stormwatch (2011) #30

Apr 5, 2014

All in all if your looking for a random comic that will probably get you interested in different characters, then this is the comic for you. It's a fun read that has secret black ops mixed with goofy stuff you'll only find in comics.

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Supergirl (2011) #28

Feb 22, 2014

If you're a Red Lantern fan and have read this month's issue, then I highly suggest you go and buy this issue as this does fill in a few things like how she got a Red Lantern ring in the first place. The comic was actually not bad despite the few hiccups. It does leave you wanting more.

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Supergirl (2011) #29

Mar 22, 2014

This comic does explain a few things if you just read the Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28 flip book. I highly suggest buying this issue if you were interested by that issue along with the previous issue of Supergirl. It helps fill in the gaps for fans of the Red Lanterns series and makes you want to see more of Red Lantern Supergirl. Which we will see by next week in Red Lanterns #29. So stay tuned for next week for more Supergirl and the Red Lantern Corps.

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Supergirl (2011) #30

Apr 19, 2014

Personally this a good time to start reading Supergirl if you haven't yet as the comic pretty much tells readers what's going on in both this series and Red Lanterns. This issue has plenty of action and creates a lot of potential for the story with some of these new villains. Readers will find themselves also anticipating the battle between Guy Gardner and Atrocitus which we will see in next weeks issue of Red Lanterns.

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Supergirl (2011) #31

May 24, 2014

All in all this was a fun read. The story was well written and the art was great to look at. If you bought the last issue to Red Lanterns I guarantee you need to buy this issue to get the full story on how Red Lanterns deal with a character who was as different from the other Red Lanterns like Rankor. I can't wait to see what happens next in Red Lanterns #31 to see how the other Red Lanterns deal with the Judge.

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Supergirl (2011) #32

Jun 21, 2014

All in all Supergirl #32 was an okay issue. There were a few mistakes, but that's mostly on the fact that it mentions stuff that happens in other comics that haven't come out yet. As a part of a big story arc it fails at it due to needing the latest comics from Red Lanterns to get the full picture.

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Supergirl (2011) #33

Jul 18, 2014

Supergirl #33 is a quick read, but very satisfying ending for fans of Red Lanterns, who have enjoyed Supergirl being part of the Red Lanterns. I'm not sure how her absence will effect the Red Lanterns (especially Guy Gardner) now that she's no longer part of the team. Although I'm interested to see what will Supergirl do now that she's back to being herself in a world is going through the effects of Superman Doomed.

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Supergirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 20, 2014

Overall Supergirl futures End #1 was a fun one-shot for Supergirl worth picking up this month.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #6

Nov 24, 2013

I recommend this if you want to finally see Doc Ock's plan blowing up in his face as Spider-man.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #7

Dec 5, 2013

But it was still a fun read none the less would highly suggest to get this among the last two issues to complete the Superior Six story arc. Or at least wait and get the graphic novel. It has a great team-up with a new super hero and awesome new designs on classic spider-man villains. It has that Superior Spider-man feel that fans just love.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #8

Dec 21, 2013

Again this comic shows a lot of potential, but it shows Doc Ock going back to being the Superior Spider-man. Maybe I'm asking too much since this is only a team up book. Maybe we'll see if something like this happens in the Superior Spider-man series. Other then that this comic is a definite must read for fans who read Superior Six and those who just might be into a good comic.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #9

Jan 24, 2014

This comic is a must read. It gets new readers into this epic story arc, while get fans of the main Superior Spider-man series into reading the team-up series. I can't wait to see how the heroes get out this situation in the next issue.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #10

Feb 22, 2014

All in all this was a fun read that is something all fans of Superior Spider-Man should go and buy. Even the previous issue if you can find it. Although this seems like bad publishing on Marvel's part as this should have came out first before Superior Spider-man #27 to get the fans hyped up for Goblin War. This takes place between #26-27 so this is kinda weird. This issue of Superior Spider-man Team-up was fun. Let's hope the tie-in issues to Goblin War is just as good as this issue.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #11

Mar 29, 2014

If you're interested in seeing a villain team-up with a 90′s feel I highly suggest buying this issue if nothing else. But I would avoid it as it had nothing to do with the plot of Goblin Nation. But if you're interested go and pick up this issue.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #12

Apr 25, 2014

All in all this was a good sendoff to Doc Ock despite being a little confusing near the end. If you have read Superior Spider-man, but still want another Superior story before moving to Amazing then this comic is for you. Even if you haven't read the previous issues, you can still tell what's going on and enjoy it from start to finish. It's a good last story to Doc Ock and a good end to this series.Farewell Superior Spider-man Team-Up. You'll be missed.

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Superman: Lois and Clark #1

Oct 16, 2015

Superman Lois and Clark #1 is off at a great start. If you're not liking how the other Superman stories are going currently or just want to see more versions of the man of steel, it is highly recommend checking this comic out. It feels like walking back into the days before New 52 started, but still delivering new adventures that will make it a series fans praise for a long time.

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Superman: Lois and Clark #2

Nov 29, 2015

Superman Lois and Clark #2 has everything you need in a good pre-New 52 Superman story. The characters are well written and the art is simply amazing. It's hard to find anything bad about this issue because Jurgens and his team put a lot of effort into making a series that will please the Superman fans. It's a comic that will get you hooked on the series if the first issue hasn't done so already.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #28

Nov 29, 2013

But overall this is a fun read non the less and suggest fans of ninja turtles to buy this issue. It also leads to a new story arc that all turtle fans know in one version or another in a little town called Northhampton.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #29

Dec 21, 2013

I do hope we see familiar characters in Northhampton like Nobody and members of Justice Force. But only time will tell if the turtles stay in Northampton longer in the year. Can't wait to see what happens next in the next issue.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #30

Jan 31, 2014

Even if you didn't buy last month's issue you still get what's going on. But like last month's issue this is a must read. It shows a bit of drama and gives the readers an ending that makes you want to know what happens next. I know that this is part 2 of a 4 part story arc which would probably have some readers turn away from it. But if you give it a shot, who knows. You might be interested to hunt down the previous issues along with subscribing to the series to see what happens next.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #31

Mar 1, 2014

All in all I highly suggest anyone who is interested to buy at least this issue if you want to get into the series. It has a lot of good moments that make you connect with these characters and hope for the best for them. Even in the darkest of times. Sure it has a few flaws here and there but it's still a great read. I can't wait to see what happens in the next issue.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #32

Mar 14, 2014

All in all this comic is a must. For both current readers and new readers alike. I can't stress enough how awesome the comic is. The art is stunning and the story makes you keep reading from page one and wanting to read more. If this is your first reading the series, I highly suggest you go buy the rest of the previous issues along with new issues to come if you loved what you read.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #33

Apr 23, 2014

All in all this is a good start to get into the series. For new readers the last two story arcs and latest mini-series are mentioned that readers won't feel lost in what's going on. Casey fans are going to love this issue as this is more of a Casey story. For TMNT fans out there, who doesn't love a good Casey story every now and then?It's a well made comic and helps eases readers, especially TMNT fans into the comic series.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #34

Jun 4, 2014

Is this comic a must read? Yes. Will this comic please everyone? Probably not. Like I said before, the people who will get the most excitement out of this will be TMNT fans. While new fans will enjoy this comic, It's the old fans that will enjoy some classic characters with a new twist. It takes the best from what we liked from TMNT. This issue takes some new chances and that's always welcomed. It's a cool way to get more readers who haven't read the comic yet. I can't wait to see what other characters IDW will bring back in the next issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #35

Jun 18, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #35 was fun as it ends one drama and starts another for the series. It's a must read for TMNT fans and readers of the series. The story gets better once you have all the issues together. It's only going to get more interesting as the next issue we see Leo and Splinter facing a classic TMNT villain known as the Rat King.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #36

Jul 16, 2014

All in all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #36 was still a good issue to read. It's a fun little issue that anyone could enjoy if they randomly find this in their local comic book stores and TMNT fans who enjoy the villain Rat King. As part of a story arc however, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #36 can be skipped over since it doesn't have anything to do with the current story. But chances are this issue will probably be brought up again in the series sometime next year.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #38

Oct 1, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #38 is a fun read. It's a must read for any TMNT fans who are interested to see what kinds of mutants are going to be introduced and it's a great jumping on point for new readers as this is a start to a new story arc. There's a lot of in this comic that can grab anyones attention and the price for this comic is worth it.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #39

Oct 15, 2014

All in all Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles #39 is a fun read in which fans of Bebop and Rocksteady are going to enjoy. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #39 shows that it's well written and the art is great, for the most part. I can't wait to see the next issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to see how the turtles will handle Bebop and Rocksteady.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #40

Nov 26, 2014

All in all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #40 was a fun read with lots of action scenes and seeing how well all theses characters can work together. The dialogue was great as well, especially Mondo Gecko who talks like the 1987 Michelangelo. If you haven't bought Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles #40 I suggest you go and buy it along with the other two issues to the story arc if your looking for some mutant fun until the next issue comes out.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #41

Dec 11, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #41 was a fun issue. Being the start of a new story arc this issue is very welcoming to new readers as a jumping point. Although I think readers who have at least watched 1987 cartoon series will have more of an interest in reading this issue. It's a must read since the series has been building up to this very moment and shows this is a crisis were it's not just New York City that's doomed if they fail.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #42

Jan 21, 2015

All in all, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #42 is the comic fans have been waiting for since the Technodrome was first mentioned. With all the twist and reveals I can't see how this comic shouldn't be a must read. I can't for next month to see how this creative team will top this in the next issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #44

Mar 19, 2015

All in all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #44 is the beginning of a dark turn. I'm glad that certain story elements have come to a closelike Krang and his plans for the Earth. I'm still in shock from the events of this issue.This issue will leavefans wondering for weeks on where the series will go from this point

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #45

Apr 30, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #45 is a must read when we see what happens next for Donatello along with seeing how some of the characters deal with what happened in the previous story arc. It's a nice way to transition into the next one as we see hints that the villains will be back.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #46

May 30, 2015

Overall Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #46 is a must read. We explore more of Donatello's situation and see what the other characters are up to after the fight with the technodrome. The art is great and the comic makes you want to read more TMNT comics, which is greatwhen this summer will be big for the franchise.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #48

Aug 1, 2015

This was a fun issue. We get a bit of story to help set things in motion, but I think what sells it is the art. We get to see all the Turtles and a couple of fan favourites kicking ass and taking names. There's a lot of great buildup here to the 50th issue and the art is phenomenal.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #49

Aug 23, 2015

All in all this comic is a fun read. There are a couple of hiccups here and there, but it does wrap up a few things that was going on in this series for the last couple of years. The art is great and the colours do make the art pop.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #50

Oct 10, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #50 delivers in this milestone as something highly recommend any TMNT fan to go pick up.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #51

Nov 1, 2015

This comic is does feel like a new chapter for the Turtles and any one can easily get into it. It's a new start for the Turtles and it's very exciting.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #52

Nov 29, 2015

This issue wasa lot better than what I was expecting. The new course for the Turtles is set and I can't wait to read more.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) Annual: 2014

Aug 20, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles annual 2014 is okay. Older fans of TMNT will enjoy this as this gives off a feel that the classic comic book series is known for. Some of the younger fans might enjoy the annual, but will probably not buy it with some of the things that bring the annual down that I mentioned earlier. Fans of the IDW series will probably buy this for their collection. Chances are characters like Renet and Baltizar will probably come back by next year at least.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #1

Oct 22, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghostbusters #1 is a fun crossover between two fan favorite franchises. It was entertaining as hell and was easy for both long time readers of either series to get into. New readers won't have a hard time as long as they know who the main characters are. This issue is a must read if you enjoyed either series and enjoy some crossover fun.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #2

Nov 26, 2014

TMNT Ghostbusters #2 was a fun read with dialogue that is great and captured the characters in a familiar voice. We learn a lot about dimension travel along with seeing a villain that will actually keep readers interested to see what he'll do next.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #4

Jan 31, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghostbusters #4 was a fun comic that fans of both series will enjoy. It gives a satisfying conclusion to the series that will leave you satisfied and wanting to see more TMNT and Ghostbusters (If they ever make more Ghostbuster comics). Until then here's hoping for the next crossovers with our heroes in a half shell in the near future.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Vol. 2 #3

Jan 9, 2014

Personally I would just watch the cartoon version of this story because it seems like it was better written then the comic. However I would suggest to go buy the comic if your a fan of the 2003 cartoon series. Also I would recommend fans of the new comic series to pick this up as well as the turtles are currently in Northampton at the moment and we just might see a new take on the Justice Force.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Casey & April #1

Jun 17, 2015

All in all this team did an excellent job. We know about Casey and April, why they're going so far away from New York in the first place and set up the story for the next few issues. It connects well with the main series that you don't need to look back and see when it all takes place. I recommend a lot of TMNT fans to give this comic a chancesince it looks like we're going to be getting a very unique miniseries.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Casey & April #2

Jul 25, 2015

All in all this comic was okay. We got to see what seems to be bugging both Casey and April and lays out what the Rat King might do to them later on in this mini-series. One of the main problems with this comic is that it does feel like a short read. Other then that I'm interested to see what else the creators have up there sleeve for the next issue to keep readers in suspense with this comic.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Casey & April #4

Sep 27, 2015

This comic was a fun read to casual readers, while also a must read for those who are following the main series and like to know how everything falls into place. It's something I would recommend if someone asked me to what's one of the few TMNT comics I should check out.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #1

Feb 26, 2015

All in all TMNT Mutanimals #1 is a must read. If you've been reading Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,I would recommend giving Mutanimals a chance since there aren't that many stories that focus on other characters in this world. It's well written and the art style works fits the story perfectly.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #2

Mar 27, 2015

Despite my quarrels with the art, TMNT Mutanimals #2 is a fine comic. We explore what some the new characters are like and saw that the team is more than just Old Hob's followers. I think Kuhn needs to make sure he takes he time to get the designs for both the characters and backgrounds right before the next issue. Allor on the other hand knows how to make interesting characters and I really hope he continues writing them if the team ever gets another mini-series.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #3

May 9, 2015

All in all TMNT Mutanimals #3 was better than Iexpected. While the comic did have a few problems, it's still an enjoyable read with lots of good story developments that will have you wanting more.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #4

Jun 6, 2015

TMNT Mutanimals #4 did a lot better than expected it to be when bringing a resolution to most of the developments in the story while leaving the story open for more Mutanimal stories. If you're a TMNT fan and haven't given this comic (along with the rest of this mini-series) a chance yet it is highly suggested giving it reading it when you can.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #2

Jul 26, 2014

TMNT: Turtles in Time #2 is a fun issue in the end. This was aimed towards fans and longtime readers of the comic series. If you're a TMNT fan, then your going to love TMNT: Turtles in Time #2. It's one of those issues that every TMNT fan should have by now. Now that we're halfway through this mini-series. I wonder what other time travel shenanigans the turtles will cause in the second half of this mini-series.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #3

Aug 27, 2014

All in all, TMNT: Turtles in Time #3 is a great issue. It's got action, an ending that gives a classic TMNT character a way into the series and we get to learn a bit more about the turtles. It's also one of those issues where if you weren't a fan of Mikey before, you'll be one now. I highly suggest buying TMNT: Turtles in Time #3. It's just one of those comics that gets you excited for the series all over again.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #4

Sep 17, 2014

All in all, TMNT Turtles in Time #4 was a fun comic. The story was written well, the art was great and it connected to the series in a way that we'll probably be seeing more about the future in later tories of IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. TMNT Turtles in Time #4 is a must read for all TMNT fans out there.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #1

Jan 22, 2014

But even though this mini-series probably won't have our favourite four turtles, it does look like this mini-series might set up for future stories along with something big to happen to them later this year.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #2

Mar 1, 2014

If your interested in Krang and like to see more of him and see how he ticks. Then this comic is for you. This issue shows great moments of Krang that you might not need to buy the last issue to get what's going on. Let's hope things turn out okay for some of these characters in the next issue.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #3

Mar 22, 2014

All in all this was a fun read. I suggest fans of teenage mutant ninja turtles to buy this issue as it leads to what looks like the next summer crisis fighting Krang and his technodrome. The art is pleasing to the eye, and leaves plenty of references to please the fans while interest new readers. Like Stockmen's cyborg mutant fly for example. It gives a satisfying end to the mini-series while giving readers a reason to be interested in buying comics from the regular series.

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The Royals: Masters Of War #1

Feb 15, 2014

This series will show an interesting take on people with super powers in World War 2. But if it's like the first issue just showing time skips on just certain parts of World War two it might be hard to connect with these characters. But we'll see if the creators of the comic can pull this off as this is only a six issue mini-series. So I might give it another issue or two to see if this series is a must read.

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The Royals: Masters Of War #2

Mar 15, 2014

All in all I had fun reading this issue and would like to see more. Especially since it looks like every super being in the world has decided to take sides and join the war. If you like the last issue I guarantee that it gets better. It can get new readers attention. But if you want to know why there are royal families with superpowers and why they're part of the war, I suggest to go and buy last months issue to get the full backstory. But it's still a fun read and gets readers attention for those who don't know of the dark times that are a head. Let's hope that continues in the next issue.

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TMNT Villain Microseries #8

Dec 4, 2013

All in all this is not a comic I would suggest for readers to start reading on if you want to get into the ninja turtle comics. However this is a interesting read for the fans of ninja turtles who have read the stories 'Secret of the Foot Clan' and 'City Fall'. It shows how Shredder will never change and is always doomed. No matter where he is, he will always try to conquer and destroy no matter the consequences which will ultimately lead him to death.

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Trinity Of Sin #1

Oct 17, 2014

All in all Trinity of Sin is off at a good start, despite some of the flaws found in it. It continues the tale of both Phantom Stranger and Pandora while finally giving us stories with the Question. If you enjoy it great, but I might need to read a couple more issues to see if this series is worth it for readers.

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Trinity Of Sin #2

Nov 22, 2014

All in all Trinity of Sin was a fun issue. Much better then the last issue, but I still would go and get it just to get the idea why the Trinity of Sin are working together in the first place. I can't wait to see what they'll do next in the third issue as it looks like they need to fix the damage that Nimraa has caused.

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Trinity Of Sin #3

Dec 21, 2014

All in all Trinity of Sin #3 was a good comic. Was there a fees problems, of course there was. Almost every comic will have problems, but I still enjoyed the story. I like that Nimraa's action had lasting effects to our characters and look like she's one of few villains that cover most of her bases. I like to see how the next issue of Trinity of Sin. See how the characters will try to over come Nimraa's actions.

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Valiant Sized Quantum and Woody #1

Dec 3, 2014

In the end Valiant-Sized Quantum and Woody #1 was a fun comic to read. There were a lot of good jokes that play on some of the old super hero stories. It leaves it open for more stories to come out of Valiant-Sized Quantum and Woody #1 which I would love to see in the future. For now it's something fans will enjoy while they wait for the next installment of Quantum and Woody's adventure in “Quantum and Woody Must Die”.

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Web Warriors (2015) #1

Nov 15, 2015

With two great stories this comic is off at a great start. Pretty much anyone can pick this up and get hooked on the series. From the fans who've read Spider-Verse to some of the new readers who like Spider-Man, but haven't gotten into comics yet.

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World's Finest (2012) #17

Nov 16, 2013

Overall this issue is okay. Its not bad nor is it good. But after seeing the covers for the months to come it looks like it leads to a crossover with the Batman/Superman comics, which sounds like fun for fans of Worlds' Finest.

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World's Finest (2012) #18

Dec 13, 2013

I would recommend this if only to get idea on why Power Girl and Huntress need Superman and Batman's help. It looks like it's leading to something big and readers should get to know what's going on.

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World's Finest (2012) #19

Jan 18, 2014

All in all I would highly suggest all readers who are interested in this crossover to go pick up this issue as it sets the stage on how this crossover get's underway.

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World's Finest (2012) #20

Mar 1, 2014

This comic was a fun read despite the few flaws this comic had. Compared to the part 1 of the story this comic would be okay. But together would make you want to go back to the comic store again and again asking when the next issue comes out so at least it leaves you coming back for more. So enjoy this issue and lets hope these guys come out on top of the mess they landed themselves in.

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World's Finest (2012) #22

Apr 11, 2014

All in all this feels like the series is coming to a end. However I might be wrong and it's all just a gimmick to get readers to buy more issues of World's Finest. If you're like me you really want to see if these guys can make it back to Earth 2 and help out the heroes who are needing a lot of help. Let's see what happens next in the issues to come.

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World's Finest (2012) #23

May 17, 2014

Like 'First Contact' we see that we're getting close to the fan favorite series 'Earth 2'. A nice reminder on where these two characters come from. I hope those two make it back to Earth 2 and can't wait to see what happens in the next issue of Worlds' Finest.

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World's Finest (2012) #24

Jun 13, 2014

The comic is a must read for fans of Earth 2 who were wondering if Huntress and Power Girl will make it back home. It's a little reminder of their adventures before saying their farewells in the next issue.It'll be interesting to see their reactions to what's happening on their home planet.

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World's Finest (2012) #25

Jul 12, 2014

All in all this was an okay read. This is mostly aimed at Earth 2 fans since Power Girl and Huntress are coming back to the series in August and Worlds' Finest #25 will feel like a prelude to a tie-in adventure. Which wouldn't be so bad since Earth 2 is doing a good job in their series so far. I highly suggest buying Worlds' Finest #25 in case your a reader who's looking for a little more detail in how Power Girl and Huntress suddenly show up in Earth 2 #26. Worlds' Finest does leaves readers in suspense in what they're reacting to now that they're back on Earth 2.

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World's Finest (2012) #27

Oct 10, 2014

All in all Worlds' finest #27 was a fun issue to read. This was aimed to fans of Earth 2 since this issues follows up to some of the events that happened in the series. When compared to the latest issue of Earth 2, I think Worlds' Finest picks up where Earth 2 World's End #1 left off a lot better. It shows more of the history of Earth 2 and doesn't give any spoilers to what's going to happen in the next few issues. If you enjoy Earth 2 so far then I highly suggest buying Worlds' finest #27 if you want to see more of the history this world.

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World's Finest (2012) #28

Nov 14, 2014

I highly recommend Worlds' Finest #28 for fans of Earth 2 or just looking a comic where Wonder Woman is a bad ass. You can enjoy this if you just jumped into the series at this point because there really isn't any backstory to cover that Worlds' Finest #28 hasn't already done to keep readers ahead. The secret history of Earth 2 is getting very interesting and can't be missed.

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World's Finest (2012) #29

Dec 14, 2014

Worlds' Finest #29 was a fun read. We finally pick up the pace with dealing with Intri and Apokolips' upcoming invasion along with finally getting a Batman adventure with the actually Dark Knight himself. New readers can easily jump into the series which is a little odd, but cool that it's given some readers a chance to get more Earth 2 fun.

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World's Finest (2012) #29

Jan 16, 2015

Worlds' Finest #30 was an interesting read that I think fans of Earth 2 should get a hold of if they'd like to fill a few gaps in to some of the best parts of Earth 2. Other than that it was a good start to the begging of the first Apokolips war and the end of the series. Now I'm interested to see what this story will go with the secret history of Earth 2 for the next couple of months to come.

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World's Finest (2012) #32

Mar 13, 2015

All in all, despite the flaws in the art, Worlds' Finest #32 was a good read. Fans of Earth 2 should probably check this comic out as we do see how Lois Lane was killed which lead to her becoming Red Tornado. For a story that is both a prequel and tie-in to what's happening on Earth 2 at the moment it's a good story and I did enjoy seeing the original Batman and Superman of Earth 2 have adventures before their timely demise.

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World's Finest (2012): Futures End #1

Sep 13, 2014

While Worlds' finest Futures End #1 was an okay comic, it could have been better. if your interested to see what Cadmus has been doing to some of the people of Earth 2, then go ahead. It shows are dark Futures can go for readers who haven't gotten around to reading Futures End yet. It's a shame we won't be seeing Power Girl and Huntress in this series for a while. But have no fear, as next month we discover the origins of Earth 2's Superman and Batman.

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