After months of turmoil, Red Hood, Starfire, and Arsenal are facing their inner demons! But what they find could lead to the end of their partnership especially if Blackfire kills them first!
Even though this book has had some problems throughout it's run, it remained one of my favorites for it's over the top action and it's inappropriate humor and I'll be sad to see this trio go. As for this issue, the story didn't really feel like a real finale and maybe that's because all the characters will be returning elsewhere in June. I just wish that the finale to the story arc didn't come off as rushed and anticlimactic as it did........ but even with that, I still enjoyed it. It's a mix bag, if you've enjoyed the series so far, then you should enjoy this as well........ It doesn't hurt that the book looks amazing either. Read Full Review
All in all Red Hood and the Outlaws #40 was okay, but it had a lot of problems that bring down the comic as final issue. It does well to set up for the next series in June, but most of the story felt rushed since Lobdell had to wrap up everything in one comic. If you enjoy Red Hood and the Outlaws #40, great. For me though I think this comic could have been better. Read Full Review
Overall this issue was action packed with a somewhat lukewarm ending, however I am looking forward to see what Arsenal and Red Hood have in store this coming June. Read Full Review
Post Convergence, we are getting a Red Hood / Arsenal book and a seperate Starfire book. It will interesting to see if both books are successful or will the fact there are two books split the fan base. Just bear in mind, the new Red Hood has Lobdell and the new ‘Fire book will have Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti. Either way, I doubt I will be looking at either during or post Convergence. Read Full Review
Arsenal just kind of walks away into the forest, perhaps to become the Predator and actually have something to do, while Todd tells Slade Jr. that they were never a team, but instead “OUTLAWS!” Yeah, it's about as Saturday Morning cartoon as you would expect and a crap way to end this series. At least Starfire will be back in her own book, and this time will be wearing some clothes! Read Full Review
As someone who had read this from the first issue and hoped that each month would finally bring a satisfying dynamic to these characters, I was extremely let down by this finale. Rushed, poorly thought out, and misguided are just a few ways to describe how emotionless and bland this split felt. For a book that tried so hard to be something that it very obviously was not, it doesn't surprise me that it could not even disappear properly. Read Full Review
The art was fantastic and I thought the colorist did a great job. The key to enjoying RHATO is to not take it too seriously otherwise, you'll overanalyze a book that really doesn't have much to analyze. But since this is the last issue, it's a bit late for advice now isn't it? This title has always been shallow in terms of storytelling but the action has been a riot. While there are some issues that try to inject some emotion into the book like that one a few months back where Oliver visits Roy in the hospital, most of the time, Hood and the gang just want to have fun and blow $#!% up. And after getting beaten to death by the Joker and resurrected, can ya blame the kid and his equally troubled friends? It'll be interesting to see Hood and Amore
Pretty much a representation of this whole series. There's no real characterization to speak of, and the narrative structure consists of characters telling each other what the plot is, followed by random panels of explosions. There's no rhyme or reason. It's a problem that has plagued this series from the beginning, as none of these characters have any chemistry with each other, other than the narrator telling us that they're supposedly friends. Well, Starfire's getting salvaged, and I wouldn't be surprised if this Outlaw history is quickly forgotten. Jason and Roy will continue to run around doing nothing.