Quantum and Woody: Goat #0
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Quantum and Woody: Goat #0

Writer: James Asmus, Tom Fowler Artist: Tom Fowler Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: March 5, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 1
8.2Critic Rating
10User Rating

Are heroes born...or are they bred? Tom Fowler returns to QUANTUM AND WOODY for the thrilling and tragic life story of...Vincent Van Goat! Behold! A hero is born! A hero rises! We're gonna level with you-you're going to need to read this issue! Excitement and laughs and all that! Major repercussions for Quantum and Woody! Yes, seriously! Buy the issue and then see if we weren't kidding!

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Steve Paugh Mar 5, 2014

    So yeah, I loved Quantum and Woody: Goat #0 … shocker, I know. I wouldn't say this is the best place to jump onto this series (which may throw some people off, given that's another presumed function of the zero issue), but thanks to the twist ending that I, for one, never saw coming, you definitely need to read it going forward. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Multiversity Comics - David Harper and Brandon Burpee Mar 5, 2014

    This is my favorite issue of the year so far, regardless of publisher, and in my opinion the single best issue Valiant has released to date. Beautiful, ridiculous, heartbreaking and about a goat. What else could we want from a comic? Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Geeked Out Nation - Ian Yoxon Mar 5, 2014

    Overall If your starting to wonder why your still buying this series I would put that to rest as this is an issue that will make what to see more. Sure this is not exactly a good jumping on point for new readers. But this os a comic is for fans of the series or at the very least readers who know the general idea of Quantum and Woody but don't know much else. This is an actually good issue to have and will have you interested into buying the future issues of the series because of the big revelation of the ending. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Stash My Comics - Leo Johnson Mar 4, 2014

    This issue does a great balancing act of keeping things fun, but also serious and advancing the overall story. Even more so, it's new reader friendly, which is becoming increasingly rare for any issue in an ongoing series at any publisher. Fans new and old can find something worth reading here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Daniel Elkin Mar 4, 2014

    Oh yea, you could buy a lot less entertainment for $3.99 in most circles, brother, and almost all of it would have a lot less goat. So go on and get your goat, if you're looking for a couple of chuckles and a Speedo made of muffins (why do I keep coming back to that " damn goat) Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Mar 5, 2014

    There are a few small problems with this book, but overall, this #0 issue is a huge success. Fans finally get to learn the origin of The Goat, which is a bit of a shocker, and we get to know what he was up to prior to meeting Quantum & Woody. The book continues to be incredibly funny and will probably get a loud chuckle or two out of the reader. The only real problem is that new fans can't really jump on here because you need to be invested in the rest of the series to know who these characters are. Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Mar 7, 2014

    You're not going to learn a whole lot about Quantum or Woody with this issue so if you're a newbie I'd still recommend checking in with the first story arc if that's what you're looking for. But if area familiar or are already on this ride then this book is going to be a great read. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Mar 8, 2014

    Im not going to deny how ridiculous this issue is, but it really does work. Its fun, funny and really just a good time to read. Maybe this isnt the best starting point for the series since you wouldnt already be acquainted with Goat, but if you were to start here, there is definitely a segment of people out there, the ones that get past the fact that its a story about a goat, who would really enjoy this one. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Mar 5, 2014

    Asmus and Fowler have something really special on their hands with Quantum And Woody: The Goat, but end up just missing their respective marks as creators. Hopefully the next installment of this title will kick a new off arc in style. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - James McQueen Mar 4, 2014

    All in all, Goat is a wild ride that needs to be owned by any Quantum and Woody fan. Its a funky little piece of madness and a worthwhile little diversion from the well usual madness. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Gizmo Apr 20, 2014

    This is simply amazing. One of those few #0 issues that acts as a prequel while also advancing the ongoing story. It stars a goat and is hilarious while also managing to be heart wrenching and socially aware at the same time. To top things off, Fowler delivers the most crazy twist ending that would make M. Night poop his pants. Comics don't get much better than this! The only problem with this being a #0 is new reader might feel inclined to read it first, but if anything they should read it last!

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