Spider-Verse #1
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Spider-Verse #1

Writer: Mike Costa Artist: Andre Araujo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 20, 2015 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 15
6.8Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Spinning out of the SPIDER-VERSE event, a team of Spiders finds themselves face-to-face with Battleworld! Starring SPIDER-GWEN, SPIDER-MAN NOIR, SPIDER-MAN: INDIA, MAYDAY PARKER, SPIDER-UK and SPIDER-HAM!

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke May 20, 2015

    This is fun tie-in that doesn't necessarily tie-in too closely, at least so far, but instead works on the characters. Spider-Gwen fans should go gaga for this one. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Geeked Out Nation - Ian Yoxon May 23, 2015

    Despite the flaws with the art Spider-Verse #1 is a good read. It fixes the few mistakes the original Spider-Verse had and gives it a good start that will have people who haven't read the original interested to continue adding this to their pull. If you liked reading the original Spider-Verse story I'm certain you're going to love Spider-Verse #1. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long May 19, 2015

    Spider-Verse #1 captures the best aspects of the Spider-centric event and brings it to Battleworld with a solid dose of mystery and a seedy undertone that ripples under the dialogue at all times. That mystery will drive things along nicely and Costa, Araujo and Rosenberg have set up what could be a really fun series going forward. This is just the kind of fun the dynamic of Battleworld and Secret Wars can bring and if you enjoyed the event in Amazing Spider-Man, you have to pick up Spider-Verse #1. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - F.D. White May 21, 2015

    Without the urgency of the original Spider-Verse, this mini-series stutters a little. Despite that, there's a lot to enjoy about this book from the writing to the art (including a hilarious back-up featuring Spider-Ham). Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder May 20, 2015

    This is a very strong opening outing that manages to introduce a lot of characters while never being overwhelming, and thats very, very impressive. The visuals might not hit 100% of the time, but trading some inconsistency for a sense of real uniqueness is a bargain its easy to make and even easier to appreciate. This is a great introduction to some characters its truly good to see again in a world that seems genuinely interesting and full of a ton of a potential. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 21, 2015

    Costa is great at giving each character a distinct voice and personality. In some ways the story flows more naturally than his caption-heavy Scarlet Spiders mini-series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper May 20, 2015

    "Spider-Verse" #1 is full of fun fights, strong characters and rewarding references. All it lacks now is purpose. Once it gets that going, "Spider-Verse" could be a great series for all readers but, for now, it will definitely make Spider-fans grin. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma May 25, 2015

    Spider-Verse #1 has a lot of the things I'm looking for in a comic these days. The energy is fun, the characters considered and lively, and the world simply and effectively conveyed to the reader. That last one is particularly important as a "Secret Wars" tie-in, similar issues having hurt sister-title A-Force and several of DC's "Convergence" tie-ins. The art is fascinating, if sometimes weak, and helps to bring a sense of diversity to the story, giving it a clearer identity within "Secret Wars". The real question is whether readers will give a $5.00 book with no 'weight' in canon a chance. Especially if you enjoy young heroes or inventive plays on the Spider-Man formula, I suggest that you do. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough May 19, 2015

    Overall, there's a lot of potential for this series, though I think I came in with the wrong expectations. This issue seems more interested in setting up Gwen's status quo in the context of Battleworld than having fun with more Spider-Man team-up antics. At the same time though, the series seems to feature exactly what I wanted from more Spider-Verse so seems to suffer from a weird identity crisis. If some of the lingering questions and confusing elements of the series can be cleared up in later issues then this could be a great mini-series that incorporates a lot of classic spider-man continuity as well as some of the more recent modern additions. Right now however, I would cautiously recommend it Spider-Man fans as I feel there's some stuff here they will enjoy and hopefully lead to more good stuff in the long run. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray May 26, 2015

    While not quite tying in with main event, short of a throwaway line from Norman Osborn about Doctor Doom being his god, Spider-Verse remains a mostly entertaining chapter in an otherwise inconsistent (so far) multiversal event. However, with several chapters still remaining in this mini-series tie-in, there's still a wealth of threads to explore on this always fascinating web. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Brian Bannen May 19, 2015

    The final page was definitely a fun shock (particularly the return of a fan-favorite Spider-character), and Costa hints at a cool inversion of the "Sinister Six," but the purpose of the storyline is still too vague. I like how Costa plays with a universe of Spider-Men, but he hasn't done enough to establish his intent, and this is more frustrating given how solidly he writes the characters. Hopefully, #2 will smooth out these wrinkles and make the story as interesting as it could and should be. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin -  Lance Paul May 26, 2015

    Costa introduces most of the principle players and does well establishing the world around them, with very little exposition or rambling. Spider-Verse #1s downfall may be with the choice of artist though, as fresh off Ultimate FF Andr Lima Arajos style of surreal doesnt go quite right; instead, he leaves you hanging from panel to panel, with character work that doesnt flow from page to page; or, more surprisingly, the characters even become pregnant over a panel (sorry, Spider UK). As if this while event wasnt confusing enough. In the view of your Favorite Traveling Nerd, skip it. Unless you just love oven roasted Spider-Ham. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin May 25, 2015

    Spider-Verse #1 is not a perfect issue but it did set up a world that has major possibilities. By using a post-Death of Gwen Stacy world Mike Costa opened a window for some interesting character developments for people like Spider-Gwen. The fact that this world's main Spider-Man is missing and the other Spiders past life memories are blurred adds weight to what exactly is going on in this part of Battleworld. It's a mystery that has my interests peaked. I just hope the art sees major improvements in the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Superior Spider-Talk - Tony Goodwyn Jun 1, 2015

    With lackluster storytelling and less than impressive visuals accompanying it, the Secret Wars' Spider-Verse #1 will leave readers shrugging, wondering why this story is important. The extra dollar in price makes it almost insulting. Read Full Review

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