Action Comics #28

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Aaron Kuder Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 5, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 18
8.5Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Who or what is the Ghost Soldier, and what mysterious ties does he have to The Man of Steel? Will he side with Superman as he is caught in the middle of the military's battle with subterranean monsters?

  • 10
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Feb 5, 2014

    Action Comics has really and truly been an absolute treat to read since Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder assumed the writing and artist duties only a few issues back. It clearly outshines what the New 52 has done with Superman up to this point, with maybe an exception to Charles Soule'sSuperman/Wonder Womanwhich has been a pleasant surprise, and when guys like Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. are being brought in to, more or less, saveSupermanproper you can't help but think that, hey, we already have a great Superman book. They have a lot of catching up and work to do to be in the same league asAction Comics. Read Full Review

  • 10
    We The Nerdy - Guilherme Jacobs Feb 6, 2014

    Action Comics by Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder is a must read for any Superman fan, and it's well worth a shot for anyone who stepped away from the character during the New 52. I hope their run is very long, because Superman deserves a book that captures the essence of Superman and delivers it in such a beautiful fashion as this one does. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Feb 10, 2014

    I have absolutely no complaints with this issue. Everything works. The action, the character interaction, the villains, the art. Everything builds on everything else. This was a dense read but it read fast. And when it was over, I wanted the next issue in my hand. That is the sign of a great comic. Hopefully, when this arc is over and things mesh more with the New 52 continuity, that the magic of this book isn't dulled. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Feb 10, 2014

    Marvelously entertaining, stacked with the humor, adventure, mystery, drama, and that little touch of moral weight that makes for excellent comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Feb 5, 2014

    With Pak and Kuder at the helm, the world of Superman just got that much stronger. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 6, 2014

    Aaron Kuder's artwork perfectly matches the charming tone. His style is a little less focused on superheroic action and spectacle and more on unique character designs and overall energy. His facial work suffers a bit whenever the figures are framed from an angle, but otherwise Kuder brings a vibrant, slightly more cartoony look to Superman's world. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Feb 5, 2014

    Overall, Greg Pak is a rest new start for Superman and Action Comics. The last few months with him as the writer have really turned this book around and let Superman shine as the true hero he is as well as the other characters, even if Lana is not the most interesting character. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hyper Geeky - uuoo93 Feb 11, 2014

    This issue was filled with highs and lows, but I'm mostly pleased with everything that is coming out since the beginning of this story arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Ian Yoxon Feb 7, 2014

    This comic is a must read for fans of Superman. But unlike the last two issues you need to buy previous issues to know what the heck is going on. Which might put off some readers who haven't read the last few issues of Action Comics. I would suggest you go buy at least the last two issues first before reading this one. It would actually make a better story once you realize what's going on. Shame that this wasn't also a great way for readers to jump in. But the best (or worst) has yet to come.Let's see what happens next in next month's issue where not only does Superman fight monsters, but also the U.S. forces as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Feb 7, 2014

    I know we sound like a broken record around these parts, but bless Greg Pak's heart " his Superman comics are so good! This issue, like every other "Action" issue he's done thus far, has felt like a classic Superman story in the all the right ways, and yet has been accessible and fresh in the ways that DC envisioned the New 52 to be. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Feb 6, 2014

    Action Comics #28 continues to be the place to go for Superman goodness.  Greg Pak is showing us what makes Superman what he is and why that may be his downfall.  Throw in Lana Lang and you have two strong characters trying to save the World. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 5, 2014

    "Action Comics" #28 has quickly cemented this title as my favorite Superman title right now; I feel like Pak and Kuder have found a strong voice that also fits the character. With "Superman Unchained" set to wrap up later this year and Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. taking over "Superman," there are some changes coming to the Superman creative stable. Here's hoping "Action Comics" remains untouched, because this is a creative team that works, and then some. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Feb 5, 2014

    Kal-El's books have seen quite a few creative changes since the reboot, but this is the first time where one of his series feels to have a strong foothold on a good story with a writer who has a firm grasp on what makes the character tic. ACTION COMICS not only has Pak doing a splendid job with the characterization, but he also has the strong art team of Kuder and Quintana backing him up. Superman is a tough character from me to get excited about, but issue #28 really changed my mind about him. Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Daren Taveras Feb 12, 2014

    The story is shaping up nicely and this issue ends on a serious note that will leave readers excited for the next release. With enemies new and old clamoring at the chance to face off against the Man of Steel, Action Comics is delivering an exciting story that is filled with everything a Superman fan needs, and more. Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder are creating their own take on Clark Kent and it's clear that they wouldn't be able to do so without the attention and care that they express for the character. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 6, 2014

    Greg Pak certainly puts the "action" into Action Comics this week, and while his trademark characterization still shines strongly, the frenetic set pieces are a little overwhelming. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Feb 6, 2014

    Pak and Kuder have delivered on the book's title, with a lot of action (a fight scene with Superman and Ghost Soldier against an army of stone monsters is pretty exciting) but a thoughtful story in place as well. It's nice to see someone putting the lie to the expectation that having super-powers makes Superman utterly without weakness and boring, and I'm hoping to see much more from this team, even if higher profile Superman books like Unchained and the upcoming Geoff Johns run on 'Superman' may overshadow it. Read Full Review

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