• SUE RICHARDS goes to Latveria to confront DR. DOOM for the safety and welfare of her daughter VALERIA.
• See the majesty of Dr. Doom's sovereign country blown apart as he and the Invisible Woman turn Latveria into a battlefield in one of the most savage battles in FF history!
• And when it's over and the smoke has cleared whose side will Valeria be on?
Rated T
Fantastic Four Annual #1 is a fantastic issue and annual worth picking up. If you are a fan of either Doctor Doom or Sue Richards then I highly recommend buying this annual. It works well with the rest of the series as well as giving you some depth where you may have had questions before concerning their relationship to Valeria. Since this is written by Robinson, there are some references to some old Fantastic Four stories. Something which may be enjoyable to point out yourself if you are aware of them. Read Full Review
It ties into some ongoing story about Sue's mind slipping into her Malice persona again or something like that but really the details are unimportant what makes this work is the raw emotion of it all. The gut punch of Sue's unleashed fury on a level I haven't seen outside Dark Phoenix, how much of a pounding Doom takes to seriously insane levels, and what finally convinces Sue to cease her bloodlust, it's all just such an immensely thrilling and satisfying ride along the spectrum of emotions, a tale of honor, madness, obsession, tragedy that is so incredibly worth your time, I highly recommend it. Read Full Review
The Bottom Line: The art here is classic in sensibility and raw in emotion. Sue makes an awesome show of power as a mother and as a hero, but ultimately scares herself and perhaps sets up the re-hashing of a character “development” that should be left in the past. This storyline in some ways feels like it's ticking a checklist item for a story point that should have been in the main series, and, when combined with the fact the Future Foundation has been sidelined, the regular title can continue without any pesky kids featured in it whatsoever. Read Full Review
Robinson's dialogue is similarly tight, conveying both the frustration of a loving but exasperated parent, and the incredulousness of a despot whose calm demeanor belies his typical nature. "Fantastic Four Annual" #1 emotionally deals with the pain that often comes with parenthood and wraps it in a four-color bow, and its heartbreaking ending punches right through the heart of anyone who can sympathize with the relationship between a parent and an estranged child. Read Full Review
FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL offers an awesome complimentary story to the main volume. It's full of tons of extremely well-executed dialogue and the story has a great pace to it. I had a bit of a problem with how Valeria spoke, but a lot of that may come from my own ignorance of the character. Regardless, it still was problematic for me in this reading experience. Aside from that minor issue, I really enjoyed this issue and almost everything about it. I highly recommend checking this one out if you've been enjoying the main series Read Full Review