Guy Gardner has a difficult decision to make: deciding if the newest Red Lantern, Supergirl, is fit for battleespecially when that battle is against Atrocitus himself! The war between the two factions of Red Lanterns is on, and there will be blood!
The blowout to end all blowouts is starting to overflow, and three characters fall before it. It's going to be really nasty next month, and I hope it lives up to this spectacular issue. Highest possible recommendation. Read Full Review
So ... in the end ... I think I have to call this Red Daughter story a success. And that amazes me. I still don't think it needed to happen. The same sentiments that Supergirl showed here could have happened in the first issues of her book. The nurturing mentoring that Guy did here could have been done by Kal. Unfortunately, the first 2 years of Supergirl's own book brought her down the road of isolation and angst and anger (specifically at Superman) that this sort of drastic catharsis and redemption was the only option left. And this story did that. It brought out some of the optimism and heroism in Kara, showed her she can adapt and love. The characterization of the Reds is also strong in this book, particularly the pain that Bleez is weighed by as well as Guy trying to bring some order to the Red chaos. And it is that characterization that will keep me coming back to this book. Read Full Review
Red Lanterns #32 was a good start for the new story arc. The story has a level of dark that it attracts readers who are into dark stories, but not as dark where the story puts readers off. A few main characters have great moments in Red Lanterns #32 that you hope to see them again in the next issue. While some may hope for the other characters to shine, I wouldn't worry too much as this is still part 1 and we have the rest of the summer to read the other issues that come out later. Read Full Review
Red Lanterns #32, despite a few problems concerning Supergirl's arc, is a success and despite the artistic change is another welcome addition in Soule's gripping saga. Next issue can't come quickly enough " and it should be very interesting to see what direction Guy Gardner and company go in from here. Read Full Review
Pick up this comic if you like wicked goatees on characters who don't traditionally have them, ink heavy art, or all for one and one for all. Read Full Review
With the closing of this issue the stage has been set for what will be an epic confrontation between Atrocitus and Guy Gardner. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this unfolds and watching to see if any loyalty Guy has built among the Red Lanterns will be rewarded in the face of Atrocitus new force. This is a civil war that has a lot of potential and with Soule pulling the strings I've little doubt that we are in store for a fantastic journey. Red Lanterns #32 gets four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review
The good still far outweighs the bad and this is a great opening to the hostilities between Guy Gardner and Atrocitus. This is a storyline thats been building since Gardner took over the Reds and, quite frankly, did a better job of it than Atrocitus. There are not just new pieces but new powers on the table, and were in for another great ride on this particular title. Theres scarcely been a better time to jump on this title than this issue. Read Full Review
We're finally going to see Guy Gardner's war against Atrocitus and after reading this issue, I'm terrified for our heroes. As much as I was anticipating The Red Daughter of Krypton story line, I'm really happy it's over and we can get back to stories that don't feature a token hero as it's main plot device. All in all this was a very cool beginning to what I hope is a very savage battle against two Red powerhouses. Go check it out and get your rage on. Read Full Review
Visually, Jim Calafiore proves so adept at mimicking Alessandro Vitti's dark, scratchy style that you may not even notice Vitti's absence. Read Full Review
There is plenty to love here, despite the Kara debate, and I know several people who, after reading this issue, are going back and picking up back issues to read the full Red Daughter of Krypton storyline. It's a good transitional set up for the coming civil war, even if left with a feeling of what a proper goodbye with Kara could have been. Read Full Review
Jim Calafiore excels with the non-human characters but completely misses the boat when trying to depict the emotions at play in Guy and Kara's mentor/mentee relationship. On the whole, he delivers as many great panels as the story allows, but the story itself is lacking. Read Full Review