As an epic space battle rages above the Earth, how will humanity and the other heroes of the DC Universe cope with this Day of Doom?
Action Comics Annual #3 is a good chapter of the Doomed event. It's star studded and action packed. Greg Pak and seven (yes, seven) artists push the story forward and then turn it on it's head just in time for the next chapter. The real threat is revealed and It's not Doomsday. I can't wait for the next chapter. Read Full Review
While some scenes and subplots felt rushed in order to further advance the story, Action Comics Annual #3 is an important piece tothe puzzle of Doomed and is a much needed addition to complete the overall storyline. The story was enhanced by the large cast of guest characters, including Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, and more. Pak and company did well to provide new elements to be explored in future installments and luckily for us, Action Comics #34, which continues from this issue, was released on the very same day. Read Full Review
Action Comics Annual #3 wraps up a few things like the kryptonite that covers the planet along with Superman finding a way to stop the virus for a while. It is a must read for Action Comics fans as the annual brings back lots of characters seen in the series. It's also a must read for readers who are still reading Superman Doomed as the story reach a conclusions to some of their story plots. But it looks like things are going to get worse as we see in the next chapter in Action Comics #34. Read Full Review
Going back to the issue at hand, there really were some great moments from Superman. His shear strength of will to try and fight off SuperDoom and help fight Brainiac, in Gotham for example, is a true testament to the character and one which has rarely been seen in The New 52. Unfortunately, the plan that was originally used to stop Superman from coming back to Earth a few issues ago seems to backfired but dont worry as Batman has a different plan. What this plan reveals is that in fact SuperDoom and the Brainiac virus were just the beginning of what is to come and it all leads to one incredible final splash page. Read Full Review
This Action Comics issue was definitely not as good as Pak's other issues not related to the Doomed event. Right now, I'm just glad that the Superman title isn't part of the crossover anymore because it means I have something for the character that isn't related to all this mess. Read Full Review
We finally put Doomsday (mostly) behind us to concentrate on better things, although Pak possibly makes a major misstep along the way. Read Full Review
Action Comics Annual #3 is good issue, but it's flaws ultimately weigh it down. The questionable structure and the mix of artists keep it from being what it could have been given Greg Pak's scripting. Read Full Review
Maybe this is my problem? But if the core plot, this infection, is treated haphazardly, I can't get into the conflict. At least ... at least ... I got some fine Lois moments. Read Full Review
Seven pencilers and six inkers are credited in Action Comics Annual #3, and the result is about as schizophrenic as you'd expect. Read Full Review
If this was my first issue, I wouldn't buy more.