Cole Kennedy's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: All-Comic Reviews: 41
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #32

Jun 4, 2014

Since the launch of the New 52 Superman's character and the stories he's been involved with have been somewhat positive, but most were unfortunately off target.Doomed looks to provide a new path for what should be one of the most successful characters in comics, and hopefully with more issues like this one, he will be.

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Action Comics (2011) #33

Jul 2, 2014

Whatever your opinion of these unique changes to the multiple Superman series, it has been an exciting and surprising ride that is has been intriguing, to say the least. And with an art team as skilled as this one, this book, no matter what defect or disliking the overall story may have, will always be be regarded in high quality. The conclusion of this issue is proof that, no matter how much has changed for Superman, its about to get a lot worse for him, and a lot better for us.

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Action Comics (2011) #34

Aug 6, 2014

With stellar art from Kuder and Kolins, and a bright and beautiful coloring job from Quintana, Action Comics continues its great work in the art department. As for the story, Superman battled internal doubts but was aided by his friends and allies to combat one large nemesis. Although the climax did not live up to its expectation the overall trend of this issue was good and created some juicy cliff hangers moving into the next installment of Doomed.

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Action Comics (2011) Annual #3

Aug 6, 2014

While some scenes and subplots felt rushed in order to further advance the story, Action Comics Annual #3 is an important piece tothe puzzle of Doomed and is a much needed addition to complete the overall storyline. The story was enhanced by the large cast of guest characters, including Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, and more. Pak and company did well to provide new elements to be explored in future installments and luckily for us, Action Comics #34, which continues from this issue, was released on the very same day.

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Aquaman (2011) Annual #2

Jul 31, 2014

Interactions between Wonder Woman and the Aquaman and Mera were entertaining as they all have a lot in common and are similar characters in most respects. This story-line has been good so far, with elements from both Aquaman and Wonder Woman lore, but this annual was too heavily focused on the fighting and failed to provide substantial plot development.

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Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #1

Jun 6, 2014

As two characters that have a lot in common, the combination of Batman and Green Hornet works great. The fact that they are both crime fighters that had television series, that they both have trusty wards, or sidekicks, and the fact that they both have appealing back stories adds to the number of stories that can be told between the two of them. In the end, this issue is awarded a 4-star, mostly because of its simplistic story and simple, old-fashioned art, which can still be appealing to most, but itis a definite 5-star to any devoted fan of the original series looking for further adventures of their favorite crime fighter. Batman and Green Hornet are characters that blend together nicely and provide a lot of potential for many stories involving their unlikely alliance. Hopefully we see more of the two of them together, but can they survive the cliffhanger we left them in at the end of this issue? Find out next month, same Bat-Time, same Bat-… you get it.

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Black Market #1

Jul 14, 2014

Black Market is a very interesting and involving, realistic viewpoint on superheroes and super-powered beings and what impact they have on society, especially on those who are less than super, but aspire to be. A surprise ending, along with great character development and background info make this an easy read, while containing a lot of themes and similarities that most mature readers can relate to. This truly is the comic for the “everyman” looking to escape into views and perspectives that may not be so different from our own.

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Brain Boy: The Men from G.E.S.T.A.L.T. #1

May 22, 2014

Brain Boy‘s latest mini-series starts strong with a good story that has introduced exciting characters with visually striking powers. Williams and Colwell have done great to accentuate these visual aspects by providing appealing art to add to Lente's already engaging plot. The Men From G.E.S.T.A.L.T. uses information from previous series as well as building on new ideas, creating an exciting story that should only get better as the series progresses. The book explodes into action with a great first issue full of excitement, intimate moments, and a lot of anticipation of whats to come.

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Captain America (2012) #21

Jun 4, 2014

From Dimension Z to Dr. Mindbubble this series has shown that there are no shortages of interesting Captain America stories to be told, and Remender has proven it once again with #21. Overall, this issue was nearly perfect. It was met with minor drawbacks that many comics suffer from, like the lack of story actually told, but where there was a lack of story progression there was an abundance of fantastic action. Even if this issue ended too abruptly, its still clear it has to set up for further stories, which are surely to be as action-packed as this one. However, it wouldn't be a terrible change of pace if one issue were to be more plot-heavy as readers will surely get their fill of action here. Whether you loved the action here or are in need of more story development, there is no denying that the ending of this issue will be a shock to most, leaving much anticipation for what comes next.

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Captain America (2012) #22

Jul 3, 2014

It could have been called a plot-heavy issue with minimal action, if there were much plot involved at all. Most information provided was old news for returning readers and the new information given wasn't enough to create excitement. This issue was the perfect example of a story within a story, as it acted as a filler leading into next month's installment. Cap's issues have been great and the overall story arc has been fantastic, but this issue did not live up to its hype. Hopefully #23 doesn't make the same mistakes and provide what is expected.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #4

Jun 12, 2014

Carol Danvers is a good lead character who takes charge and is a likable character that an entire series can easily follow for a long time. She is also established with a good sense of humor that accumulates to some comedic moments that take away from the severity of some situations. The dialogue is in short supply as it is clear that the art is the leading storyteller for this series, yet so much information is explained just through simple character dialogue as opposed to detailed narration. The series has been consistent in its look, pacing, and quality of storytelling. The positive elements have been trending through every issue and continue through this one, which are surely to continue in further issues. With a likable leading character, an original story with a galaxy-full of possibilities, and art that is simple, yet bright and engaging, Captain Marvel is one of Marvel's more entertaining and outgoing series.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #5

Jul 11, 2014

Overall, the art has been consistently great with each issue, and Carol Danvers and the rest of her crew continue to be great, appealing characters, but a slow building story, coupled with some redundant scenes have prevented this issue from reaching as high a status as its predecessors.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #6

Aug 18, 2014

Captain Marvel #6 excelled at the art, as has the entire series, but some rushed scenes and lack of execution from previous build-ups prevented this issue from being memorable. This issue is not the best Captain Marvel, but certainly not the worst, and a good read for any Carol Danvers fan.

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Detective Comics (2011) Annual #3

Jul 31, 2014

This annual issue wasn't the most exciting or entertaining, but it did add some elements to the already progressing Icarus storyline. Detective Comics should be about the detective work and the smart, sophisticated stories that started this series in the first place, while the action should be left to the other Bat-titles. While this issue didn't have an abundance of detective work, it was a character-driven story that dealt with real world issues a lot of readers can understand. Batman's interactions with Aden and his father Julian Day (you hardcore Bat-fans know this guy) were the highlights of this issue, but at the end of the day this felt more like a filler issue for the main series.

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Doctor Spektor: Master Of The Occult #1

May 27, 2014

This first issue raises more questions than answers but there is no question about the quality of the book itself. The creators were chosen well and each of their respective creative roles mold together effectively. The idea of pursuing these fictional creatures should provide many interesting stories, and with the all of the other magical elements displayed in this issue, there are definitely more mysterious and adventures to come. Overall, Waid and company present a good first issue with exciting action scenes, dynamic panels and an interesting base of a story that is sure to grow more complex and surely more gripping.

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Doctor Spektor: Master Of The Occult #2

Jul 2, 2014

With the art team on top of their game, and a great script to start from, Doctor Spektor: Master Of The Occult continues the stories introduced in its premiere issue and creates even new layers to the story widening what can be accomplished in the series. Waid succeeds, as he normally does, in creating a great second installment that looks to only improve this series moving forward.

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Doctor Spektor: Master Of The Occult #3

Aug 21, 2014

Doctor Spektor #3 wasn't terrible, and it was interesting despite its many flaws concerning what should have been included and what should have been left out. New information and new dangers complicate what could have been a grounded, simple story. “Less is more” and hopefully Waid and company realize this in the coming installments.

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Flash (2011) #32

Jun 26, 2014

Barry and Wally grow closer together in the present, but it is still unclear what will happen in the many years separating the two Flash's that would cause friction between the two. While the mysteries remain, this issue was a great stepping stone in the story of the future Flash, and proof that this story, much like the Flash, is quickly moving forward in new and entertaining directions.

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Flash (2011) #33

Jul 23, 2014

The Future Flash presents new opportunities to jump back and forth from the present to the future in order to effectively keep the story moving. It almost seems poetic that everything from the story to the art contains either a fast-paced plot or dynamic, exciting action; everything that's common with the Flash, this book doesn't miss a step. All directions being taken, both by Barry and the Future Flash, are leading up to one exciting showdown that you won't want to miss.

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Ghost (2013) #5

Jun 23, 2014

Ghost #5 has almost no flaws, but there are a few things that prevent it from being considered “perfect”. Elisa's search for a new identity and her troubles of mixing her heroic life with her normal one could have been further explored as there is a lot of material that can be delved into regarding that particular plot. A comic book doesn't have to be filled with action, cover to cover, not that this issue was, but the substitution of more character development instead of excitement could be beneficial in future installments as it would have been nice to see Elisa's new life expanded further.Cliffhangers and mysterious characters create a great ending for Ghost #5 and set up for an upcoming issue that is sure to be just as entertaining as this one was.

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Ghost (2013) #6

Jul 2, 2014

Ghost #6 succeeds in many aspects, like its continuing balance between action and plot/character development, as well as being visually appealing. The creators certainly continued their successful trend with issue #6 as more mysteries are created. Who is the Hunter and who does he work for? And if Ghost isn't his main target, then who is? So many questions with so few answers, but that's what makes it so intriguing and what keeps us coming back issue-to-issue.

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Grayson #1

Jul 9, 2014

Dick Grayson enters the next chapter of his life, and seems to be better than ever as his new adventures with the organization known as Spyral are sure to create many new mysteries that could affect not only Dick, but the rest of the DC Universe as well. It is interesting to see what will come of this shady organization, and how Grayson will fit into the mysteries to come. Seeley and company have done well to createthe newest identity for Dick Grayson that is sure to catch on, just as all of his other incarnations have before.

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Grayson #2

Aug 6, 2014

Grayson #2 hit a lot of home runs, only striking out on a few components here and there. While there wasn't any “wow” moments this time around, we received a much more detailed look at Helena and Dick as super-spy badasses. Batman's minor appearances were nice inclusions and the introduction of Dr. Ashemoore brings to light some interesting questions involving her ties to a well-known Justice Leaguer. What is Spyral? How are they connected to the rest of the DCU? We have yet to find that out, and we probably won't next issue either, but the build-up has been great and the anticipationonly heightens the quality of the issues, so bring on the suspense.

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Justice Inc. #1

Aug 21, 2014

Justice Inc. utilizes time travel, particle acceleration and more. Though not an action-filled adventure as the title may imply, this series is a great read and the seed to what looks togrow into a smart, intellectually detailed story.

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Kill Shakespeare: The Mask Of Night #1

Jun 17, 2014

With a tie-in board game from IDW Games coming soon, looking to expand on this universe even further, and the grand scale of the Shakespeare lore, Kill Shakespeare: The Mask Of Night has decades of material to pull from and recreate. Solid art that fits the time period, and writing that stays true to original Shakespeare works, the creative team is in their element with this series, but a more captivating story as well as more complex leading characters will transform this book from something good to something great.

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Kill Shakespeare: The Mask Of Night #2

Jul 22, 2014

The Mask of Night #2 did well to progress the plot. While the first issue felt a little slow-paced with minimal character-building moments, issue #2 completely reversed and provided us with a story that was not only exciting and full of action, but intriguing and fast-paced. This miniseries has certainly overcome its “first issue blues” (if that's a thing?) with a story that furthered the tension of its main characters, to completely new, higher levels, and introduced many new twists and turns. This series has definitely set a new course, heading in the right direction.

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New Avengers (2013) #19

Jun 11, 2014

Jonathan Hickman has created an interesting story that has brought together arguably the most diverse group of Avengers ever assembled (except for the lack of female characters). The series is currently exploring a good premise that is worthy of an Avengers story, which seems as if it should be a story told in the flagship Avengers title, but Hickman has adapted it well to this current team. The overall quality of the issue was good but was a little slow and felt more like the story in between the story, but with a climactic conclusion next month's issue should get a lot more exciting.

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Pathfinder: City of Secrets #1

May 22, 2014

Overall, the book is off to a good start with a fantastic, original look from Oliveira and Campbell, and a good, multi-layered story from Zub that, for the moment, sees all the characters heading in a good direction.

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Pathfinder: City of Secrets #2

Jun 11, 2014

The overall quality of the book continues to improve. Whether it's the art, the colors, the combination of the two, the character development, or the story progression, every aspect of this series seems to be on the right track, as each section justifies the reader's reason for purchasing the book. With a lot of interesting characters, there are many more stories to tell, and with the creative team working in perfect sync with each other, the quality of the book will never be in question. However, some characters could deserve more “screen time”, but with only two issues in, there is plenty of time for expansion. With more mysteries and development surely to come in Magnimar, its clear why the book is called “City Of Secrets“.

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Pathfinder: City of Secrets #3

Jul 7, 2014

Halfway through this miniseries and there have been plenty of plot/character developments that have kept this story interesting and fast paced. However, this issue may have tried to include too much which resulted in some scenes being rushed. Zub has still done a great job balancing the multiple stories, but this rushed issue was inevitable with everything going on. That being said, the art was still fantastic and the story has been interesting and unique, and if a fast paced, slightly rushed issue is the worst thing this series has to offer, then it's doing just fine.

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Pathfinder: City of Secrets #4

Aug 12, 2014

Writer Jim Zub certainly knows how to build hype and execute powerful, emotional and physical scenes when called for. The only problem plaguing this miniseries currently is its length. With only two issues remaining and so much story to wrap up the challenge of crafting a complete story seems difficult, but Zub and company have proven themselves up until now, so this story, and its soon conclusion, are in capable hands.

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Robin Rises: Omega #1

Jul 17, 2014

While this issue culminates the knowledge of many stories spanning multiple series, none of that takes away from what is presented, which is, at its core, an interesting story that creates a nice progression to the growing mystery of Damian Wayne. The future of this popular character is still unknown, but based on the references to other series, it's shaping up to be a great epic, and one that may force some readers to do some extra homework, followed by some extra purchases. If a few dollars and a bit of time is what is needed to get the full knowledge of this growing storyline, then so be it, because it will be worth it in the end.

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Secret Origins #2

May 28, 2014

Secret Origins is a great place to start for fans new to DC Comics or new to the New 52, however, the stories in these first couple of issues feel very familiar, especially when dealing with popular characters like Batman and Aquaman. Perhaps the series will improve once it starts exploring the origins of lesser-knoen heroes and villains, which would at least give readers somewhat new material. The book looks to reveal the revised origins of these characters since the New 52 launch, but when their origins are only slightly altered, there isn't much that fans haven't seen before.

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Secret Origins #4

Jul 25, 2014

Secret Origins is certainly a series that is geared towards new readers or readers who just want to expand their knowledge of the characters, but whether your reading them for the first time, or refreshing your memory of why Harley's skin is also bleached, or how Damian came to be, Secret Origins is, at its core, entertaining. The collection of varying art keeps the book looking fresh and captures a lot of different readers who like different styles. All in all, this series is worth picking up, even if you're an expert on all things DC, and is a must have for new readers.

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Sinestro #4

Jul 30, 2014

Although the cover is a little misleading and the defeat of the villains was less than spectacular, Sinestro #4 succeeded in its art and presentation and was successful in drawing readers into the mind of Sinestro and how he views himself, his allies and his battles. This series has proven to be a great expansion of the Green Lantern lore that is sure to thrive for a long time.

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Star Wars: Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #1

May 23, 2014

Barlow has written a fairly good issue that (if read aloud) certainly sounds like a Star Wars adventure, although focusing more on story-building than action scenes may be beneficial in the future. Frigeri's art and Dzioba's colors were certainly some of the book's highlights as they add a sense of familiarity that helps to easily ease this series into the larger Star wars lore. Hopefully this is not the last Star Wars series published by Dark Horse but if it is, it wouldn't be a bad one to end on.

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Teen Titans (2014) #1

Jul 17, 2014

As is the case with many premiere issues, this is still only the beginning. Whatever negatives or drawbacks this issue contains they can all be fixed in just a few future installments. For now, Teen Titans remains youthful and energetic, mostly thanks to its cast and new artistic direction. The story, although simple and unfulfilling, has introduced just enough mysteries and cliffhangers to create interest for readers. Teen Titans #1 is a must-have for die-hard Titans fans, though new readers will find this issue a little underwhelming.

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Teen Titans (2014) #2

Aug 21, 2014

The social media integrations are nice addition but they may be trying to promote it too much, especially seeing as its a small addition that doesn't advance the story or develop the characters. The Titans were all displayed nicely and the action was enjoyable to read. It's too early to tell what kind of book this will be but its early issues have us convinced that, at the very least, Teen Titans will be a fun and energetic comic.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #35

Jun 18, 2014

TMNT #35 stays true to its source material in look, aesthetic and characters, but falls short when it comes to the actual story. Undeniably, the plot will progress in further installments as there is just too much going on in all the characters' lives to keep the story dull, but this particular issue just didn't capitalize on all that story. With mild story progression, some action scenes included just for more action, and very little character development, this issue felt more like a setup for whats to come, but at leastthe overall visual design is good.

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The Last Broadcast #1

May 22, 2014

The Last Broadcast #1 introduced an interesting enough premises that is sure to bring more questions than answers, and with six issues left in the mini-series, Sirangelo has plenty of time to elaborate on the mysteries he's created. The first issue has done its job in that it leaves the reader wanting more, which will most likely cause them to pick up the next one and read on. As two creators who aren't currently credited with much in the comics business, Sirangelo and Iumazark have created a good first installment to a series that has plenty of promise and looks to only get more engaging as the story progresses.

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Uncanny Avengers #21

Jun 26, 2014

The way this issue was structured, it would appear that this was the conclusion, but based on the surprise ending, the story is just getting started with more action, excitement and epic storytelling to come. Uncanny Avengers #21 creates an inclusive story with multiple simultaneous stories that sometimes create madness, but deliver in the end.

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