Mutiny! With Titus's deadly battleship in hot pursuit and Hamlet and Juliet's lives in the balance, Viola must either defend her lover Captain Cesario's decision to protect their stowaways, or lead a full-stage pirate mutiny against him.
“Kill Shakespeare: The Mask of Night” #2 continues to be a riveting swashbuckling adventure. I can't wait to see what happens in the third installment. Read Full Review
“The Mask of Night: #2″ comes in at an all around adventure for the faint of heart. Any Kill Shakespeare fans that are looking to soak in the revelry of a few punches and more party lines will happily welcome Viola and Cesario into the Prodigal's mission. Read Full Review
The Mask of Night #2 did well to progress the plot. While the first issue felt a little slow-paced with minimal character-building moments, issue #2 completely reversed and provided us with a story that was not only exciting and full of action, but intriguing and fast-paced. This miniseries has certainly overcome its “first issue blues” (if that's a thing?) with a story that furthered the tension of its main characters, to completely new, higher levels, and introduced many new twists and turns. This series has definitely set a new course, heading in the right direction. Read Full Review
Still, if one takes "Kill Shakespeare" out of its pitch, it's an immensely enjoyable pirate adventure. The creative team is having a lot of fun, and it's a joy to be along for the ride. Read Full Review