Teen Titans #2

Writer: Will Pfeifer Artist: Kenneth Rocafort Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 20, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 8
6.8Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

Now the new hotness on social media, the Titans try to control their own images as a new threat continues to grow around the team. Meanwhile, S.T.A.R. Labs takes an interest in DCs teen heroes.

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Cole Kennedy Aug 21, 2014

    The social media integrations are nice addition but they may be trying to promote it too much, especially seeing as its a small addition that doesn't advance the story or develop the characters. The Titans were all displayed nicely and the action was enjoyable to read. It's too early to tell what kind of book this will be but its early issues have us convinced that, at the very least, Teen Titans will be a fun and energetic comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Aug 20, 2014

    Teen Titans #2 is a good follow up to the previous issue. It's getting the ball rolling on the story and several different subplots and elements here, while developing two of the main characters as well. Toss in some gorgeous looking artwork and this is another win for this new comic, despite some of the hiccups it had. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Aug 21, 2014

    While these two definitely share some of the best scenes (and the only action scene), we do check in with both Red Robin and Raven as well. Red Robin seems to have taken on an advisory role in the team, doing all the detective and strategy work, while letting the powerhouses actually take out threats. We saw that in the last issue, but it resulted in Red Robin feeling underused. In this issue, we actually get to see him in his element: doing detective work. Tim Drake has been a character that's been notably absent form The New 52, outside of Teen Titans, and so fans of the character will no doubt appreciate Pfeifer's writing of the character. The two pages with Raven are great too. She isn't a major part of this issue, but we see the start of what could turn into a great character journey for her, as she attempts to discover who she is. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Aug 21, 2014

    Kenneth Rocafort's overall aesthetic is definitely pleasing as his near-futuristic flare adds a uniquely youthful slice of coolness to this teen-starring book. There are also subtle little details that add a lot of polish, such as the flames reflecting off of our villains goggles. Again, subtle, but cool. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    The Daily Crate - Keri Honea Aug 21, 2014

    The latest Teen Titans series hasn't won me over yet, but I'm doing my best to remember that this is only the second issue. Surely this is all leading to somewhere grand. Until then, I'll enjoy the droolworthy art. I need more Rocafort in my life, apparently. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Z Aug 21, 2014

    Teen Titans #2 is another fun and enjoyable issue. Bunker and Beast Boy share some great moments, and there seems to be teases of upcoming storylines. Teen Titans is shaping up to be a pretty fun series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 21, 2014

    I have to give Will Pfiefer credit - he has absolutely stepped up his game for the second issue of Teen Titans. The very first page, featuring a viral clip of Bunker lashing out as a homophobe he just rescued, sums up this thoughts on teen superheroes: "Underneath our masks, we are very, very dangerous." Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Sep 3, 2014

    Granted, I'm not a teenager anymore (and isn't that a depressing sentence), so I could be reading it all wrong. But I feel that Teen Titans is for once a book about teenagers, for teenagers. It explores the effect that a team like the Titans would have on teenagers in a big city, and how the team themselves would feel about how normal people react to their presence. The villains are ones to watch, and the artwork is as always beautiful thanks to a reliable penciller in Kenneth Rocafort who never fails to impress. Teen Titans is making good progress, and if it stays this tightly plotted and story-oriented, I see good things in its future. Of course, I could just be enjoying a cohesive story after 34 issues, 3 annuals, and a crossover or two from the past series that made absolutely no sense, but y'know, that's just me. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore Aug 25, 2014

    Overall, "Teen Titans" #2 is a step up from its premiere issue, but Pfiefer and Rocafort are still working out the kinks. However, there is certainly enough potential here to stick around for at least another few issues, especially if they concentrate their efforts on a more linear story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Aug 21, 2014

    Honestly, Titans fans should just go watch Teen Titans Go! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Jesse Kennedy Aug 21, 2014

    It has its flaws, some of which are purely subjective. For the most part we are treated to a deeper understanding of a few characters and I enjoyed that. This feels like a proactive set-up for future issues. If you love the Teen Titans and enjoy the artwork of Kenneth Rocafort, then I doubt you will close this comic with a frown. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Refueled - ironmarco Aug 23, 2014

    This issue had a decent amount of comedy and action, but it didn't quite match the intensity of the first issue. The team also didn't feel as unified as they did in the first issue, although it seems like their paths are about to converge soon. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Aug 20, 2014

    As I've stated, I'm not a fan of this relaunch so far.  Besides for stopping a bus in the first issue, there doesn't seem to be any semblance of a team here at all.  The characters all seem to have gone their separate ways and have become shells of their former selves.  I love the Teen Titans and I hope this relaunched series does well, but so far I can't recommend this to anybody. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Batman Universe - Corbin Pool Aug 22, 2014

    And elsewhere, the robot-lady's head is growing back, thanks to old buddy, Manchester Black. STAR labs big-shot. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Speeding Bullets Aug 21, 2014

    Having read the first 8 issues of the last run and occasionally checking in to see if it had improved (it didn't) , this has been a breath of fresh air. While it lacks in the action department , I appreciate that Pfeifer is taking the time to establish an identity for the each member and where the team fits in the DCU. That may not seem like much to hang your hat on but it's something that needs to happen if we're supposed to care about what happens to them month after month and something the last run lacked.

  • 7.0
    JBL Reviews Aug 22, 2014

    Why am I supposed to like this series?

  • 6.5
    WhiteLantern Aug 26, 2014

    Overall, I'm enjoying the new "Teen Titans" series. But, there are some weaknesses that will need to be fixed in coming issues. 1) We still don't know a lot about these characters. Bunker and Beast Boy are the focus of the issue, but other than being consummate heroes, I don't think we know more about them at the end than we did at the beginning. Red Robin is in a couple of pages doing detective work, but that's not a character, that's a job. Wonder Girl doesn't show up (does she still get mad when she's called Wonder Girl?), and Raven's appearance only serves to plant seeds. Ultimately, that's what this entire issue did: plant seeds for the next issue. That's not a bad thing in and of itself, but this feels written for a trade, not like a more

  • 8.0
    SwampyCA Sep 6, 2014

  • 8.0
    Kaleavland Aug 21, 2014

  • 7.5
    eolnardo Jan 12, 2021

  • 7.5
    Redeadhood Aug 25, 2014

  • calebmxwell Feb 5, 2023

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