ironmarco's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Refueled Reviews: 68
7.7Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #25

Nov 8, 2013

All in all this was a nice Superman story. It told a new and interesting story about a young Clark Kent who was just starting out as Superman. The issue can be a little corny at times but to be fair you should be expecting this issue to be that way since not only is it a Superman story, but it's also a pseudo-origin story which means we need to see Clark learn the lessons that turn him into Superman. If you can look past the story being a little corny the issue is a nice read.

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Action Comics (2011) #27

Jan 8, 2014

The issue spends a lot of time focusing on the more human elements of Superman and not a lot of time on plot development until the end. The ending did point to a more action packed and compelling next issue. The actions scenes that were present were visually compelling and the sub-terrainian monsters have cool designs. All in all this was a decent "middle-issue" and I'm predicting next issue to be action packed.

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All-New X-Men #22.NOW

Jan 23, 2014

All in all this was an exciting first issue in this arc. The art alone sells this issue but there's some good interaction between the team as well. The issue does go by kind of fast just because it's mostly action, but if you're left wanting more that means they were doing something right. The plot doesn't advance terribly far in this issue but it does give some strong set-up to the arc. To keep up with "The Trial of Jean Grey" remember it continues in "Guardians of the Galaxy 11.NOW"

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #3

Jan 16, 2014

This issue had enough action and witty dialogue in it to keep me satisfied and then some. It had demon pirates, sword fights, teleportation fights, Beast being a boss, and best of all it brings back Nighcrawler. Even though we're still not that much closer to figuring how Nightcrawler will come back for good, it is nice to have a light, action packed issue to get re-used to the character. This issue was a ton of fun to read and I can't wait for the rest of this story to come out.

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Aquaman (2011) #26

Dec 31, 2013

This issue was entertaining for a few reasons, it had great action, it showed Arthur's life as a king, and it introduced a new mystery in Atlantis' already checkered past. Once it gets past its slow start this issue delivers that over-the-top Aquaman experience that fans of the series crave and love. The ending leaves just about everything to the imagination; so expect to be surprised next issue, and keep reading.

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Aquaman (2011) #27

Jan 31, 2014

The issue was a visual feast of action and the plot is moving forward at a good pace. The issue did go by pretty fast and left little room for reflection and character development, but there are little moments here and there that will add up to something more compelling as the story goes on. The issue was largely just one big action scene that will lead into a more complex narrative. This issue on its own was definitely worth reading and I eagerly anticipate what comes next.

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Aquaman (2011) #30

Apr 24, 2014

The fight between Aquaman and Hercules is incredibly satisfying and fits nicely into the plot. That fight alone would have made the issue worth reading but we also see the advancement of a couple other subplots that are entertaining as well. Nothing particularly eventfulhappened in the issue in terms of the larger narrative and this current arc could use some more direction and consistency. Overall this issue was a fun read. Even if the focus of the series shifts more often than I'd like it to, it still feels like there are great stories on the horizon and the end of the issue promotes some upcoming team-ups that I can't wait for.

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Aquaman And The Others #1

Apr 5, 2014

As awhole this was a solid first issue to the series. This series is based primarily on original characters (and the one known character who few people take seriously) it's important to showcase why we should care about them and this issue does a good job of telling you what each character is about and why they're interesting. The issue does fall a little flat in terms of wow-factor, which I feel this series needs if anyone is going to stick with it since it's based on such obscure characters. That can be fixed easily later on though since it's much easier to add style than substance, and this series seems like it has enough substance to tell some good stories. As a fan of Aquaman I'm really excited to see this series play out, and I hope more people will give this series a chance.

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Avengers Arena #17

Nov 14, 2013

The art in this issue is visceral and has a lot of great action shots. The plot creeps slowly forwards before the finale, setting up all the dominoes before the final act. Just because this issue contains a lot of set-up that isn't to say it isn't without it's twists and turns and the issue is enjoyable to read on its own, but most important for a pre-ending, it gets you ready and exciting for the finale. I know I can't wait for the ending to the Boss Level arc and I'm sure you can't either.

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Avengers Arena #18

Nov 27, 2013

This issue, and the series in general, has been an exciting rollercoaster of emotions. Almost every moment of the series has been full of suspense, or action, or intrigue, or teen angst and this finale is no different. This book was probably most satisfying to me because it filled a need I didn't know I had, a need to see teenaged superheroes fight to the death as a psychotic man-child watches it on a flat-screen TV. I'm left with that feeling we've all felt at one point or another when you finish something great. I feel satisfied with the ending and with the series as a whole but I also feel kind of empty knowing it's over"for now.

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Avengers Undercover #1

Mar 12, 2014

This issue may not have had the shock value of an issue of Avengers Arena, but it was nice to see all of the surviving members back again, and to see how the events of Arena changed them. The writing and art are fantastic and consistent with the previous series which makes everything flow quite well from that series into this one. This issue does some great set-up and I feel like all the characters have the potential to be the subjects of amazing stories. This series seems like it has a lot of potential, and I can't wait to see where it goes.

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Avengers Undercover #3

Apr 29, 2014

This issue had all the shock value and dark humor that this series and its predecessor are known for and somehow each new issue is still fresh and exciting. This latest installment stands at the crossroads between the past and the future, and offers to resolve the events of Avengers Arena while introducing the driving force behind Avengers Undercover and bridging the gap at the same time. This series is based on a special brand of chaos that ensures that no one can predict what will happen next, which only leaves me more excited for that next issue.

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Avengers Undercover #8

Aug 15, 2014

While this wasn't necessarily a game changing issue like all the other ones were, there were some considerable developments and the dialogue and action were enjoyable as always. The strength of this series has always been the dark humor, and the evolution of these characters. When this series started it felt like any of the Undercover Avengers could become anything for better or worse. In previous issues we saw the beginnings of these changes as characters killed, lied, and made deals, but with this issue, things slow down and the focus is on cementing these changes. By taking three months to explore what these characters are going through we realize that these aren't phases that these teens are going through. If it wasn't made clear before, it's been made clear now: everything these characters do is real and not everything they do is good, or fair, or smart, which is true of all teenagers.

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Batman (2011) #27

Jan 22, 2014

This issue mainly focuses on developing the relationship between Batman and Jim Gordon, some other important things happen in this issue but the main focus was on character development. While there is a good amount of action in the beginning it does become a little slow in the middle. While this is definitely somewhat of a lull on the larger plotline of Zero Year this issue tells a very compelling story and offers a lot of really deep character development. Definitely pick up this issue to keep up with Zero Year and if learning about the origin of the Batman/Gordon relationship isn't enough for you there's a great cliffhanger at the end that points to next issue being action packed and climactic.

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Batman (2011) #33

Jul 23, 2014

This issue meets and exceeds expectations and finishes an amazing series. Throughout the entire Zero Year storyline Scott Snyder's sense of pacing has been very precise, he made sure that over the course of Zero Year Bruce Wayne's trials made him into the Batman we know today over time. As the last issue in the Zero Year storyline we see the last piece of the puzzle fall into place and we're left with an elegant continuum of Bruce Wayne's transformation into the Batman. Zero Year did exactly what it set out to do, it introduced a young Bruce Wayne to the new insane criminals of Gotham, and through his trials he would become the Batman. We got to see in real time how key elements of Bruce's past shaped him and we got to experience everything along with him. Zero Year truly is a historical Batman story and will serve as the foundation for many Batman stories to come after it, and I feel honored to have experienced his origin from beginning to end.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #7

Jan 8, 2014

This issue was definitely entertaining and had lots of great action and some nice interaction between Superman and Batman as you would expect. While the plot is a little convoluted it's not silly enough to take you out of the experience if you don't go into the issue taking it seriously, and to be fair after the last two issues I think we're all used to the upbeat tone that Greg Pak is trying to achieve. All in all this was a nice ending to a very entertaining story arc so long as you don't take it too seriously.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #25

Nov 21, 2013

This issue is decent. It showcases a lot of peripheral characters in Gotham city giving it a more street-level feel akin to something you might read in Detective Comics. Focusing on characters who don't normally get the spotlight is great and I'm all for it, but I did come here to read a Two-Face story and this arc has yet to become a Two-Face centered story. All of the events in this issue and the previous issue point to a Two-Face heavy finale but it's a little dissatisfying knowing I'll have to wait at least another issue until we actually get to some real Two-Face content. The story on its own was pretty good, but being told this is a Two-Face story going in I would like to see more of him in it.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #29

Mar 20, 2014

The issue was enjoyable but no real plot progress was made. This is kind of disappointing because this plotline is centered around Damian, a character who I personally enjoyed and wanted to see more of. While I do enjoy the idea of Batman teaming up with various heroes like Aquaman (or the next hero hinted at the end of the issue), I don't like the idea of these team-ups derailing or impeding the progress of the storyline especially when it's a plotline I have genuine interest in.

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Batman: Eternal #6

May 19, 2014

While the concept of introducing a mystical side-conflict during Carmine Falcone's gang-war is interesting, it does derail the current narrative and requires a lot of set-up to execute. This story line might pay off in the future but we don't really experience any of these pay offs directly, outside of a couple reveals that hint at future events. The issue was well written and had great artwork but aside from a cliffhanger right at the end there's really no climax to speak of. The issue trades excitement and action for a slow paced narrative which isn't terribly exciting right now but will most likely pay off in the long run.

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Batman: Li'l Gotham #8

Nov 14, 2013

This issue was a nice, cute little adventure in paradise with pirates in it. Needless to say I was pretty satisfied with it. Now I find myself checking my calendar for the next holiday so I can see when another issue of Li'l Gotham comes out. It'll be a long wait for the physical issue but remember that it comes out digitally first, if you really can't wait to buy the next paper issue you can always get it digitally first (also it saves trees, and Damian wants you to save trees because that's where cute animals live).

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Black Science #4

Feb 27, 2014

This issue is full of suspense and action and it proves that no one is safe, and not everyone is on the same team. The team dynamic is a little hard to read at this point since it's still fairly early in the series but the main roles are present and that's enough to work with on the reader's end. This book has been pretty unstructured so far, which was enjoyable and built tension in the beginning, but the ending points to a definitive conflict that we'll see come to fruition in the near future. This series is definitely unlike anything else out there and it's only limited by the imagination of its creators and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #1

Mar 15, 2014

The series seems like it'll have its own unique vibe to it. This first issue felt very deep and we got to learn a lot about Carol in a relatively short amount of time. This series seems like it mixes the right amount of contemplative inner monologue and action to produce something that gets emotions out of the reader quickly. This also makes the book fairly relaxed which gives it a broader sense of humor than most super-hero comics. While this issue suffers a little bit from getting bogged down in exposition it is a genuinely enjoyable comic.

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Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #3

Jan 9, 2014

This issue was a little slower in terms of plot, but during this lull in the action we get to see a lot of great character development between Reed Richards and the other heroes, and Miles Morales and the other heroes as well. This issue may not have answered any questions brought up in previous issues or advanced the plot very far but it did build on the connections between the characters involved and this will make the coming events of Cataclysm and its conclusion much more intense.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #7

Oct 20, 2013

This issue is dedicated to set-up for events to come and character development it might feel like a stepping stone to something bigger but by no means is this issue un-enjoyable. The art alone in this issue makes it worth reading but if that isn't enough there's some great dialogue and character development and you will need to read this issue to enjoy what's on the horizon. Definitely pick this up and keep reading, this story is only just beginning and it's bound to get crazier from here on out.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #8

Nov 4, 2013

On the whole this issue was solid, it has great art, lots of action and comedy and the Guardians have found themselves a purpose in the Infinity arc so I expect some good stories to come out of this series while the event continues. My annoyance at the change in art style is mostly just me nit-picking, there's no reason not to pick up this issue just because the art is different, although it will break up the experience somewhat when this all comes out in trade. On its own though this issue is a good read and I suggest you all pick it up.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #10

Dec 31, 2013

This issue took the time to flesh out Angela's character which she desperately needed. Having been introduced in "Infinity War", Angela didn't get enough on her own to be more than just and angry space warrior woman. Now that Bendis has spent some time developing her I can see her becoming a deep and interesting character and could even see her staying on the team for an extended time. This issue really had everything, action, character development and the beginning of a friendship founded in the mutual desire to hurt things.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #11.NOW

Jan 30, 2014

The issue does a lot of the busy work needed to set up "The Trial of Jean Grey" on the Guardians side of things, but it is largely just a mirror issue to last week's "All-New X-men". Having read the issues as they came out I sort of went into this issue having known what was going to happen already which kind of ruined it. Presumably you could have read this one first and then the "Al-New X-men" issue and that one wouldn't have been as much fun, but my point is one of the issues loses its shock value when they both have the same ending. If you've been reading "The Guardians of the Galaxy" and you want to keep tabs on your favorite characters you'll probably be interested in this issue but if you're just following the event you only really need to read one of the "issue #1"s.

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Hawkeye (2012) #16

Jan 23, 2014

This was a nice mellow issue and told a very self-contained story. You probably wouldn't miss out terribly if you skipped this issue but it was definitely an enjoyable read and if you like Kate Bishop you should definitely give this a read.

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Hawkeye (2012) #19

Jul 30, 2014

This issue gives us a very deep look at Clint Barton and takes full advantage of the comic-book medium in order to do so. The use of muted and altered dialogue allows the reader to feel Clint's hearing loss directly, which makes his frustration feel justified and real. When that frustration later turns into acceptance, it feels satisfying and it feels like it was earned. This series promised an in-depth look at Clint's life outside the Avengers and with this issue, we get to see him in a very unusual place and we learn more about his character having shared that experience with him.

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Inhumanity: The Superior Spider-Man #1

Jan 17, 2014

The issue told a good story about Superior Spider-Man in the context of Inhumanity but didn't really advance the plot of anything. The issue is worth reading if you're a fan of Superior Spiderman but as far as event tie-in books go this one isn't a mandatory read.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1

Apr 11, 2014

This series feels like it has real potential. The art is outstanding and different and Andrews writes Danny Rand well. Danny broods a little more than usual at first but after the action picks up he becomes much more energetic and even makes a few jokes. As the first part of a series this issue does a great job of introducing the character and showing what makes him interesting. This series is also different enough from the previous Iron Fist books that the fans who enjoyed "Immortal Iron Fist" or his roles in other books will get something new out of this. It's still a little too soon to tell how the book will play out since we know so little about the story arc, but with the style this book has I have no doubt that future issues will be a refreshing and entertaining read.

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Iron Man (2012) #17

Oct 25, 2013

This issue is catered towards giving this arc a definitive ending. While this doesn't leave much room for the action or comedy some fans expect from an issue of Iron Man it does deliver a satisfying conclusion to this arc and, as advertised, reveals the shocking and unexpected secret origin of Tony Stark.

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Iron Man (2012) #18

Nov 8, 2013

This issue was a nice slow exploration of Tony and Arno's relationship and their plan for the future. Sci-fi fans will see a lot of cool ideas and art to match it. Even though not too much happens in the issue itself the ending does introduce some conflict in the Stark brother's future, and I can't wait for that story to start. All in all that was a very enjoyable issue but I feel like the real fun is on the way.

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Iron Man (2012) #20

Jan 11, 2014

I was fairly satisfied with the amount of science and explosions and cocky Stark brand banter. Underneath all that we get to see the endearing bond of brotherhood between Tony and Arno and we got to see the true power one of the Mandarin's "Rings of Power". The ending points to an intense finale and I'm predicting an exciting 4th and 5th part of this arc.

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Iron Man (2012) #21

Feb 6, 2014

While the issue was mostly set-up and exposition it was still pretty enjoyable. Up until now the arc pitted Stark against the Mandarins with little to no information on what they wanted which made their actions feel a little random. Now that we know what motivates Red Peril and the Mandarins it puts the arc in perspective and it really feels like both sides are fighting for something. The ending to this issue points to an action filled, dramatic conclusion to Iron Metropolitan and I eagerly await its arrival.

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Iron Man (2012) #23.NOW

Mar 25, 2014

This is a decent start to a new arc. Malekith definitely seems like he'll be an interesting villain for Tony since they're such polar opposites. Dark Angel is a welcome addition to the Iron Man cast and she serves the vital task of bridging technology and magic in this story. While the issue was full of substance it was lacking that classic Iron Man style. I realize that the book can't be full of explosions all the time but I feel like this issue could have used a few more to break up the denser sections of dialogue.

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Iron Man (2012) Annual #1

Feb 20, 2014

This annual serves a much needed role in expanding the Iron Man series through its more obscure or forgotten characters. While there is a remarkably small amount of actual Iron Man in this Iron Man annual he does get the rest of the series to himself so it's only fair that some of the other characters get the spotlight. This issue was written well enough that it may peak your interest in characters who might have seemed uninteresting before. In short this issue does what an annual should do, it takes advantage of the extra time outside of the main plotline to enrich the series and give it more depth.

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Justice League 3000 #1

Dec 11, 2013

This story has a great twist that is very conceptually interesting and I think this series has potential to become a great series as more issues come out. The issue is rather vague at times but it leaves the reader with an enjoyable curiosity about the rest of the world. The concept of this story is compelling and it has potential to be one of the better future-stories of the Justice League, and I for one can't wait for the next issue.

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Justice League 3000 #2

Jan 15, 2014

Justice League 3000 is a refreshing take on the typical "alternate-Justice-League" story. While it is quite funny watching the Justice League of the future bicker amongst each other while fighting against an immensely powerful villain that would give the present day League a run for their money, there is a reason behind all their chaos. The writing team of Giffen and Dematteis put real thought into how these characters would change given their new setting and origin and the differences between the Justice League 3000 and the present day League are quite interesting and compelling.

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Justice League 3000 #3

Feb 13, 2014

The series loses a little momentum in this issue but it uses this time effectively to add some valuable context to the story. While the league is still a main focus the issue spends more time explaining different aspects of the futuristic setting and giving more time to other characters. This may not have been as exciting as seeing a new version of the Justice League but it does give the story more substance and will undoubtedly pay off in the long run.

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Justice League 3000 #4

Mar 15, 2014

In this issue we got to see more of Locus being insane and clingly, and we got to spend some more time on Green Lantern who didn't do very much up until now. There were a few long stretches of dialogue that slowed the issue down a bit but there were more than enough awesome moments to keep you turning the page. The surprise towards the end of the issue left me excited for the next issue and I can tell there are only more surprises ahead.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #1

Feb 8, 2014

Even though this origin story isn't finished yet it already has all the fundamental elements of one. Immediately we're introduced to Kamala who feels trapped in her life and yearns for something greater. This is something every comic-book fan can relate to and her story really hits home. This issue is unconventional in many different ways, but if you keep an open mind this issue is a great read for what it is.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #2

Mar 20, 2014

This series is very self contained and seems to be progressing smoothly. While the pacing is a little slow for my taste I'd rather have this series be too slow than be too fast and miss out on some valuable character development. Kamala and her awkward sense of humor and her relatable struggle made this issue a joy to read and she makes her series one of the most unique books that Marvel has to offer right now. I can't wait for the next issue and to see the journey she takes as she becomes Ms. Marvel

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Nightwing (2011) #26

Dec 12, 2013

The star of this issue is Nightwing's new nemesis, whom I'll let you discover for yourself. In this day and age it's very easy for a writer to go through DC's encyclopedia of villains and throw one or two of them at a hero to write a story, but Higgins created something new knowing that Nightwing needed a fresh challenge in his new city and I respect that. While this issue didn't have much in the way of a tightly woven web of intrigue and plot there was some indication of a larger plot in the works at the end of the issue. This new nemesis is entertaining but I don't think they can hold a story arc on their shoulders and I am hoping that the plot picks up as the arc goes on.

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Nightwing (2011) #27

Jan 15, 2014

This issue hits all the beats of a great Nightwing comic, it has action, witty banter, and Dick Grayson yet again finds himself entangled with a woman of questionable character. Higgins created a complex and compelling character in Marionette, and she carries the plot well. Dick Grayson's personal life is fairly tame but Higgins has definitely sewn some seeds for future turmoil. This week's issue was another enjoyable entry in a solid series.

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Nightwing (2011) #28

Feb 13, 2014

This issue sets up quite a few plot lines for later use. Some are immediate pay off and some are long term pay off but this issue does do a lot of setup which can be good and bad. On one hand the issue itself is kind of scattered, on the other there's great potential for future story-lines. The issue definitely did not lack action or excitement and it was entertaining to read, but from a narrative perspective it felt like it was trying to do too much.

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Nightwing (2011) #29

Mar 14, 2014

This issue gave us an interesting look at the murder of Dick's parents and how he deals with it. While there is a plot with action the majority of the issue is inner monologue and flashbacks, everything exists in this issue to help Nightwing tell his story and later connect that story to what Jen is going through. This issue may not have had an exciting cliffhanger or a shocking reveal of some kind but it was a solid character study that fans of Nightwing and this series will enjoy.

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Origin II #1

Dec 24, 2013

This issue was more of a character study on Wolverine than an origin story than anything else. The art is amazing and carries most of the narration so visual readers will really enjoy this issue. The story is fairly simple but it shows who Wolverine really is in a very pure and concentrated way. The plot may have been a bit lacking for something that will be part of a larger arc, but this issue had enough character development to still make progress in the overall scheme of the arc.

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Punisher (2014) #1

Feb 8, 2014

This issue is a great example of how you start a comic series. In the first few pages you immediately understand what type of person Frank Castle is and a few pages after that you know what he's trying to accomplish. Everything past that is pure entertainment. The action is exciting, Castle's inner monologue is insightful and revealing, and of course there are some great quips and one-liners. Stop reading this review and go read Punisher.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #24

Oct 20, 2013

The issue ends in such a way that everything that came before it is now clear. Admittedly the current arc was a little slow and a little scattered but now everything is starting to make sense. Moving forward this arc looks like it will really pick up and deliver a great ending. If you've been reading everything up until now this issue makes everything worth it with the promise of a satisfying conclusion. Be patient Outlaws fans, this story isn't over yet and you'll have to wait until Jason Todd's "Zero Year" tie-in finishes before we get to conclude the current arc.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #25

Nov 22, 2013

This issue put a clever twist on the Jason Todd "pre-origin". Whether you've been a long time fan and already know Jason Todd in his younger years or you're learning it for the first time you have something to gain from reading this. While this story does follow a sort of Zero Year formula that we have all seen by now, there are enough references and clever details in this issue to differentiate this story from the other Zero Year origins and make it unique to Jason Todd.

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Sovereign #1

Mar 22, 2014

This book left me delightfully confused during my first reading of it. I enjoyed what I was reading but this issue basically drops the reader into a new world and lets you figure everything out on your own. The characters often make references that you wouldn't know about. On top of that there are three widely different and disconnected perspectives in play, and without knowing how they all fit together it's hard to give things context. That being said, if you don't mind reading the lore in the back of the issue and re-reading it once or twice you will understand the book more and appreciate the depth of the setting. The issue was a little hard to follow on the first read through but it introduces a unique and interesting world that I'm curious to see more of.

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Superman (2011) #24

Oct 28, 2013

The issue wraps up the Psi War arc nicely and delivers an exciting finale to Superman's current adventure. This story was pretty isolated in terms of lasting changes, mostly because the ending ties up most of its loose ends. Regardless of how drastic you like your endings you should definitely be able to enjoy the ride.

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Superman (2011) #26

Dec 31, 2013

The issue takes its time to get the plot going for the next story arc but the last bit of this issue was worth the wait, and even the slower parts of the issue were entertaining because they gave us a glimpse of Clark's personal life. While this issue wasn't very eventful the ending does point to much more action in the next issue so stay tuned.

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Teen Titans (2011) #25

Nov 27, 2013

This issue teases a lot of great plot points in issues to come and I'm really looking forward to what's coming up. Even though the issue jumps around a lot, it still delivers the suspense where it needs to and in terms of advancing the main plotline and being enjoyable this issue meets and some ways exceeds my expectations.

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Teen Titans (2011) #26

Dec 31, 2013

It's been a long time coming but now we know Kid Flash's back-story, with the exception of a few missing pieces. Bart's past is fairly controversial as it's been hinted to be in the past, what I'm interested to find out now is how the rest of the team feels about Bart's past, which it seems will be the focus of the next issue. The team will never see Kid Flash the same away again and I don't think I will either.

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Teen Titans (2011) #27

Jan 31, 2014

This issue was a little slow but carried some important plot points. The twist at the end of the issue does point to something more action packed in the next issue though. The plot also seems to be heading towards something a bit more compelling and the Titans will have some hard choices ahead of them. This issue was clearly meant to set up the climax of the arc and is a little dry as a result but its definitely worth a read to keep up with the plot

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Teen Titans (2011) #28

Feb 28, 2014

This issue had strong art and Bart was well written and developed, but the rest of the team just kind of melted into one entity. I expected/wanted a few things from this arc; I wanted Bart's character to be explained and expanded, and I wanted each member of the team to really spend some time reacting to Bart's actions and objecting to them or defending them. In this issue we were able to get one of these things but not the other.

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Teen Titans (2011) Annual #2

Nov 4, 2013

If you're okay with gratuitous amounts of set-up, or if you're sucking it up because you're expecting something amazing out of it (like me) then this issue is a great read. The issue itself assumes you have read a couple of other books (Forever Evil, Justice League, previous Teen Titans issues, and Superboy) so prepare to do some homework if you want to jump on this one and really get everything that's going on. This issue contains plot points you will need to know for future Teen Titans issues and most likely some things you'll need to know for Forever Evil. I recommend reading everything Forever Evil related anyways so hop to it. Pick this one up and stay in the loop, I predict great things from Forever Evil and Teen Titans.

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Teen Titans (2014) #1

Jul 18, 2014

Will Pfeifer's writing is highly character driven and he puts a lot of thought into how the characters interact, which to me indicates that this will evolve into a great team book, which is all I really want out of a Teen Titans series. Based on what we've seen in this issue I see no reason why this can't become a great series that updates and honors the Teen Titans legacy.

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Teen Titans (2014) #2

Aug 23, 2014

This issue had a decent amount of comedy and action, but it didn't quite match the intensity of the first issue. The team also didn't feel as unified as they did in the first issue, although it seems like their paths are about to converge soon.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #14

Nov 20, 2013

Benjamin Deed's little adventure in this issue echoes the older X-Men stories which were a little more focused and were about younger characters dealing with their powers and growing up in the process. In a world of huge events, and cross-overs, and tie-ins, it's nice to get a slow, intimate X-Men story that's more about the character than plot points. Readers who like Benjamin Deeds will enjoy this issue, to the readers who don't like the character I strongly recommend that you read this issue and hopefully it will let you view the character in a new light.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #15.INH

Dec 12, 2013

The character-building part of the issue was well done and was fairly entertaining. The second part of the issue where the plot actually advances was good but didn't really give the reader a solid indication of events to come. The conflict between mutants and inhumans has potential for a good story and could turn into something really compelling and interesting but right now it's too soon to tell.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #16

Jan 15, 2014

If this issue is any indication of what the new Magneto will be like then I'm completely on board. Throughout this issue we get to see who Magneto really is outside the context of the X-men, and we also go to see him do badass stuff with various metal objects so that's a plus. I personally could not wait for the new Magneto series before and this issue is not making that wait any easier.

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Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1

Feb 13, 2014

This issue immediately introduces the reader to the two main characters (one most fans will recognize, the other is new) and puts them into a dangerous situation full of all the great staples of any good spy story. The issue may not have delivered the kind of suspense I was hoping for but this first issue proved that the characters are being written well and there's plenty of potential for action and excitement as the book continues. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of this series and seeing how the mythos of the Winter Soldier will expand.

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Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #2

Mar 23, 2014

This issue marks a crucial point in any spy story. Somewhere towards the middle of the issue all of the lines are drawn and it's up to each of the characters to try to achieve their respective goals, and no one is really on the same side in this story. All of the characters are well developed and it really feels like anything could happen in this series. This issue had a good amount of action in it but I most enjoyed how things are being set up for later issues. All of the pieces are in place and the stage is set, it's only a matter of time before the tension snaps and something drastic happens.

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Wolverine and the X-Men Annual #1

Nov 27, 2013

This issue was very enjoyable to read and was full of great humor and some fantastic art. The issue also explored some characters we don't normally get to see and it's always nice to learn about a character you didn't know about or add something to a character who wouldn't normally get the time to grow and progress. If you enjoy space and/or punching things definitely pick this one up.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #28

Feb 20, 2014

Chiang and Wilson made this issue a pleasure to look at and Azzarello continued to expand his new mythology. While this issue was a little slow it did set up some important plot points and it built tension towards the larger narrative of the series. The issue includes some great interaction between the gods and other mythological characters and the cliffhanger at the end will be sure to get you pumped for the next issue.

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Reviews for the Week of...


