Hawkeye #19

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: David Aja Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 30, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 31
9.4Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

• Kate gets to the bottom of the greatest mystery in the entire Marvel Universe right this very hot second: just who the H is that guy in the trench coat that seems to live in her cat food aisle? The answer may surprise you.
•  Or maybe not, maybe you're super-good at this kind of thing.
•  Anyway a simple investigation dovetails into Kate's desperate race to stay one step ahead of the woman that's sworn to kill her: Madame Masque and what started off as a zany summer vacation gets a little bloody. Buckle up, buttercups.

  • 10
    Coming Up Comics - Timothy Merritt Jul 30, 2014

    After months of waiting, Hawekeye #19 has delivered and then some, and mark my words, this one will be a big contender for an Eisner next year, though that was obviously not the objective. And while there are already ASL translations of the issue popping up online, I won't link to any here, out of respect for what the creators are trying to convey, and hope that experiencing a little frustration and puzzlement over what's happening in some of these pages will open your eyes (and hands) like it did mine. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Newell Turner Aug 1, 2014

    Hawkeye 11, the Pizza Dog issue, just won an Eisner Award for Best Single Issue last week at San Diego Comic Con. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up seeing Hawkeye 19 pop up in next year's list of nominees for the same category. Original and refreshing, verging on experimental, and totally out of the norm for a super hero comic, this has been one of the best issues in a regularly great series. Marvel has a real gem here. Unfortunately, it only has a few more issues to go. I'm already starting to miss it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerds Unchained - Magen Cubed Aug 1, 2014

    Hawkeye #19 is an example of the power of graphic narrative, and a testament to the strengths of Fraction and Aja as storytellers. Delays be damned, this is a truly wonderful issue from an amazing team of collaborators. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Aug 1, 2014

    "Hawkeye" #19 is likely already a contender for the 2015 Eisners, and for good reason. Fraction and Aja have done it again. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geeked Out Nation - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Jul 30, 2014

    Fraction and Aja have broken a barrier: letting one of our most beloved heroes, Clint Barton, experience everyday obstacles due to disability. Unlike other comics that simply depower characters and then throw them before foes, Clint and Barney's foes are normal life challenges: going up stairs, talking with doctors, getting home in a wheelchair. This issue will open doors to conversation among and beyond comics readers about disability, inclusion, and representation. Even the New York Times thinks so. A magnificent, moving, and history-making issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Refueled - ironmarco Jul 30, 2014

    This issue gives us a very deep look at Clint Barton and takes full advantage of the comic-book medium in order to do so. The use of muted and altered dialogue allows the reader to feel Clint's hearing loss directly, which makes his frustration feel justified and real. When that frustration later turns into acceptance, it feels satisfying and it feels like it was earned. This series promised an in-depth look at Clint's life outside the Avengers and with this issue, we get to see him in a very unusual place and we learn more about his character having shared that experience with him. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Aug 3, 2014

    Overall, this series continues its streak of amazing issues. As always, the art is solid, the colors are fantastic, and the writing is like nothing I've read before. It's too bad that this series is coming to an end some time sooner rather than later, but at least it has been one hell of a ride. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerdophiles - Ashley Leckwold Jul 30, 2014

    This issue was well worth the wait in ways I didn't expect. Heartbreaking and completely unique, it reminds me of what makes this comic so special and why I'm going to be so sad when it ends. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 4, 2014

    This has been a terrific series, and I'm sorry to hear that it's drawing to a close soon. We need more comics that push the envelope like this - not fewer. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Multiversity Comics - Cassandra Clarke Jul 31, 2014

    Barney Barton tells us, "Fightin's easy. Fightin's just a thing you do. You hit and you get hit and the one that can hurt the most the longest wins"but to actually do good, y'see to do good"ya gotta begood." Clint's response is something that we've wanted to hear from him from so long that actually hearing him say it will make your eyes water. If only Kate was there to hear it.Barton, you dummy. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Jul 31, 2014

    It's been a while since readers last met up with Clint Barton as he fell victim to an assassin's attack. A long while. Yet, Fraction and Aja show fans they still have what it takes to keep this series innovative and complex while still delivering a straightforward story of a ne'er do well superhero off the clock. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - joedwardlewis Aug 1, 2014

    News will have reached you that this series will end in the near future. While disappointing, it is likely to mark a turning point in superhero comics " its influence can already be seen in She-Hulk and to a lesser extent Silver Surfer. Expect this creative team to go out with a bang while the racks of your LCS fill with cheap imitations in the coming months/years. Much like their seminal work on The Immortal Iron Fist, this run will stand the test of time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Lindsey Morris Jul 30, 2014

    This book has been a consistently great read since the first issue. Fraction and Aja are a creative powerhouse, and with Hawkeye #11 recently winning an Eisner for best single issue, they've got the awards to prove it. Here's to hoping that, despite Fraction working on the series' final script, it's still a long way off. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Aug 4, 2014

    It finally feels like the plot is about to wrap up, and about time, too. Meanwhile, the issue is a creative breakthrough for Fraction and Aja, though it'd be frankly just as strong without the creativity. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Tres Dean Jul 30, 2014

    One doesn't see risks like this in superhero comics often. And whether it's a perfect issue like Hawkeye #11 or one that falls slightly short like #19, it's always good to see something new and daring on the stands. On that front, Hawkeye always hits the bullseye. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Florida Geek Scene - Touch of Grey Aug 5, 2014

    This issue of Hawkeye is mostly silent, as that's how Clint's world is going right now. It's very much an artist's issue, and David Aja was definitely up to the task of telling a story with few words. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Jul 30, 2014

    Matt Fraction, David Aja, and Matt Hollingsworth continue to prove HAWKEYE is one of the most creative and immersive books Marvel is publishing. Many of us likely won't be motivated enough to take the extra time to learn sign language just to see the extra dialogue in this issue, so the tactic does take a bit of a toll. But all in all, it's another solid chapter in a superb series. The layouts bring you right into Clint Barton's rundown world and, while there isn't much dialogue, Fraction's still able to tell a powerful and meaningful story. Let's just hope we don't have wait so long for the next chapter of Clint and Barney's adventure! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Aug 2, 2014

    Unfortunately for me, I'm not a big art critic. I know what I like and I know what I don't like, but I'm terrible at critiquing or rating comic book art. Perhaps you've noticed that I rarely mention the artist in my reviews. I hate that I can't bring myself to do that, but I'm a story guy, I'm a writer. That's what's most important to me, so that's what I talk about. And as it stands, as great as David Aja is, as creative as the sign language element was, it detracted from the issue for me personally. I applaud the skill and creativity that went into the sign language, by all means. But in terms of telling a story in a comic book, it was more gimmick than revelation. Read Full Review

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