Action Comics #25

Event\Storyline: Batman: Zero Year Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Aaron Kuder Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 6, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 20
8.4Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

This BATMAN: ZERO YEAR tie-in features the reintroduction of a major character! A cocky young Superman battles the forces of nature to save Gotham City, while a woman from his past tries to do the same thing on a smaller scale. But both are headed for a collision course...

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Nov 6, 2013

    I'm not a Superman fan, but ACTION COMICS #25 was incredibly pleasing. Pak's vision of a young hero really grabbed me, and it didn't hurt that the art of Kuder and colors of Prianto were nothing short of amazing. Superman just didn't become Superman overnight. He had to learn how to be that role model for the world. There's going to be this transitional phase where the character is emotional, immature, and sometimes makes rash decisions. That's what we see here, and I loved it. Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Nov 6, 2013

    This comic is the single best Superman material readers have been given in the New 52. There is a sense of magic here that comics can rarely achieve. Those soured by the darkness permeating in the line, should look to this series for a forward thinking beacon of hope. Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder make a strong first impression on the book. Did I mention that this is a tie-in to a Batman event that has no impact on the actual story? This chapter makes a strong case for beauty in simplicity. Read Full Review

  • 10
    PopMatters - Brett Mobley Nov 27, 2013

    Action #25 reveals a Superman being beaten by a force of nature and receiving help from his fellow man. He can't punch this enemy into submission by any means. This early failure then, becomes a means of explanation for Superman's future humility and self-awareness when it the application of force is required.In the final moment of this issue, Superman comes to realize his own potential status as an icon"not an icon of strength, but an icon of unity. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Nov 8, 2013

    So just a fabulous opening chapter for the new team. Everything seemed to click here ... words, art, page layout. And we get the return of Lana Lang! Between Bedard/Cinar on Supergirl and Pak/Kuder on Action and Pak/Lee or Booth on Batman/Superman maybe I should feel optimistic! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Nov 6, 2013

    You won't see Batman or Gotham or much of anything Zero Year related, but the new creative team gives readers a top-notch jumping on point and a hero who is dynamic and fun. Does it add much to the Zero Year story? No. Is it impressive in all other areas? Yes. Superman fans can rejoice. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Nov 7, 2013

    The use of Lana Lang was a surprise here, but a wholly welcome one. She's gutsy and funny and brave, and Pak shows how being around her helped shape Superman into the hero he is today. There's also a neat little bonus story that puts Superman's super-hearing into a new perspective that you may not have ever considered before. If these two stories are the primer for Pak's run, then consider me one happy Superman fan. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Nov 11, 2013

    This was an outstanding start for Greg Pak who has once again proven just how well he knows the Superman character, producing an amazing story in the process. The issue would be exciting and suspenseful, also having a lot of depth. It would also be very dramatic and overall is the kind of Superman story that Action Comics deserves. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue as it's a great opportunity for new fans and old to get into Superman. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 6, 2013

    Action Comics #25 is a Zero Year tie-in in little more than name only.  What we do get is the fun t-shirt and jeans Superman and the promise of Greg Pak's future on the book.  Pak and Kuder make Superman fun again and if this issue is an indication, fans may finally get the book they've been waiting for since the start of the New 52. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Dodge Nov 7, 2013

    Superman is not the easiest character to write for, even for experienced authors, but Greg Pak proves he is up for the challenge by crafting a story that is true to the core of Clark Kent, but also shows a side of him with which the reader is not used to seeing. Aaron Kuder makes a big splash, no pun intended, on art duties, as he strikingly renders a violent storm bearing down from the ocean. A bit of a caveat: there is nothing to tie this issue to the main 'Zero Year' storyline, but instead focuses on the wider events happening at the same time. "Action Comics" was a series in need of a major course correction, and with issue #25, Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder have done exactly that. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Nov 6, 2013

    A great jump-on point for fans of Superman that may have been missing a little bit of the Smallville in their Clark Kent, Action Comics #25 gives us a brief respite in the past without distracting the audience with unnecessary tie-in elements. This is the kind of event we should strive for more often. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 9, 2013

    I actually wish they'd spend more time on the early Superman - he's much more interesting than the modern day version they've created. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Nov 8, 2013

    The issue's strengths lie in the portrayal of Clark as naive, young, and hopeful" Something that hasn't been entirely clear in the New 52 from all of his writers. It is a nice bonus that Lana is looking like she's going to be slowly but surely replacing Lois. At least, for a while. I'm okay with that. And this backup story (with an art assist by the always-excellent Scott McDaniel) plants seeds for future stories, which is always fun. I am glad that Batman's story was important to the events in this issue, but didn't overshadow the main character. Something I was very hesitant when these "additional tie-ins" were announced was that Batman would be arbitrarily thrown into each and every one and the creators would be forced to essentially take an issue off. Luckily, that was not the case here. I can't wait to see where Pak and Kuder take Clark next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Nov 8, 2013

    In many ways, "Action Comics" #25 is the best sort of tie-in. People who are reading "Zero Year" in "Batman" get an answer to the question of why Superman hadn't waded in and tried to help Gotham City in its moment of crisis. Readers of "Action Comics" won't feel lost or confused. And hopefully, "Action Comics" just got some new regular readers who liked what they saw here. I know I did. Pak and Kuder are a great choice for "Action Comics" and I'm eager to see what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Daren Taveras Nov 7, 2013

    The Zero Year tie-in is both a hit and miss. It stands out as a one-shot or a preview into the new arc of Action Comics but falters on the weight of importance in the actual tie-in aspect of the book. That being said, getting a taste of Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder together before beginning their run on the series is worth the pickup this week at your local comic shop. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Nov 12, 2013

    A strong first outing from Pak that's dampened by an unnecessary, distracting back-up feature. Pak's clearly making some risky choices in his approach to the Superman mythos, and a few pay off surprisingly well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 6, 2013

    Action Comics #25 is not a relevant Zero Year tie-in, but does offer a promising start for Greg Pak's run on the series. He gives a solid and enjoyable one-shot tale and really gets the characters and their personalities down just wonderfully. There is plenty to look forward to if this issue is any indication, so make sure to give it a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 6, 2013

    Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder start off their Action Comics run not with a bang, but with a hurricane, as both Clark Kent and Lana Lang do their best to stand tall among the storm. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Nov 6, 2013

    Overall, if there was a panel that had Batman in it would have made it tie more to Zero Year. They did not have to necessarily meet, but could have been in the same area at the same time. That would have given this more of a tie to the story and allowed for a real Zero Year feel. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Nov 26, 2013

    The issue ends with a short little story at the end, similar to those found in Detective Comics. As mentioned above, I'm glad I gave this issue a try and I'l be back for next issue. I know I'll be pleased with Kuder's art, I'm hoping I can be just as pleased with Pak's characterization of Superman. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Nov 6, 2013

     I liked this issue, I like young reckless Superman and I like Aaron Kuder's art. For me though, I think the split between the Zero Year tie-in and where the real next story arc is going and setting up Lana as a major supporting character for that, was a little too much. I just didn't think the mix of those two elements worked in this context, it just wasn't exactly what I was looking for. Ultimately though, it was a good first issue to this new team's run, and I am looking forward to reading more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Refueled - ironmarco Nov 8, 2013

    All in all this was a nice Superman story. It told a new and interesting story about a young Clark Kent who was just starting out as Superman. The issue can be a little corny at times but to be fair you should be expecting this issue to be that way since not only is it a Superman story, but it's also a pseudo-origin story which means we need to see Clark learn the lessons that turn him into Superman. If you can look past the story being a little corny the issue is a nice read. Read Full Review

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