Ballistic #5
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Ballistic #5

Writer: Adam Egypt Mortimer Artist: Darick Robertson Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: June 18, 2014 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

The entire world of Repo City State is rocked to its foundations in this pulse-pounding conclusion to the first arc of Darick Robertson and Adam Egypt Mortimer's cyberpunk adventure that tears through the frontal lobe of the future.

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Samantha Roehrig Jun 19, 2014

    Back to the plot, the story is huge with action this week. Butch and the now changed Gennie are going into Biopower. What they discover is that their plan must get a little more complicated after what they see. Butch takes a drastic measure and tries his best to fight them off. Man I just love every second of this month's issue. The action is crazy, Butch is off the chain, and of course Gun has some good shots and shoot ups. Definitely a comic worth reading in a hell yeah kind of moment. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    GreyMouser Jun 19, 2014

    This appears to be the final issue, or at least the resolution to a first arc, for this mind twisting series. This may very well be one of the best titles on the stands, if you can handle the bizarre-O fiction that can be strenuous to follow. I certainly hope this series continues, as i will be happy to buy up whatever they offer! Dont miss the collection, if you missed the floppies!

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