Indoctrination #1
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Indoctrination #1

Writer: Michael Moreci Artist: Matt Battaglia Publisher: Z2 Comics Release Date: June 29, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 4
8.9Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

How do you kill an idea? Across the dusty plains of America's southwest, a deadly storm is brewing. A string of murders portend the sinister designs of an infamous terrorist to bring about the end times. Two FBI agents have heeded the signs, and only their rogue actions, aided by a potentially untrustworthy expatriate with deep ties to the terrorist, can push this darkness back. Indoctrination explores America's terrifying underbelly-of death cults and sleeper cells, serial killers and apocalyptic nightmares.

  • 10
    FreakSugar - Jed W. Keith Jul 1, 2016

    INDOCTRINATION #1 is a book that doesn’t make me feel good about myself or the times that fear overtakes me. I don’t read it and feel good about the world about me. But it’s a book that makes me confront certain truths about myself and the world. I’ll be picking up the next issue, even if it takes me a few days to get through it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Bounding Into Comics - Jorge Arena Jul 1, 2016

    Indoctrination #1 isn't a normal comic by any means. When we read comics, we are normally thrown into a world that is either based on some sort of mythos that only glances at real issues. Or, we are placed in a world that is completely unrelated to reality. Here with Indoctrination we're home. We live in this world every single day, and not many comics are willing to really tackle the fact that our world is more terrifying than any monster cooked up in someone's head. It's extremely well grounded. This fact makes the book very enjoyable. And by the time you complete this first issue you're left asking more questions than you came in with. The story makes you think, and these days thinking is something many people are unwilling to do. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Apr 21, 2016

    Indoctrination #1 does what great first issues do, they lay out the groundwork, reveal just enough to get you hooked and then leave you wanting more. Moreci and Battaglia burrow underneath your skin to make you uncomfortable, hitting you with morally gray concepts and horrors too real to deal with. It's a fascinating and immersive journey worth going down the rabbit hole for if you dare. Read Full Review

  • 10
    GWW - Jonathan Reyes Jun 23, 2016

    To use what Battaglia's said in my in interview with him, "It's an interesting and entertaining in the same way as a 'True Detective' or any other sort of crime thriller." Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Apr 22, 2016

    Once again, its worth clarifying that the style and approach isnt going to be to everyones tastes, but for fans of slow-burning, intelligent drama that creeps under your skin, INDOCTRINATION is a fascinating, gripping series which comes highly, highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Flickering Myth - Zeb Larson Jun 27, 2016

    It's in this that the book has some real potential to actually play with ideas. It's easy to write a book that condemns the San Bernadino shooters, or the Paris attacks, or Omar Mateen. Such a book though doesn't provide any real answers beyond decrying bad people, which feels good but solves very little. Bad people don't think they're the bad guys; they think they're providing some kind of solution or justice. Understanding why they do what they do, and making it clear through a book like Indoctrination, is a step toward understanding why people need ideologies like this in the first place. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - John McCubbin Jun 29, 2016

    Indoctrination #1 is a sensational start to this supernatural thriller, with the creative team introducing us to a captivating premise. Whether it's the gritty nature of the murders our FBI agents investigate or the mysterious background, there is most definitely plenty to draw readers in. In other words: buy this comic! Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jun 30, 2016

    The first issue is a solid start. There's some slight issues, the essay in the end as an example. But, overall, the comic is a beginning that has me wanting to come back for more. This is a series that wants you to explore ideas and think about them. So far it's set things up, where it goes will be interesting. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Jul 1, 2016

    I really enjoyed Indoctrination and will be following the series to see where it goes. You can read more about this comics ans see pages of sample art on the Indoctrination comic website. Z2 Comics has a really diverse line of comics coming out. I bought 3 off the rack this week, in addition to Indoctrination I got the Sci-Fi comic ‘The Sweetness #1' and the post-apocalytic comic about sentient dogs ‘Legend #2'. I'll be looking at these in my next couple of reviews. Z2 Comics is a publisher to watch. If you have not checked out any of their titles, ask your comic shop about them. If you want a read that's a bit out of the ordinary, they're definitely worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jul 2, 2016

    It's easy to make a comparison to True Detective with this opening issue.  It definitely has that same look and feel, albeit with a potential supernatural angle.  This is certainly not a bad thing.  Moreci writes smart comics and this is no different.  This is a solid first chapter in that it introduces you to all the players and sets in motion events that will bring them into a collision course you can't look away from.  The tagline for Indoctrination is "How do you kill an idea?" which is such an intriguing concept that I can't wait to see played out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - James Charlton Jun 29, 2016

    Even if political books are not your cup of tea, I urge you to check this one out, you'll be glad you did. I know I am. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed Apr 27, 2016

    So, while I do wish this book was just slightly better polished, I still think it's worth a look. There's not really anything bad about, just stuff that could have been done better, and a lot of other stuff that's off to a really good start. If you're interested at all in catching a new story of lawmen versus madmen, take a look at Indoctrination. Read Full Review

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