Batman #6

Writer: Tom King Artist: Ivan Reis, Joe Prado Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 7, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 25 User Reviews: 109
8.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

+ Pull List

"I AM GOTHAM" epilogue. In this stand-alone tale, Batman seeks redemption as he tries to keep Gotham Girl from going down a dangerous path. But can the Dark Knight save someone who doesn't want to be saved?

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Adam Frey Sep 7, 2016

    When Scott Snyder leftBatman, I was ready to save some money and take a break from the character.Unfamiliar with King, I assumed that whatever he was going to write would be very rote and ordinary and Batman would continue just fine without me.Batman #6 is the issue that's convinced me that his run has crossed the thresholdfrom "standard" to "something special." Do check this one out. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicsverse - Travis Czap Sep 8, 2016

    If you're looking for Batman punching and kicking supervillains, this issue isn't for you. But if you're looking for a comic that will connect with you, a comic that deals with the mature topics of grief and depression (and what that can mean to a superhero), then this is a title you cannot miss. It's my personal favorite of the series so far, if only for the scene between Batman and Gotham Girl. It's a moment that I can't spoil for you; you'll just have to pick it up and read it. You won't regret it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Bounding Into Comics - Daniel Mills Sep 8, 2016

    Batman #6 distinguishes itself thanks to the delicate script and spectacular pencils by guest-artist Ivan Reis. Tom King's first arc shows us that while Batman will always be the daring warrior we want him to be, he's also the savior we need him to be. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Sep 7, 2016

    While it would be hard to top last issue's epic conclusion to Gotham's story, Tom King gets very close this week.  I love Gotham Girl and seeing her in such a bad place was gut wrenching, but only lead to a great moment where we see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Of course, that tunnel is going to lead Batman to some pretty bad places, but that's the fun of it all, right?  The story, characters and art (by Ivan Reis this week) are top of the class and this issue is just one more reason that Batman is my favorite Rebirth book.  Now, I have to go find my tissues. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Amy Ziegfeld Sep 7, 2016

    In the meantime, Batman #6 was one of the most powerful comic books I've read this year. It's a poignant capstone on the I Am Gotham storyline, lays the groundwork for future stories, and serves as an emotional standalone tale of grief. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Sep 8, 2016

    Issue #6 was a powerful ending to a solid initial run from King and the ending suggests that we'll be completely switching gears soon as he takes on Bane. I can't wait. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Corps - Tim Montoya Sep 11, 2016

    Six issues into Batman and we are running at full speed, Tom King has setup his world and now gets to play in it. In issue six we get the I am Gotham Epilogue, wrapping up this story line to move into the next. Gotham Girl/Claire has absolutely lost her mind, after having to kill her own brother she has snapped. We see her flying around Gotham saving the city while still talking to her dead brother Hank. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Sep 7, 2016

    The end of Batman #6 tees up multiple storylines in an attempt to save Gotham Girl's fragile mental state, including characters like Bane, Suicide Squad and Amanda Waller. It certainly has us looking forward to future issues if they're combining the Squad and Batman on a joint story. The writing on this current series has been absolutely spot on, and we can't wait to see what's next. Although we can't say that we're keen on how much Duke has been sidelined through the rebirth series, he hasn't really left the Bat-Cave. His parts in the story seem to revolve around being sat at the computer whilst bats is out saving the city. Hopefully he starts to become a more integral part of the plot. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Sep 7, 2016

    Next issue marks the Batman chapter of the Night of the Monster Men crossover. The following issue looks to be especially promising considering Batman's conversation with Amanda Waller and the tease of a Suicide Squad encounter. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The GCRN - Daniel Clark Sep 14, 2016

    At the end though what made this issue instantly memorable for me was when Batman goes to unexpected lengths to save the psyche of Gotham Girl. It was such a well written earnest moment full to the brim of emotional resonance. Six issues in and King as already put his unique stamp on the character of Batman. After the well regarded Scott Snyder run and Tom Kings early praise expectations were extremely high for this series. To Kings credit he has lived up to that hype so far. If King can keep this pace going those expectations are only going to grow. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 7, 2016

    Who would have thought a standalone epilogue issue like this would turn out to be the best issue of the new Batman to date? Batman #6 offers some much-needed character development for Gotham Girl, offering a very effective blend of heartfelt emotion and goofy humor along the way. And who better to channel that emotion that Ivan Reis? This issue serves as a great cap to the series' first story arc and sets a high standard for new stories to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Graphic Policy - Brett Sep 7, 2016

    This is a good issue, but I go back and forth if it's a buy or a read. For folks reading up to this point it's probably a buy, but for new readers, maybe wait for the next issue to start. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Sep 7, 2016

    Batman #6 is at its core all about pain and how you deal with it. Tom King connects Batman's pain to others which feels incredibly genuine and purposeful. The events in this issue all lead towards a major turn, which gives the new direction all the more meaning. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Sergio Pereira Sep 8, 2016

    While Batman and Gotham Girl's necessary heart-to-heart spread out across most of the issue, the final pages of Batman #6 are what Batman fans have been patiently waiting for. The revelation of Bane as the mastermind behind the 'I Am Gotham' storyline, and Batman's deal with Amanda Waller to set up his own Suicide Squad, made all the weeks' slow burn worth it. Bane's back and Batman will be breaking bad " but first, Batman needs to battle a few monsters over the next couple of weeks… Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - Mark Delaney Sep 7, 2016

    At this point, I don't think I'll ever get over the hokey-ness (is that a word?) of Gotham and Gotham Girl. Their names, their costumes, their general presentation " it all speaks (and spoke, RIP Hank) to that bygone comic book era of decades past. I've said that in past reviews, and I now see it's never going away. But I'm much more comfortable with it now. Claire feels like a real character. She's someone I care to see develop moving forward, so much so that I hope she can be saved and returned to a more, uh, functional state. I don't just wish her character a strong progression, I wish her well. That's an achievement on Tom King's part, and I'm excited to see where he " she " no, where we go next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Sep 8, 2016

    This issue was more than I could have hoped for, but at the same time, didn't really give me what I needed. For me, it was beyond great to reminisce on the past, but I didn't feel like we were given a complete conclusion to the story being told. And this is probably just me…but I spent far more time getting caught up in the villains, and therefore, didn't really feel that I was able to connect with Claire's story in the way that was intended. But, despite that, I still had a blast! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Sep 8, 2016

    All in all, Batman #6 is a strong finale to King's opening arc, and one that heralds great things to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 9, 2016

    There are some genuinely strong moments in this book that will resonate more so for people that have suffered grief and loss and that works really well here. It's something that doesn't land as strong as it could since we've burned through the first five issues quickly and there hasn't been a huge amount of investment in Gotham himself, never mind Gotham Girl. But as an epilogue and push forward into the next arc it definitely works well. It's also a strong issue with Ivan Reis on the art duties as I really loved that two-page spread with Gotham Girl leaping into the city, something that just clicked really well with Maiolo's color design on it. Reis is an artist that I really admire for what he's capable of and he does a great job here in bringing it all together. While this may not be a great epilogue as it feels more like setup for what's to come it does get the job done. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 12, 2016

    Batman #6 isn't your typical Batman story, but it gets the humanity of the character right, putting in forefront over justice or vengeance. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Sep 7, 2016

    Overall,Batman#6 made for a pretty decent filler issue and the final page nicely sets up the “I am Suicide” arc set to begin next month. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Flickering Myth - Ricky Church Sep 23, 2016

    It's good to see Claire finally getting some growth and how this is further developed in future issues should prove intriguing. King is able to connect the characters very well and explore different facets of emotions and the grief process while David Finch was able to adequately convey those emotions through his artwork. Batman #6 is both a good concluding chapter and set-up for the future as King leaves us with a very compelling cliffhanger and potential team-up that should get fans excited for what's to come. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Sep 7, 2016

    "I Am Gotham Epilogue" was a good read, although you'll really need to read the previous issues to see exactly what's going on. Ivan Reis' artistic style is wonderful and very well detailed although the beginning of the book has its slow moments. I liked how we are taken out for a day in the life of Gotham Girl"however remember she's currently unhinged so we're seeing her broken and unsure of her abilities at the same time. The best part about the book is the ending itself and the revelation that Batman makes and how it all links to that damn Amanda Waller! She is easily one of my favorite supporting characters period and I definitely want more of her in Batman's world! Check out Batman #6 and see what problems the Dark Knight has with Gotham Girl, Strange, and even the government! Great read! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Batman Universe - Matthew Mahar Sep 7, 2016

    Epilogues. On one hand, theyre nice. They wrap up a story after the action, let you know how the characters are coping with everything. The other hand, though? Momentum-killers. You never know what youre going to get. This is a nice story. Its quaint. There are a few decent beats, but for the most part it came across as filler. The I Am Gotham arc was good, but I dont feel like it was deserving of its own epilogue. It didnt earn it. So, sadly, this is an instance where the epilogue is a momentum killer. If Gotham Girl is going to stick around as part of Batmans supporting cast, Id much rather have the fallout from her brothers death tie into her arc in the upcoming Night of the Monsters or I am Suicide arcs. It would bring an additional sense of cohesion to the ongoing narrative in Kings overall plan. Maybe it will be there. There are still a lot of questions to be answered as to how King will be running things. Im still excited for whats to come. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Asa Giannini Sep 7, 2016

    All in all, Batman #6 is a really disappointing failure exactly when the series needed a success. Tom King will likely end up on end of year lists for best writer (Omega Men and Vision really are astounding), but it's disappointing that it will be in spite of Batman and not because of it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Matthew Mueller Sep 8, 2016

    While they may seem an odd choice, the villains aren't why the book succeeds. It brings the story to a fitting closure, while still leaving a few seeds behind, all the while setting up the next big arc. No one wants a completely vulnerable Bruce all the time, but having those moments shine through every now and again has made Rebirth's Batman better for it. Read Full Review

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