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Reviewer For: Comics Refueled Reviews: 52
8.5Avg. Review Rating

All-New Ghost Rider #5

Jul 30, 2014

The fact that the ending to this issue created a lot of questions about Robbie's character and Eli's true purpose with very little answers and a lot of mystery about not knowing where the story will go next is a surprisingly welcomed sensation. The idea of not knowing and being faced with the unknown is sometimes unsettling but in this case it is fairly exciting. I am eager to see what else Smith, Moore, and Staples have in store for us and what other stories Robbie Reyes will be going through.

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All-New Ultimates #1

Apr 11, 2014

In the end, this issue is a good start at a series featuring a new generation of Ultimates. Like the book says, “Bound by the darker side of corporate scientific misconduct, these powerful underdogs are unified by a mission to make their city, and the world, a safer place”, and I believe that it will be that bond that will be the driving force behind the story and the characters as time goes on. To it seems that that quote is synonymous with “With great power, comes great responsibility” and that will be what makes this series whole in the long run.

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All-New Ultimates #2

May 19, 2014

Despite the lack of any clear story line and uninteresting art style, I am still ready and willing to continue reading this series. I hold a special place in my heart for Miles Morales but it isn't him that is keeping me reading rather, it is the overall depth into the characters that Fiffe is able to bring to us and not just in the main characters as both the Skulls and the police has some weight behind them. After all it is only issue two and I'm sure that the team of Fiffe, Pinna, and Woodard are just testing the waters much like the New Ultimates!

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Batgirl (2011) #28

Feb 12, 2014

Despite the drawn out exposition, unoriginal art, and confusing story layout, the book still continues to leave us readers guessing and slightly confused but more intrigued about what is next to happen and what is in store for the rest of this arc, because at this point it is very unclear where the creators are going with this and that is exciting!

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Batgirl (2011) #29

Mar 14, 2014

In the end this book was very entertaining both to read and to look at and the fast paced nature of it works very well for the premise of the issue but I'm left pondering whether or not the creators are moving forward with this arc or just sticking with what would be a two issue filler arc. Only time will tell…

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Batman: Joker's Daughter #1

Feb 8, 2014

This book is great start to a hopefully long running series where we can see a villain similar to the Joker start from nothing and slowly build themselves up to a standard worthy of the attention of someone like Batman. The story is truly akin to novel about a child who only wants to be accepted and noticed but takes a very violent twist the sends shudders down the spine and leave us all wanting a lot more.

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Cyclops (2014) #1

May 8, 2014

I am definitely interested in this series and I am eager to see Cyclops get more and more face time as I'm sure any other Scott Summers fans can agree. It will strengthen the series if Rucka works a little bit towards smoothing out the story of how all this came to be for Scott but that is a minor thing to me. By the end of this book I was more interested in Scott's relationship with his father and where that will take them in the future and what sort of path Scott will find himself on now.

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Deadpool (2012) #25.NOW

Mar 12, 2014

In the end, our Merc with a Mouth will always be the same dangerous degenerate that we have all come to know and love but now we get to see him strive for a different kind of lifestyle that may or may not work for him but it is definitely going to be a journey to remember.

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Detective Comics (2011) #30

Apr 2, 2014

Even though the mention of Icarus seems to disappear from comic in the middle, it may just be another tool Manapul uses to continue with the theme of subtlety and allowing the book to rev up to it's peak and then dropping the bomb down on us which is never a bad thing. I look forward to the rest of this arc to see what Icarus is and why it seems to be very hush-hush.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #1

Feb 26, 2014

In the end, despite the ordinary art style, there were a few scenes where Kirk properly captures the scope of the situation through his art and I am very intrigued with the way this series is deciding to start and it makes me crave for answers to my questions. One thing that is definite however is the fact that the Fantastic Four that we've known in the past is about to be flipped on its head.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #2

Mar 14, 2014

With their first arc being titled “The Fall of the Fantastic Four” it is clear to us all that things will be going much further south than they already have and it's only a matter of time until Robinson and Kirk bring out all the stocks and show us a Fantastic Four that we have never seen before and probably never will see again after this is all over.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #3

Apr 24, 2014

Though this issue lacked action, we all know that not every great comic is riddled with action in every book and there must always be exposition and that is always my favorite start of any story. The calm before the storm. I am truly anxious to see where this series continues to go and what the ending of this first arc will bring for the rest of this series and the Fantastic Four themselves. Robinson, Kirk, and Aburtov have been doing a spectacular job so far and I'm hopeful that they will continue to do so.

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Fantastic Four (2014) #4

May 19, 2014

Throughout each issue so far, especially this one, certain characters are giving references to some sort of higher power or greater intelligence that is moving things around piece by piece and the Fantastic Four are at the center of it all. There has been no clear hint so far and I am honestly happy about that fact. I enjoy the sense of the mystery that Robinson is delivering as he slowly peels off the layers bit by bit to eventually reveal the “Fall of the Fantastic Four” that we have all been eagerly waiting and I have strong feelings that next issue will be one to look forward to!

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Fantastic Four (2014) #9

Sep 1, 2014

Despite Laming's art not being quite on par, this is only his first issue in the series and although I do stand by what I said about his work, there wasn't much action in this issue for him to really be able to let loose with the scenes. Perhaps in the future Laming will get his time to shine with some very exciting and intense action scenes and we'll all get to see what he can really do. Robinson, however, did a spectacular job this issue with his expertise in convey emotions and adding in slight hints as to what the future will hold for the Fantastic Four and why everything has been happening to them. I look forward to the next issue and I'm sure all of you out there do too!

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Godzilla: Cataclysm #1

Aug 15, 2014

This issue is great read for anyone whether they are a fan of Godzilla like myself or if they are just recently getting into the lore of the world for the first time. Cullen Bunn's writing is truly something to behold and I am a little angry with myself that I didn't try to read something by him before this. Also, Dave Wachter definitely brought the whole issue home with his picture perfect portrayal of a barren wasteland ravaged by giant monsters. Going in I did not know what to expect from this issue but it is surely going to be added to my reading list from now on and I can't wait for issue two!

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Hulk (2014) #1

Apr 17, 2014

The issue was spot on in every way and the story ends in a way that leaves us completely flabbergasted at the outcome and only lusting for more and more. I have newly invested a lot of time into reading as much Hulk material as I can and this issue makes me glad I did. I'm eager to see what further magic Waid, Bagley, and Keith can create throughout this series but I'm confident it will be phenomenal.

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Hulk (2014) #2

May 4, 2014

Waid, Bagley, and Keith are already surprising me with things they have accomplished in just two issues. I must say that my excitement for this new series knows no bounds and I am ready to see what is in store for our new Bruce Banner who, even though he may look and sound the same, is a completely different character .

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Iron Patriot #1

Mar 26, 2014

Even though this issue does tend to be a little confusing, it is, after all, the first issue in this series and I for one am still positive that Kot, Brown, and Charalampidis know what they are doing and have some good stuff planned for the future.

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Iron Patriot #2

Apr 29, 2014

I must say that these first two issues of the new Iron Patriot aren't really anything to get too excited over. I, for one, am not very confident in where Kot, Brown, and Charalampidis are going with this series as of right now but maybe it's too early to tell. I am willing to read and review this whole first arc to see where this comic can go but more importantly where the creators are willing to take it. Rhodey and characters like him who are often living in the shadow of someone else always hold a dear place in my heart and for him to get his own series is what truly intrigued me. In the end all I can say is that I am intrigued but I am still waiting for something big to happen that truly keeps me tied in.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1

May 8, 2014

Aside from the fact that I am completely ecstatic about the return of Miles' own series but what would keep any Marvel fan continuing to read this series is the sheer shock and awe that washed over me and will wash over you all too. When you lay your eyes on it, you'll see what all the buzz is about. I have nothing but high hopes for this series and I know the team of Bendis, Marquez, and Ponsor will do it justice.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #3

Jul 6, 2014

In the end this was a great issue. The thing that truly sells the issue after everything is Miles' attitude towards the events happening around him. He is just as confused about the questions I stated above as we, the reader, are and that connection makes reading his inner monologue much more interesting. I'm sure Bendis has a plan for these unanswered questions but Miles and all of us will just have to wait patiently for them.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #4

Aug 8, 2014

Although I did say the kind of mystery Bendis and his team have going on in the series may be bad so far, I find it to be quite entertaining. The idea of the unknown intrigues me and only makes the answers"when they do come"more enjoyable. Despite the fact of an unclear story, this issue was a very good read on its own. The individual characters interactingas a whole in certain scenes really brought the entire issue home for me and I am eager to see what's in store next time around.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #5

Sep 23, 2014

So far I am truly enjoying the amount of mystery that is present in the series but, more specifically, the mysteries behind Norman Osborn and Peter Parker are most intriguing to me. The amount of questions that are raised in my mind with each issue is one of the main components that keeps me on the edge of my seat and eagerly awaiting the next issue. Of course the amazing work by Bendis, Marquez, and Ponsor is another huge contributor to my readership. This creative team is truly doing something new with this series and I am definitely in this one for long haul.

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Moon Knight (2014) #1

Mar 5, 2014

This new take on the character and story of Moon Knight is exactly what is to be expected from a strange character such as this. I don't think a better team could have picked to help put together the story of Moon Knight and although this first issue was rather strange and there was no real story progression, I'm sure once the story does begin it will be nothing we've ever experienced and something completely unique.

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Moon Knight (2014) #2

Apr 5, 2014

Ellis, Shalvey, and Bellaire are doing a terrific job with this new Moon Knight series and I know I am not the only one who is excited to see more from these three. At the end if each issue however I'm left wondering if the next one will be the start of an actual consistent story arc because I'm curious to see their take on it with this new Moon Knight. For the time being though, I am content with that they've given us so far and can't wait for more!

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Moon Knight (2014) #3

May 13, 2014

In the end, I completely adore the strangeness of this series so far. Moon Knight is a hero that is like nothing we have seen beforeand this series reflects that perfectly. Despite that, as I stated above, I find the lack of any real story arc to be a little annoying and is slowly getting a bit old. I feel that if Ellis, Shalvey, and Bellaire don't do something about it, this series might fall short.

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New Warriors (2014) #1

Feb 19, 2014

Even though the issue was paced a little too quick, the story is definitely one to look forward to and we're positive Yost has a lot of character development in the works that was missed this issue but one the stage is properly set the characters will have their time to shine.

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Nightcrawler (2014) #1

Apr 9, 2014

As I said above, Nightcrawler is a beloved character of mine and the team of Claremont, Nauck, and Rosenberg produced a very decent comic in what I hope will be a long line of comics to come. So far their focus seems to be strongly centered on Nightcrawler (hence the name) and the characters closely affiliated with him and less about the X-Men which is truly exciting.Grade 4 of 5

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Nightcrawler (2014) #2

May 19, 2014

This issue, much like the first one, was a step in the right direction for this new series. I, for one, feel that Claremont, Nauck, and Rosenberg are truly doing to justice to one of my favorite Marvel characters as they delve deeper and deeper into his own lore and his own past to create this mystery that is both engaging and intriguing.

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Punisher (2014) #2

Feb 21, 2014

As we stated above, this issue was absolutely phenomenal with not bumps or cracks in the road all the way through. The ending of the book forces you to raise one eyebrow, or maybe even two, at the outcome and just leaves you sitting there wishing there was more and wondering what will happen next.

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Punisher (2014) #5

May 13, 2014

Edmondson writes each one of these books in a way that perfectly compliments the Punisher himself. The books are succinct and straight to the point which is reminiscent to Castle's own brand of justice. This issue is definitely gearing us towards the end of this arc and I, for one, am very excited to see how it ends and what will become of the Punisher after it is all over.Grade 5 of 5

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Quantum and Woody #12

Jun 30, 2014

This issue brings the story of Eric, Woody, and their goat to a small conclusion but also promises to open the door for our beloved characters in the near future. The perfect mixture of comedy and seriousness is what drove this book home for me and is what will continue to be the driving force for future stories to come. This is not the last time we will be seeing Quantum and Woody and I'm confident that when they do show up again they will bring the best stories with them.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #28

Feb 19, 2014

This issue truly is a brilliant exposition to another arc in an amazing series but the pace that the book moves at is a bit too slow and the confusion brought on by the antagonist may be enough to put some people off but to others they may greet the issue with open arms which is just as fair.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #29

Mar 23, 2014

In the end, the aspect of this comic and every part of the series that I have read that I find to be the most alluring is the characters themselves and the very particular writing that is used when things are pertaining to them. I am very eager to see them develop further in their journeys together.

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Savage Hulk (2014) #2

Jul 19, 2014

The series is only two issues in and based on the end of this issue is taking a very interesting turn that may prove fruitful. Though the story isn't emphasizing its darker undertone yet that does not mean it never will. I have enjoyed this issue just as much as the first and I'm confident that Alan Davis and Matt Hollingsworth know what they are doing with it.

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Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #1

Jul 10, 2014

Miguel's story at its core is a story about a man just trying to find his way home from a place that he is not very familiar with and not very welcoming to him. This kind of story dynamic is different in the way that a clear goal is set but the way there is very unclear and obscure. While reading and experiencing Miguel's inner thoughts I felt like I was right there with him, having to endure this sudden change in my life with no clear answer to anything. When a comic book is able to convey that level of emotion on a person, that is when I'm interested and I can not wait to see what else is in store for this series.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #27.NOW

Feb 13, 2014

Despite the fact that the penultimate event of the book is slightly predictable by the time it happens it is quickly rectified directly after in a grandiose way that literally makes us say: "whoa". In addition, throughout the entire book Otto's displaced attitude is fun to see and read as he squirms and slowly wriggles his way out this situation that has left him wide open. This story arc (if its the last one for ol' Octavius) is already shaping out to be a great story.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #28

Feb 26, 2014

This issue, along with the other books in the Goblin Nation arc, are shaping up to be one of my favorite arcs in all of Spider-man history. The story of Superior Spider-man itself is like a tale about the rise and fall of an empire that assumed it was untouchable but was slowly being destroyed at it's foundations while the people on top felt nothing until it was too late. It is hard to say what will happen in the next issue or how the arc will ultimately end but it is leading up to something incredible.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) Annual #2

Mar 20, 2014

These few issues have felt like the calm before the storm as Octavius feels he has everything under control with the Goblins but we all know no matter what kind of Spider-man it may be, the Green Goblin will ALWAYS be his archenemy and that is the ultimate beauty in this story.

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Superman: Lois Lane #1

Feb 27, 2014

Although the fact that this one shot was conceived does slightly confuse me it was definitely a joy to behold and should be read by anyone who is a fan of Superman, Lois Lane, or just comics in general.

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The Delinquents #1

Jul 23, 2014

In the end, the book was definitely a tremendously brilliant and well thought out introduction to a brand new series. The comedic elements working in tandem with great storytelling made the somewhat bothersome artwork bearable because it was the writing itself that kept me sucked in. This series is one that will be added into my reading list and when it finally comes to a comic shop near you on July 28th I hope you all give the spectacular work of James Asmus and Fred Van Lente a chance as well.

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The New 52: Futures End #2

May 19, 2014

I, for one, have no intentions of continuing to read this series but if I was to continue I would hope that Azzarello, Lemire, Jurgens, and Giffen, who are all great actors in their own way, would get their ideas together and tell a coherent story that we all know they are capable of doing. In addition, the characters themselves are always referencing back to something they simply call “the war” and we wonder if the creators may be alluding to something that is meant to happen in Earth 2 and we want an explanation as to why it is so pivotal in this future that this story takes place in.

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Undertow #1

Feb 21, 2014

Undertow definitely ha some clear issues about it that need to be fixed and touched up if this is to be an on-going series, and I'm sure Orlando and Trakhanov won't let us down, but the idea behind the comic is definitely a new one that I haven't heard of or even thought about myself and is very intriguing in it's own special way.

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Undertow #2

Mar 23, 2014

The most intriguing thing to me and probably to anyone about this comic is the story of Anshargal and Atlantis as well as Orlando and Trakhanov's take on it. I, for one, am excited to see where this series will go because it is clear that there is alot of potential here that has yet to be tapped.

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Undertow #3

Apr 28, 2014

The lore of this series is what first interested me and what is keeping me sucked in as the series goes on. In real life legends, Atlantis was depicted as a utopia, a place where everyone and everything was at peace and in sync both before and after it sank. Orlando and Trakhanov take that story, tear it apart, and reform it into a story about a corrupt civilization and an outlawed man who only wants to promote freedom for himself and those who wish for it. I must say I am hooked on this series and expect more and more from its creators as time goes on and so far I have every confidence in them that they will deliver.

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Undertow #6

Jul 27, 2014

As I said above, this series could end right here with this issue and although myself and I'm sure many others would be disappointed, it would not be in bad taste at all. It would probably be a good spot for Orlando and Trakhanov to tell a different story set in the same time period and around the same characters. No matter what happens, this issue was a sight to behold and I strongly urge all of you out there, after reading this review, to go out and get your hands on this latest issues of “Undertow”.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #1

Mar 5, 2014

The narration in the beginning of the book slightly gives away where the series will be heading and who will be heading there but as they say it's not about the destination, it's about the journey and my only hope is that the journey is a good one. Wolverine's new mannerisms mixed with his old make him somewhat of a role model so it will definitely be exciting to see what he is now willing to do or not willing to do if the journey calls for it.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #2

Mar 20, 2014

The most interesting about the series has to be the story surrounding Quentin Quire and his becoming the Phoenix later on in his life and I believe it is that aspect that will save this series in the end.

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X-Force (2014) #1

Feb 13, 2014

The cons of this issue are heavily outweighed by the pros of it and by the end of the book the reader is left with a wanting that is intrigued and starving for more from this, surely to be great series.

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X-Force (2014) #2

Mar 14, 2014

It was nice to be able to read a little bit more into Cable and the man that he is but the aside from that the story and comic itself was bland and wouldn't provide much entertainment to an average reader.

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X-Men (2013) #10.NOW

Feb 8, 2014

The issue has a very complex and intriguing story that is backed by great art and color and is sure to lead up to a very compelling end. However the issue seems to be all over the place with misplaced dialogue and confusing exposition that doesn't make complete sense until the end and may requiring a second reading.

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X-Men (2013) #11

Feb 19, 2014

Even though the art in the first half of the book is slightly mediocre, the pencil work done by Clay Mann in the second part of the book makes up for it through vibrant designs that are perfectly coupled with the narrative. The story itself is definitely starting to move faster and is sure to be an awe inspiring experience for all to enjoy.

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