Batgirl #21

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Fernando Pasarin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 12, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 11
7.9Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

Batgirls chilling battle against the new Ventriloquist continuesbut has Barbara gone too far? How can she carry on as Batgirl? What choices will she make, and how will her new, decidedly deadly admirer affect her decision?

  • 9.6
    IGN - Melissa Grey Jun 12, 2013

    Fernando Pasarin's pencils render the Ventriloquist in all her sickly glory, while bestowing an elegant sense of action to Batgirl's fight scenes. Some of the expressions are a tad off, but it's easy to overlook a little awkwardness with Simone's writing pulling you along. Batgirl #21 comes in at around 21 pages, but the issue feels gratifyingly longer than that. Simone and the team have produced another great installment in a series that's proven to be consistently brilliant. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Ket's Comics - Michael Bowie Jun 20, 2013

    This issue of a Batgirl is really a beautifully scripted character drama. Yes, it probably plays better to someone like me who has read the entire series and even relatively recently The Killing Joke, a story that still plays heavily on the character of Barbara Gordon even post-reboot, but I believe that there is enough information conveyed in the initial pages that even if this is the first comic book you've read, you'll be able to understand the deeper nature of what's happening here. And even if you don't, the confrontation with The Ventriliquist is itself certainly something to witness, though I wouldn't be surprised if it made son people as uncomfortable as it did Batgirl. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jun 14, 2013

    Overall you felt the emotion not only from the pain that Barbara feels, but from the grim nature that she finds herself in when she confronts the Ventriloquist who shows how twisted she really is. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jun 15, 2013

    Batgirl has been an up and down ride so far. I liked this arc and I really enjoyed the ending. Hopefully this comic book is heading into great territory. It's nice to see Batgirl gets herself some confidence once in a while. This is worth picking up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Jun 12, 2013

    Batgirl #21 is simply another great issue in a stellar series. Gail Simone is dedicated to making Batgirl memorable and awesome and she shows no sign of letting up. Even with minor flaws in the art the overall enjoyment of this issue is still very high. The Ventriloquist story arc may be over as quickly as it started, but it all serves a purpose and is leading into a world shaking story arc full of conflict. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jun 16, 2013

    An issue that reads like Simone has finally figured out how to write Batgirl without trying too hard, boosted by strong, grounded artwork from Pasarin. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Grant DeArmitt Jun 14, 2013

    Batgirl is a fantastic character. You want to love her, and this issue is no different. She's still the same brave, witty police-chief's daughter, but does not take the events of the storyline lightly. Her clever quips make us feel closer to her, because we know that behind them is the weight of her brothers death at her hands. Fans of the New 52 Batgirl absolutely need to pick this issue up, no doubt about it. Batman fans, too, might want to consider this, not only for the exploration of the “no-killing” theme, but also for a rewarding reference to theBatman: Dark Victorygraphic novel in the beginning of the story. New readers will also find this book a decent jumping-on point. All in all, DC did a fantastic job hiring Gail Simone to write this book, and it's certain she has great plans for this character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Jun 12, 2013

    Simone continues her successful run on the title, and although Pasarin and Glapion are the latest in a seeming rotating roster of artists, they are also the latest to make the run look as good as it reads. This comic remains in the top tier of DC's output. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Jun 12, 2013

     If you enjoy Gail Simone when she's working with weird creepy characters, then you should probably pick up this issue (and the pervious one) because the new Ventriloquist is total a piece of work. While a bit overdramatic with some of the overhead stuff after the situation with James Jr. this was a generally fun issue that hit all the right notes of some of Gail Simone's older work that I really loved. It'll definitely be fun to see the new Ventriloquist back come September. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jun 18, 2013

    Batgirl #21 was another great issue in a series that has been rejuvenated since Gail Simone returned. This issue strikes a fine balance between continue to delve into the aftermath of Batgirl's decision in the previous arc and her current conflict with the new Ventriloquist. The new Ventriloquist has a sick and twisted vibe that is the perfect adversary for Batgirl to face at the moment. The interaction that Barbara has with Dick Grayson and her roommate gave us further insight into her current mental state. These interactions add extra depth as Simone is building towards a big confrontation between Barbara and Commissioner Gordon. While Fernando Pasarin needs to improve in how draws scenes outside of Barbara's superhero life he does a very good job in the Batgirl vs. Ventriloquist portion of this issue. Hopefully Simone and Pasarin are able to keep up this momentum moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Jun 12, 2013

    While Nightwing has mostly used new villains besides the Joker and a re-imagined Prankster, Batgirl has also mostly used new creations from the mind of Gail Simone. However, this is the 2nd part of two-parter that re-introduces the horrifying new Ventriloquist. Simone's story is so creepy and gross (in a good way) that characters, in fact, puke. However, after the climax of the story with her brother, it's a nice reminder that her world could be worse. The art is good but not great, but the story is so crazy and intense that the art in no way hurts the story. I also think the update to the Ventriloquist is something that will stand for a long time and I hope Simone tackles the character again soon. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Jun 14, 2013

    Her interactions with Nightwing at the very beginning were great and I wish we'd see more of them, or other Batfamily characters together. The real meat of the story came with Batgirl facing off against the ventriloquist from last issue, and boy is she one morbid individual and the puppet is even worse! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Jake Baumgart Jun 13, 2013

    Batgirl feels like it has really gotten a shot in the arm. Maybe it's because Gail Simone as been fleshing out Barbara for some time now, but the whole world of Batgirl seems richer for it, as we have moved past our initial reintroduction to the character. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jun 13, 2013

    So, yeah, it was a huge improvement over the last issue! I'm liking the new artist and the cover by Alex Garner is fantastic. Overall the Ventriloquist didn't make for a very good 2-part story, but at least it had an entertaining finale even if we still know almost nothing about the villain. Read Full Review

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