Batgirl #20

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Fernando Pasarin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 15, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 12
6.0Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

Theres no time to catch your breath after last issues shocking ending as an emotionally unstable Batgirl must confront one of Batmans most violent foes: The Ventriloquist!

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 17, 2013

    Short form? This is a good'n. Visually, the multiple pencillers and inkers deliver an issue that's consistent, well-rendered, and dramatic, especially in the design of the new villain and her partner. Most importantly, Gail Simone manages to follow-up the big media reveal last issue with the best overall package they've delivered since before 'Death Of The Family.' Batgirl #20 hits the spot, and scares the heck outta me. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Melissa Grey May 15, 2013

    The story gets a bit convoluted by the involvement of former foe Knightfall and the appearance of Ricky, the still inexplicable budding love interest, and could have benefitted from some streamlining. The Ventriloquist is a good enough villain that she really deserves room to breathe. The issue's closer assures us that the Gordon family drama is far from over and Babs might have a bigger problem on her hands than a nightmare dummy. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin May 21, 2013

    Since returning Gail Simone delivered one exciting issue after another and Batgirl #20 is the best issue of the series so far. Batgirl #20 was able to strike a good balance between the drama in Barbara Gordon's life and building up the new female Ventriloquist. This balance made the battle between Batgirl and the Ventriloquist much more exciting to watch since both characters, for different reasons, aren't mentally stable at the moment. The one place this issue stumbled was with the late appearance of Commissioner Gordon, which felt tacked on. His role in the story would have carried more weight to it if he was integrated into the story in a more seamless manner. With that said Batgirl #20 is the perfect jumping on point as Barbara begins the next stage of her life. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts May 15, 2013

    If anything, Batgirl #20 is a great jumping on point for readers who have heard the hype and looking to jump on board. The past few issues are recapped, but that doesn't slow down the pacing of the rest of the issue or the start of the new arc, even if the last issue's ending sort of repeats itself here. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers May 15, 2013

    This was a pretty alright issue all around. Creepy villain with some cool twists, but a bit stained with a few scenes that just rubbed me the wrong way. So all in all, it was a good issue, but nothing I'd call great. I read it, enjoyed it for what it was, and that's about all I can say. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Multiversity Comics - Sam LeBas May 17, 2013

    While the Ventriloquist is interesting and well-realized in this issue, this title is stifled by an underdeveloped protagonist. Unclear motivation, inconsistent characterization, and a muddled focus prevent "Batgirl" from reaching the level of greatness. As readers, we want to like Barbara, we want to love Batgirl, but the choices in the series thus far make it a difficult feat. Somewhere between the idea and the actualization of this incarnation of Barbara as Batgirl, there is a disconnect. Whether this problem is editorial, or purely creative, Barbara is being buried under a mass of confusion and desperation that limit the range of her character. As the final page of the issue foreshadows a conflict between Batgirl and Commissioner Jim Gordon, it seems inevitable that the personal assault on Barbara continue. Batgirl is becoming a superhero version of a damsel in distress, and it is hard to see her that way. Read Full Review

  • 2.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry May 15, 2013

    If you're in favor of this series getting even darker and have no problem with magic in your Bat-comics then you're definitely, without a doubt, going to enjoy this book WAY more than I did. But for me, I was ready for it to be over at the half-way mark. I'm sick and tired of seeing Barbara cry. I want this series to take note from the recent changes in Nightwing and make the stories more fun. We never come out of these horrible situations feeling triumphant, there's always more doom and gloom and crippling self doubt around the corner. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead May 18, 2013

    Batgirl #20 is just bad. I mean, it's not even laughably bad. If I could go back in time, and find the trees that provided the paper for this sack of crap, and would cut them down, burn them, and spread the ashes around the world. But since time travel doesn't exist (YET), I would settle for just burning every copy of this atrocity. Read Full Review

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