The Wake #3

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Sean Murphy Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: July 31, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 22
8.9Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

A new species has been discovered at the bottom of the ocean, and as a result people are dying. Is it the missing link? Or a link to something even bigger? Marine biologist Lee Archer and her crew have to find out before things get much, much worse

  • 10
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Jul 31, 2013

    The first word that came to mind after finishing Issue #3 of Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy's The Wake was "Wow." The story, the art, the delivery " it all comes together to bring readers face to face with a horrifying monster in a seemingly inescapable situation. Although the series has touched upon a variety of different points in time, this issues squarely focuses on Dr. Lee Archer and her involvement with the government's secret underwater operations in the present moment. And it's not a place anyone of them want to be. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Jul 31, 2013

    This week was a great week for Vertigo. First, we got COLLIDER, which I really loved (Jen is reviewing it later), then we get another amazing issue of THE WAKE. It's Vertigo Christmas today and you're a fool not to take part. This particular issue of THE WAKE was great. Murphy's art is amazing, and Snyder's story is fantastic. If you aren't buying one of these books, then you're crazy. There's no reason not to be reading the WAKE, unless you're a big scaredy-cat (reverse psychology). Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    IGN - Melissa Grey Jul 31, 2013

    While it may sound hyperbolic, The Wake is as close to an ideal comic book as I've come across. The text and visuals come together in an unsettling sort of harmony, while the tightly paced plot is guaranteed to pull you under. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Aug 5, 2013

    As close to delivering the visceral fear of a horror film in a comic as you can get, Snyder and Murphy work in perfect unison to produce a top-notch sci-fi thriller with actual scientific thought behind it. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Aug 5, 2013

    The horror element sneaks up on you by presenting one distressing occurrence only to wake up from the nightmare and into more terrifying reality. The pacing of these moments are well executed and Sean Murphy's artwork makes it all click. If you're not on The Wake bandwagon yet, please jump on right now because it is a suspense filled ride you will not want to miss. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Joey Caswell Aug 1, 2013

    With three issues down, its safe to say The Wake just keeps getting better. Given the ever-expanding central plot, along with the many snapshots of past and future found throughout the series, there are a number of interesting directions the creative team could take with this one. Its a deep story which is incredibly well-written, and so many intriguing points have been revealed. Aside from all of the required plot-building previously needed to tell this fantastic tale, The Wake #3 manages to be one of the most suspenseful and immersive books Ive come across in some time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jul 31, 2013

    "The Wake" came to me as a completely unexpected story as an unknown quantity, save for the talented creative team, which enables Snyder and Murphy to hit the reader with surprises. There's no shortage of surprises, stunning scenes and gasp-worthy moments in "The Wake" #3. Snyder and Murphy have completely caught readers up with this adventure, hook, line and sinker. This is every bit as captivating as Snyder's work on "American Vampire," but the depth of the story is still shallow enough to be easily approachable for readers looking for a good story with a terrifying edge. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Aug 2, 2013

    When you get into a horror story, of any kind, you expect there to be bloodshed and for characters to die. The third issue in this series delivers that extremely well. Snyder is looking to top this issue with the next one based on the surprising cliffhanger. Overall, you can't get a better horror comic these days. I recommend checking this out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Scott Selden Aug 3, 2013

    The Wake is one of those books that makes me glad that Im not waiting for the trade. Each individual issue has so far been an expertly crafted piece of art, making the wait between issues bittersweet; I cant wait to dive back in a read #3 again, but I know its going to make the wait a whole lot harder. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Aug 4, 2013

    The art is phenomenally good, taking Murphy's distinctive figures and environments and coupling him with the dream team of Matt Hollingsworth on colours. Just as tightly detailed as the script, the reveal on the final page is ominous, giving us just enough detail to keep us on the edge of our seats for the next month. If you aren't already reading The Wake, then you need to pull your head out of the water and get thee to a comic bookery! Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Aug 2, 2013

    All in all, if you have a craving for a very solid horror comic and you've been jonesing for that fix since "American Vampire" went on hiatus, you should be picking this up. Snyder is not only as good as ever, but the structure of "The Wake"'s issues mean that he's even better than usual here. And, unless you somehow dislike his art, Murphy is as jaw-droppingly attentive to detail here as always and the issue is worth it for his art alone. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Jul 31, 2013

    Overall, The Wake #3 is an issue that really advances the plot of the story, while not answering many questions. The detail in the background “stories” adds an exciting element to this world. With a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat, and art that flows from panel to panel, The Wake is going to be talked about for a while. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jul 31, 2013

    After slowing down a bit last issue, this one is lighting fast and tense as hell. Besides the whole monologue thing, this issue was great and should pull you right back if you were feeling unsure about the last issue. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Jay Mattson Aug 2, 2013

    The Wake is quickly becoming one of my favorite current titles. Each issue ramps up the thrills and the scare tactics leaving you terrified, but wanting more. Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy have created something special here. The characters feel genuine, the plot is fascinating, and the pacing is simply perfect. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Julien Loeper Aug 2, 2013

    So now that Snyder has seemingly beat the critics at addressing his own faults, where does he have left to go? Id presumably say nowhere but up but thats never true in comics. Old habits die hard, and one can easily slip into those old habits or formulas (like Die Hard sequels). However, as a (particularly selfish) reader and critic, I expect Snyder to get better and better, and never fluster or fall down lest my jaded cynicism get the best me. Its a steep mountain to climb (undersea rig?) but Im sure Snyder, Murphy, Hollingsworth, and Fletcher will be able to make it to the top, section by section. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Danielle Luaulu Aug 9, 2013

    With Snyder and Murphy at the helm, this is shaping up to be a very engrossing story if one has been following it so far. While this particular book may hold up on it's own, it's not advisable, as having the previous two books enhance the overall story. Snyder definitely knows what he's doing as a writer and partners up well with Murphy who seems to really understand the mood and ambiance Snyder is going for. This is a great series to follow. Overall, the Wake #3 earns three and a half stars out of five. Read Full Review

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