Swamp Thing #24

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Kano Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 2, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 10
8.2Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

The Seeders true identity is revealed, but whats required of Alex in his role as Avatar of The Green becomes increasingly complex!

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Oct 3, 2013

    So things are heating up, quite literally, as this story rockets toward its whirlwind conclusion. Soule is proving that he not only knows how to weave an expertly clever story, but also work with multiple creators throughout a single story arc. Ever since he took over the book, it has slowly but consistently become not only one of the better DC books in their line, but toward the top of my stack of monthly comics in terms of sheer entertainment value. It is, in all honesty, one of the most enjoyable reads each and every month. And what luck! We get two issues this month! I cant wait for the soon to be classic annual later this October. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Daren Taveras Oct 3, 2013

    Swamp Thing continues to impress on every spectrum. With a well-researched development team, and a profound appreciation for the characters history, the Swamp Thing is heading into an incredible direction. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Jake Tanner Oct 3, 2013

    Charles Soule has been etching his name into the Swamp Thing mythos and with the Seeder arc he's stamping it there permanently. With a storyline that's only building up to new heights and some really exciting things on the horizon, Swamp Thing continues to be one of my top 5 books month to month. Soule is a big reason why not only am I still pulling this; it's the first thing I read when it comes out. It's a must read! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Oct 2, 2013

    The artwork is not by Kano or Jesus Saiz, the current series regulars, but by Andrei Bressan instead. While the art style is not as gorgeous as either of them and the colorist doesn't bring the same beauty in the colors as Swamp Thing #23.1, it's still a very well drawn. The locations, the characters, action, the movement, and use of color regardless is still great. Definitely a great looking book through and through. 9.0The surprises are really great here.Good characters and writing all around.A very solid tie-in to Infinity.The art is very well done.The ending is a tad bit familiar to another comic now.Capucine still needs some fleshing out. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Oct 3, 2013

    Swamp Thing #24 is a really good read.  Charles Soule has made the Seeder a great villain for Swamp Thing and the ending twist ramps up that conflict even more. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Oct 8, 2013

    A convincing set-up of enmity between our hero and villain, though it requires a slightly out-of-character moment from Swamp Thing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Oct 2, 2013

    I ultimately like the new direction Swamp Thing has taken. There are only so many times you can threaten all of existence and the universe through weird time/dimensional travel and have it be impactful in a book like this, so Im glad things have mellowed somewhat in terms of the more grand consequences. Things are still, of course, highly meaningful to Alec Holland, but its much more his story than the story of the entire DCU. Im also a big fan of the newly introduced Capucine. Shes a very unusual character to be appearing in a mainstream comic, and I hope that she continues to develop and be central to the storyline. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Oct 2, 2013

    Guest artist Andrei Bessan keeps the visuals strong. He has a very down-to-earth style that allows him to make the magical nature of the Green feel natural despite the fact that, for example, Seeder opens up a plant-portal to the other side of the world. It seems standard for all Swamp Thing artists to use plants as panel borders, and while it's nothing new, Bessan makes great use of the technique by also incorporating the plants into the actual story. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Oct 2, 2013

    Overall, the seeder is going to be a very interesting character going forward given the past relationship he has with Alec. The battle between them could be very interesting given the events in this issue. Here is to hoping another story happens, allowing Swamp Thing to get his skills mastered, before they revisit the seeder for their battle. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 4, 2013

    "Swamp Thing" #24 is still good, it's just not quite as perfectly polished as the last few issues have been. Still, Soule's run has definitely been a success up until now, and I'd say this issue continues that trend. If you haven't been reading, this would be a good a place as any to dip in and give it a try. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Oct 18, 2013

    This title, as usual, continues to impress. The story continues to build on previous issues whilst focusing on a new subject, and there are some plot points in this issue which will resonate within the title for a while yet. The artwork isn't up to the usual standards but is definitely better than I'd expected when I saw the front cover, and luckily we get a second installment of the series this month with an annual coming our way in a few short weeks, so the final cliffhanger won't play on our minds too much in the meantime. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Noelle Webster Oct 7, 2013

    It's an interesting point to make: is Alec relying too much on the Parliament? Has he become too content that he assumes he will be helped and therefore doesn't have to worry? He's going to be up against someone given the exact same power and opportunity, so it's up to Alec Holland and not the avatar win now. While the issue doesn't have the same urgency as the previous issues, it lays the groundwork for a story that I think will be exciting. A battle royale to be the Avatar of the Green? Sign me up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    We The Nerdy - Spencer Maxwell Oct 3, 2013

    Swamp Thing 24 wont shock the reader as the cover implies. Its a rather decent chapter in a story arc that has great potential. For those who have been wanting to pick it up, now is a great jumping on point as the story quickly catches the reader up with little exposition bogging it down. Read Full Review

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