A strange visitor comes to Gotham City when tragedy delivers the team-up youve been asking for since the start of The New 52!
With yet another great backup story by James Tynion IV and Alex Maleev, this is yet another excellent issue that any Bat fans would find a welcome addition to their growing collection. This two part double feature not only simultaneously redefines Clayface as a villain worthy of the Batman's attention as well as growing the Batman mythos as a whole, but also manages to do something that I have thought was no longer possible: making Gotham seem fresh, new, and exciting. Another great issue, guys! Can't wait for Zero Year, and the brand new, never-before-told origin of the greatest hero in all of comic books. Read Full Review
This was a great story all the way around - writing and art, a perfect mesh. With Batman/Superman around the corner, I look forward to more stories of the original World's Finest. Read Full Review
Really, really good. This is how a “hero vs. villain” story should be: Get in, do your business for 2 issues and move on. GLORIOUS artwork by Capullo. Read Full Review
Despite all my nitpicks and complaints, this issue still delivered on the most important element; it was fun. All Batman fans, as long as they are willing to see some changes to Clayface's abilities, will enjoy. Read Full Review
Overall, this is an issue that will probably be lost between the two major events of Death of the Family and Year Zero. I still think it worked well and enjoyed the story that was told. This is an issue to BUY! Read Full Review
In either case, it's a welcome sign that the somewhat minimalist “just the basics” approach to the Dark Knight might finally be falling out of fashion. (After all, running around in a cape isn't really the approach of a minimalist personality.) Batman has always lived in a larger than life world, and what makes Snyder's writing so extraordinary is the way that his Bruce Wayne is still so much himself in the middle of it all. Read Full Review
Here's hoping the title will get back to its former heights with that epic adventure. Read Full Review
James Tynion's Batman and Superman backup story concludes as the duo fights a will o' the wisp demon. It was nothing fancy but it was enjoyable to read. With “Year Zero" right around the corner, Snyder and company prove this series is highly compelling under any circumstances. Read Full Review
As I mentioned last issue, Scott Snyder built his Bat-reputation on smaller two or three part stories when he wrote Detective Comics before the New 52. Ever since Batman was relaunched, we've been treated to long-term stories like Court of Owls' 11 issues, or line-wide crossover events like Death of the Family, so it's nice to see that Snyder is still just as good at the smaller, more personal stories like this two issue Nowhere Man story. Bravo once again Mister Snyder. Read Full Review
As "Batman" heads towards "Year Zero," this issue gives a nice chance to join Snyder and Capullo as they say farewell, not goodbye, to today's Batman. The second of a two-part story, "Batman" #20 reads like a breath of fresh air, albeit one tinged with loss and lament as Bruce Wayne still has a long way to go to recover from the cruel hand fate has dealt him recently. I'm looking forward to the next story, but I will certainly have no problems looking back to this one to remind myself just how fun the comic book matchup between Batman and Clayface can be. Read Full Review
Batman vs. Bruce Wayne. With Greg Capullo's art and FCO Plascencia's colors, it's a visual treat. Scott Snyder has taken Clayface and taken him to another level. Unfortunately with the numerous other Bat-titles, this Clayface story felt too close after his appearance in DETECTIVE COMICS. The main story was really good as was the back up but it almost feels like we're just biding our time for the beginning of next month's Zero Year. Read Full Review
This was an excellent issue, and a great conclusion, to what was a terrific two part story. This issue was full of action, and excitement, as Snyder once again makes Clayface a force to be reckoned with. As well as being exciting, this issue also had another brilliant reference, and the dialogue throughout the issue was outstanding. Cause of all this I would highly recommend this issue, as well as the previous issue, and as much of the series as you can get, as it truly is one of the best DC series out the now, and with Zero Year just round the corner, it's the best time to jump aboard. Read Full Review
The art from Greg Capullo remains astonishing. Capullo pencils with the same eye towards movement that Frank Quitely does. The thin lines and sketched characters makes the art move like cinema. Having that style, Capullo does some wonderful things with Clayface. When the villain morphs, it comes across like a living, breathing transformation. Capullo also makes Clayface disturbing, which can be hard to do. Danny Miki’s inks go a long way in solidifying Capullo’s work. FCO Plascencia’s colors are used sparingly, but effectively. Read Full Review
This issue, and two issue arc was short and sweet. It offered up a low stakes (comparatively speaking) story, that was entertaining, a touch clever, and peppered with a handful of nice little character moments. Was the story groundbreaking? No, but you know, as conditioned as I am to expect one thing from this title, the change of pace was enjoyable. If there was one thing I was missing, it would be some greater ties to what's to come, and some cohesion between the main feature and back-up. But, sort of hard to tease a story set years ago in the present day, and without taking the main feature into account, the back-up was enjoyable in it's own right. Hey now, I'm from the internet... my opinions can be contradictory! Read Full Review
Unlike Snyder's previous arcs with Batman, issue #20 doesn't play with concepts of ego, family, or hubris. This time out, Snyder gives readers a flat-out love letter to Batman: The Animated Series. Read Full Review
Thus, Batman #20 isn't the most memorable issue of the series, but it's still a great comic book. And really, that's what ongoing series are all about. Even when the story isn't world-shattering or life-changing, it can still be high quality and have meaning beyond it's plot. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo understand this and work the principle into "Nowhere Man" seamlessly. Read Full Review
As long as Capullo is drawing this comic I can't see a single issue being worse than a 7.0. That's no diss on Snyder, because he does a great job too, but there are times when an issue reads as if Capullo saved an otherwise ho hum read. this is one of those times. Clayface is once again just okay in the comic book format, and I'm still holding out hope somebody can make him memorable. Read Full Review
Issue #20 is a really fun conclusion with artwork that's worth the cover price alone. Scott Snyder does a fine job of delivering plenty of action and a heartfelt ending that brings us full circle to the opening pages of issue #19. I wish that more attention had been given to Clayface's motivations but it didn't bring down my enjoyment of this simple story too much. What made the comic drag for me was the backup. I detest the backup. So enjoy this last action-filled episode of Batman in modern Gotham with Snyder, Capullo, and the gang. Next month the series heads to “Zero Year” where it will stay for a full 11 months. Read Full Review
The issue's strongest moment, rendered beautifully by artist Greg Capullo, is the coda. Bruce admits that he's not quite ready to let go and Alfred, ever dependable Alfred, is there to let him know he needn't bear his burdens alone. The inks and colours, provided by Danny Miki and FCO Plascencia are at their most striking during this tender moment in the Batcave and it's more than enough to make the most cynical fan get a little misty-eyed. Read Full Review
Batman #20 gave Clayface the opportunity to elevate his stock in the crowded Batman Rogues Gallery. The lack of consequences to the events that happened in the story does hold this arc back from being memorable. This is a story that is just good enough to be entertaining but wont be remembered among Snyders best Batman stories. The strong back-up story by James Tynion and Alex Maleev that involves a team-up between Batman and Superman does help elevate the quality contained in this issue. Hopefully, Zero Year, which begins in the next issue, is able to put this series back on the memorable track it was before this quick arc took place. Read Full Review
This two-part Clayface story has been overburdened with the influences of the broader Batman universe, but Scott Snyder will be taking the character back to basics for what promises to be a fantastic Batman #21 next month. Read Full Review
Concluding the two-part Clayface story brings to an end one less memorable arcs, or more accurately one that is merely treading water between "Death of the Family" and next month's "Zero Year" kick-off. Snyder gives us a new take on the shape-shifting Clayface, resulting in lots of voice-recognition hijinks and the villain coming awfully close to discovering Bruce Wayne's identity. The ultimate resolution is one that feels a bit of an afterthought, although Snyder can scarcely be blamed for not easily slipping a character as ridiculous as Clayface into a modern Bat-setting. Read Full Review
Apart from the two little distractions, this is an action packed comic. Clayface has never been handled that well except in Batman's animated series in the 90"s, but Snyder may have finally provided the character with an opening into some fantastic stories for the future! Read Full Review
Truth be told, the highlight of this issue is the art. Theres other way to put it Greg Capullo draws a damn good Clayface and FCO Placencias colors truly are a thing of beauty. This art team has been killing it from the get go and this issue packs more of the explosive awesomeness that sets this series apart from the competition. Read Full Review
Hm... this issue seemed kinda average for me. I get that Snyder is doing shorter arcs now before the big Zero Year, but this seemed kind of unnecessary. I like that Clayface was evolved further but he was already made a threat in Detective Comics (or one of those other twenty Batman Books) not too long ago. I did like the little nod to the Batman Beyond suit, as well as using Clayface to show us Bruce being taunted by Damian, which was an awesome moment. I really believe that Damian was gonna die in Death of the Family, and Grant decided to use his death instead in Batman Inc. and this kinda confirmed that for me. Anyway, this wasn't a memorable issue but it wasn't bad either. Read Full Review
Batman #20 is an issue you can easily skip, but if you buy it, you'll get two mediocre stories that you won't remember in about 1 hour. Wait, already forgot. Read Full Review
Capullo delivers excellent art as always. The Clayface in this comic is a departure from the previous versions and I like the way Capullo illustrates the transformations. I particularly like the expressions he gives Clayface when he is completely switched to some other persona. It's a very good illustrated comic book. Read Full Review
This two-parter was mostly ho-hum. I've always liked Clayface, but Snyder has a weird way of handling him, and I just didn't connect to the villain whatsoever. Maybe now that he's established, his next appearance will be more engaging. The rest of the issue is fine, I suppose. Bruce Wayne and Batman both get some cool moments, though there's a really elaborate moment where Clayface absorbs Batman's DNA to expose his identity that falls kind of flat. He shows everyone that Batman is Bruce Wayne, but then Batman already thought of that, and reveals he and Wayne worked out a fix to trick Clayface involving some kind of Wayne DNA mask. That feels like the sort of twist that belongs in the Silver Age. It's hard to tell if Clayface really does know Batman's identity now or if he also bought into Batman's explanation. I suppose it doesn't really matter. This was a standard little Batman story, and I guess that's all I should have expected. Read Full Review
I've long tried to champion short or done-in-one stories, but these past two issues of Batman have been too boring to recommend in any serious way. Read Full Review