My favorite single issue of any comic in 2015. Perfect.
The war between nations heats up in EAST OF WEST #22.
A good idea for the annual to dedicate an entire issue to Kate's landing in LA. We got a pretty good look into how she thinks and fights. Not sure why Madame Masque doesn't just end Kate when she's given the opportunity. Overall, a pretty good futzin' issue.
Go west, young lady! Kate Bishop heads to Los Angeles -- to get away from New York, life, and Clint Barton?but NOT trouble!But Madame Masque is hanging out at poolside with the rich and famous as well!Who is Kate Bishop? Find out alongside Kate Bishop herself as a wild new status quo comes to HAWKEYE.
I know some die-hard Spidey fans are absolutely sick of Slott's new direction, but I'm all in. As another user-reviewer said, this Spider-Man is darker. I love the dark Spidey and his straight-forward method to bringing criminals to justice. No rules dictates this hero. In this issue, he vows to kill the Spider-slayer rather than saving the innocents. The writing and art were once again solid, butmore
Part Three of "No Escape"!
Superior Spider-Man teams up with the Lizard!Mayor Jameson demands that Spider-Man KILL the Spider-Slayer!
Another great issue from Snyder and Capullo. The argument between young Bruce and Alfred was tense and written pretty well, in my opinion. The Red Hood gang is indeed odd but sure mean business as we see by the end of the issue.
The second chapter of "Zero Year" delves into Bruce Wayne's past with the Red Hood Gang and his run-ins with aspiring District Attorney Harvey Dent! And in the backup story, a secret moment from Bruce's training abroad is revealed for the first time!
This continues to be a very solid series in my pull list. I am slowly getting more and more attached to the young X-men as they live in the future. This issue nor series is perfect, but consistently good nonetheless.
The All-New X-Men find themselves face-to-face with the UNCANNY AVENGERS! Young Cyclops meets the adult version of the little brother he thought he may never see again.
I usually avoid mini-series but I had the opportunity to read #1 for free and I loved it. So I bought #2 and will buy #3. This issue was very well done. I love the black and white art, which gives the story a "grounded" feel (if that makes sense). The human element of conflict and debate for the means of survival was well-written and believable. I am excited to finally see Golem in #3.
After rescuing an injured British pilot, the town must protect themselves and their secret from the Nazi occupiers. Using clay and mud from the river, they bring to life a giant monster to destroy those who would harm them.
Wolverine awakes to find himself transported to the Savage Land and labeled public enemy number one! With no memory of how he got there, and Shanna the She-Devil his only ally, Logan must unravel the mystery that slumbers at the heart of the Savage Land before it finds a way to kill him first. This January, Wolverine is all brawls, babes, and brach...
This series is truly underrated, in my opinion. Maybe it's just because I am a Cap fan, but I love the grit of this series and especially this issue. Remender's version of Cap is an instant favorite of mine. In this issue, he brings Cap down to his lowest point physically and then to an even lower point emotionally. Cap is known for fighting tooth and nail to the very end and this issue captures tmore
THE MAIN EVENT! Steve Rogers has one chance to set any of this right! Broken, beaten and near dead he must defeat Zola or all is lost!Plus, the reveal of the year! A character you never expected reemerges.
Much like this issue did, I'll keep the words to a minimum: Loved it.
“Pizza is my Business” …before it’s too late for us. THE breakout character of 2012… becomes the breakout character of 2013... as PIZZA DOG gets his own issue.Literally… the entire issue… it’s all from the dog’s point-of-view.Pizza Dog gets hired to solve a crime -- the grizzly murder that shocked Team Hawkguy -- and the only thin...
Was slightly nervous that the hype around this book was too large to live up to, but after reading Superman Unchained #1, I am nervous no more. This will be a great issue for months as long as Snyder and Lee stay put. I loved being inside Superman's head along the way and I am already hooked on the plot. I can't wait to see Superman shaken to the core as Snyder's Batman was in his fantastic joker more
When thirteen satellites fall from the sky in one day, the logical suspect is Lex Luthor-even though he's still locked up in prison! But a stranger question remains: If Superman didn't stop the last satellite from falling, who did? There's an mystery hidden where even Superman can't see it-Can The Man of Steel drag a decades-old secret into the lig...
I'm surprised the critics like this issue so much (so far), because I didn't enjoy it all that much. The art isn't my style, though it's not bad, and I miss the art from the previous arc. I also wanted to see more of the arc on savage land with Shana, but I guess that's over. I'm glad to see people like it, but again, not really for me.
Another good issue with plenty of shock and suspense. Hopeless continues to do a good job at giving the characters their fair share of dialogue, which can be hard given such a big "cast." I don't read this title for the fantastic dialogue, just to be fairly entertained by each issue. So far, AA has done this and will keep reading until the fun stops.
Nico’s valiant stand…against Sentinel?
Godbomb is shaping up to be the best story arc of this title, which is saying a lot. I've yet to be disappointed by one issue thus far and #8 didn't let me down. We get a sense at how massive this bomb is and the absence of Gorr (for the most part) actually makes him seem more powerful as well. It seems appropriate that it will take three Thors to take down a villain as powerful as Gorr. This titlmore
Though the dialogue wasn't great throughout, the ending delivered another big twist that I loved. I can always count on Arena to keep me entertained even if it's not the best written title out there.
It's tough to fill the shoes of your own great story arc, but Snyder kept me entertained for this short two-issue arc before Zero Year. Not great, but not by any means terrible. The art was great as always and I'm ready for Snyder to reach his potential again with Zero Year.
A strange visitor comes to Gotham City when tragedy delivers the team-up youve been asking for since the start of The New 52!
Clearly different than what we were used to in the early issues (partly because of the artist change), but that's not a bad thing at all. Francavilla fills in well for the darker mood of this issue. Although the plot did not advance much further (it ends the same as #9), we are starting to see the formation of a much darker arc for this title. And I, for one, am excited. Still easily my favorite tmore
The most acclaimed new book of the year continues!Who pulled the trigger?Where have you seen him before? Have you seen him before? Maybe. But not like this.It’s murder, mayhem, and greasepaint make-up for the money, kids -- and that means playtime is over, Monsieur Hulot. Caw caw.
Although this particular issue did not have as much action in store as other issues, it succeeded in setting up what I believe will be an epic story arc. I've thoroughly enjoyed this title and have become a huge Thor fan throughout. Gorr is a worthy villain and I hope to see the darkest of him by the end of the arc. With two Thors for the price of one and a villain I love to hate, this issue has gmore
GODBOMB Part One of Five
Somewhere at the end of the time, all the gods of the universe are enslaved, working to build a machine that will forever change the face of creation.What is...the Godbomb? And what can Thor, the last free god in all the cosmos, do to stop it?
This is definitely my favorite UA issue so far. Arrogance has often been a flaw for Thor and it shows once again early in this issue. From this, Remender does a great job building up to the final battle where Thor strikes down Apocalypse with a seldom-used axe, Jarnbjorn. Even with the villain vanquished, the issue leaves readers with a foreshadow of doom in the near, or not-so near, future.
The Apocalypse Twins part 1
New regular artist Daniel Acu?a joins just in time for Thor vs Apocalypse in the 11th Century! Wait until you see these two titans first meeting and first battle! The Avengers’ ancestors are being hunted and only a young Thor can save his future companions!And with Rama Tut and Kang pulling the strings, you know ...
Be here for the start of a new era for The Dark Knight from writer Scott Snyder (AMERICAN VAMPIRE, BATMAN: GATES OF GOTHAM) and artist Greg Capullo (Spawn)! A series of brutal killings hints at an ancient conspiracy, and Batman learns that Gotham City is deadlier than he knew.
The Human Rocket returns! You’ve followed him through the history making (and changing!) AvX and now the mystery of the all-new Nova are revealed in this breathtaking new ongoing by the best-selling, award winning team of Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness (RED HULK, Avengers X-Sanction). Sam Alexander is a kid bound by the gravity of a small town and a...
• The Avengers Versus The *Brand-NewZodiac! • One Of The Greatest Avengers Villains Of All Time Gets Reinvented For The Modern Age Just In Time For The Blockbuster Movie Event Of The Summer! • A Perfect Jumping-On Point Featuring The Cast Of The Summer Blockbuster But In Marvel Universe Continuity!
Red Hulk, Venom, Elektra, Deadpool, the Punisher. Forget the courts, the jails, the system - this team of Thunderbolts fights fire with fire, targeting the most dangerous and lethal players in the Marvel Universe with extreme prejudice. Led by General "Thunderbolt" Ross, AKA the Red Hulk, this hand-picked team of like-minded operatives is going to ...
The superstar creators from BLACKEST NIGHT and BRIGHTEST DAY reunite to take AQUAMAN to amazing new depths!Aquaman has renounced the throne of Atlantis but the sea will not release Arthur Curry so easily. Now, from a forgotten corner of the ocean emerges The Trench! A broken race of creatures that should not exist, an unspeakable need driving them...
The march toward TRINITY WAR begins with part one of WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS! Green Lantern! Green Arrow! Catwoman! Katana! Vibe! Hawkman! Stargirl! They arent the worlds greatest super heroestheyre the most dangerous! But why does a team like the JLA need to exist? What is their ultimate mission? And who is pulling the strings? Plus: Find out why Ma...
The true flagship book of the X-Men returns. In the wake of the Phoenix, the world has changed and is torn on exactly what Cyclops and his team of X-Men are - visionary revolutionaries or dangerous terrorists? Whatever the truth, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto, and Magik are out in the world gathering up new mutants and redefining the name UNCANNY X-...
THIS IS IT! The greatest era of the Marvel Universe starts here! From the ashes of AvX an all-new, all-different Avengers assemble! Captain America begins his quest to create a sanctioned Avengers unit comprised of Avengers and X-Men, humans and mutants working together so why is Professor Xaviers dream more at risk than ever? The first attack of t...
Marvel Now! begins for the God of Thunder! The gods are vanishing, leading Thor on a bloody trail that threatens to consume his past, present and future. To save these worlds, Thor must unravel the gruesome mystery of the God Butcher!
Wolverine awakes to find himself transported to the Savage Land and labeled public enemy number one! With no memory of how he got there, and Shanna the She-Devil his only ally, Logan must unravel the mystery that slumbers at the heart of the Savage Land before it finds a way to kill him first. This January, Wolverine is all brawls, babes, and brach...
The breakout star of this summer’s blockbuster AVENGERS film and self-made hero Hawkeye fights for justice!With ex-Young Avenger Kate Bishop by his side, he’s out to prove himself as one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!Matt Fraction & David Aja (IMMORTAL IRON FIST) reunite to tell the on-going tales of the Arrow-Avenger!
Thrust into a bizarre, inhospitable world far from home, the all-new, high-adventure, mind-melting, tough-as-nails, sci-fi, pulp-fantasy era of Captain America is NOW! With no country and no allies, what's left for the Sentinel of Liberty to protect? The Saga of Dimension Z begins here!