Hawkeye #10

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Francesco Francavilla Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 1, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 33
8.2Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

The most acclaimed new book of the year continues!Who pulled the trigger?Where have you seen him before? Have you seen him before? Maybe. But not like this.It’s murder, mayhem, and greasepaint make-up for the money, kids -- and that means playtime is over, Monsieur Hulot. Caw caw.

  • 10
    Newsarama - Edward Kaye May 3, 2013

    If you've not picked up this series yet, get out and grab the back-issues now. This series will make you love Hawkeye, I guarantee it, bro! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray May 3, 2013

    If this was a standalone issue, it would be a near-perfect piece of sequential art and plotting. The fact that it seems to be the beginning of a downward spiral for Clint Barton makes it all the richer. This is essential reading. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero May 1, 2013

    It's Matt Fraction's HAWKEYE. Fraction has been consistently entertaining us month after month. If you're at all concerned over the lack of David Aja art, there's no need to fear, Francesco Francavilla's art, color and layouts adds a great vibe to the story. For a book that many enjoy for the fun and jokes, there are some definite dark times headed our way. There's a downward spiral happening and you won't be able to look away. With the suspense and twists, you just might find yourself applauding Fraction after reading this issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    IGN - Melissa Grey May 1, 2013

    It's a deliciously layered parfait of a comic and to divulge anything more would threaten to spoil the experience of reading it. Simply know that it's one of the strongest issues in the series thus far and considering the consistent quality of Hawkeye, that's saying something. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Multiversity Comics - Sam LeBas May 3, 2013

    Throughout this series, it has seemed that Clint might be a hipster hero, doing his job almost ironically. In this issue; however, the irony is almost completely dramatic. We know what the boogeyman is up to, while the characters continue to go about their normal lives. "Hawkeye" has always refused to take itself seriously, but issue #10 proves that the tone of the book can stand up to more serious and sinister story lines. Creating a threat that seems not only eminent, but utterly real brings a new sense of gravity to the title. The exploration of this new villain is a testament to the range of this series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Blue Raven Comics - James Hannon May 1, 2013

    This series really is a bit of a love letter to that great city. The mystery man's story is both interesting and unique, and I really like how he links in with the Tracksuit Mafia. I also like how even though we get very little of Clint in this issue, he is still developed as a character, and the last issue's themes are expanded upon. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Roderick Ruth May 1, 2013

    While this issue is missing a lot of the glitz, glamour and fun that we are used to enjoying from reading Hawkeye, Fraction and Francavilla once again demonstrate that there's still enough room to handle serious subject matters (even after the Hurricane Sandy issue). Kate Bishop still retains her elegant brash in this issue to make readers smile but it looks like the duo of Hawkeye might be in for quite the challenge in the future. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen May 5, 2013

    It's not often you get a whole issue to learn about the latest villain, and although it's very familiar character work, Fraction and Francavilla execute it with a masterful touch. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott May 1, 2013

    Hawkeye #10 is a more serious, contemplative issue than what we've seen in the past, but Francavilla's art allows Fraction to tell a different kind of story this time out. This comic is demented, but it works. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 4, 2013

    The twist at the end that Clint's feelings are for Kate and not Spider-Woman is a pretty cool twist. Kate and Clint have been an absolutely fantastic team in this series, and the idea of the two of them hooking up has that classic will they/won't they chemistry that has propelled so many great TV shows to superstardom. The relationship feels natural, it feels forbidden, and it feels like the kind of thing that Fraction can milk for as long as he needs to tell a great story. I'm definitely in favor of Clint and Kate hooking up. And the new villain, Kazi, seems pretty cool. He definitely fits the grounded style of this comic. I like the sad clown makeup, it works well for a contract killer. There were parts of the origin story that were hard to understand and follow, but I think I've got a pretty good hang on Kazi's origin. Too bad he had to kill Grills, though. Grills was just starting to grow on me. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Jun 25, 2013

    In spite of there being no Aja, Francesco Francavilla steps in and he is no slouch by any means. His work is unapologetically different from Ajas but given the context of the story at hand it suits it perfectly. As he helps to tell the origin of this contract killer it hits the level of darkness and violence to a tee. Top that off with the darker colour pallet and it perfectly captures its mood. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 2, 2013

    "Hawkeye" #10 is a different format than normal, and because there's a lot of backstory and set-up here, it's not quite as fantastic as readers might otherwise expect. Don't get me wrong: it's still very good, and I definitely would like to see Fraction and Francavilla collaborate again down the line. But nonetheless, I am looking forward for the shift back from "very good" to "great" again, and soon. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser May 6, 2013

    If you love Hawkeye, you'll appreciate the effort the creators make here in fleshing out a villain, but overall issue 10 is largely filler. Even the fill-in artist doesn't do enough to make the single issue stand on its own. But when read, it's still a beautifully constructed comic that no other art team can reciprocate. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopMatters - Jay Mattson May 7, 2013

    For regular readers of the series, this specific plot might start to feel a bit long in the tooth by issue's end, and new readers wont understand what's happening and why a book called Hawkeye is focusing so intently on a man not named Hawkeye. All that being said, Hawkeye #10 is still one of the best single comic book issues you can buy this month.  Francesco Francavilla's artwork alone is worth the cover price, and Matt Fraction's writing is still leagues better than most. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin May 5, 2013

    Hawkeye #10 is a good comic, but I'm not sure if it's necessarily a good Hawkeye comic. Tragedy and pain is always bubbling under the surface in Fraction and Aja's pages, but here they burst through, taking centre stage. The sudden difference in tone and focus makes for a somewhat odd reading experience, to say the least. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 May 4, 2013

    Um, this was...  Odd...  This issue really didn't do anything for me.  Kazi isn't interesting ti me in the least, which made this issue kind of a waste of time.  I mean this issue ended the exact same way, in the exact moment in time as the last issue!  Bah.  But hey, one subpar issue doesn't ruin this series for me.  I'm sure things will get back on track next issue. Read Full Review

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