Corey Fryia's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Read Comic Books, We The Nerdy Reviews: 66
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Animal Man (2011) #13

Oct 3, 2012

Animal Man #13 delivers on several different levels and leaves you begging and pleading for the next installment of The Red Kingdom. If this issue is a sign of things to come then readers had better be prepared for an incredible cross over event. Ive never handed out perfect tens across the board, but I cant think of a better place to start than Animal Man #13.

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Animal Man (2011) #14

Nov 8, 2012

Animal Man has consistently been one of DCs most well rounded series and issue #14 is just another notch in belt for Lemire and Pugh. This is a creative team that has been firing on all cylinders as of late and their venture into Rotworld has amped things up in a big way. As if there was ever any doubt, this issue is a must buy!

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Animal Man (2011) #15

Dec 6, 2012

Animal Man never ceases to amaze readers. It ranks amongst the best books every month. In what should come as an absolute shock to nobody, Animal Man #15 is more the same high quality work that diehard fans have become accustomed to. This series is a must read.

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Animal Man (2011) #16

Jan 9, 2013

As far as the Rotworld story arc is considered, this is by far the most action packed and shocking issue to date. The next issues looks to be final conclusion to Rotworld and is already shaping up to be a must read. Needless to say, Animal Man continues to be one of the best series, if not the best series that DC publishes.

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Animal Man (2011) #17

Feb 7, 2013

Since Animal Man #17 is just the first part of the Rotworld finale, youll need to read Swamp Thing #17 to reach the real conclusion. Rotworld may now be over, but there is still a big epilogue to come next months issues of Animal Man and Swamp Thing. That being said, if youre one of the readers who wasnt a fan of this crossover, than youll be happy to hear that Animal Man will be breaking away from Swampy starting with issue #18 in March. Hopefully this should lead to Animal Man regaining its footing as the marquee DC series it was before Rotworld began.

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Batman (2011) #0

Sep 13, 2012

Surprisingly, my favorite part of this issue was the back up story from James Tynion IV and Andy Clark. Clark's art is phenomenal and, in my eyes, James Tynion IV has officially earned the title as "the next big thing." This back up treats us to snippets in the lives of Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon and Jim Gordon. At the center of it all is the bat signal and we learn both why and how it came to be. Tynion's representation of Jim Gordon is far and away the best that we've seen in the New 52. This back up is so good that you'll immediately rush to your local comic shop and add Talon to your pull list! You'd be crazy not to.

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Batman (2011) #13

Oct 10, 2012

Its a rare occurrence when anything with an immense amount of hype actually lives up to expectations, but Batman #13 has exceeded the impossibly high hopes that Bat fans have had since Snyder and Capullo first spoke the Jokers name.

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Batman (2011) #15

Dec 13, 2012

While this issue isnt without fault, it certainly deserves every bit of praise that his been coming its way. The Jokers return couldnt be anymore terrifying and, with the Bat-family on the verge of falling apart, The Death of the Family is certainly shaping up to be one for the ages.

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Batman (2011) #16

Jan 17, 2013

Theres no arguing that DC has overloaded us with the Joker, but entertaining issues like this make it worth all the while. Dont be discouraged. Batman is still an incredible series, but it is currently suffering from a bit too much. If you can put all of that hype aside, then youll be able to sit down and read a familiar, yet entertaining Joker story that will leave you asking for more.

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Batman (2011) #17

Feb 13, 2013

The finale to Death of the Family may not be perfect, but Batman #17 damn fine issue that deserves its fair share of praise. Snyder and Capullo continue to deliver some of the most entertaining Batman stories in recent history and Batman #17 is just another feather in the hat for this talented duo.

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Batman (2011) #18

Mar 14, 2013

Batman #18 is by far the best-written issue of this series since the return of the Joker in issue #13. Admittedly, while Death of the Family was entertaining in its own right, the series has taken a dip since the end of the Night of the Owls story arc. However, issue #18 has shown some definite promise and if Snyder can maintain this quality throughout the next several issues of Batman then fans are surely in for a treat.

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Batman (2011) #20

May 9, 2013

Truth be told, the highlight of this issue is the art. Theres other way to put it Greg Capullo draws a damn good Clayface and FCO Placencias colors truly are a thing of beauty. This art team has been killing it from the get go and this issue packs more of the explosive awesomeness that sets this series apart from the competition.

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Batman (2011) #21

Jun 12, 2013

What more needs to be said about Batman #21? Zero Year is off to an incredible start and Snyder has already sown the seeds that will leave readers craving for more. If you had any doubts about whether or not this story arc was for you then leave them at the door. Youd be crazy not to at least read this!

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Batman (2011) #23

Aug 14, 2013

With Batman #23, Zero Year has rounded first and is clearly on the way to second where we'll no doubt see Bruce assume the mantle of Batman in the coming issues. Who wouldn't want to see that?

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Batman / Superman (2013) #1

Jun 26, 2013

The big question on everybodys mind is probably whether or not Batman/Superman #1 lives up to the hype. In this reviewers mind the answer is most certainly yes. Pak has laid the foundation for story that will suck you in and leave you begging for more. What more could you ask for from a debut issue? Keep this one on your radar, folks!

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Batman / Superman (2013) #2

Jul 25, 2013

Batman/Superman is not only shaping up be unlike anything that anybody had ever expected it to be, but its also appears to be one of the more character driven superhero books that your hard-earned money can buy.

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Blackacre #2

Jan 1, 2013

Despite some lull in the narrative, BlackAcre #2 is enjoyable read and the series seems to be headed in an entertaining direction. Fans of post-apocalyptic stories should give this series a try while its still in its infancy.However, the series will need to become a bit more character driven for it to be worth readers' while.

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Catwoman (2011) #0

Sep 19, 2012

This entire book is one giant mess which is no surprise when you consider the fact that Catwoman has consistently been one of the worst series that the New 52 has to offer. If you were hoping that Ann Nocenti would breathe some new life into this series then you had better think again. There are far better books out there to read than this and youd be better off spending your money on them.

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Conan the Barbarian #13

Feb 21, 2013

Conan the Barbarian #13 leaves readers with cliffhanger that begs plenty of questions. The Woman on the Wall is off to a great start and longtime fans of the character are sure to get a kick out of what is a solid entry into a series that deserves far more attention than it has received.

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Drumhellar #1

Nov 8, 2013

Perhaps the most compelling thing that Drumheller #1 offers is the way that it seems to blur the lines between genres. This debut issue is a little bit of mystery, comedy, horror, romance and everything in between. I have absolutely no idea where Rossmo and Link are taking us on this journey, but thats part of the intrigue that makes Drummheller #1 one hell of a debut issue. Buy the ticket and take the ride!

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Green Arrow (2011) #17

Feb 6, 2013

That being said, Green Arrow #17 is an absolute flawless debut. Lemire and Sorrentino are laying the framework for a masterful, unforgettable Green Arrow story for the ages. Rest assure, this is something special and youd be doing yourself a disservice by not reading this book.

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Green Arrow (2011) #18

Mar 6, 2013

Like the previous issue before it, Green Arrow #18 lives up the hype and then some. Mystery, intrigue, action, suspense this book has it all and the future appears to be incredibly bright for a series that has floundered since its New 52 relaunch. Needless to say, Lemire and Sorrentino are brilliantly crafting a series that should be on everybodys radar.

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Green Arrow (2011) #20

May 2, 2013

Since Lemire and Sorrentino joined this series with issue #17, the art has been incredible. Its extremely evident that Sorrentino shines when working with a story like this and he certainly gives it his all in the two incredible full-page shots that are the definite highlight of this issue. The stylistic risks that coloristMarcelo Miaolo has taken with this series deserve an equal amount of praise as well. The use of flat black and white inserts to highlight specific actions certainly puts a creative twist on Sorrentino's brilliant artwork. Miaolo and Sorrentino make a heck of a pairing and fans of Oliver Queen are fortunate to have this skilled duo working their magic in the pages of Green Arrow.

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Green Arrow (2011) #22

Jul 3, 2013

The last page of this issue will literally make you scream out your favorite expletive, and believe me — thats a good thing! The big cliffhanger reveal should cause for some great speculation as we are forced to wait a long, agonizing month for the release of issue #23, but until then feel free to enjoy all the glory that is Green Arrow #22.

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Green Lantern (2011) #0

Sep 5, 2012

As always Green Lantern continues to be one of DCs most entertaining titles. Green Lantern #0 is no exception. I wasnt entirely sure if I would enjoy this book without Hal Jordan at the helm, but Id be lying if I said I wasnt intrigued what comes next for Simon Baz. Issue #0 is definitely of your attention.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #22

Jul 17, 2013

If youre looking to branch out from the main Green Lantern series or youre just looking for a fun, action packed read then you may want to consider Green Lantern: New Guardians. The past two issues have been solid and the future looks of this series looks brighter than ever.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Godstorm #1

Oct 16, 2012

As a fan of Roman and Greek mythology, I'm very interested in seeing how this book turns out. The idea of these gods living among us in the modern day is very intriguing and should make for an entertaining read.

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Hoax Hunters #4

Oct 11, 2012

I would recommend Hoax Hunters every comic reader to try on for size. The first issueis free on Comixology, and the others are available digitally or as singles. The first tradeis coming also so if youd rather wait for that I understand. This is a comic that I amproud to advocate for because of its ingenuity, compelling characters and promisingfuture. Whatever weird, wacky and wonderful adventures Moreci and Seeley haveplanned, I want to experience as a fan and reader!

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Invincible Iron Man #526

Oct 11, 2012

As I said, I feel kind of caught in the middle with this issue. I agree that the payoffin this issue was amazing and exciting and is what I was hoping for. However, I can'tdecide whether it was worth such a long wait to get here. Either way, the fans who lovethe slow-build story should be thrilled with this issue, the fans who think Fraction hastaken things too slow of late, will get a change of scenery in just one more issue. I'mexcited to see what Fraction does with his final issue on the series, I'm hoping for alove letter to the character, maybe a little bit of wrap-up from these events and somebuilding toward ‘the future' as well. It's also going to be fun to see what Kieron Gillendoes with his Marvel NOW! Iron Man title.

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Jupiter's Legacy #1

Apr 25, 2013

The question at hand is does Jupiters Legacy #1 live up the hype? And the only way to answer that question is by saying both yes and no. Naturally, this first issue focuses a lot on world building and there is still a lot more back storyto be told, so it may be a while before readers really get to sink their teeth into the meat and potatoes of this series. However, there is still a lot to enjoy in this issue and the cliffhanger ending is sure to drive readers back for issue #2.

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Justice League (2011) #14

Nov 21, 2012

Sadly, as good as the Shazam portion of this book is, the rest of the issue is less than memorable and comes across as nothing more than a filler story until the Throne of Atlantis crossover begins next month.

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Justice League (2011) #20

May 22, 2013

*note: the Shazam backup was not calculated into the scoring of this issue

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Justice League Dark #0

Sep 26, 2012

If you arent reading Justice League Dark then you are sorely missing out. Everybody raves about how amazing Lemires Animal Man run has been, but I feel as if Justice League Dark has been on a whole other level. I never would have thought that I would have enjoyed an issue of JLD that didnt feature Deadman, but leave it to Lemire to prove me wrong!

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Justice League Dark #13

Oct 24, 2012

If youre the kind of reader who loves a dramatic cliffhanger, then youre in for a treat! Justice League Dark #13 leaves readers begging for more. Luckily, the wait wont be too long because the conclusion of Books of Magic story arc will come next week in the form of Justice League Dark Annual #1 and Mikel Janin has personally informed me that both he and Jeff Lemire believe that the JLD Annual is the best issue that theyve done yet! Read this series and thank me later!

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Justice League Dark #14

Nov 29, 2012

Truthfully, this could have been an issue that you could probably skip and not have to worry about feeling left out in the dark as the next story arc moves forward, but Lemire has pulled out all the stops to make this issue worth all the while.

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Justice League Dark #15

Jan 3, 2013

What more can possibly be said? This issue is everything that a comic book should. Every page, every panel, every bit of dialogue, even the fantastic cover art its all brilliantly executed. Needless to say, Justice League Dark is a series that everybody should be reading and this new story arc has kicked things off in a big way.

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Justice League Dark #22

Jul 24, 2013

So, there we have it. Another solid issue in a crossover event that majority of comic book fans doubted would even be a fraction of this good. Trinity War is has been phenomenal thus far. Believe the hype.

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Justice League Dark Annual #1

Oct 31, 2012

Thus far it has been somewhat of a rarity for a New 52 annual to serve a meaningful purpose, but Lemire and Janin have produced the book that every other future DC annual should aspire to be. I've racked my brain to try to find something that something to criticize about this book, but I cant pinpoint even the slightest problem. JLD Annual #1 is essentially perfect.I only wish that every story arcs conclusion could be rewarding as this one.

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Liberator #1

Jun 18, 2013

That being said, Liberator #1 is still a solid debut effort from Matt Miner and company. All the necessary elements have been set into place for a truly unique book unlike anything else that youll find at your local comic book shop.

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Liberator #2

Jul 29, 2013

All criticism aside its easy to dismiss Liberator as nothing more than preachy propaganda, but when you get right down to it, Liberator is raw, unique and unlike any other book that your hard-earned money can buy. Thats something that cant be ignored.

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Mara #2

Jan 30, 2013

Despite the fact that Mara is only two issues deep, its already abundantly clear that this mini-series has no qualms with putting a unique spin on a classic genre. While this issue is not overly packed with action, Maras creative narrative and impressive splash page cliff-hanger should be enough to leave you wanting more.

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Morbius: The Living Vampire (2013) #1

Jan 2, 2013

Marvel NOW has produced some pretty impressive books thus far, but Morbius: The Living Vampire is not one of them. The quality of this series will need to improve drastically before it is worth any reader's time.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #0

Sep 5, 2012

This series has a lot of potential, especially if DiDio plans on delving into the mysticalside of the DCU, but this issue as a whole left a lot to be desired. The Strangers origin is compelling, but the second half of the book (aside from the exciting cameo from a spectral character) is rather uneventful. However, it does set the stage for much bigger things to come. I for one am extremely looking forward to seeing where DiDio takes the Stranger on his next journey and firmly believe that issue #0 is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #4

Jan 9, 2013

Despite the involvement of the JLD and a new writer on board, The Phantom Stranger still plagued by its fair share problems. So much in fact that this series will have to make drastic improvements before it becomes worthy of being on readers radar. Perhaps the Strangers involvement in DCs upcoming Trinity War can invigorate this series? If not, then this series may very well be circling the drain.

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Saga #7

Nov 14, 2012

Like every other issue in this series, Saga #7 is an absolute must by. This series has received an immense amount of praise and if you want to discover why then I urge you to pick up this issue and find out for yourself! Saga never disappoints and issue #7 is brings more of the same awesomeness that readers have become accustomed to.

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Saga #8

Dec 20, 2012

Once you think the book is complete, youre hit with the fantastic letters columns, complete with a step-by-step breakdown of how Staples creates her digital art. All of this really goes make Saga feel as if its the sort of gift that keeps on giving. As if it even needs to be said (again) Saga is one of the best books on stands and youre cheating yourself out of an incredible experience if you arent reading this brilliant series.

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Saga #9

Jan 16, 2013

Saga #9 is absolutely phenomenal in every sense of the word. If youre not reading Saga than youre depriving yourself of arguably the best one-going series that your heard earned money can buy. Series like Saga are a once in a lifetime experience for comic readers. Jump aboard as soon as you possibly can. Youre sure to enjoy the ride.

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Saga #10

Feb 19, 2013

As if there was ever any doubt, Saga #10 is amazing, In fact, its incredible, its extraordinary and its every other adjective that could possibly be used to positively describe just how damn good this series truly is. Anybody not reading Saga is missing out on a chance to experience what will surely go down as one of the most revered series of its era.

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Saga #12

Apr 9, 2013

Every issue of Saga to date has been spectacular and, in what should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, Saga #12 continues this remarkable trend. In fact, this series has probably reached the point where it is fair to say that anything less than perfection would be a letdown. No, thats no “fanboy musings,” but rather a testament to the high quality product that both Vaughn and Staples have delivered thus far. Anybody fortunate enough to be reading Saga should be thanking their lucky stars.

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Saga #13

Aug 14, 2013

While this may not be the series' best issue to date, Saga #13 is still very much well worth the wait. Considering it's track record how could you honestly expect anything less?

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Secret Avengers #32

Oct 11, 2012

Secret Avengers #32 is able to do all of the things a good concluding story should,it wraps up the previous events in an exciting and believable way, it creates enoughdrama and pathos to draw the reader closer to the character, and it tees up the nextstory with a cliff hanger splash-page finale. Though this title likely got lost in translationbetween Remender's other Avengers title, Uncanny Avengers #1 and Batman#13, Secret Avengers #32 is a great sleeper pick for this week.

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Secret Avengers #33

Oct 26, 2012

Without consistent art, Secret Avengers is going to continue to be a book that under-achieves and punches well below its weight class. With a writer like Rick Remender,and an incredible cast of interesting, and conflicting characters, this should be one ofthe best books every month. Instead, it's been a book that has seen too many artisticchanges that have prevented great scripts from reaching their full potential. Perhapsthe Marvel NOW! re-launch with curb the madness, but don't count on it. Despite mydisappointment with the artwork, this issue is still well-worth the cover price andthecrazy plot is more than worth your time.

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Space Punisher #4

Oct 11, 2012

Theres not much more that I can say about this series that I havent already. This isa fantastic conclusion to the limited series, which, by the way, is more than worth theprice tag. Space Punisher is actually better than a lot of ongoing series out right now,Im not sure how Tieri got this project okayed, but I hope to see him, Mark and theSpace Punisher back soon!

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Star Wars (2013) #3

Mar 12, 2013

In a time where there much fanfare surrounding the a new trilogy of Star Wars films, Dark Horse has seemingly captured magic in a bottle. This is series is about as close to quality of the original trilogy that Dark Horse has ever delivered and fans of the franchise would be crazy not to be reading this.

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Star Wars (2013) #4

Apr 11, 2013

What else can possibly be said about Star Wars? Issue #4 may be the best installment in this young series. It has certainly lived up to the hype and Brian Wood has crafted a story that is both enjoyable and true to the original trilogy.

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Star Wars (2013) #5

May 9, 2013

What more can be said? Brian Wood has yet to disappoint and even the most judgmental Star Wars are going to be hard-pressed to find something to complain about in issue #5. This series rocks!

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Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Hard Targets #1

Oct 15, 2012

I really enjoyed this comic book. Admittedly the visuals didnt blow me away, but the script was fantastic and the character of Jahan Cross should be enough to hook most readers. I sincerely hope that this title finds success because there are simply not enough Star Wars books out there that examine something other than the Sith, Jedi or well-known characters. Fans of the first arc of Agent of the Empire will find themselves at home with this issue. Id argue that any Star Wars fan should at least give this issue a chance to hook them on a new series and character.

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Stumptown Vol. 2 #1

Sep 10, 2012

If I had to nitpick it would have to be that I havent had the chance to read Stumptown Vol.1, so I suppose that is why the portion of this issue where Dex turns down a job working for Hector Marenco meant nothing to me. Furthermore, the story develops rather slowly, but the end result proves to be worth the wait. However, neither of these problems have a negative enough impact on the beginning of what should surely be an entertaining Stumptown mystery!

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Swamp Thing (2011) #13

Oct 3, 2012

Swamp Thing #13 is an incredibly haunting start to what is shaping up to be an entertaining crossover event. This issue ends with a shocking cliffhanger and an intriguing promise that Swamp Thing will stand toe to toe with Rot-infected members of the Teen Titans. Excited yet? Its hard to believe that this is only the first chapter in Rotworld and I cant wait to see where this one is headed. Read this book and thank me later.

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Talon #0

Sep 26, 2012

I thoroughly enjoyed Talon #0 and am looking forward to watching James Tynion IVs rise to the top. I wholeheartedly believe that he could be on the cusp of becoming the next big thing. Keep an eye on Tynion and pick up Talon #0. You wont regret it.

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Talon #1

Oct 24, 2012

Simply put " if you enjoyed what Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo introduced in the Night of the Owls story arc, then you would be absolutely crazy to pass up this book. This series had a lot of skeptics, but this issue should put any doubt to rest. It is that damn good.

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Talon #2

Nov 29, 2012

While this issue wasnt as enjoyable as the previous two, Talon is still a series to keep an eye on. James Tynion IV has already proven to be an immensely talented writer and the the arrival of Calvin Roses first true big baddie definitely presents some intrigue as this young series moves forward.

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Team 7 #0

Sep 12, 2012

While this book doesn't really pack any big moments, it does read like a wonderful introduction and isn't that the purpose of a zero issue? The lack of any big action sequences or any resonating moments at all could turn readers away, but Jordan has assured fans that he will bring equal amounts of both action and adventure in future issues. So, if you're already planning on giving up on Team Seven I'd advise against it. Big things (including Steve Trevor) are on their way! There is a lot of potential here. Don't let my rating scare you.

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The End Times of Bram and Ben #1

Jan 8, 2013

That being said, this book is not for everybody, but if youre looking for a break from the all of the ultra serious books on shelves or if youre in need of a good laugh, then may want to consider giving this new mini-series a shot. It's pretty unique.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #1

Mar 27, 2013

Green Hornet #1 is complete fun from start to finish. The story is both compelling and faithful to the source material, while all the while feeling entirely fresh and entertaining. Mark Waid appears to be off to a solid start and if the quality of his most recent work (Daredevil, Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom, Indestructible Hulk) is a sign of things to come than youll want to jump on this series for the long run.

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The Victories #3

Oct 15, 2012

As much as I wanted to like this issue of The Victories, I can honestly say that Im not sure whether Ill be reading the next issue. The cliff-hanger ending was by far the strongest part of the plot from this issue, but great art isnt enough to justify the time and money is takes to read a series. Im normally a fan of dark and gritty stories but The Victories just isnt doing it for me.

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