Superior Spider-Man #12

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 19, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 22
8.2Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

“No Escape” Part 2 of 3
The Raft is complete shutdown. Which means that Spider-Man, Jonah, Glory, and Norah are trapped inside with practically ALL the villains that the Superior Spider-Man has brutalized over the past 12 issues!It’s time for a little payback for the Spider-Slayer, Scorpion, Boomerang, and the Vulture!

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Skott Jimenez Jun 23, 2013

    Gage does a fine job with Slott's plot, to the point where I wouldn't mind seeing this writing combination on this book again. And soon. The dialogue was fast paced and well-rounded, the art kept up perfectly, all in all, as I said, this issue was as near perfect as you can get. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 19, 2013

    The artwork is also very effective in this arc. Giuseppe Camuncoli is perfectly suited for a tale that revolves around dimly lit prison corridors and superhumans battling each other with all manner of weird techno-gadgets. Despite the grim setting, the coloring in the series actually brightens up considerably thanks to Antonio Fabela. Fabela's colors allow the line-work to pop in a way it often hasn't over the course of the series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Jun 25, 2013

    Despite any setbacks, Superior Spider-Man is a great issue and a rewarding experience for anyone who has been keeping up with the series to date. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Therapy - SuperCap Jun 20, 2013

    The only real problems with the issue are minor affairs. A close up shot of a Spidey bot during a powerful conversation between Jameson and Spider-Man comes out of nowhere and seems somewhat distracting in that moment. Also, a part involving the Lizard is most likely purely done as next issue setup and can take away from the action going on. However, this is a powerful issue for both J. Jonah Jameson in his question for revenge and Ock/Spidey as he makes a decision that will certainly make the wait for Superior Spider-Man # 13 a long one. This series continues to make readers reevaluate just what the Spider-Man name should represent when it comes to being a truly "superior" hero. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Jun 21, 2013

    This is a pretty impressive issue of Superior. While Slott is plotting, Gage is scripting a story that brings out a different and intriguing side to not just Otto, but some of his revolving cast as well. With comics this good, bring on Superior Spider-Month! Its sure to be a blast. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Jun 19, 2013

    I can’t deny it. Superior Spider-Man is one of the best written series of the year. Dan Slott should be commended for reinventing a villain, a hero and a long running series. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jun 20, 2013

    Fans of Peter may not agree with what is transpiring in this story arc, but being Otto this has been nothing short of spectacular writing by Slott. This isn't even accounting for the layout and art for the book which matches the tone of it all. A hero that thinks outside the box and does not falter when faced with the normal situations other heroes stumble upon. Like I have said many times before, there are many directions this story can take and this is one which is most appealing for his character. Though these are 4 villains who never gave him much of a problem alone, together he's handling them as if it's nothing new to him. Whatever comes next, it's worth reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 19, 2013

    This issue is going to be an important one for major later developments, which makes it all the more profound and interesting. When J.J. gets a closeup that takes up a third of the page you know it means something and it looks as if we're entering a world where it is widly known Spider-Man kills. Yikes. Of course, now that Superman kills (in the movies anyway) I suppose audiences won't be taken aback so much. The fact that there's so much gravity brought down on this issue of Spider-Man killing though, it's pretty clear Marvel is handling it much better than Warner Brothers did with Man of Steel. A good thing, for sure. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 14, 2015

    Largely focusing on the action here, Superior Spider-Man does a lot of fun stuff as we see Octavius having some solid plans in place to deal with Smythe but also getting thrown a bit as well so that it doesn't all go to plan. I liked his protective nature here that's coupled with his superior attitude and I also like that he's largely able to back a lot of it up with what's going on. His interactions with Jameson are spot on and there's some really good stuff in general with the fight between him and Smythe as well as his dismissive nature towards the new trio, at least until they start getting in a few good hits. It's a quick three issue arc overall but it's setting a lot of things in motion and is playing very, very ewll. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Jun 19, 2013

    Overall, fans of the Superior Spider-Man will enjoy issue #12 as it showcases Otto's ability to fight, outthink, and trade quips with a number of supervillains. Fans of The Amazing Spider-Man, however, will no doubt find this issue lacks the soul and moral compass of the lately departed superhero whom they loved. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 22, 2013

    Definitely an entertaining issue. Otto's mindset is as strong as ever, and I'm still enjoying his more ruthless take on being Spider-Man. I like the use of Scorpion, Boomerang and Vulture, as well as J. Jonah Jameson's heroic turn. Spider Slayer himself remains uninteresting, but that might just be me. I've never cared for him. But yeah, no complaints about this comic. It's a good story, there are a lot of great subplots going on, and I'm excited to see how it ends. Will Spider-Man kill Smythe now that he has Mayor Jameson's blessing? I'm eager to find out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Jun 24, 2013

    I ended last issue's review with a terrible No Escape pun, so I'm trying to avoid that this time. This issue continues to ensure that this is another strong arc of Superior Spider-Man, keeping the quality as high as it has ever been. With the conclusion on the horizon, let's hope that it can conclude as strongly as it began, and kick Superior Spider-Month off to a good start. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Jul 24, 2013

    This arc so far has been some of the best work by Camuncoli that I've witnessed and not too far from the reason behind it's quality during the Massacre issues in that he excels when the story is a little darker and Antonio Fabela's colouring wraps it all up in a nice little bow. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Jun 21, 2013

    This middle issue of this three-parter gives us a good dose of action and moves its elements in rather interesting areas, yet some of these elements are rather questionable. Still, the art is lovely and the story is exciting enough to makes this a pleasant experience nonetheless. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Jun 19, 2013

    Overall, this seems the be the strongest story so far in the Superior Spider-Man, with some questionable choices and interesting dialogue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Jun 20, 2013

    While not the strongest issue in the generally impressive run of this title to date, the strengths it does have outweigh the weaknesses, and as such is worthy of recommendation to anyone who's been enjoying Slott's stint. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopMatters - Michael D. Stewart Jul 8, 2013

    While Superior Spider-Man #12 has its problems – the absurd villain monologues could be seen as taunting but are just shortcuts to tell us what's happening as to showing us – there is laudable work by writers Slott and Christos Gage and artists Giuseppe Camuncoli, John Dell, Terry Pallot and Antonio Fabela to take the requisite action installment and do more with it. Jameson and Spider-Ock are, for lack of a better term, two peas in a pod (or two arrogant semi-heroic men on a raft). We've definitely seen the evolution of Otto, despite the reliance on the clichés of super villain dialogue, but really Jameson has been the breakout character of recent Spider-Man comics. His grief, compounded with his confusion over the limits of power, show the hopelessness many of us confront in the face of death. That relatable quality is vital for reader engagement, and if for nothing else, Superior Spider-Man is engaging. Read Full Review

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