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Joined: May 12, 2018

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AdamAnt reviewed Annihilation 2099 #4 Aug 19, 2024

While I enjoyed 1-3, #4 Maybe the best of the Annihilation 2099 series thus far. Thou it jumps around a bit I'm really intrigued by the 2099 Surfer character, it had notes of humanity in it and he seems to have the most potential to tell heartfelt stories in the genre. Suggest you give it shot.

Annihilation 2099 #4

By: Steve Orlando, Ario Anindito
Released: Jul 24, 2024

His life cut short, MEPHISTO offers JONAH MARLO a deal - more time among the living in return for his soul. Now he collects souls for his the SILVER SURFER of 2099! But he can do the devil's bidding no longer! It's Mephisto vs the Silver Surfer with a galaxy of souls on the line!
Rated T+

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AdamAnt rated Annihilation 2099 #3 Aug 19, 2024

Annihilation 2099 #3

By: Steve Orlando, Pete Woods
Released: Jul 17, 2024

Explorer ROSS ROMERO'S team ends up mining EGO THE LIVING PLANET! What makes Ross transform into an ALL-NEW RED HULK whose cosmic strength and hyperspace jumps are fueled by the power primordial? And is the new Red Hulk's power enough to defeat TERRAX, THE PLANET HUNTER?
Rated T+

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AdamAnt rated Annihilation 2099 #2 Aug 19, 2024

Annihilation 2099 #2

By: Steve Orlando, Jose Luis
Released: Jul 10, 2024

STAR LORD guards the solar systems of 2099! But she faces a villain like no other: QUASAR, THE LIVING STAR! Born to a fallen star, raised on PLANET WAKANDA, Starlord risks her life to save a world against a sun gone mad!
Rated T+

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AdamAnt rated Annihilation 2099 #1 Aug 19, 2024

Annihilation 2099 #1

By: Steve Orlando, Ibraim Roberson
Released: Jul 3, 2024

A remote town on a remote world is devastated by the ravenous, unforgiving KNULL SET, a gang of raiders and thieves obsessed with offering all life up to the darkness. But that all changes when a stranger comes to town, a stranger from the stars who answers to his own code. THE LAST SURVIVOR OF XANDAR...the LAST NOVA. Wh...

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AdamAnt reviewed G.O.D.S. #1 Jun 6, 2024

Throughly entertaining, the way a comic book should be. For me it actually played out like a movie script. I'm not sure if that was the intent, but I can see it being done as live picture. Worth picking up.

G.O.D.S. #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Valerio Schiti
Released: Oct 4, 2023

JONATHAN HICKMAN RE-INVENTS THE COSMOLOGY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE-POWERS-THAT-BE MEET THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS? The infinite détente between THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE nears an end. Old acquaintances are reunited during a Babylon Event. The Lion of Wolves throws the worst parties. Don't look under t...

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AdamAnt reviewed Sinister Sons #1 Feb 15, 2024

I dug the prequel story thats starts in Green Lantern #4 and builds to Sinister Sons. I particular like David Lafuente's art. He has a modern looking manga style with charm, a la Scott Pilgrim but all his own. Will continue to check on this one month to month.

Sinister Sons #1

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Darko Lafuente
Released: Feb 14, 2024

MEET DC'S DEVIOUS NEW DUO! They're bad to the bone, ready to brawl, and the sons of two of the deadliest villains in the galaxy: they're the Sinister Sons and the DC Universe will never be the same! When the son of General Zod was cast off of his adopted homeworld of New Kandor, Lor-Zod runs afoul of a kid on a mission: Sinson is out to prove he's ...

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AdamAnt reviewed Age Of X-Man: NextGen #1 Feb 1, 2024

Picked up the TPB. It's a solid read, I enjoyed it more than I expected to.

Age Of X-Man: NextGen #1

By: Ed Brisson, Marcus To
Released: Feb 13, 2019

In an age of utopia, the Summers Institute for Higher Learning is the premiere school for the mutant community across the globe. Attendance is mandatory for all mutant children, as they learn to become the next generation of marvelous X-Men. But even in a utopian society, teenagers will always find a way to rebel... Foll...

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Stan Lee and a team of uber creatives have put together something very special. Most who are purist will not give this a chance and that's understood, but Lee's re-imagining of the JL is intriguing and refreshing. I particularly loved the retelling of Wonder Woman from an Inca Mythos lens. As a one shot it's a worthy read if your tired of the same super heroes and the expected.

Tales from Earth-6: A Celebration of Stan Lee #1

By: Michael Uslan, Lee Weeks
Released: Dec 28, 2022

Over 20 years ago, Stan Lee reimagined the entire DC Universe. A criminal turned nocturnal warrior for justice, a champion from the Brazilian Amazon, an intergalactic lawman, and more sprang to existence from Stan’s mind with the help of Michael Uslan. To celebrate the legendary comic book icon’s 100th birthday, dive into 10 new adventures feat...

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AdamAnt rated Amazing Spider-Man #16 Nov 26, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man #16

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Dec 28, 2022

After the battle with Venom last issue, it's time for the main event? That's right, it's Peter Parker vs. Ben Reilly, no-holds-barred in the craziest battle you've ever seen! Chasm secures his place in Spidey's rogues' gallery-as the one who finally vanquishes Peter Parker?!
Rated T

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AdamAnt rated Amazing Spider-Man #17 Nov 26, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man #17

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jan 11, 2023

Round One is over! Peter Parker finds himself trapped in Limbo. Peter not only has to find his way back home, but he has to do it in a truly hellish fashion. And who is shadowing him?
Rated T

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AdamAnt reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #18 Nov 26, 2023

Story is just alright and moving very slow, and I find the Rek-rap character just annoying. I'm not sure reversing the Parker name was the smartest thing to do by the writer/editor. Re-krap sounds exactly like re-crap. They had to add the hyphen to soften it. lol. Sorry, but I can't be the only one. Hoping the story moves at a better pace.

Amazing Spider-Man #18

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jan 25, 2023

As if the normal run-of-the-mill demons of Limbo weren't enough? Spider-Man finds himself facing a small army of demonized versions of his rogues' gallery! Can he make it home to stop Chasm and the Goblin Queen?!

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AdamAnt rated Superior Spider-Man #22 Aug 20, 2023

Superior Spider-Man #22

By: Dan Slott, Humberto Ramos
Released: Nov 27, 2013

• The first issue in THE DARKEST HOUR - the Spider-Event of the year!
•  Flash Thompson, the Secret Avenger known as Venom, is back in town for his first run-in with the Superior Spider-Man!
•  Will their first encounter be friendly, or will Flash sense something perilous about Peter Parker's presence...

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AdamAnt rated Superior Spider-Man #21 Aug 20, 2023

Superior Spider-Man #21

By: Dan Slott, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Nov 13, 2013

• Stunner is back and wants revenge for the only man she ever loved - Otto Octavius!
•  How will she avenge him? By killing the Superior Spider-Man!

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AdamAnt rated Superior Spider-Man #20 Aug 20, 2023

Superior Spider-Man #20

By: Dan Slott, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Oct 30, 2013

• From the fallout of NECESSARY EVIL, comes new beginnings and new twists that will be felt in the pages of Spider-Man for years to come! SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #20 is where it all starts! Do NOT miss this one!
•  It's the first ever adventure for the Superior Spider-Man and the Black Cat. Felicia Hardy always cared for t...

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AdamAnt reviewed Superior Spider-Man #19 Aug 20, 2023

LOVE SSM. It continues to entertain and impress.

Superior Spider-Man #19

By: Dan Slott, Ryan Stegman
Released: Oct 16, 2013

Necessary Evil CONCLUDES!
•  The moment that changes world of Spider-Man-- and the Marvel Universe for years to come.
•  Which Spider-Man is responsible for such a thing? Spider-Man 2099 or the Superior Spider-Man?
•  Major developments for both Spider-Man's cast... and for the future.

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AdamAnt rated Superior Spider-Man #18 Aug 20, 2023

Superior Spider-Man #18

By: Dan Slott, Ryan Stegman
Released: Sep 18, 2013

• Superior Spider-Man vs. Spider-Man 2099. Who will be the most superior Spider in the Multi-verse?
•  Plus: secrets uncovered in time!

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AdamAnt rated Superior Spider-Man #17 Aug 20, 2023

Superior Spider-Man #17

By: Dan Slott, Ryan Stegman
Released: Sep 4, 2013

HE’S BACK...BECAUSE YOU (LOUDLY) DEMANDED IT! THE RETURN OF SPIDEY 2099! (and an Osborn you have not seen in a while)

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AdamAnt rated Superior Spider-Man #16 Aug 20, 2023

Superior Spider-Man #16

By: Dan Slott, Humberto Ramos
Released: Aug 21, 2013

"Run, Goblin, Run!" Part 2 of 2
How has the Hobgoblin evaded the Superior Spider-Man for so long? And does that hold the key to the Superior Spider-Man's greatest success -- or greatest failure? It's the end of the line for Hobgoblin, and possibly an end for a big chapter in the history of Spider-Man.

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AdamAnt rated Superior Spider-Man #15 Aug 20, 2023

Superior Spider-Man #15

By: Dan Slott, Humberto Ramos
Released: Aug 7, 2013

"Run, Goblin, Run!" Part 1 of 2
What's it like to be a villain in the Marvel Universe...once the Superior Spider-Man sets his sights on you?Find out, from Phil Urich's point of view, in what might be the final days of the Hobgoblin.Plus, what is the secret of "The Tinkerer's Apprentice"? Who's been helping the Terrible Tinkerer? And how is he...

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AdamAnt rated Superior Spider-Man #11 Aug 20, 2023

Superior Spider-Man #11

By: Dan Slott, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Jun 5, 2013

“No Escape” Part 1 of 3
The Spider-Slayer is scheduled for execution and Mayor J. Jonah Jameson is leaving nothing to chance. To ensure that everything goes according to plan, Jameson’s called in the one man he can trust to oversee everything—the Superior Spider-Man.Since the startling events of Superior Spider-Man #9, will anyone reali...

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AdamAnt rated Superior Spider-Man #12 Aug 20, 2023

Superior Spider-Man #12

By: Dan Slott, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Jun 19, 2013

“No Escape” Part 2 of 3
The Raft is complete shutdown. Which means that Spider-Man, Jonah, Glory, and Norah are trapped inside with practically ALL the villains that the Superior Spider-Man has brutalized over the past 12 issues!It’s time for a little payback for the Spider-Slayer, Scorpion, Boomerang, and the Vulture!

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AdamAnt reviewed Superior Spider-Man #13 Aug 20, 2023

LOVE SSM. It continues to entertain and impress.

Superior Spider-Man #13

By: Dan Slott, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Jul 10, 2013

Part Three of "No Escape"!
Superior Spider-Man teams up with the Lizard!Mayor Jameson demands that Spider-Man KILL the Spider-Slayer!

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AdamAnt reviewed Superior Spider-Man #14 Aug 20, 2023

This issue was so killer. The 2.0 costume design by Ramos cemented the visual identity of Superior Spider-man as his very own. Definitely historic in the SSM run.

Superior Spider-Man #14

By: Dan Slott, Humberto Ramos
Released: Jul 24, 2013

It's SUPERIOR SPIDER-MONTH as the biggest new book of the year brings you its biggest twist yet!The Superior Spider-Man takes down Shadowland.All of it. To the ground.

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Beautiful art, the story thou is just flat. While it's clear that it follows traditional Japanese folklore it feels like all the characters fall into predictable anime tropes. Thou maybe not a bad thing for those that are here for that.

Demon Wars: The Iron Samurai #1

By: Peach Momoko
Released: Aug 3, 2022

Journey into the imagination of STORMBREAKER PEACH MOMOKO with DEMON WARS!
Peach takes her version of the Marvel Universe to the next level by transporting readers to another dimension - one filled with wondrous creatures: sentient samurai armor, a winged individual in a falcon mask, a mysterious panther person and a red, snakelike monster with...

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AdamAnt reviewed Void Rivals #2 Aug 5, 2023

Continues to entertain. Mixing nostalgia with a some fresh new characters. I'm in.

Void Rivals #2

By: Robert Kirkman, Matheus Lopes
Released: Jul 19, 2023

ROBERT KIRKMAN & LORENZO DE FELICI's new shared universe continues here!
After the jaw-dropping reveal in the debut issue, everything Darak and Solila thought they knew about the Sacred Ring's never-ending war has changed.
To deliver the truth back home, they must first get off this deadly planet-by any mean...

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AdamAnt reviewed Void Rivals #1 Aug 5, 2023

Kirkman and De Felici breathing new life into the Transformers and GI Joe universe. It's exciting. Looking forward to getting into the full run.

Void Rivals #1

By: Robert Kirkman, Matheus Lopes
Released: Jun 14, 2023


The blockbuster OBLIVION SONG team of ROBERT KIRKMAN & LORENZO DE FELICI debut the biggest new comic book series of 2023 with the launch of AN ALL-NEW SHARED UNIVERSE and a SURPRISE you won't see coming!  
War rages around the Sacred Ring, where the last remnants of two worlds have collapsed ar...

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Super fun ride. I recommend you give it a shot.

Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme #1

By: Gerry Duggan, Adam Kubert
Released: Sep 19, 2018

Classified 4-F by the military, Stephen Rogers was unable to serve his country in World War II...until a secret government program tapping into arcane sorcery transformed him into the Soldier Supreme, the magical warrior embodiment of the American spirit!
Rated T+

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AdamAnt reviewed Extreme Venomverse #1 Jul 10, 2023

A familiar Venom story re-told in such an elegant way. And the different art styles worked so well. Loved all of it.

Extreme Venomverse #1

By: Ryan North, Paolo Siqueira
Released: May 10, 2023

Face front, Venomaniacs - to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the creation of VENOM, the SUMMER OF SYMBIOTES IS UNDERWAY! And it all starts with EXTREME VENOMVERSE, a landmark series that's going to take Mighty Marveldom to corners of the hive never seen before in three titanic tales!
FIRST! Comics superstars RY...

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It was fun ride, I recommend for anyone who is a gamer and Marvel fan. Looking forward to the next ZERO WAR run.

Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War #5

By: Christos Gage, Sergio Davila
Released: Sep 28, 2022

The most dangerous person in the Marvel Universe has thrown in with some of the most dangerous people in the Fortnite universe. But what does Doom really want? And how far will he go to get it? Each first print issue contains a redeemable code to unlock a bonus digital cosmetic in Fortnite! See issue for details.

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Still in it. And as I said it's very entertaining with one hang up, you have to be somewhat familiar with the Fortnite culture/verse to appreciate this run.

Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War #4

By: Christos Gage, Sergio Davila
Released: Aug 31, 2022

The most dangerous person in the Marvel Universe has thrown in with some of the most dangerous people in the Fortnite universe. But what does Doom really want? And how far will he go to get it?
Each first print issue contains a redeemable code to unlock a bonus digital cosmetic in Fortnite! See issue for details.

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