Swamp Thing #21

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Jesus Saiz Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 5, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 11
8.2Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Who is Capucine, and what is the Sanctuary of the Green Leaves? Mysteries plague Swamp Thing as he rushes to find the answers to these questions and finds much more than he expected, and see a Swamp Thing from the past unlike any youve ever imagined!

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Jun 6, 2013

    Trust me. You'll want to read it, no, experience this comic for yourself. So go ahead. Drop everything and go buy it. Mark my words, Charles Soule is going to be our generation's Alan Moore when it comes to the Saga of the Swamp Thing. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jun 11, 2013

    Soule quickly builds his stride on this series, engaging us with new ideas that are not only full of potential, but which develop his running themes as well. If that's not enough, you get Saiz delivering one of the best-looking issues of his career. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Jun 5, 2013

    Artist Jesus Saiz delivers an amazing looking issue that uses intuitive storytelling to show off Swamp Thing's oftentimes mind-bending powers. Watching him travel through the Green is never a dull treat, and this time he does this frankly impressive visual that involves the cell structure of a leaf. The only curious element to the art is the design of Capucine, who bears a close resemblance to Abby. It's too early to tell if this was on purpose or not, so until we find out, I've got my eye on her. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Jun 8, 2013

    Three issues in, and I'm almost tempted to say "Scott Snyder who?" " Charles Soule has made this series more Swamp Thing-like than ever before, and immersed himself in the lore and mythology of the series with ease. His voice for Alec is clearly defined and makes for a engaging framework to drive the story forward. Capucine is an intriguing addition to the supporting cast (or a good start, considering Alec's lack of friends), and the artwork is absolutely fantastic and seems to be consistent across artists. Is it possible that this series has gotten even better? It sure looks like it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Sean A. Guynes Jun 22, 2013

    Swamp Thing #21 is thoughtfully written, and Jesus Saiz captures the striking pages and intricate, botanical panel designs pioneered by Paquette in earlier New 52 issues of this book (I wouldnt mind plastering my wall with prints of these). On the whole, Swamp Thing is a book you should be collecting, or at the very least readingbeautiful, literary, eloquently devised, and, besides, the meta-humans make for much cooler heroes than the supers (in my opinion). Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Analog Addiction - Tony Couto Jun 5, 2013

    While Swamp Thing was before the ultimate destination for fans of the dark side of the DCU, it's now just a pleasant read that doesn't necessarily reach the depths that Snyder took it to. I'm okay with a dark character showing their fun side (hello, Daredevil) but Soule's Swamp Thing feels like a different character. Where did the pain go? Sure, crack a joke, but at least show some of that tortured soul you had in you. Also, the new conflict, "Sanctuarium Folium Viride", feels a little forced, especially when hunters came out of no where to justify the threat. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Jun 6, 2013

    One of the great moments is seeing Swamp Thing able to talk to the Swamp Things of the past particularly the one from 800 years ago. With this Swamp Thing was able to view the past and find out a bit of what had happened. The conversation between the two about finding something to take meaning from was very interesting and welcomed. I hope we get more interactions with the past Swamp Things, but as far as the current story I am glad we him taking matters into his own hands and doing what is important to save the day. Overall, this issue is the best post Snyder and really gives us some cool new ideas/powers that Swamp Thing can do! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 6, 2013

    Soule's story here is subdued but also quietly ambitious, as he delves into the previous champions of the Green, similar to Fraction and Brubaker's Immortal Iron Fist. Sometimes Swamp Thing's dialogue comes off a little bit too much as an everyman (why would a sentient plant use the word "curveball," for example?), but this is a decent showing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jun 5, 2013

    "Swamp Thing" #21 is a strong and enjoyable comic; it's great to see Soule establish himself so quickly on the comic, and for Saiz to step in so effortlessly for some guest art. (If Kano ever needs another break and Saiz is free, hopefully he'll be asked again.) If you were unsure about continuing with "Swamp Thing" after the recent creative team switch, hopefully this issue will persuade you to stick around. I know for me, it most definitely did. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Jun 8, 2013

    I know some people were driven away from Swamp Thing due to the interminable nature of the Rotworld storyline. But that's wrapped up and a new driver is at the controls. Soule's voice for Swamp Thing is distinctive from Snyder's, but it is just as good. If you like Swamp Thing, this new creative team is well worth your time. The next few issues will be featuring the new villain Seeder and I think John Constantine (in Scotland!!), so if any of that is of interest, I recommend picking this title back up. Swamp Thing #21 earns three and a half out of five stars. Check it out. Read Full Review

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