Swamp Thing #20

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Kano Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 1, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 10
7.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Its Swamp Thing vs. Superman for the fate of Metropolisand why are all of Swamp Things worst nightmares coming true? Plus: Who is the mysterious Capucine?

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill May 2, 2013

    Only two issues in and Charles Soule has proven himself a worthy successor to Scott Snyder. The issue's artist, Kano, is no stranger to superhero books, and he also shows new and old readers alike that he has found his place at Soule's side. Their storytelling ability is matched only by the epic scale of a character that I didn't know I cared about until the launch of the New 52. That's right. Swamp Thing is not only terrifying and monstrous, but also, at his core, very human. Just like the title character, the humanity of this series is revealed not by having a few scenes of old Swampy lamenting his past life as Dr. Alec Holland while performing godlike feats, but rather, by expressing his greatest fears through a more traditional approach: a nightmare. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl May 1, 2013

    A pitch perfect Superman cameo combined with a look at Swamp Thing's subconscious makes for a scary yet fun read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead May 1, 2013

    Swamp Thing #20 is a major improvement from the good Swamp Thing #19. Soule and Kano prove that we don't need no stinking Snyder/Paquette, and the book will do fine without the two. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen May 6, 2013

    Soule proves that the integration of mainstream superhero and indie monster can be a good thing, each having a little bit of wisdom to exchange with the other. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff May 12, 2013

    I spent a lot of time last issue praising Kano's artwork and his adaptable depiction of Swamp Thing; that continues here, though not to the same level as last time since Alec is in the same spot for most of the issue. The addition of Alvaro Lopez as inker is barely noticeable, and if that means that Kano is able to contribute to more issues in the future rather than just alternate story arcs, then I am perfectly okay with that. I feel that more artists would benefit from having an inker rather than inking their own work so that deadlines can be met more often.This first story finishes nicely, with a gruesome look at what's to come. Swamp Thing's new status quo has been established, and his connection with the human world has become even more tenuous than before. Charles Soule and Kano have already made their mark on Alec Holland's world, and it looks like they're going to pave the way nicely for a brand new direction for the book. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze May 2, 2013

    In terms of characterization this was very appealing to see that he wants to do something that is important. He wants to feel like a hero just like Superman. Someone who is a superhero, has so much power, isn't human, yet is able to still able to feel human. When someone has that much power they tend to lose them self to it which is what Swamp Thing feared most. The interaction between the two was well executed because only someone like Superman can understand the situation that Swamp Thing finds himself in. Though he may have told Alec that it's probably best he stay away from the population, his words of advice on how to be who he wants to be is gold. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza May 3, 2013

    While I almost seized the opportunity to cut and run with this comic following Snyder's departure, I've stuck around and I'm pleased with Soule's take so far. Snyder's story was so epic in scope that, quite simply, it's nice to have a two-part "Swamp Thing" story, even if the ending leaves me scratching my noggin. Soule doesn't discount anything Snyder did, nor does it slavishly hold to that newer chapter of the mythology. Much as Snyder reverentially played along with everything before him, but put his own stamp on the character, Soule appears to be following the exact same plan. So far, it's been quite enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Curtis Van Impe May 28, 2013

    While Charles Soule presented a strong first issue for his run on Swamp Thing, in this month's issue he was unable to keep the mix of unique flair and traditional Swamp Thing storytelling that made the first issue so successful. While there were a few excellent pages devoted to Alec's nightmare about the Green and its motivations, Soule spent most of his time showcasing Superman battling the Green that Alec inadvertently had attack Metropolis. While this would have been great for a Superman comic, it doesn't work well for Swamp Thing. Luckily some strong art from Kano keeps the issue together, and an intriguing final page seems to point towards a more traditional Swamp Thing story in the near future. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Brian Bannen May 6, 2013

    I was a bit disappointed, as well, with Scarecrow's bit part in the tale. He's presentedas a bumbling villain who tries to sneak away at the end of the comic, all the whilemuttering to himself about how quiet he should be... with a guy who has super hearingstanding ten feet away. Plus, the final page, meant to be the hook for next month,is dropped without much fluidity and therefor the climax comes off a bit stilted. It'sdecisions like these which keep the comic from finding the same tone as Snyder's story,and ultimately hold it back from being great. Still, Soule establishes a connection between Superman and Swamp Thing, therefore keeping in line with DC's goal of having all of its characters more interrelated in the updated, streamlined New 52. Read Full Review

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