Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #2

Writer: Christopher Yost Artist: Paolo Rivera Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 14, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 7
6.9Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Because you demanded it! Parker versus Parker! The Superior Spider-Man Versus Scarlet Spider!Kaine has come to New York to check on Peter's ‘superior' behavior, not realizing Doc Ock has taken over Peter's life. But Ock sure knows who Kaine is...Kaine, the man who once KILLED Doctor Octopus. And now it's payback time.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Aug 14, 2013

    Absolutely amazing. This was a book that exactly and precisely lived up to the hype I had for it, and in fact surpassed it in many ways. Even without the shared past of Octavius and Kaine, this wouldve been an interesting read, but WITH that past? Its suddenly catapulted into the stratosphere of interest for me since now the two of them have a shared past that only ONE of them knows about! And one of the best ways to generate suspense and interest is to let the audience in on something the characters are unaware of, which this book realizes and executes on perfectly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Aug 17, 2013

    I really like Yost's take on Otto Octavius. And I know some of you in the comments will remind me that you've been recommending this series since the very beginning. There's a freedom in this comic that I don't think Dan Slott has in the regular Superior Spider-Man title. Slott is bound by everything he has going on. He's got a roadmap in place for this Superior story, and he has to stick with it. But Yost has the freedom to really explore Otto's Spider-Man, and I really liked that freedom in this issue. The clash between Otto and Kaine is very well done, even if Kaine remains oblivious to what's happened, and their heroic and villainous turns are very well-handled. The Jackal isn't very compelling as a villain, but he and his plans are just a means to an end, and I can live with that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Aug 14, 2013

    It's a nice change of pace to see Superior Spider-Man and Scarlet Spider attempt to reconcile their differences, even if Kaine doesn't have the faintest clue of what's happening. Chris Yost writes both of these characters so well and having them occupy the same comic is phenomenal. A Superior/Scarlet ongoing series suddenly sounds like a great idea. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Aug 16, 2013

    I've stayed away from Superior Spider-Man as I've been less than enthused at the prospect of a Doc Ock Spidey. However, the back-and-forth between the two former super-villains trying to live-up to Spider-Man's legacy works well here. I have enjoyed writer Christopher Yost's work on Scarlet Spider and I'm intrigued to see just what the return of the Jackal has in store for everyone Spidey-related. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Analog Addiction - Anthony Couto Aug 22, 2013

    Fulfilling its role as a fun team up with a magnetically egotistical lead and confused partner, The Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #2 is worth a read, despite its clunky characters in the second half of the issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 15, 2013

    But to be fair, Yost doesn't entirely play to convention here. There are a few fun wrinkles to the formula in terms of the relationship between the two Spider-Men. There's the obvious fact that Kaine isn't aware of the reason for his clone brother's strange and militant behavior. More intriguing is Otto's hostility stemming from the time Kaine killed him during the cesspool of stupid plot twists that was 1990's Spider-Man. All of this amounts to little more than garnish atop a very formulaic crossover tale, but that coupled with the snazzy visuals is enough to warrant a look. For a bit more dramatic meat and emotional depth, however, make sure you continue on to part 2 in Scarlet Spider #20. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 14, 2013

    What we have here is a superhero yarn that's all action and not a lot of brains. If you're looking for that kind of thing, by all means join the fray. Oh, and there's a bit of Clone Saga boiling under the surface, too. This story concludes over in Scarlet Spider #20 and judging by how that issue reads…maybe this two parter isn't even worth it. That said, for the money the fight sequence between the spider men is entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Following The Nerd - Christopher Williams Aug 16, 2013

    Overall this is a book that any Spidey fan should be reading. With a great story and art to boot it was already a winner, but add in the fact that this brings Peter and Ock's histories around again makes it an even more interesting read. If it weren't for the confusing action panels this issue would've scored a lot higher. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Aug 15, 2013

    Sibling Rivalry is a good story for a crossover. Very entertaining, and requires both titles. But Yost needs to figure out how to write Otto again. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Nat Webb Aug 16, 2013

    If "Superior Spider-Man Team-Up" continues in the direction it's going, it should end up on par with the other Spider-books tying into the Superior Spider-Man event. It's a good thing, too, because Marvel's clearly decided that this team-up comic won't follow the usual rules, and instead will be a required part of monthly Spider-reading. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Aug 20, 2013

    Even though the art is lovely in both the lines and the colorization, this issue does not reach any high height as the unpleasant story that adds up to a lot of noise without much substance to it does nothing to truly satisfy readers of both Spider-Ock and Kaine. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 15, 2013

    Even though the book is named Superior Spider-Man Team-Up, this crossover is really all about Scarlet Spider - much to this book's detriment. Chris Yost plays up the shared past between Kaine and Otto Octavius, but ultimately that dynamic doesn't really spark much interest, especially not when the clone-master known as the Jackal shows up. Read Full Review

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