Kristina's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Syndicate, Dark Knight News, DC Comics News Reviews: 22
9.0Avg. Review Rating

A+X #1

Nov 2, 2012

Im sure the next issue will have different pairings, but I would like to see a continuation with these characters down the line and would enjoy seeing their characters develop together with more storylines and hopefully Wolverine and Hulk will have a more concrete plots than an all out cake war.

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All-New X-Men #1

Nov 19, 2012

Issue #1 of All New X-Men is a good set up for whats to come next in future issues though, so if you're looking for a jumping on point, this is definitely the book new readers can pick up. The first issue is definitely a page turner and you get to see all your favourite characters in this issue as they are cope with the situation that Bendis has presented in this issue.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #13

Oct 31, 2012

For what it's worth, this story arc is the best by far for Batman: The Dark Knight. Hurwitz is just killing the pages with his back stories on these cerebral villains. I've never really given Scarecrow much praise for his arch villainy, but I think I'm starting to respect his character a little more and Finch's dark gritty portrayals are giving me the cool chills for Halloween. I will definitely recommend the story arc to friends, but as for Issue #13 of this comic book. I would say skip it.

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Clone #1

Dec 4, 2012

Clone is one of those books that can be adapted into a TV series but for now its a comic book right now. It will leave readers on a cliff hanger at the end of the issue, but makes sure to provide enough suspense to fill the readers hunger. For only being a first issue it is such an exciting book and hopefully Schulner can keep up the pace and excitement of this first issue.

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Comeback #1

Dec 16, 2012

Its a slow paced first issue but the story holds a lot of mystery and darkness surrounding the story and characters. Its a shame that this mini-series will only last for a few issues. It has a lot of potential, but then again something this good should bow out on a high note than end leaving us confused and disappointed.

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Deadpool (2012) #1

Nov 14, 2012

If a new reader or a Marvel fan is looking for super serious storytelling or a new revamped Deadpool I would suggest saving this comic book for later. Duggan and Posehn wont satisfy your craving for a new version of Deadpool at all as its really for those loved the way Deadpool was portrayed in the past before he lost his healing factor and ‘ugly' appearance. Both writers are honoring this version of Deadpool.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #1

Nov 19, 2012

This issue shines brightly as one of the newest Marvel Now comic books this month. Hopefully, Fraction does not go into doing specific character storytelling where youre going to see one shot character issues. An example of this would be only seeing Mr. Fantastic being the main character in one issue and then seeing The Thing have his own issue in another. The whole point of doing Fantastic Four is to see the group dynamic shine.

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Gambit (2012) #4

Oct 25, 2012

Anyone who is a lover of this Cajun Cardshark will love this issue because Asmus brings the true essence of the character in this issue.

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Green Lantern (2011) #14

Nov 19, 2012

Johns is doing a lot with this character and hopefully fans of Green Lantern will continue to read this book. Baz is a good character and right now hes in quite the predicament. So, for the next few issues of Green Lantern this will definitely be more of a plot driven comic book. Down the line when Johns feels more comfortable maybe he will be able to do some character driven storylines for Baz.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us #10

Mar 20, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us continues to be an excellent series as Tom Taylor (writer of Injustice) sets up the prequel events of the video game that will be released on April 16th. As things begin to heat up, words mean less and actions are seriously taken up a couple notches among the heroes vs. the world. Issue #10 of the series (digital copy), focuses on what's going on in the world and if Batman agrees with what actions are being taken to create world peace.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us #16

May 1, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us is a series that will be around for awhile and Tom Taylor is a really good writer who has tried to support the female characters in this series. We appreciate that greatly, since Wonder Woman has been portrayed in the game with one-dimensional motives. Taylor is trying to make the character a bit more two-dimensional with some better motivations in this comic book series.

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Iron Man (2012) #1

Nov 14, 2012

From what is seen in this issue, Stark is going to be seen as a more interesting character with his internal conflicts of belief. When it really comes down to it, Stark is a character who believes in serving a purpose just like the weapons he creates. Gillen is trying to add more to Starks character by challenging Starks way of thinking by putting him in situations that make him question, what is it that I believe? Gillen has a good development for this character and I hope to see more of this in the next few issues.

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Justice League (2011) #21

Jun 29, 2013

Justice League #21 is a fun issue that stands on its own on the eve of a major crossover for the title. It feels a bit out of place, but the amazing fight sequences and the new mythology surrounding Shazam makes up for some of the awkwardness. Geoff Johns obviously has big plans for Shazam, but those plans arent readily obvious just quite yet.

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Nowhere Men #1

Dec 5, 2012

Its a sci-fi drama filled with heated conversations, mass hysteria, and self doubt. What you can expect out of this book is a lot characters who are all connected to the main plot but What that over arching plot will be, well have to wait to read more in order to find out. If youre expecting a bunch of superheroes saving the world, this is not the book for you. There are no heroes or villains specifically, only reality based people who create the technology to perfect the world and those who use it. Nowhere Men is one of those books that have been appropriately released in a time that readers can reflect on the technological fads and trends around them and really think.

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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #1

Oct 26, 2012

I am seriously looking forward to the rest of the comic book. It's suspenseful and Rucka is really pinning the characters against one another. There is nothing more enjoyable than seeing such strong characters in this plot driven story. The diversity of the characters helps make the comic book more interesting due to their huge personalities. You really can't help but read this entire comic book without a smirk on your face.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #18

Mar 21, 2013

For the most part, Scott Lobdell wrote a nice transitional issue for new writer, James Tynion IV to take over. Lobdell did a good job at writing Red Hood & the Outlaws for the most part. It was controversial and fun.

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Superman: Earth One #2

Nov 19, 2012

This is by far one of the best portrayals of Superman for new readers and for those who enjoy Superman. He is more relatable and likeable as character with flaws; As a superhero, he is learning how to use his powers and how he affects people. Straczynski is allowing the character room for improvement, which makes readers appreciate his writing of the character.

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Talon #1

Oct 31, 2012

I am seriously looking forward to future issues of Talon. Even though, the "Night of the Owls" story arc is long gone. The Court is still alive with an army of thousands waiting to take back Gotham City. Tynion has a good long term story line, and all he needs to do is move away from the voice-overs.

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Thor: God of Thunder #1

Nov 19, 2012

Thor: God of Thunder is best for new readers who want to really learn about Thor as a god. For fans who have loved Thor over the years, this is redundant. The only interesting part about this issue is that there is menacing god who reemerges every few millennia. This is interesting for a plot driven story, if Aaron really wants to show Thor in a different light. He would have to use more of a character driven storytelling than a plot driven one.

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Uncanny Avengers #1

Oct 31, 2012

This comic book is a must read. Hopefully, the suspense stays consistent. Remender has something amazing for this book and it will become the most talked about books among Marvel Now.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #19

Nov 1, 2012

If I had one suggestion for new readers, I would say reread the issue again if you don't understand what's going. For those who have been keeping up, this is a filler issue so don't waste your time reading it unless you like the comic book a lot. Please spare yourself as you're only going to waste time reading the reactions of the multiple characters.Read more at

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Wolverine MAX #1

Oct 24, 2012

It's a great start to the Wolverine MAX comic book. Starr has picked really powerful themes to develop Wolverine's character such as loneliness and memory loss. Both themes handicap Wolverine as an individual, but it also provides an air of mystery that makes him interesting. Truthfully, I'm looking forward to Starr's run on this comic book. I hope he continues to push the envelope because that is what the MAX Universe is all about.

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