THE MARCH TO TRINITY WAR CONTINUES! This is it! Shazams origin story concludes in an extra sized extravaganza! As Black Adam threatens to gain control of all magic, Billy Batson learns that in order to stop him, hell need help from the unlikeliest of people. But what greater role awaits Shazam in the larger DC universe? And what does the Justice League have to do with it?
For readers hoping for a great Justice League story prior to the events of "Trinity War," this issue is certain to disappoint. For those enjoying the Shazam arc or simply looking for a gorgeous story with heart and emotion, "Justice League" #21 is a must-have book. DC has caught lightning in a bottle (and maybe a little worm, too) with this creative team and these characters. Hopefully, the powers that be and the creative team are able to figure out a way to continue this magic. Read Full Review
All of the key aspects of the Shazam mythology that you love are here. Issue #21 of Justice League may not feature any of the actual Justice Leaguers or add anything to next month's Trinity war event but it does give Shazam fans the finale they deserve and it also serves as an exciting setup for an ongoing series. Read Full Review
This was a excellent way to end this origin story, and although it wasn't the best, it was still brilliant. It had action, humour, and emotion, also being very dramatic, and I will seriously miss this back-up story. I would highly recommend it to anyone, but if you haven't been following this series it'd probably be best to get the hardback collection that's coming out with just this story in it. Read Full Review
Johns and Frank bring the Shazam backup to a spectacular and satisfying close in a story filled with excitement, surprises and plenty of lightning. Notably absent from the book are the other members of the Justice League team. Since Trinity War begins next month, this book was all about finishing Shazam's New 52 origin. No reader will want to miss the next issue. Read Full Review
The artwork done by Gary Frank was great as usual. The characters looked great, the action was stellar and exciting, the full page or double page spreads were beautiful, and the colors were gorgeous. However, the personal highlight was the character expressions. Outside the rare odd or creepy smile or stare, the expressions are very different and so a great wide range of feelings and emotions. Read Full Review
Justice League #21 is a fitting finale that successfully brings this character into the current New 52 continuity. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
As the creators wrap up this new origin story, they leave me impatiently awaiting a continuation of the New 52 Shazam. That's as sure as sign as any that this story was a success. Read Full Review
This is Geoff Johns at his very best. Retelling the origin story of a classic character is what makes him so great. The fact that we can now see all of these great personalities and powers in future stories is just icing on the cake. Read Full Review
Justice League #21 will defy your expectations. Whether you were, or weren't looking forward to this, doesn't matter. This is a real showstopper, and don't worry, I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Billy Batson. Read Full Review
If there is going to be a Shazam ongoing, lets hope that they can somehow keep Johns and Frank on the character. These guys really have these characters down to a science, and watching Billy become a hero has been a wonderful journey to be on. The New 52 is full of classic characters written and drawn all wrong. Shazam is one of the exceptions. Read Full Review
Justice League #21 is a fitting conclusion to what Johns has crafted for the Shazam mythos in the pages of Justice League. Establishing a solid supporting cast and tone for the character, Johns leaves the Marvel Family in a great place for any creator who picks up after his work. Read Full Review
There's definitely a childlike sense of play and fun which takes advantage of the story's simplicity to make it more enjoyable than it has any right to be, and Frank's art gives it incredible class. Read Full Review
As a definitive origin story, “Justice League” #21 delivers a bombastic story full of winks and nods towards longtime fans. While the issue bites off a bit more than it can chew, Johns ties a fairly neat bow on everything, while also leaving several plot threads for whoever takes over the Big Cheese. More than anything, it's great to see the character playing a prominent role in the DCU once again. Read Full Review
I want Billy, and friends, to have their own on-going series... as long as Johns is writing it and Frank is drawing it. While this isn't a JUSTICE LEAGUE issue, per se, and I wasn't too pleased with how Black Adam was handled at the end of the issue, everything else about this issue was an A . Gary Frank really does something special here with his art. Even if you haven't been reading JUSTICE LEAGUE, at all, I'd still say go pick this one up. Sure, you'd be a bit confused with what's going on, but you'll have a good understanding of the story and its characters by the end of the issue. Read Full Review
Ultimately, if you're looking for a high-octane action thriller featuring Shazam, it's hard to go wrong with Justice League #21. An oversized issue with oversized characters, oversized fights and oversized stakes, this is a comic that doesn't get too fancy, but instead delivers the thrills that readers want. As far as first arcs go, this is a strong conclusion for Billy Batson - and now that he stands poised to join the Justice League, this momentum is really Geoff Johns's to lose. Read Full Review
Besides, the original Billy Batson would want me to give the new kid a chance and let go of all those bad feelings. That's why he was so great. Read Full Review
Justice League #21 is a fun issue that stands on its own on the eve of a major crossover for the title. It feels a bit out of place, but the amazing fight sequences and the new mythology surrounding Shazam makes up for some of the awkwardness. Geoff Johns obviously has big plans for Shazam, but those plans arent readily obvious just quite yet. Read Full Review
Fans of the new direction of the character, devoid of all his original charm and magic or a character that no matter how dark or cynical the world got around him never lost sense of responsibility and his antiquated notion of right and wrong, might enjoy this one as there is plenty of action – even if the unnecessarily rushed ending is totally cribbed from old Captain Marvel adventures (and not all that well). At least Mary Shazam (God, that's a stupid name) gets to kick a little ass, although the panels we get are much more focused on characters preening about to jump into battle, not actually in action (or as I like to call it Jim Lee inspired-art). Hit-and-Miss. Read Full Review
It's certainly not awful. The art is great, but the writing never finds the right groove. The story is just okay and the dialogue is sort of clunky. If you haven't been enjoying the “Shazam” backup strips, definitely skip this issue and come back next month when the Justice League returns. Read Full Review