An AGE OF ULTRON tie-in!
The Superior Spider-Man enters the Age of Ultron!
Overall, there was a great balance of character development, action, and story in this issue, which resulted in a nicely crafted piece of work. 'Superior Spider-Man' #6AU is probably one of the better event tie-ins I've read over the past few years, so you should definitely pick it up if you're following 'Age of Ultron'. Read Full Review
Putting aside how ridiculous it is that Otto would go through to the trouble of "acting" like Peter to satisfy anyone's comfort, Spider-Man takes it upon himself to destroy Ultron simply because he's got a bit more experience with robots than anyone still living. But it's not about his plan or it's success or failure. It's about Otto's hubris and how it exceeds even the end of the world. This is what the Superior Spider-Man needs to be. This is what Otto's journey needs to represent because that's the kind of man he is, the kind that needs to be better than everyone else. Read Full Review
Look, if youve read any of my Captain Marvel reviews when the series launched you know how I feel about Dexter Soys art so whether you like it or not prepare for more gushing. In Captain Marvel #1 he briefly drew Spider-Man so the thought of him doing it again got my brain going crazy and he doesnt disappoint here. He manages to capture the destruction that has fallen upon Manhattan. The use of colours whether in dreary backgrounds or in explosive action hits the mark effortlessly. The only downside is that I don't know how long I'll have to wait until I next see his art again. Read Full Review
It helps that Dexter Soy blasts you in the face with beautiful imagery. It has a cell shading type feel, but it also helps that the colors, by Marco Checchetto, make everything pop. It all comes together with an anime type feel, but it's also modern and has its own voice as well. Read Full Review
While it is not the best Superior Spider-Man you will ever read, it is a great tie-in to this mega event and those normally can be ignored. Make sure you read this issue before reading Age of Ultron #3. Read Full Review
Whilst this isn't an essential issue of Age of Ultron, or even of Superior Spider-Man, it's definitely well worth checking out. Gage's writing is spot on, and should mean that when he helps Dan Slott out in a few issues, we'll be in good hands, and Soy's artwork is absolutely superb. If you've got the spare cash, grab this issue for certain. Read Full Review
While I didn't much enjoy the Fantastic Four AU, Superior Spider-Man actually added something to the event and feels more more realistic, well as far as Superhero comics go anyway. Read Full Review
This issue really worked in my opinion. Christos Gage (one of my favorite writers)really understood what made Doc Parker tick here, and did a great job of showing a ton of different emotions for him in the span of this issue. Read Full Review
SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #6AU wasn't what I was expecting. It was a lot better. While I still feel like the Peter in this issue and the Peter in AGE OF ULTRON #3 (which also came out today) are completely different people, this issue, on its own, was fantastic. The writing and art were great, and it's a wonderful journey from start to finish. Christos Gage puts together a compelling tie-in story with the help from Dexter Soy's brilliant artwork. Normally, I hate tie-ins to event books, mainly because the majority of the time, they miss their mark.Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review
As far as tie-ins, this one answers a big question and gives us a unique enough voice and perspective that it makes it worth it. Read Full Review
Superior Spider-Man #6AU is far from perfect, but its certainly a competent tie-in, so fans of Age of Ultron and/or Superior Spider-Man will be fine with this. It will be nice to get back to our regularly scheduled Superior programming, though. This series has been one of Marvels shining gems. They seem to have a lot of those lately. Read Full Review
Christos Gage takes a smart angle on Spider-Ock's relationships with technology in general and Ultron in particular, giving our hero some pretty superior moments before inevitably pulling the rug from underneath him (although I'd argue the moral at the end of the story was kind of tacked-on). Read Full Review
Overall, this book provides a solid subplot to the Age of Ultron series, but isn't a must-read in order to follow the core series. Read Full Review
This issue also makes Ultron seem like a more awesome threat, as Gage deftly establishes Ock as a master of robotics and mechanics, and still has Ultron easily dispatch hm. All this while establishing what has happened to Spidey's supporting cast and defining Ock's relationship with the Avengers. It's not often that an extraneous cross over book surpasses the core title, but Gage nails it here. Read Full Review
"Superior Spider-Man" #6AU is not a bad comic. It's even a mostly good one. But the fact that the plot is in a holding pattern makes it hard to love, and there's no doubt that it's the weakest "Superior" issue yet. With that in mind, it can't help but be a little disappointing overall. Read Full Review
Dexter Soy's painterly artwork style works for and against this issue. When showcasing the Ultron-ized cityscape or delivering a fan-service money shot, it looks superb with great details and excellent use of scope. On the other hand, when the action gets going his art is marred by the sound effects lettered on top of his images. For example, the huge explosion he draws gets the message across without the awkward "KRAKATOOOOM!" plastered across it. Read Full Review
While this story isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, it just kind of floats there. If you want more Age of Ultron, grab it, but otherwise its existence is questionable. It makes you ask the question if these tie-ins are necessary or if we're actually going to see some of what led to the present predicament. That isn't the fault of Gage's at all because he handles this issue nicely. It's just one of those situations that you're not really sure what to do in terms of checking it out or not. Read Full Review
Out of the regular timeline, unfortunately still in Otto Octavius continuity and as dour as you can get without a body count, Superior Spider-Man #6 is certainly no peach. Christos Gage ruins the Peter Parker illusion and then puts Spidey right back where he found him, leaving the Age of Ultron storyline no further along and ultimately doing nothing at all for Spider-Man himself. Read Full Review
This issue is a tie in to Age of Ultron. It hardly effects the regular Superior Spider-Man story. I chose to read it even though I haven't read Age of Ultron. It does have some good development from Otto Octavius/Spider-Man but its not a great issue. Its just good.
This issue was just...regular.Not very good and not very bad,it's the perfect issue to just spend time when you have nothing better no to
Age of Ultron was an event comic where Ultron takes over the world, leaving New York in ruins. The Superior Spider-Man tie-in to this event has Otto Octavius try to take down Ultron by himself, but things go south for the ex-super villain.
Taking place in an alternate reality after the first story arc, Otto blames himself for not seeing and stopping the threat when Iron Man finds him and requests his assistance in a plan to be rid of the robotic villain. Otto agrees, but instead initiates his own plan to beat Ultron and save the world.
From the get-go we see that Otto is still the arrogant lone wolf who believes allies are of little use to him and that only he can get things back to normal. Though he is sad about the d more