The Revenge of Black Hand starts now! This arc promises the most shocking conclusion of any of GEOFF JOHNSS entire GREEN LANTERN run! This issue is also offered as a combo pack edition with a redemption code for a digital download of this issue.
This revenge is to die for! Read Full Review
Doug Mahnke's exceptional work remains underrated by the masses. This will sound weird but I believe he was born to draw a comic book about space cops. All of the characters have a fresh and unique look to them and each is a distinct individual. All of this combined with Tony Avina's coloring sets it apart from the rest because it looks different than anything else on the rack. Read Full Review
In summary, this is yet another great issue, continuing the excellence that has been a hallmark of Johns' run with this series for the last seven years or so. Read Full Review
Johns continues to peel back Sinestro's layers, and this time we get a look at his "Batcave." It's a trophy room full of computers, devices, and trophies, and it goes a long way to further flesh out Sinestro's character based on what happens there. This is a good looking issue, and aside from a lettering error at the top of page 11, the tantalizing imagery alone is enough to make this issue worth a buy. Read Full Review
Does Green Lantern #11 make up entirely for the last 10 issues? No, not by a long shot, but it is a step in the right direction. Read Full Review
Green Lantern has been on a slow build for awhile, maybe too slow for too long. As Johns' next big story "The Third Army" approaches things are starting to get a feeling of progressing again. Green Lantern is done treading water and is back on its' way to something big. The Guardians plan slowly comes together, while Hal and Sinestro have the much more imminent threat of Black Hand to deal with. For the first time in nearly a year, I can't wait for the next issue of Green Lantern. Read Full Review
The Revenge of Black Hand Part 1 is a trip to the darker corners of the Green Lantern universe and, like Blackest Night, shows how diverse the Green Lantern universe is by combining both science fiction elements with gothic horror and resulting in a satisfying fun book. While it might seem like nothing might have been going on in this issue, Green Lantern #11 positions the characters in this series for what might is going to be a very, very interesting year. Four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review
Im just thrilled to have Black Hand back & Im anxious to get to the Third Army storyline. From DC Comics. Read Full Review
There's a storm brewing and it's headed towards Hal and Sinestro. We're clearly in between story arcs and it's a time for readers and the characters to catch their breath before the next big story. Hal has managed to get a firmer grasp on his situation and reliance on Sinestro. Meanwhile, Sinestro continues to show different facets of his personality. He's done some truly bad things but shows he is a way more complex character than the villain he used to be. While there are developments occurring and the set up for the coming story is present, there is a slight feeling that this is just filling the time until after September's zero issue. This isn't to say this is a simple filler issue. Dough Mahnke's art combined with Geoff Johns' story makes even a slower paced issue worth the price of admission. This title continues to make me happy to be a Green Lantern fan. Read Full Review
I'm not sure why I chose to come back to the Green Lantern corner of the DC Universe now, but this issue of "Green Lantern" certainly made the visit worth my while. "Blackest Night" was an enjoyable event title that I'm still rather fond of and the possible sequel teased in this issue is a welcome addition. With Mahnke's stunning visuals and Sinestro wielding the green power ring, this has the makings of yet another memorable "Green Lantern" story. Read Full Review
A nice balance of character and set-up, prepping us for some major villain showdown in the near future, and all-out warfare in the far. Read Full Review
One of Geoff Johns' strongest points as a writer is his ability to create huge, cosmic events that change the landscape of the world he molds. Unfortunately, DC seems to be shying away from imprint-wide events, sticking to family series crossovers (like Batman's "Night of the Owls", or Young Justice's "The Culling") in order to make each part of DC's line stronger on it's own before deconstructing it down the road, which we all know is a question of 'when?' rather than 'if'. The teaser promo for "Rise of the Third Army" doesn't include Hal or Sinestro anywhere in the image, a startling fact seeing as both Hal Jordan and Thaal Sinestro are two of the franchise's most recognizable characters. I'm sure Black Hand will fit into the scheme of things somehow, which will Bring Hal and Sinestro into the fight as well. Read Full Review
This was a pretty average issue. On first glance I didn't think too much of the splash page, although I am wondering who's gonna wield the White Lantern ring... I'm assuming it'll be Hal for obvious reasons. Besides that, nothing in this issue really stood out for me, and I don't like that Hal can blast Sinestro because now I know I'll have to watch them fighting which is... ugh, I liked the other dynamic more of Hal having to listen to Sinestro. Read Full Review
This is a slower issue than the past few, but that doesn't detract from the ongoing storyline here. As we move from one arc to the next, we're bound to lose just a little momentum as Johns moves his players across his chessboard, but there's still enough in this issue to keep the reader's interest. With promises of yet another great arc (and even glimpses of future storylines too), the Revenge of Black Hand is off to a disturbing start—in a good way, of course. Read Full Review
We also get further teased about the Guardians upcoming plans and the mysterious “Third Army” which will apparently replace the Corps as the heroes make a short trip to Korugar to search for the Book of Black hidden in a corner of Sinestro's Bat Cave. Yeah, even Sinestro has Batman-envy. Hit-and-Miss. Read Full Review